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9769045 No.9769045 [Reply] [Original]

What's going to happen if/when scientists find that different races are more are less likely to have certain genes that code for intelligence? I know there are a million race/IQ threads on /sci/ but for once the question might actually be answered soon. What will the response be once it finally is?

>> No.9769047

We already have plenty of evidence to suggest cognitive differences in the races. It is being ignored. It doesn't matter, this would be ignored and defunded. The dominant academic political ideology does not accept all truths.

>> No.9769049

Yeah but those haven't been linked directly to genes yet.

>> No.9769054

Who the fuck cares? Even if it turns out blacks are 20 IQ points lower on average wtf do you expect to happen? The sensible thing that is healthy for our society is just to treat everyone as an individual, if they’re smart then good if they’re a dumbass then we’ll get over it.

>> No.9769060


I would personally care because the notion is currently being weaponized the opposite way, white and asian men are being punished by oppressive policies meant to rectify a supposed "nurtural imbalance"

Of course before that it was all about pushing the "stupid" into the gutter. It seems like we can't strike a balance in society and one side needs to be attacking the other rather than finding moderate common ground.

"Race blindedness" is the only fair way and yet that term is becoming taboo thanks to college cultural marxists.

>> No.9769091

How can you have a "direct link" to something we don't even have a measurement for?

>> No.9769100
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Hope intellectuals like you get greeted by packs of individuals.

>> No.9769122

I remember everyone claiming it was over 100 a few weeks ago. What happened? Did someone bother to run a second experiment for 50 of them?

>> No.9769189


>Asian men being punished

No, they are getting caught in the crossfire in the U.S. but everywhere else in the world Asians are fine at least in terms of academia. Don't conflat the fallout White men are dealing with because of shitty political policies that ultimately came about because your self inflicted wounds.

Remember whites were the ones who thought it was a good idea to migrate millions of indentured servants because they were too lazy and cheap to have their own race to agricultural/ structural work. Whites also had the brilliant idea of taking a fucking test for assessing school children from a psychologist in France and turn it into a tool for eugenics. You were also the ones to throw Asians on pedestal to shame others so you can scurt public flogging.

Fuck you, you deserve the bullshit you're dealing with right now. Learn from your mistakes and don't do stupid shit like that again.

>> No.9769202


>No, they are getting caught in the crossfire in the U.S. but everywhere else in the world Asians are fine at least in terms of academia. Don't conflat the fallout White men are dealing with because of shitty political policies that ultimately came about because your self inflicted wounds.

I am talking primarily about the United States, not East Asian homogenous cultures. They're like 99% East Asian so I don't think race issues affect them much, kind of irrelevant.

> Fuck you, you deserve the bullshit you're dealing with right now. Learn from your mistakes and don't do stupid shit like that again.

You're kind of a complete fucking idiot. No one alive today had anything to do with that, much less the young white generation currently dealing with hate. Hate breeds hate, the cycle is not going to end because one side who feels historically victimized is getting their chance to "get even". The other side will come alive, and if you haven't noticed it has started happening.

Whites weren't the only ones to have slaves. The entire world was engaged in slavery. Muslims traded far more in the Barbary Trade. You know what whites did do first? Formally ban slavery. The first on the planet to do so. America even engaged in an extremely bloody and divisive war to get it done, hundreds of thousands of white lives shed for it. And 99% of whites today are descendants of poor immigrants.

The truth is that race politics get no one anywhere because at the end of the day they are ALL generalized mischaracterizations of people that are only going to breed anger, one way or another.

>> No.9769208
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pop sci

>> No.9769209

I hear scientists trained a spider to jump on command. Maybe the nurture argument is stronger than you think bigots.

>> No.9769212


They can't even get the smartest gorilla in the world to ask a genuine question

>> No.9769219
File: 24 KB, 508x588, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's going to happen if/when scientists find that different races are more are less likely to have certain genes that code for intelligence?
The genes that code for intelligence in one race may not be the same as those that code for intelligence in others.

>In the new study, Dr. Posthuma and her colleagues limited their research to people of European descent because that raised the odds of finding common genetic variants linked to intelligence.
>But other gene studies have shown that variants in one population can fail to predict what people are like in other populations. Different variants turn out to be important in different groups, and this may well be the case with intelligence.
>"If you try to predict height using the genes we’ve identified in Europeans in Africans, you’d predict all Africans are five inches shorter than Europeans, which isn’t true," Dr. Posthuma said.

