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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9779420 No.9779420 [Reply] [Original]

Why should I learn Calculus?

>> No.9779436

only if you actually needs it for a career related to science

>> No.9779437

-So you can make 300k starting

>> No.9779442

If you like it, learn. It's that simple

>> No.9779462
File: 53 KB, 300x386, 27406617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the gatekeeper to all of science.

>> No.9779466

better orgasms

>> No.9779467
File: 275 KB, 600x774, 978-4-274-21913-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The book in your pic is on Fourier Analysis

Here's the one on differential calculus from the same publisher

>> No.9779470

It's pretty useless if you're never going to either relate the change in something to a change in something else, or sum over any continuous thing

>> No.9779482 [DELETED] 
File: 133 KB, 304x392, 978-4-274-06780-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That differential equations, can't you read.

>> No.9779486
File: 133 KB, 304x392, 978-4-274-06780-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> [math] \overset {びぶんほうていしき} {微分方程式} [/math]

That's Differential Equations, can't you read?

>> No.9780012
File: 225 KB, 997x630, 1512928282987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you'll end up reinventing the wheel like a dirty biologist

>> No.9780199

Every time.

>> No.9780256
File: 31 KB, 245x316, 0000000046763.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's quantum mechanics though.
BTW are these actually any good?

>> No.9780312

Well most things in life change so I guess calculus is pretty useful!

>> No.9780591

Top kek.

>> No.9780953
File: 755 KB, 813x644, manga_15set.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9781235
File: 63 KB, 1264x471, biofags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know we joked about this for years, but I refuse to believe that is real

>> No.9781244

I audibly kek every time I'm reminded of that

>> No.9781246

Why not start at 500k, you underacheiver?

>> No.9781250

Fucking weeaboos

>> No.9781634
File: 216 KB, 614x851, 1391785908798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you know where you are?

>> No.9781636

The fact that strikes me more odd is that it passed peer review and got published. I mean what the fuck, shouldn't these people have some basic knowledge of math?

>> No.9781657

What is manga messias about?

>> No.9781664

What's so funny about it? I don't understand.

>> No.9781666

You Shouldn't

>> No.9781668

If you have no intention of going into STEM, then you don't need calculus.

If you do intend on going into a STEM career, learn calculus.

It's really that simple.

>> No.9781683

Looks like some biologist rediscovered integral calculus

>> No.9781704
File: 127 KB, 500x405, 1520254123795.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To impress your 2d waifu.

>> No.9781706

it was a medical journal or something
please do not slander biologists by associating the two

>> No.9781731
File: 89 KB, 1331x398, 1494465313926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>223 citations

>> No.9782008

Linear Algebra-tan will always be my waifu. Also
>regression analysis with maids

>> No.9782011


>> No.9782030

does anyone have the links to these, I remember some being posted a few years ago for uh research.

>> No.9782137

I remember somebody shared a Mega folder with all translated manga but I can't find it for the life of me. I'll keep looking for it once I get home tonight.

>> No.9782140

thanks m8, failing that I could just look through warosu

>> No.9782835

Wtf can someone that actually read the study comment on it? Is there something we're missing here? I refuse to believe that biologists can be THIS ignorant.

>> No.9782839

>Don't know about libgen

>> No.9782852

Some biologist literally reinvented the trapezoid rule to estimate the area under a metabolic curve or something, named it after herself, and then used some abomination mascarading as numerical analysis to falsely show that the approximation error was 0. She also literally drew the curve on graph paper and counted the little boxes under it by hand, to show that "her" method works.

To elaborate on her numerical "analysis", I believe she compared her "method" (ie. Trapezoid rule) to a curve formed by directly connecting the points by straight lines, and then saying that her method perfectly followed this "curve". Yes it's as retarded as you're thinking, she literally compared the trapezoid rule to itself and said the global error was 0, and then said she invented a new super accurate approximation technique.

So yeah, learn some fucking calculus and the first chapter of a numerical analysis textbook, at the very least.

>> No.9782854

Aren't they all on libgen?

>> No.9782878

calculus is fuckin' gay. Computers do it much better than humans so there's no point in grinding out integrals by fucking hand. Spend your time studying linear algebra instead

>> No.9782882

Good luck finding any job you want at that salary.

>> No.9782896

How else are you going to figure out what this does?

