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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9790173 No.9790173 [Reply] [Original]

How to get myself to stop chasing girls and sit down in my room quietly and start reading/solving physics/math problems in textbooks?

>> No.9790178

Realize that love is just a reaction caused by chemicals in your brain and you shouldn't be wasting your time chasing whores. Study a science instead.

>> No.9790182

Growing up and realizing that women are not that special.

>> No.9790224

by realizing that unless you have things you can offer a female, they won't look at you twice. think of studying as chasing girls in a meaningful way.

>> No.9790233

name one thing that isn't caused by said chemicals in my brain

>> No.9790237

Get one that lasts. Hasn't worked for me yet but it's the most popular way out.

>> No.9790240
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Get a sex doll.


>> No.9790320
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so thats what you repeat yoursef to not cry all the time because you're a failure?
just kys, go waste time on kiddy math puzzles while I fuck all the women you desire lol
youre fucking pathetic, stupid virgin
seriously kys u worthless trash lol

>> No.9790325

The desire to belittle people on an american basket weaving imageboard is just a chemical reaction in your brain bruh

>> No.9790343

Causing by the feeling of inferiority derivative of projecting.

>> No.9790347

Get your heart crushed by one. That gives you a 6 month buffer to get momentum to do your homework, go to the gym, etc

Once you recover, you better have enough momentum to keep everything else going

>> No.9790388

take 25mg spironolactone daily

>> No.9790394

get a gf that you can bang on the regular and wont need to chase girls

>> No.9790438

unironically this.


>> No.9790447

How do I get myself to stop reading/solving physics/math problems in textbooks and start chasing girls?

>> No.9790516

And a wubbalubbadubdub to you, my enlightened fellow intellectual.
>t. never opened a psychology book because there's no formulae in it

>> No.9790526

what's the point of studying a science since it's just chemicals in my brain reacting to particles in the universe llolol

>> No.9790600
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>> No.9790631

This is fucking retarded, is like saying:
> Schizophrenia is a cortical deficiency and basal hyperactivity of dopamine
> Schizophrenics should stfu and realize their problems are chemicals in their brain and stop bitching about it

>> No.9790706

Get a girlfriend once. Realize women suck and purposely start drama for no good reason. After that you'll be content to masturbate once a twice a week and focus on yourself.

>> No.9790729
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Get a girl who is competent in STEM and spends her time studying and succeeding. You can study alongside each other, even if you're not studying the same thing. You can even cuddle afterwards.

That's been working for me so far.

>> No.9790784

Go out and see girls first. Avoiding them is like swishing alcohol near you while you are an alcoholic, except it's your biological imperative and there is no way to override it.

>> No.9791166

Where do you find such women and how do you seduce them? Are they hot?

>> No.9791181

Chop off your balls

>> No.9791191

angry undateable slut detected

>> No.9791224
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You find them at your local non-brainlet university.
I met my girlfriend through friends in the engineering department who noted that we have a lot in common. I asked her to hang out with me and study. We found out that we love spending time together and have similar values and plans for the future. We started dating a while back, and aside from how nicely it worked out functionally, I'm really happy to be with her. Also yeah, she's hot.

>> No.9791228

You can't. You're an extroverted subhuman.

>> No.9791273

I don't have friends though. Plus I'm a brainlet, are girls attracted to brainlets or do you have to be a genius to attract such a girl? Is she asian/jew? Does she have large breasts?

>> No.9791295

Feeling contempt for social interactions should help.

>> No.9791317

I don't know if I'm a genius, but I'm taking honors and graduate classes as an undergraduate, so I'm ambitious at the very least. She's asian and I'm brown, and yeah, she's well endowed.

>> No.9791418

Korean girls

>> No.9791441


>> No.9791444

This desu
It really relieves the sex drive
This is the hard way
God it still hurts

>> No.9791468


>> No.9791665

Notice how non-autist Chad is rarely involved with STEM. Intellectual pursuits are a coping mechanism, albeit a useful one, for men unable to regularly fulfill their biological purpose.

It's easy to disregard women and pursue science when you are a sub 6 male who has been deemed invisible by the opposite sex.

Try being a good looking male, the kind that receives female validation every time he steps in public, and then try locking yourself in your room to solve differential equations for any reason other than to graduate. When you have steady access to validation and sex, all of this /sci/ shit becomes less important. Very few people here will ever truly understand the feeling. It's an internal conflict you can't easily win, especially not if your baseline libido is average or above. Primary vs secondary functions

alternatively, get a girlfriend

>> No.9791698
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The more you chase girls the less they want you. Girls want an independent man who is competent.
They don't want a guy who needs them to survive, they think that kind of shit is pathetic, and rightly so.
Don't waste your time. Unless the girl is worth spending time with, meaning that she could become your wife, don't spend time with her.

