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978587 No.978587 [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible that God is so powerful he just willed himself into existence?

>> No.978597


>> No.978595
File: 4 KB, 400x400, efg7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everone below me is trolled

>> No.978598
File: 18 KB, 252x257, Yawning Homeless Man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, that is a good point.

>> No.978600

What the shit is going on in OP's pic?

>> No.978602

But if he did not exist previous to 'willing himself into existence', he cannot have had a will, since he did not exist. Therefore, An all-powerful being could not have willed itself into existence


>> No.978603

Logic Error

Abort, Retry, Fail?

>> No.978607

No, because the god-slaying machine is so powerful that it preemptively stops all gods from doing that.

>> No.978610

Captain Kirk being attacked by a midget.
Spock is in the background, being a wise sage.

>> No.978614

OK, is he so powerful that he could just pop into existence?

>> No.978621

Isn't it possible that theirs a unicorn behind you that disappears every time you turn around?

>> No.978622

No. See previous god-slaying machine.

>> No.978628

Incorrect, Captain Kirk is being ridden by a midget and forced to impersonate a horse.

It is the biggest WTF moment in a TV series renown for its WTF moments.


>> No.978644

Yes it's possible, but you'd have to be irrational to believe in it without evidence, delusional to think you had evidence, and then if you tried to demonstrate it to others you'd simply be wrong when reality continued to not support you.

>> No.978665

Sure it is absolutely possible for a deity to will himself into existence.

Anything other than that is retarded.

>> No.978694

You guys get too caught up in implied definitions of the word 'god'. It doesn't help that the popular religion calls their god 'God'

Who cares if some 'god' wished themselves into existance and created the universe? It is completely and utterly irrelevant.

>> No.978715

Not logically.

For God to will himself into existence implies SOMETHING had to exist prior to the event to commit the act of "willing".

Though its an interesting thought.

>> No.979038

Someone already said that.

Please read the whole topic you lazy fuck.

>> No.979047

unless he willed himself into the beginning of time from the end of time

>> No.979072


>> No.979075

Correct answer is correct no matter how many times it's repeated.

>> No.979081

Implies God is somehow constrained by a time dimension, even while accepting the irrelevance of spatial dimensions.

Not rational. Either God is constrained by space & time, or by neither. (or, obviously, is no more than a hypothesis for human philosohphicalising)

>> No.979093

how is he constrained by time if he kicks causalities ass by causing from the end of time his presence at the beginning?

>> No.979099
File: 32 KB, 525x393, GetPicture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone getting flashbacks to when this guy started bitching he could leave the hollodeck if he had enough will.

Will is a meaningless human emotion with no place on /sci/. If god(s) could retro-causally create themselves why can't the universe do so in its own?

>> No.979102

who says it can't we're not debating whether its possible for the universe to do so OP's question just asked whether god could.

>> No.979124

Because it implies that he his somehow incapable of doing something at the beginning of time that he is capable of doing at the end of time. meaning time somehow 'matters' to God.

>> No.979131

What if the 4D-universe has sufficient complexity to be sentient?

>> No.979145

The 3-d universe would be a subset of the 4-d universe.
A dimension is not a place, it is a direction.

>> No.979160

And if we take a 2D slice through your brain, it won't be sentient. A dimension is not a direction, is is a dimension, an orthogonal 'scalar direction space' if you like.

>> No.979183

I've been seriously thinking about this. My idea about it is as follows:

God, as a supremely powerful being, was able to create himself. Although this completely goes against all domains of logic, since God is a supremely powerful being he has the ability to act outside of our domains of logic.

Atheist by the way, not some Christfag trying to justify his beliefs. Thoughts?

>> No.979207
File: 29 KB, 345x345, 1272475459558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.979217

As a philosophical argument, I prefer that there is some logical reason why God (and likewise the Universe) could not NOT come into existence. No will required, just inevitability.

In my head, I imagine a bit that is on if _anything_ exists, and off otherwise. But since the bit exists, it must be on.

>> No.979245

God is nothing more than the spark that started the universe.

>> No.979251

This is what I have believed since I was a child, but knowing /sci/ they'll cover their ears and say "nananana" so they can avoid this perfectly reasonable argument.

>> No.979252


>> No.979305


Didn't understand any of that bro.

Also just realized that my argument isn't an argument to prove the existence of God, but rather one that proves the existence of an omnipotent god is a rational idea.

>> No.979393

Hmmm - try this.

The very possibility of the question 'does anything exist' (regardless of whether there is actually anything to ask it) automatically requires that _something_ does exist, because the possibility of the question exists.

Hence Universe (and for me, Universe in analogous to God)

>> No.979469


i like her

>> No.979866

I think a better way to phrase this is he made the universe and can will himself into it
besides turing proved that any system no matter how powerful/complex etc can program itself i.e will itself into existence

>> No.980504


>> No.980508

I am in love with her. TO /R/ FOR SAUCE!

>> No.980531



The only theology I'm familiar with states that God existed for ever and that God's actions never defy logic.

>> No.980881

I don't think you realize what the /thread is, its for things that are the correct answer, not stupid attempts to be almost deep by making a pointless statement that essentially amounts to naming the inanimate proto-universe.

>> No.980883