>> No.9769224

Race mixing will be encouraged to ensure the equitable distribution of intelligence genes. Also as it currently stands, the several hundred SNPs found to be associated with IQ explain less than 10% of the variation between individuals.

>> No.9769226


>explicitly confirming a difference in cognitive makeup

>> No.9769232

How can leftists be so on board with mass abortion/small family/collectivism but recoil at the thought of peaceful eugenics to optimize demographics?

There are plenty of ways to offer voluntary sterilization for the dumbs and bring different groups of people up to parity

>> No.9769235

That's the problem with GWAS, it's all about correlations with no mechanistic explanation. At best they can serve as a starting point to find the underlying mechanism. But even the most robust results from GWAS, the association between various SNPs and alzheimer's disease, still have not shed any insight on the underlying cause of alzheimer's disease.

>> No.9769238

Also re: pic related, I uploaded my 23andme results to DNA.land and they predicted that I would have a below average IQ even though that's patently wrong. They also said I would be tall but I'm a manlet. The only thing they got right was my eye color and my degree of myopia.

>> No.9769241
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Isn't it interesting how all these faggot boomers who didn't seem to have a problem with "100% WHITE" quotas, organized massive integration protests, suddenly transformed into strict pro-Asian meritocrats?

>> No.9769254


>This group of Jim Crow South hickseed protesters represents the boomer generation its span and entirety

Your reasoning skills are marvelous

>> No.9769257
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they already did this with lactose tolerance and it was an epic fucking fail, and it will be a fail with intelligence too, because the scientists will necessarily use eurocentric methods that oversample euro-descended people, thus placing greater importance on euro-associated IQ alleles (and not Asian or other associated ones).

Except that unlike lactose tolerance, many normal people are offended by IQ differences, and will actually analyze the trash science behind this, instead of accepting it at face value.

The leftists will (rightfully) attack the flimsy logic behind this, and the perception of the intelligence gene argument will be irreversibly further tarnished. Technically they could have done this with lactose tolerance already, except I guess nobody cares about that.

I'd love to see real research on cognition, but unfortunately the current state of pop sci uses logic that says "modern Europeans have black skin" because they lack the paleness allele found in Asian populations. In other words, it's rotting garbage.

>> No.9769269

This is exactly what will happen:

1. analyze populations for correlations between IQ and alleles, obviously overfocusing on europeans.

2. find some shit, "IQ genes FOUND", "People of european descent are SMARTER", and other trash headlines

3. people notice the conspicuous lack of these alleles in Asia, where the highest IQs are found

4. entire thing is called into question

5. leftists rightfully call out the eurocentrism behind the genotype-phenotype correlation

6. the credibility of gene testing for IQ, and possibly anything at all, is even further tarnished, perhaps irreversibly.

By the same logic, all ethnic germans are literal black skinned niggers, but the media doesn't run that because it's obviously garbage.

>> No.9769275
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>Jim crow was the law of the land in a democracy despite being favored only by a tiny group of protestors

>> No.9769283

Are you honestly denying that genes play a role in intelligence?

>> No.9769286


Jim Crow was the law of the land in small, primarily Democrat subset of the country

>> No.9769299
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>What we found was quite striking. Most individuals received a score of around zero. This means that for most people, these SNPs did not influence their intelligence in any particular direction! In fact, no individual receives a difference of more than 5 IQ points!
>For those of you who got a negative score—this doesn’t mean you are not intelligent. Case in point: Dr. Yaniv Erlich, accomplished geneticist, Columbia University Professor, and creator of DNA.Land, has a negative score:
On top of all that he's Ashkenazi Jew, which is correlated with the highest IQs in the world according to prominent race scientists.
Yet he has a negative score. As they said, it only means anything if you're western european (where they got the data from), and it's of minimal significance.
Sorry to rain on OP's parade though.

>> No.9769306

I really hope you are right but the biologist in me doesn't think so. It's almost impossible to honestly believe genetics don't play some role in what should be the mental differences between different populations. I say this as someone who is half black.
The best case scenario is that the genetic differences are less of a factor than the cultural ones which if that does turn out to be the case means blacks need to fix their fucking shit "culture" so they can stop living in shit and filth.

>> No.9769312


>No one alive today had anything to do with that, much less the young white generation currently dealing with hate.

