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9789321 No.9789321 [Reply] [Original]

Could autism possibly be a step in evolution?

>> No.9789349
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4chan exists so it must be.

>> No.9789973

Autists are:
-More honest
-More rule-abiding
-More trusting
-More atomised (more urban-minded, less community-minded)
-More literate and numerate (not necessarily all-round more intelligent)
-Less violent (except in occasional tantrums, which are different from competitive aggression)
-Less competitive
-More hard working (on whatever they have it in their head they should be doing)
-Seem to need more social order than currently exists to do well, but they are eager to bring that order to society

Sounds like northern Europeans turned up to 11, when you think about it.

>> No.9790038

Ahhh the french champagne....

>> No.9790040


>> No.9790044

>all of those claims
[citation needed]

>> No.9790053

autism is social construct

>> No.9790528

>More hard working (on whatever they have it in their head they should be doing)

nah m80 everything else is spot on tho

>> No.9790574

Might be badly phrased, but they are certainly prone to obsessive focus on a task.

>> No.9790678

not *actual* evolution, no
i think we are more capable at reaching far greater levels of ability in our special interests than any non-autistic people could ever hope to acheive

>> No.9790683

Any mutation is a step of evolution.

>> No.9790684

obviously someone can't source those claims.
if you had actually spent meaningful time with autistic people you would see that those things are almost always true
except for the northern European thing, idk what's that about esp. since autism doesn't have ethnic bias lmao

>> No.9790688

doesn't have steps

it's called mutation.

>but women don't want to fuck them so it's a pretty shitty gene in terms of proliferation

also the question negates the unnatural causes

>> No.9790693

>mfw only males are born with autism

>> No.9790696

>doesn't have steps
t. brainlet

>> No.9790735

>obviously if you just listen and believe my lived experiences...

>> No.9790745

And yet no-one will employ autistic people.

>> No.9790768

They can't really be the next stage in human evolution because no women will let them pass on their genes.
Women can create autists by having kids late but then those kids can't pass on their genes. Eventually the autism gene will be eradicated by natural selection.
Technically we are regressing evolutionarily because autists are the ones who can create a better world while normies are destroying it.

>> No.9790777

>They can't really be the next stage in human evolution because no women will let them pass on their genes.
are you people actually stupid enough and out of touch with the world to believe this shit?

>> No.9790779

yes it's obviously subjective opinion with no evidence either way, so why even bother with 'citation needed' meme
thats because normies can't conceive of someone who is fundamentally different
also please dont tell me you actually think just "being smart" or being highly skilled at the main task required will get you a job
or at least give me a warning because that'll be comedy gold

>> No.9790823

Not possibly, certainly...

Because idiots that aren't autistic enough thinks some "we" exist, and we are all evolving towards certain point...

Dude, even death is step in evolution, and even autism is. Question is if it survives.

>> No.9790824

Because you should try as much as possible to guide your life by objective facts when possible, and not consider your subjective experiences as above them

>> No.9790860

right, but there is no objective facts either way?
i don't understand your point, i'm capable of acknowledging the difference between my personal experience and fairly trustworthy and thorough research
i've never encountered research that investigates those points though so i only have my own life and that of the other autistic people i have met to go off.

>> No.9790990

>please dont tell me you actually think just "being smart" or being highly skilled at the main task required will get you a job
I did use to believe this yes but I get it now it's all about charisma and teamwork.

>> No.9791010

Because they are more community-minded.

Like a third world businessman who endlessly beats it around the bush, inviting you to dinner, exchanging gifts, introducing you to his family, expecting you to laugh at his jokes, suggesting that you join him and his associates at a whorehouse where male bonding can occur, a normie simply does not care about anything other than his own social status.

Making money or accomplishing a given task is absolutely incidental to the backslapping buddy-buddy process. In fact, it's mostly a side-effect. If they could achieve the same amount of ego-stroking while living on welfare in the projects, normies would do so.

Normie businessmen, like wogs (the original normies, annexed and administered by their cold-blooded euro-autist overlords,) care more about status and schmoozing than money. This is community-mindedness.

>> No.9791033

>More rule-abiding
>More trusting
> Less violent (except in occasional tantrums, which are different from competitive aggression)
> Less competitive
That is not good
> Seem to need more social order than currently exists to do well, but they are eager to bring that order to society
All the functional autists i've met are commies

Also [Citation needed] if you can pull shit out of your ass i can just as easily say i have a bunch of autistic friends, all of which are just not this way.

