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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9791494 No.9791494 [Reply] [Original]

>Has dreams and passions
>has lots of homework to do
>wastes hundreds of hours in video games instead
>ALWAYS regrets it after gaming session
>knows EVERY TIME before gaming that he's going to regret it after.
>STILL wastes time playing video games

what's the explanation behind this? What pushed people to do this?

I think this is literally brain chemistry hacking, doing this kind of thing is way too retarded

>> No.9791500

laziness. vacuous and superficial reasons for wanting to study in the first place

>> No.9791506
File: 52 KB, 1195x258, CS hatin v.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9791508


Build TimeBox everyday, x hour to y hours I only will do My work, no internet,no videogames or get lazy.

Start 1 or 2 hours per day every day,increment slowly.

>> No.9791520

hey buddy, I think you posted in the wrong thread, the hating club is one thread down.

interesting website, thank you

>> No.9791605

the ventromedial prefrontal cortices.

>> No.9791627

Discipline is becoming comfortable with discomfort. The act of learning is really no different than the pain of lifting.
The confused, squinty, boggled expression in your attempt to grasp something is the brain physically stretching out its dendritic arbor and growing denser, in an energy intensive process!
Gains take sugar, protein, and HGH; braingains take sugar, protein, and BDNF. Embrace the burn.

>> No.9791645

The explanation is simple actually: they're extremely addictive.

>people become addicted because they don't really care about other stuff
A convenient way to hand-wave away facts but consider that crackheads and meth addicts literally forget to eat (i.e. a real need, anything but superficial) when they're trying to get high.

>> No.9791649

>The act of learning is really no different than the pain of lifting.
A lot of people don't really understand this.
The act of playing intense video games actually tires the brain out.

>> No.9791654

Homework is too abstract for the human body. We simply don’t have a natural urge to do it as we do with activities that keep us alive NOW, not something that we have to do for 15 or so years so we can get a career, so we can do MORE abstract work to get money to get the things we actually need.

>> No.9791773
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Get some meds that will boost your dopamine levels a bit and start studying.
If you do it just right you will trick yourself to learn more.
Or just install GNU/loonix

>> No.9791776

apparently IQ is genetic so you're fucked no matter what you do OP
it's not your fault

>> No.9791780

>what's the explanation behind this?
it means you are not destined for graduation and need to cut your losses and settle for a walmart job now.

>> No.9791785
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Not really
Both of my grandparents finished a descent UNI in warsaw
But my mother decided to become an art student and have 2 kids at the age of 20 while dropping out of art school
For me that's eneugh evidence to say that it's fucking bullshit

>> No.9792027

Wow it's fucking nothing

>> No.9792042

It's because you don't pray enough and don't have no integrity or manfulhood.

But really, it's dopamine and dopamine receptors. You get a rush from seeking things, and the more things there are to seek, the more dopamine rushes you get. If you need strong stimulation to get interested, you could say your dopamine receptors have become jaded.

I recommend citicoline (not to be confused with choline.) It creates a sort of introverted mood of deep thought, and promotes the growth of new dopamine receptors.

Cocaine would give a dopamine rush, which obviously has its problems, but increasing the number of dopamine receptors instead makes you more sensitive to dopamine, meaning you need less of it to be interested and curious about something. Combine that with deep thought and it's a perfect study drug - though it's more of a combination of two rare nutrients than a drug.

>> No.9792043

...I'd add that you don't need more than 250mg every second day, and that deep thought and sleep don't mix. So try to take it in the afternoon at the latest.

>> No.9792047

It is when a person has realized that video games are an hindrance to the goal of accomplishing studies. Then the feelings of regret of gaming time kicks in after gaming sessions. I have them too. I also have the regret when wasting much time browsing the internet instead of focused on just 1 thing like my driving license all the time (thats what I do now). Focusing on thin subjects is how all progress is made.

>> No.9792100

You really have to appreciate what you're doing to praise your accomplishments, which many people don't grow up doing so they need something to get the feeling of success and improvement. Video games are babyfood to that. That and math is a very isolating behavior. Games at least form escapism/interaction. We also want to want to dissociate not focus. It's actually a very natural human behavior but we're living unnatural lives.

>> No.9792199

I used to be addicted to mmos so i feel you op. What helped me most was travelling to a foreign country for 2 weeks right in the midst of my gaming obsession. I had access to internet but my life got so interesting i just couldnt waste my time online.