Young whites of today? Yes you are right. But the institutions their ancestors created still exists and have risdual influence today. A good example of this was redlining by banks which occurred in the 1960's - 1980's which are still being felt today in various places.

>You know what whites did do first? Formally ban slavery. The first on the planet to do so.



Ancient Indians were the first to formally ban slavery although the caste system and areas servitude still exist today.

>> No.9769316

>They banned slavery
Only the word of it. The cast system is fucking slavery.

>> No.9769318
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>> No.9769319

So we have two options
>Racial differences are caused by genetics
In which case it's not the blacks fault since it's just their genes and hopefully can be engineered
>Racial differences aren't caused by genetics
Then it's blacks fault and they should be blamed for the current and continued failure of their people until they decide to fix it (likely never).

>> No.9769323

already done

>> No.9769329

It's the white's fault.

>> No.9769342

>all that concern trolling
A high-achieving member of the one of the highest IQ groups got a negative score. That's just a fact.
Of course intelligence is related to genetics. But THIS study; THIS line of analysis just doesn't much much.

>blacks need to fix their fucking shit "culture"
"Their" culture? Who created it?
At any rate, it's not for lack of effort, but these things take time.

>> No.9769345

>all that autism
Nice false dichotomy.

>> No.9769385
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Alright here's something for you all ITT
If nonwhites are the metaphorical devil for you because they're violent and dumb, then why is the global IQ actually raising and the crime rates falling down by the day?

>> No.9769399


Pls fucking kill yourself

>> No.9769421
File: 79 KB, 1280x950, greenhouse gas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

learn to comprehend english or GTFO of my country.

>> No.9769422

>The best case scenario is that the genetic differences are less of a factor than the cultural ones which if that does turn out to be the case means blacks need to fix their fucking shit "culture" so they can stop living in shit and filth.
Blacks brought up in affluent families perform worse on standardized tests than their white socioeconomic contemporaries - by a large margin.

>> No.9769425

>Ancient Indians were the first to formally ban slavery although the caste system and areas servitude still exist today.
In other words: they didn´t ban slavery at all.

>> No.9769452

This. Why not offer a lump payment of 100k or whatever in return for sterilisation? The savings will be obvious in one generation as every welfare parasite, leech, neet, teen mum and other genetic refuse will not be able to see the long term benefit of having children.

I hate how every species practices hard eugenics in the wild and here we are actively promoting dysgenics by paying people with shit tier genetics to continue to breed like rabbits. This practice will ruin humanity in a dozen or so generations and needs to be fucking stopped.

>> No.9769456

Nice fantasies you have there.

>> No.9769461

>1. analyze populations for correlations between IQ and alleles, obviously overfocusing on europeans.
Already happened.

>2. find some shit, "IQ genes FOUND", "People of european descent are SMARTER", and other trash headlines
Already happened (for the first part, I did not see many headlines claiming europeans are smarter).

>3. people notice the conspicuous lack of these alleles in Asia, where the highest IQs are found
That's where you're wrong, my friend. The g-loaded SNPs found on GWAS on European populations are generally more frequent in Asian countries.

>4. Entire thing is called into question
The cost of sequencing has been divided by one million since the 90s, soon there will be so much evidence that any shadow of doubt that remains on the question will disappear completely.

>> No.9769470


Institutions like welfare which disproportionally redirect money from white to black hands or affirmative action which suppress white academic options? Institutionally speaking things have never been more anti-white in that sense. While redlining was an issue, the “response” was to get rid of lending rules entirely and force banks to hand out subprime loans like candy to poors and minorities, leading to the worse economic collapse since the Recession, so that’s penance.

The truth is that no whites today had anything to do with the racism of old, do not benefit from it, and are still castigated for it by mindless, combative entities. And yet that only breeds more ire and a reaction, increasingly hostile, from whites. How is that productive?

India literally codified racism and servitude into law and much of that exists today. Not a good “example”. Some of Africa still practices slavery. How can you reserve unique resentment for whites? Even as they bend over backwards for tolerance and welfare states. The nature of social cycles dictates that the response will eventually be completely factioned and hostile on the white side. That isn’t ideal imo.

>> No.9769479


Exactly. Let’s not half ass this nihilism and reap only the negatives.

If they want pragmatics and Godlessness let’s explore the most obviously productive options for human society

>> No.9769480

That has nothing to do with what he said. He said culture, not wealth.

