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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9793169 No.9793169 [Reply] [Original]

>"We shouldn't have to learn math."
>"I can just use a calculator"

>> No.9793174

Girls shouldn't be expected to learn anything besides housekeeping.

>> No.9793178

She can do whatever she wants. I don't care.
She's hot. I'll worship her feet.

>> No.9793183


>> No.9793197

>ywn be her pathetic walking calculator, carrying her books and feminine hygiene products in the meantime.
Why even live.

>> No.9793209

i bet you cant even know how derive the tylor series for trigonometric functions

>> No.9793220

>i know that set

one of my fav bondage pics

>> No.9793262


nah, i like analytical mechanics and the consequences of noether's theorem thank you very much


>> No.9793265
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>> No.9793269
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>"Like what is the point of story problems."
>"I'll never use it after school"

>> No.9793570


>> No.9793575

She's right. If she's not going into STEM and doesn't want to learn math then who cares. she shouldn't have to. Now people with a basic understanding of math can take advantage of her and rip her off with useless services that she thinks she needs. As someone in STEM why wouldn't you want this?

>> No.9793577
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>> No.9793579

Is OP implying that not learning math will put you into a "tight" situation?

>> No.9793582

Just know that statistically speaking, your life will be miserable. Women who dedicate themselves to their husbands are happier because that is what women evolved to do efficiently. It was men who evolved to be adventurous and to discover.

But hey, we live in a free country. You are free to do whatever you want, it is just that going against your own biological imperatives is the most retarded thing you can do. But you are free to be retarded.

>> No.9793671

>haha, yeah, right, let's get a drink

>> No.9793675

>”We shouldn’t learn calculus.”
>”I can just use Mathematica.”

>> No.9793697

You shouldn't have to learn to write or read while you're at it. You can just have someone tell you a story and explain shit to you.

>> No.9793714

> my physics teachers base it all off wolfram
> “don’t do had integrals for homework, hits wolfram alpha it”


>> No.9793724

t. brainlet

>> No.9793799

Citation please.

>> No.9793952

Yeah, you and like 50 other females in the entire world.

>> No.9794026

>"We shouldn't have to let women live"
>"I can just use an artifical womb"

>> No.9794148


>> No.9794150

Did you have a seizure?

>> No.9794164

You are probably an incel eating junk food and wanking to anime titties, dont you think that we are already beyond those "biological imperatives" ? Dont use biology to explain such bullshitery thanks. One thing is for sure, biology didnt helped you at not being a complete reatard

>> No.9794246

This entire post reeks of a brainlet
>You are probably an incel eating junk food and wanking to anime titties
Every time
>dont you think that we are already beyond those "biological imperatives" ?
No, actually. If you honestly believe we have overcome millions of years of evolution and the biological imperatives that compelled every single one of our ancestors to pass down their genes, then you're honestly a fucking retard.

>> No.9794254

Acting as if noether didn't exist we wouldn't have noether's theorem you realize she just proved it a from wikipedia "special case was proven by E. Cosserat & F. Cosserat in 1909"

>> No.9794280

lol, women are retarded
even if you analytical machanics or any theorem

>> No.9794282

Yes exactly, If there are so many peoples who voluntarly chooses to not get kids its because we have overcome these biological imperatives. Go get some logic you stupid fuck. Just look at the birthrates of all the developped countries.

>> No.9794292

I hope that this is bait but I don't even know anymore. Human stupidity has no limits

>> No.9794300

t. actual virgin

>> No.9794336


>> No.9794342

>ad hominem
>didnt helped

>> No.9794344

>childless people are unhappy
>childless people go extinct
>schmiological imperatives dont matter tho

>> No.9794438

wow um wow like, I can't even

Everyone knows women's scientific achievements would be on par with men's if men didn't oppress them for all of history!

>> No.9794463

You missed the point entirely, mostly because >>9794164 is a retard and cant explain himself properly.

To put it simply, if you pick any women thats devout to her home and her husband she will be a lot happier than any husbandless, childless and
professionally successful woman.
For the same reasons, if you pick any man thats a loving father that provides for his home, he will always be happier than a wifeless, childless albeit successful man.

This is not to say that women have no business studying and they should all by default just learn how to be a housewife, after all, freedom of choice is the most important fundamental human necesity.
My point is how moronic the idea that biologically pre-determined gender roles dont exist, and to emphasize how pivotal they are to our well being, both as an individual and as a society.

>> No.9794465

>/sci/ does not know what a special case is
I'm not surprised in the least

>> No.9794474

I'd support that, actually. Most laypeople don't need to know anything beyond basic algebra and arithmetic in their lives. Just teach them logical reasoning, general science, humanities, etc.

>> No.9794496

You missed some "on average"s there

>> No.9794497


>> No.9794515

This. Pushing women into the working force must be the worst thing it has happened to the Western civilization.

>> No.9794905

Allow me to fix that. "On average" people who think like you are miserable.

>> No.9794918

If a girl is struggling with math, it's usually because the teacher is shit. When I left the equivalent of high school, calculus fucking terrified me. Three years of an engineering course and I could probably go back, take all previous math exams I struggled with and ace each and every single one of them. The only difference beside the difficulty is the fact that lecturers actually understand what they're explaining themselves, and aren't just re-writing examples from a book.
I've noticed that girls are often similar, they lose all interest if they can't do something and seemingly have no drive to find a solution when stuck. It happens to guys a lot, but generally ones who're not being pushed by their parents.

>> No.9794927

point and laugh at the dumb virgin

>> No.9794942

Reverting to "human stupidity" clichés is so fucking lazy and absolutely reek of a narcissistic brainlet.