>> No.9791153

Explain why everyone on 4chan is a virgin then.

>> No.9791157

>All the functional autists I've met are commies
Communism has order and no competition

>> No.9791198

Autism is the neanderthal gene reasserting itself

>> No.9791313

no Anons your autism isn't going to help for anything.

>> No.9791335
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Is having no gf a evolution process for natural selection
Because that's what autism for me is

>> No.9791337
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>Could autism possibly be a step in evolution?
humans are getting more retarded and stupid all the time. there is no pressure to be smart anymore, and the stupid have social safety nets so they can safely breed like rabbits with no culling.

>> No.9791343

Evolution means adaptation no begin better or advance.

Usually high isolation societies will produce person with social issues, this get confuse with autism, schizophrenia,depression and anxiety could looks like autism.

>> No.9791359

Since evolution is a matter of adaptation to the environment and reproductive rate i would say no, autists are often antisocial and this means they have difficulties in mating

>> No.9791423

Does anybody know of a book explaining the origin of homo sapiens, the geogrphic distribution of other homos and ho was evolution made from neanderthal/cromagnon to sapiens? You are allways talking about this but never seem to link sources. I

>> No.9791479

A step backwards

>> No.9791486

Most people here are not autistic, but have other much more common issues like anxiety

>> No.9791490

It’s a good adaptation for society to have less rabid mating.

>> No.9792130

i evolved to have a fortress foreskin, it's thicc af and very hard to cut, the rabby got mad when he tried to cut me.

>> No.9792133

Out of all the ideas in science, evolution is most misunderstood. Most people have a better grasp of quantum mechanics and special relativity than they do about evolution, which is why you get people like >>9789973 and >>9790684
and pretty much the rest of the thread making speculative claims like "ah the giraffe made its neck longer to reach the trees!"

Only an autistic person could be so narrow-minded to think that their own developmental disorder is adaptive. The rest of the word looks at autistic people in the same light as Down's syndrome sufferers.

>> No.9792141

You know that too?

>> No.9792143

Here's to hoping.

>> No.9792151

autism is a gift, the missing abilities are like cancer

>> No.9792152

Not if it turn to extinction

>> No.9792165

autists are shitty at social behavior. today that is much more important in terms of success then more mechanistic thinking. Good social skills are even more important in sexual selection today, so no they arent the next step. They are getting rotated out of the gene pool.

>> No.9792169

Autism is overdiagnosed all the fucking time

>Low tolerance for social bullshit but still have social skills
>Very logical thinking
>Small friend group
>Focus hard on personal hobbies


Fuck that shit I am a perfectly normal human being, just not fucking retarded like most of the braindead motherfuckers these days.

>> No.9792186

neanderthal begin more social and peaceful that Homo sapiens.

>> No.9792188

Wasn't there a study that linked autism with the amount of testosterone a baby gets in the womb? So that autists actually have a 'hyper' male brain.

I wonder if there is a counterpart to that, a 'hyper' femlale brain.

>> No.9792189

most people with autism aren't given drugs unless they are very violent or self injuring

>> No.9792218

But autist become trannies


>> No.9792224

Will this board ever not be populated by retards?

>> No.9792313

incredible, pointing out something that was known in the mid nineties

>> No.9792315

all female brains are the same

>> No.9792319


>> No.9792324
File: 63 KB, 960x720, 08EA2DD9-BB4B-4F07-B6F5-F5C53625046F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's hope not

>> No.9792325

Probably because they have a diminised sense of social roles, meaning they weigh the pros and cons of the sexes. I used to want to be a girl because they are exempt from criticism and violence. I've since learned to be critical and violent, so me being a man is no longer a problem. At least not my problem.

>> No.9792568

Jewish autism build patriarchy to make autist men had sex with Jewish women.

>> No.9792582

>meaning they weigh the pros and cons of the sexes

this doesn't make sense because gender reassignment isn't a perfect process. there are no pros to making yourself even more freakish. this is something most people with autism are acutely aware of. perhaps individuals with gender dysphoria are more likely to display autistic traits, but i think your hypothesis is a stretch.

>> No.9792583


>> No.9792591

>Could autism possibly be a step in evolution?

of course not. people with autism are effectively culled from the gene pool. underdeveloped social and communication skills pretty much guarantee non-participation. even people with down syndrome are probably more likely to end up having kids than people with moderate to severe autism.