>> No.9769482

Don't bother anon, you can't argue with retards and leftists. Anyone who has lived among different races and travelled around the world can tell you that yes, IQ is partly cultural related, but mostly of biological origin which you can tell just by observing behaviours of the different groups. I can't believe this is a controversial topic, has anyone claiming that races are all the same ever been to Africa, China, Japan or South America? Or looked at skeletal structure differences between the races? To tell me that evolution stops at the brain is fucking offensive.

>> No.9769489

>The sensible thing that is healthy for our society is just to treat everyone as an individual

No it isn't lol. Grow the backbone to challenge the prevailing social order.

>> No.9769494

to tell me evolution stops at the legs is fucking offensive
whites how else do you account for whites having 2 legs and blacks having 3? Or telling me evolution stops at the blood? How else do you account for blacks having green blood cells or asians having blue? They're different race therefore the MUST be different in all aspects.

Next you're going to tell me races other than whites have their heart located in their chest, what you think evolution stops at the heart???? That's just fucking offensive.

>> No.9769499

Studies have shown that african american students perform worse on tests when subtly reminded of racial stereotypes.
-Steele and Aronson 1995

>> No.9769505

There is no scientific evidence that Africans have green blood cells. There is scientific evidence that Africans have a lower g factor.

>> No.9769512

>scientific evidence
>g factor
G factor isn't science.

>> No.9769523

There are actually marked differences between every aspect of legs between different races, from bone marrow composition, bone shape and density, muscle structures and their speed and response time. Quite literally everything, so fuck off with your shitty strawman.

>> No.9769534

So we exclude whites from track and field now, right?

>> No.9769539

>every thread is actually about /pol/ garbage

>> No.9769542

You can replace "lower g factor" with "higher probability to go to jail" if that pleases you.

>> No.9769544

Whites will destroy blacks in different kinds of events like marathons and other endurance tasks on the track, whereas blacks will destroy whites in short, high activity tasks. Almost like there is some biological differences, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

>> No.9769548

>Observable and measurable biological facts are /pol/

Guess we should stop all human biology research in case something uncomfortable comes up then.

>> No.9769553

>higher probability to go to jail
Not repeatable with a double blind study.

>> No.9769558

no coming up with stupid and edgy conclusions based on incomplete facts is /pol/

>> No.9769575

Well it seems that I am attacked constantly for saying that is provable differences in the races which is neither stupid or edgy.

>Differences in almost every biological aspect throughout different ethnic groups verifiable and provable if you care to look
>Can test genetically with almost 100% accuracy to determine racial percentages
>W-well you don't know exactly which genes correspind to intelligence so your facts are incomplete

Fuck off, there is plenty of reliable information to draw informed conclusions on this topic, yet it is a total taboo because "hurr durr everyone is the same, muh magical rainbow land of diversity"

>> No.9769578

Amazing! We need to build exclusion into these various events then.

>> No.9769580

There's a provable difference in every organism on the planet.

>> No.9769581

Why are you strawmanning me? I don't fucking care about what races run around a field for a trophy just because they are different.

>> No.9769584

And there are also consistent differences between different races, not just differences between individuals, so that is a shit argument.

>> No.9769598
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>Whites will destroy blacks in different kinds of events like marathons and other endurance tasks on the track

except they don't you retarded piece of white trash. If you're going to talk about racial differences, at least stop spreading blatantly false facts.

East Africans have the highest density of slow twitch muscle fibers, which is why Ethio/Somalian/Kenyan people are overrepresented in these events. East Africans dominate marathons respective to their overall population.

Asians and whites have an advantage in swimming because they have lighter bones and shorter legs, more bodyfat, and less muscle. This means better buoyancy and a center of gravity closer to the core, which doesn't get disturbed while paddlekicking.

>> No.9769605

Explain what "double blind" precisely means in that context.

>> No.9769612

Why are you strawmanning everyone? Nobody claimed people were exactly the same.

>> No.9769614

You're right that I should have qualified blacks as west african blacks as that is the majority of blacks. But everything you just posted reinforces my point.

>> No.9769615

Well first you need a blind cop and then you get some blind people to do crimes and see if the cop can manage to cuff one of them.

>> No.9769617

The implication of other posters is that they are the same intelligence wise, yet clearly there are fairly drastic evolved physical differences, so why does this not apply to the brain?

>> No.9769620

Go fuckin back to your science subreddot, ya lib.

>> No.9769624

Because it's a violation of human rights. Plus we don't know what that'll really do

>> No.9769634

>bring different groups of people up to parity
The problem is that you aren't bringing two groups to parity you are eliminating one group.