>> No.9794950

Do you use this sort of logic in your published articles?

>> No.9794955

I don't think you can keep track of two things in your head simultaneously, can you?

>> No.9794971

"Overcoming biological imperatives" is as easy as committing suicide, it's the second most likely cause of death of 10-34 year olds. Just because you can't do it does not mean no one can.

>> No.9794992

That's a dumb question since many people define them in terms of those Taylor series. sin and cos are the biggest clusterfuck when it comes to finding a rigorous definition everyone can agree with.

>> No.9795059
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>tylor series

>> No.9795152

Seriously. WolframAlpha has reduced 95% of all calculus to computer work. If you ever evaluate an integral with a u-substitution, you might as well go through and do some long division when you’re done. The only exception is maybe path integration involving Cauchy’s residue theorem.

>> No.9795155


>> No.9795156

t. Has never seen a vagina

>> No.9795160

No you don't, show tits or gtfo.


>implying you're not a neckbeard

>> No.9795176

You seem angry. How are you?

>> No.9795200
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I have a learning disability, I literally cannot learn anything over very basic maths (Add, subtract, no numbers higher than 10 unless they are all perfect units, no 42 etc).

It annoys the shit out of me when people who are able to learn maths, choose not too. I'd kill to be able to understand the language of the fucking universe but no my mom had to drink during her preggos and now i'm mentally retarded.

>> No.9795293

Yes Mistress.
>kneels and worships fumes of the braaaapppp Goddess

>> No.9795326

Men evolved to hit things with clubs and eat burnt greasy mammoth meat. How's that going for you? Oh wait, you're not doing that? Well then how are you coping with depression?

>> No.9795362

Youre clearly a nice goy. Women get jobs so they can fuck their boss.

>> No.9795675
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>> No.9795690

This should be our banner.

>> No.9795712

People in this thread aren't seeing the whole picture.
Humans are not supposed to live in this environment, we did not evolve in it and we are not optimized for it. We had essentially no time to evolve and get used to this environment, we are still completely wired for running in a Savannah. We need to genetically engineer the species at a global level to adapt.

>> No.9795894
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>> No.9795908

You're observations are correct, but I disagree with your hypothesized solution.

We don't know shit about genetics, or epigenetics, and this isn't a realistic thing to strive for. The best possibility in this line of thinking is essentially the simplest, which would just degenerate into a eugenics program with the leader insisting on a superior race.

>> No.9795913 [DELETED] 

>The best possibility in this line of thinking is essentially the simplest, which would just degenerate into a eugenics program with the leader insisting on a superior race.
But that's my goal

>> No.9795918
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What parts of your disability make it difficult to learn/apply mathematics? Is it primarily memory issues?

You seem really logical and reasonable just from this post. Math isn't really about numbers though, it's more a strictly defined language that describes reality through an abstract framework. If you can understand the why and how of the rules governing mathematics, I would think you could apply it. It may very well be that no one has yet been able to describe it to you in such a way that you can tie it with other things you know. There's also nothing wrong with using calculators... They do repetitive tasks that humans aren't great at, and they're much faster than memorizing multiplication tables for all the numbers between 1 and 1000. Human brain space would be better suited for holding better information anyways.

Sorry to hear that you have problems learning math, and you're very wise to see how valuable a tool learning math can be. I hope life is better for you in other ways, friend.

>> No.9795925

We could do it in like 10 years though maybe, hopefully the next generation will be better and we can redesign ourselves to be more like bonobos or mole rats or rabbits or whales other matriarchal animals which are better for these environments of no scarcity.

>> No.9795927

matriarchal mammals* specifically

>> No.9795942

Why is the only retort women can come up with is
>muh virgin

>> No.9795950

That's what I'm saying though. Any trait we'd try to select for would yield different results. Many of those results are just as likely to be incredibly negative or detrimental as they are to be positive.

And ultimately, it's just another master race eugenics scheme, with a smiley face sticker on top. Most people won't buy it, and rightfully so. So the next step turns to, kill billions, so the survivors can live in a genetic utopia.

Any given individual is better off trying to live their life to their best potential, leading to a higher likelihood of expressing genes they consider positive, before passing their genes onto posterity. Or better than that, deliberately choose to not breed because we have enough people already, and some generation in the future is probably going to experience ridiculous scaled suffering, due to overuse of resources (probably eliminating 3/4ths of the global human population in the process).

Maybe that sounds far fetched, or hyperbole, yet it's a pretty rational consideration.

>> No.9795961

Because women are fucking retarded.

This occurs because they're the weaker half of the species. Eventually most of them realize this in one way or another, either noticing that men easily physical overpower them, or that they can gravy train off the male sexual libido. Either way, understanding that you have virtually no real power in the world leads to grasping at straws in order to scratch a spot of their own in the world and convince them that they actually possess value. I'm oversimplifying here, and not all women are this way necessarily, just as not all men are the exact opposite.

People with actual power, who have self value don't require retorts. When they speak, they say what's on their mind about what they know, and that's just the way it is.

>> No.9795975

you mean arithmetic

>> No.9797149

>muh virgin
>hasnt even seen a vag

even if your """"""insult"""""" was acceptable, the only one we would be laughing at is you nigger

>> No.9797170

And it's also retarded

>> No.9797708
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>"These word problems are so confusing."
>"Thank god I won't need this after school"

>> No.9797744
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>"We won't ever use this! Why are you teaching us this?"

>> No.9797875

Nah man, we need to optimize for the current and future environments. The problem is what that would look like most people would not like.