>> No.9794003


>> No.9794017
File: 59 KB, 407x521, 4441bd32cd41d2d26d9aaaeb28042d3e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a study that linked

>> No.9794019

all psychiatry is witchcraft.

>> No.9794263

I know I do

>> No.9794267

Religion and beauty are social constructs, autism is a word used to group people with certain symptoms so psychologists better know what to look for when trying to help peeps

>> No.9794274

>people with autism are effectively culled from the gene pool

then why weren't they culled ages ago?

>> No.9794275

Autism and dyslexia are just some of the very big hints that nature gives us that our ideal should be a strict genetically based caste system

>> No.9794288


women have a virtually limitless number of chads on tap from tinder and their primitive roastie brains are not wired to select for autistic traits. feminism allows them to behave like whores and do as they please.

>> No.9794295

are all germans genetically autistic?

>> No.9794298


but aside from /pol/'s usual talking points, i think popular culture has also played a role by creating a "nerd" archetype whose character is largely submissive and thus unattractive.

>> No.9794303

That wasn't the question i asked.

>> No.9794305


in the past these people would achieve some degree of professional success, but the NEET meme isn't a meme. i would guess a lot of people with potential end up alienated and dejected by the end of their youth because of minor social deficits and because they lack an outlet for their talents.

>> No.9794311


some people just aren't as strong at developing social bonds and they're the first to suffer when social cohesion starts to break down. modern pop culture isn't helping the situation with their submissive and unattractive "nerd" caricatures. and i'd be remiss if i didn't also mention the continual diversification of STEM and the sort of professional areas these people used to end up in.

>> No.9794313 [DELETED] 


so in short, professional and social defeat, and the constant antagonism of mass media.

>> No.9794314

Nah because they suck at breeding
Autists are just cowards and dumb in every cathegory except theit specific autist interest

>> No.9794322

so on one hand, i do think feminism is part of it, but cultural and demographic forces do not currently favor people with autistic traits and their lack of reproductive success probably has far more to do with these factors than a specific political movement such as feminism.

>> No.9794325


which is part of why i think /pol/ is mainly a D&C echo chamber that often (intentionally or unintentionally) oversimplifies these issues and gives people a narrow perspective. but all media does this.

>> No.9794334


yes, feminism isn't exactly helping, but it's probably far more because these people suffer social and professional defeat. i wouldn't blame any woman for not wanting to date an oddball "nerd" with no actual career. i also think that mass media and pop culture are largely to blame for the societal ills that /pol/ often ascribes to feminism. of course women are going to act like dumb whores if that's all they see on tv and the internet. it has nothing to do with feminism.

>> No.9794335


i wouldn't really have a problem with people shilling for conservatism on /pol/ if they weren't doing it in all the wrong ways and for all the wrong reasons.

>> No.9794340


instead of drawing attention to the actual problem of media irresponsibility, they turn people into women-hating idiots, portray white outcasts as dangerous (school shooters), worship buffoonish celebrities, and are basically a continuation of the same harmful media trends we see on television.

>> No.9794343

then when these people finally reach the breaking point from years of mistreatment, they're called losers, racists, and lately, mass-murderering child-killers. wonderful.

>> No.9794346


but at the same time, /pol/ raises many valid points that ring true to these people and that's what makes it so easy for them to fall into these contrived archetypes. but at the end of the day, most people will not be better off for browsing this site, or any political subreddit. i feel that i've learned a lot, but most people will come away embittered and even worse off. it's a negative influence, just like most forms of mass media.

>> No.9794348


i only learned because i read between the lines and spent so much time observing the MO of you shills. but don't kid yourselves, you're not doing anyone any favors.

>> No.9794359

and while the powers that be abuse some of their best potential talent for political nonsense, apolitical foreigners continue to advance, white birthrates continue to drop, and our standard of living falls ever lower. and the best part is, i have nowhere to complain about all this and the only people who seem to have a grasp of the situation are those who are exploiting and manipulating people in the first place.

>> No.9794369

these abuses would end overnight if even 1/10 of americans had half a clue, but since 99.9% of people are content to be ignorant assholes i don't see an end in sight. perhaps we do deserve what we get.

>> No.9794388

of course, if most white males have at best a vague and dim awareness of these machinations, the average foreigner is completely unaware, and the average "feminist" has never had life easier. so i'll hear no complaints nor suffer insults from either group.