>> No.9769638

>Voluntary programs are human rights violations
>Despite successful eugenics programs over thousands of years of a wide range of species we still don't really know it's effects

Back to plebbit

>> No.9769640

>successful eugenics programs

>> No.9769641

Did you forget how to type? If only we could breed retards like you out of existence.

>> No.9769644

An ellipsis (plural ellipses; from the Ancient Greek: ἔλλειψις, élleipsis, "omission" or "falling short") is a series of dots (typically three, such as "…") that usually indicates an intentional omission of a word, sentence, or whole section from a text without altering its original meaning.

>> No.9769649

>Every commercial crop grown has tens or hundreds of times it's ancestors crop yield and is far more resiliant to disease and pests
>Cows won't rip your face off like their ancestor the auroch and milk yield has increased and insane amount
>Many dog breeds that have been bred well are obhectively superior to their wolf ancestors in their bred for traits, Collies for intelligence, Huskies for endurance, Greyhounds for speed, etc...

Sounds like we are actually pretty good at selecting for desired traits. I have changed my mind on voluntary eugenics, anyone as dumb as you should be sterilisrd through your water supply

>> No.9769663
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Seems like a relatively anti white argument, to be frank.

The data clearly shows a huge advantage for first world populations, likely due to clean water, decrease parasite load, and better nutrition.

It also shows that third world Chinese are roughly equal to first world Japanese; Asian IQ is both high AND impervious to loss of privilege.

Indian/Arab IQ is almost definitelywithin the white IQ range when the environment is corrected. The study only used high white IQs like Italy/Finland, and excluded lower ones like Serbia/Ireland/Lithuania.

>> No.9769667

>thought it was a good idea to migrate millions of indentured servants because they were too lazy and cheap to have their own race to agricultural/ structural work
A huge amount of them did it purely as a business model, and because it was already established as normal when they grew up.
Why do you think it took so long for black people in the US to realise it was unfair? Black US soldiers were extremely surprised at the treatment they got from europeans when fighting together in wars, simply because they hadn't thought about it too much at the time.

Also there's the fact that white people were nowhere near the first race to specifically use other races/prisoners for slavery but whatever

>> No.9769680
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>If that does turn out to be the case means blacks need to fix their fucking shit "culture" so they can stop living in shit and filth
Whenever I see something like this, I immediately think of Brazil and surrounding countries.
It's a perfect example.

>> No.9769684

I'm thoroughly liberal and I'm all for this research. First of all because I think all living things deserve consideration simply because they can suffer; not because they're more or less intelligent. So I don't think it's ethical to treat a human as less worthy merely because of their intelligence.

And secondly because we already discriminate racially. Many people, even without solid scientific footing, believe strongly that different races are inherently more or less intelligent and competent across any number of phenotypes.
If we understood the genetic influences and how they're involved, I think we can do a lot to end racism for good. Because people of all races span the full spectrum of intelligences. I could imagine a future where one important dinension by which people identify is their possession of particular genes. And those that count themselves among the highly intelligent would be multiracial. Unfair discrimination wouldn't end. But it would occur along a different dimension than race. Or at least it would serve as a confounding variable to racism. I see it as a way to bridge the gap between races, since people would be forced to accept the very large overlap between populations in terms of intelligence. And that's if we assume any gap is entirely genetic today (which is probably not the case).

>> No.9769742
File: 39 KB, 587x293, lynn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jelte M. Wicherts, Conor V. Dolan, Han L.J. van der Maas, The dangers of unsystematic selection methods and the representativeness of 46 samples of African test-takers, Intelligence, Volume 38, Issue 1, 2010, Pages 30-37, ISSN 0160-2896, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.intell.2009.11.003

>extrapolating results from the "draw a man" test given to children who had never held a pencil
>children accustomed to having their faces marked for ritual purposes didn't remove the researcher's mark from their face, "failing" the mirror test
>taking samples from hospitals for malaria-infected children (tip: malaria is known to cause brain damage in over 50% of victims)
>private school with high average IQ: rejected, because it's unrepresentative due to being a private school.
>private school with low average IQ: deemed representative
Pic related shows: with Lynn, high IQ = unrepresentative, low IQ = representative, not study methodology or soundness.