One thing you have to realize about gaming is that yeah blah blah its creative and all that but as you gain exp in game, get to those levels, you are actually going nowhere with life. Say somebody is gonna walk to you one day and say "i have a gf, a decent net of friends with whom i have gr8 memories and i finished my degree" and what youre gonna have in life is "yeah im combat 65" just think about it. You could learn all the fields of physics instead you learnt all the fields of Wow which wont help you much in life

>> No.9793607


I literally bookmarked it and said to myself that I would read it later

>> No.9793610

>use linux as my main os because its comfy with superior text rendering and it has no games
>still find myself booting into windows to play games when i shouldnt


>> No.9793635

this is why i cant play mmos anymore and just play match based games. little commitment, can play just a couple matches a night, and doesnt interfere with work at all.

>> No.9794124

addiction? just force yourself to put vidya off for a week and should be fine. If you don't have that self control then maybe throw out your console/computer.

>> No.9794466

You have mental problems that cause you stress. This stress is typically remedied by distraction. Fix whatever is stressing you.

There I just saved you thousands of dollars.

>> No.9794469

You are not regretting it WHILE gaming, are you?

>> No.9794621

Well sometimes years later id still get high, play mmos for like 5 hours, forget about it the next day and continue life as usual, repeat after 2 months. Just never got pulled in again

>> No.9794800

Read it now.

>> No.9794804

>fix whatever is stressing you

>> No.9794861

Yeah, tried this a long time ago. Doesn't work.

>> No.9794884

LMAO Reddit you're on the wrong site dumbass!!

>> No.9794899

>summer exam results
>get between 70-90% on six of the papers
>somehow manged to fail engineering math
>will have to repeat the exam in August
I'm not panicking, but I find it almost impossible to fucking study math without someone else either helping or figuring out the methodology with me.
I don't even play vidya or piss my time away doing stupid shit anymore, yet fucking studying that shit is almost impossible.

>> No.9794944


>> No.9794968

where did it fail for you, anon? I'm gonna make this part of routine unless you can talk me out of it.

>> No.9794984

Doesn't matter if you make rational, clear and manageable goals, you won't do them.

>> No.9795023

I honestly think it's more to do with mental health than any form of typical addictions or dependencies. The type of people who find it hard to study are generally the type of people with deep seeded depression, even if they don't really realize it until later on when it starts to become a serious issue. It's like a self-fueled fire, they play video games bury whatever is troubling them, and when they're on the verge of failing entirely, that's when the depression truly starts to show.
I was in a similar state until I was asked if I felt emotionally sound by a friend, and though it at first sounded like something a pseudo psychiatrist would say.

But when I actually considered it, I really did realize how close I was to having a complete breakdown. Before I normalized and started studying successfully, I was subconsciously making the decision to eat less and less, often eating less than 500cals a day, skip lectures, ignore homework and play videogames for most of the day. It's like a doctor informing you that you have a newly developing tumor, you yourself have no real realization of what state you're truly in until someone either makes you consider it or you crash.

>> No.9795171

Thanks for the info anon. I definitely don't fall into the category you're talking about I just get distracted talking to my friends and shit. I have a really well balanced life overall, my self-study is just going a lot slower than I hoped cause I'm constantly doing other shit. Need to get better at time management.

I know what you mean, though. I haven't played video games a lot since middle school (graduating HS now) and when I talk to people who game or watch TV a LOT they always say they spend so much time on games or binge watching shows cause it's what they "enjoy" but it seems more like it's the only thing keeping them afloat

>> No.9795214

It's a shame that so many people are falling into the same category as your friends, and in a way I blame those posters you often see on campuses that talk about mental health. Until I realized I had a serious problem, I always just scoffed at the idea that I had a serious mental problem that hadn't yet become apparent to me. Everyone gets the impression the breakdowns are things that happen to other people, and since they keep telling themselves that they're mentally sound, they only realize what's wrong when their grades have already plummeted. The actual symptoms are something people seem to actively suppress to stay sane, it's like boiling a frog in water.

Another problem of mine was blaming the fact that I couldn't study properly on smoking weed before going to bed, which only made things worse when I eventually stopped. When stopped, I just presumed all my problems with studying would go away, when in reality it only got worse.