Now onto the sex drive.
Your desire to have sex is a natural incentive to reproduce. The desire to become better is a natural incentive to become sexually desirable. Naturally, A male is supposed to want pussy and is supposed to compete with other guys to get pussy.
Don't try to satisfy the desire to get pussy (pic related), but rather EMBRACE the desire to get pussy and make it drive you towards becoming more competitive AKA learn.

>> No.9791740

>being heterosexual

>> No.9791933

By recognizing that getting pussy isn't your sole defining objective in life, and come to the realization that it's a meaningless endeavor unless you find someone you truly love and grow with.
This is harder to come to terms with, the younger and less experienced you are.
You CAN gain personal fulfillment and value, however, in being inspired to learn something new - and learning that something really well.

>> No.9791935

It had to be posted, thanks

>> No.9791955

unresolved mother issues. Seek therapy.

>> No.9792549

false. I am the type of male that receives female validation when I walk outside. I still spend at least 5 hours a day on math at the minimum.
It has nothing to do with attractiveness, it 100% has to do with intelligence and drive.

>> No.9792614

>she's hot
Eye of the beholder...

>> No.9792755

Holy shit how many Chads and Normies are in this thread?

Am I the only kissless handholdless hugless virgin?

>> No.9792786
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/r9k/ is a few boards down
>inb4 reeeeeee but stem was my shield

>> No.9792788
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Very true, but everyone in our friend group and outside our friend group agree that she is. Prior to dating her, the potential competition made me anxious .-.

>> No.9792795
File: 346 KB, 337x496, 1526259403915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man that image always reminds me of Nietzsche's meme argument against absolute truth.
He was such a fucking edge lord holy shit

>> No.9792818

Satisfy your basic urges first. You'd struggle to study on an empty stomach, so you'd make yourself a meal.
Pursue women, get one you're satisfied with, and get into a relationship. Then after a while go back to academic stuff.
Learning is great, but it's better if you have a qt gf.

>> No.9792829

I like those, I've also gotten a vr headset

>> No.9792832

Whoa, your parents did a bad job there

>> No.9792841

Sounds like you've got some self confidence issue's there anon

>> No.9792846


Are you a NEET? Just go to your department building and hang out in the lounge, join a club or just talk to girls during class. It's not complicated.

>> No.9792848

I dunno, I kinda like the math problems for now. Maybe I'll feel like getting a girl later

>> No.9792852

Both sides sound like idiots

>> No.9792884

How do I get myself to stop sitting down in my room quietly and reading/solving physics/math problems in textbooks and start chasing girls?

>> No.9792887

Lay off the s-o-y

>> No.9792942

Fuck off I'm disabled

>> No.9792980

Sorry man.

>> No.9793042

inject estrogen daily, itll help you

>> No.9793053

kill yourself

>> No.9793066

Actually, he's right. Start going to gym and eat more animal and nut based protein. You don't need to be a gym rat and get huge, just 3 times a week, and doing so plus eating better will improve your testosterone levels. Higher Testosterone makes you more confident and reduces your need to garner attention from women. It seems counter-intuitive but trust me. They'll be all over you and you'll be disgusted at their presence.

>> No.9793070

Also, inb4 go back to /fit/.

>> No.9793106

Normies love to brag in all threads that involve sex.
Virgins are roaming the other threads

>> No.9793117

Keep a girl under your desk, then you won't have a need to chase girls because you'll already have a girl under your desk.

>> No.9793345

Why should I?

>> No.9793481

Don't listen to this guys. Sex with an above average female is great. But do not mortify yourself over it. Try to get your shit together,and unless you are legit retarded you'll have your opportunity.

>> No.9793495

go back
go back
go back

>> No.9793562 [DELETED] 

Go back to /m/ ? That's the only other board I browse.

>> No.9793806

Ideally you should balance the two. Everything in moderation, anon.

>> No.9793835

What are you, a fucking animal that cant control its urges?
Watch some porn, or talk them and get laid, or study... i dont see what your bitching about here

>> No.9793842

First, make some dedicated time and start studying. If you find it hard to concentrate, consciously try to calm down before trying again. Besides calming down, taking short (5-15 mins) breaks and being in good physical shape (ie. not hungry or tired) will help.

Having a plan that's not overly detailed always helps too. Like a to do list.

>> No.9793864

>chasing whores
neckbeard please go
the word you're looking for is lust

>> No.9793886

*tips fedora*

>> No.9795284

¿Proque no Los dos?

>> No.9795309

>Unless the girl is worth spending time with, meaning that she could become your wife, don't spend time with her.
How do you find out whether she's worth spending time with if you don't spend time with her?

>> No.9795315

>Am I the only kissless handholdless hugless virgin?
Not by a long shot.