\color{blue}{template}<\color{blue}{typename}~Functor,~\color{blue}{typename}~T> \\
constexpr~T~boole\_rule(Functor~f,~T~a,~T~b,~\color{blue}{int}~intervals)\{ \\
~~~~\color{navy}{if}~(intervals<1)~\color{green}{return}~0; \\
~~~~\color{navy}{if}~(b<a)~\color{green}{return}~-boole\_rule(f,~b,~a,~intervals); \\
~~~~T~step~=~(b-a)/intervals/4;~ \\
~~~~T~result~=~0; \\
~~~~\color{navy}{while}~(b~>~a+step)\{~ \\
~~~~~~~~result~+=~14*f(a)~+~32*f(a+step)+12*f(a+2*step)+32*f(a+3*step); \\
~~~~~~~~a~+=~step*4; \\
~~~~\} \\
~~~~\color{green}{return}~2*step/45~*~(result+7*f(a)); \\

>> No.9783275

no idea

>> No.9783439

I found the Mega link but it was dead. Damn it. I have all pdfs though, so I'll be uploading them to another Mega link tomorrow.
Probably. This is the list of titles if you don't want to wait for the link:

The Manga Guide To:
- Electricity
- Databases
- Calculus
- Biochemistry
- Linear Algebra
- Molecular Biology
- Physics
- Physiology
- Relativity
- Statistics
- The Universe

>> No.9783678

To be able to boast about the size of your brain on a Mongolian colouring-in forum

>> No.9783726 [DELETED] 


>> No.9783737

>Manga Messiah was published in 2006 and covered the four gospels of the Bible: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

>> No.9783837

it was a nurse. I assure you, most biologists know how calculus works.

>> No.9783849

you shouldnt its useless drivel that youll forget in 4 weeks tops

>> No.9783874

>225 KB
brainlet here, wouldn't you need an equation of a line to do an integral or a reimann sum? they dont have one in this situation but obviously the 'rectangle method' will give reasonable estimates

>> No.9784229

how do I make absolute bank with mathematics?

>> No.9784235

>Get PhD in math from an Ivy League School
>Go into finance

>> No.9784547


>> No.9785112

Done. All translated "Manga Guide To" I have.
https://mega nz/#F!M80n0ZBQ!8kO54h9SUV-LXG1ry10sUQ

>> No.9786445

>most of science careers don't even use calc
>engineering does but /sci/ hates it

>> No.9786468

is this a meme ?
EVERY science career uses calc

>> No.9786486

oh how little you know about science

>> No.9786490

instead of starting a new thread I'll ask here:
which are your favourite online resource to learn discrete mathematics?

>> No.9786499

>data science

>> No.9787002
File: 55 KB, 831x263, geology-joke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9787545

Thank you

>> No.9788973

You shouldn't. Master linear and multilinear algebra and then move on to abstract algebra. That's about everything you might ever need in ur daily life.

>> No.9790180

Yes, because understanding thing is not reason we learn, career is. Go fuck yourself with a diploma retard.

>> No.9790252

b/c its a weeder out course for brainlets

>> No.9790262

>calc 1
>weed out
pre-calc is harder than calc 1. calc 2 or 3 is the weed out.

>> No.9790539

gibe microprocessors

>> No.9790544

>respectable mathematical and empirical rigor
>[math]\pi = e = 3[/math]

good one.

>> No.9790548

this kind of thing happens a lot, people in one field will discover something that was already discovered in another, this just happens to be the most gross example.

I personally think papers should be refereed cross-discipline (physics paper to a mathematician, bio paper to a chemist). Even if they can't understand all of it, they can catch huge mistakes like this.

>> No.9790573

The other reason is if youa re interested in the subject, OP is clearly not interested in maths so what the fuck is your point?

>> No.9791510

Where can I get this moe shit in English? Why don't more publishers do this?

>> No.9792125

limited overseas market

>> No.9793856
File: 166 KB, 293x598, Tai&#039;sMathematicalMethod.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9794553

>calculus is fuckin' gay.
I audibly KEK'D
you're gay, man.

>> No.9796225

got 'em

>> No.9796235

Why are you using TeX for this?

>> No.9796268

Software engineer here. I figured out what this does by searching for boole rule and Wolfram MathWorld told me it's a method of approximating an integral. Clearly f is the function which we are integrating, between and b, with segments of size determined as a function of intervals. I know now the interface to your function template, and do not need to understand it completely to use it as a part of my program. I do not need to understand its algorithm, only its interface.

Also, the fact that it's not typest in a fixed-width font is highly triggering.

>> No.9796945

As if you are so busy anyway.

>> No.9796980

If you are into pure math, you can skip all that calculus shit and go straight to real analysis.

>> No.9796984

If anything is gay, it would be computer science because Alan Turing was gay.

>> No.9797010

because there are no [code] tag on /sci/

>using numerical algorithms without understanding their error and stability

top monkey

>> No.9797013

>mathematical rigour
Statistics has more mathematical rigour desu