Garbage in, garbage out

>> No.9769758
File: 157 KB, 551x368, g-genetic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Descendents of Burakumin and Koreans in Japan perform notably worse on standardized tests and in academic achievement than those of the Japanese ethnic majority, in Japan, by about the same margin as the US black-white achievement gap.
They are all essentially the same "east Asian" race -- how could it be that such a large achievement gap exists, given that achievement gaps are genetic in origin?

>> No.9769770

>What will the response be once it finally is?

Something along the lines of:

>"The intelligence genes are predominately found in [insert white country], however, this [insert white country] is very diverse and its impossible to claim that it is in any way related to race. Claiming that intelligence and race are connected is therefore not only stupid, but also racist and punishable by law."

>> No.9769771
File: 65 KB, 640x515, Motel Manager Pouring Acid Into Pool to Drive Blacks Out, 1964 (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Asians and whites have an advantage in swimming because they have lighter bones and shorter legs
Yes, and Jews used to be considered the ideal basketball players. Look it up.
Blacks don't swim in the USA because up until about 1965 they were banned from 90% of swimming pools.
Get ready Amerimutt faggot because niggers are about to dominate your swim teams just like your boxing, track, gymnastics, tennis, and niggerball teams.

>> No.9769774

>We can't measure genes.

>> No.9769778

not genes, intelligence retard

>> No.9769779

>Jews used to be considered the ideal basketball players.
By Jewish writers?
They have been considered "more intelligent" as well, but turns out that that myth is pedaled by self praising Jews.

>> No.9769780

I actually agree with you, I was just using argument on his own terms to prove him wrong.

Lots of shit is molded by "too big to fail" self fulfilling prophecies.

However, the swimming thing is a fact. It's definitely overexaggerated due to the environment, but Asians (including northwest Asians) are definitely better at swimming than Africans.

I do think that the proportion of Black swimmers will increase over time though.

>> No.9769798

IQ is actually the only thing that is repeatably measurable metric.

>> No.9769801

No, that's not the issue
The issue is the "white genocide" retardation that is the core theme of every /pol/ thread and which attracts tons of brainlets who can't speak about anything else

>> No.9769805

>J-Jewish higher intelligence is just a myth!

>> No.9769809

IQ does not measure intelligence retard. There isn't even a standardized way of measuring IQ, it's just a bunch of psychology pseudoscience so far.

>> No.9769811

Please clarify how white genocide is not currently occuring. The current trajectory of migration rates to ALL white countries and policies to disincentivise white births by squeezing the white middle class for taxes to help migrants breed leads to genocide via replacement as defined by the UN.

>> No.9769817

>how white genocide is not currently occuring
I've asked out like 7 girls and they all said no. I shouldn't have to settle for a 6/10

>> No.9769821

Don't you get it? If you want to discuss politics, go do it on your containment board.
You're the same as furries: you bring your cancerous shit everywhere you go

>> No.9769889

>oh cool a biology thread
>it's actually /pol/ bait
this board disappoints every time

>> No.9769914

We were having a fun discussion on eugenics until your fat autistic ass showed up, sorry if you dislike that topic but it is not related to white genocide, which by the way is an undeniable fact, but if you have some shitty counterargument please present it.

>> No.9769933

>white genocide, which by the way is an undeniable fact
Who is genociding whites? What mechanism are they using? Do you have any evidence for your claims?

>> No.9769938

I feel like the term "white genocide" is designed as propaganda. No actual genocide is going on, white people will just cease to exist in their current form due to interbreeding with other races.
Due to assortative mating though, we could end up with a high-IQ happa overclass and a brown mutt underclass.
I think it's somewhat sad, but inevitable.

>> No.9769939

International NGOs as well as many individuals among various governments are pushing for mass migration and making it hard for the middle class to have childeren, I have already explained this, genocide via replacement. The evidence is in every census for every western country over the last several decades.

>> No.9769940

It’s not even bait

>> No.9769948

That isn't genocide. Other people having more kids than you isn't genocide.

>> No.9769951

Affluent people and nations have less children. Japan is a good example. Who is perpetrating the genocide in japan? Their immigration is pretty tightly regulated.

>> No.9769978

It is when it is replacing the native population with a different ethnic group.

They are not being replaced with a different ethnic group

>> No.9769996

>They are not being replaced with a different ethnic group.
Yes good job so we know that being replaced can't be the cause, and yet they show the same decrease in birthrates. So maybe the two things are unrelated.

>> No.9770012

>being this retarded, ever

>> No.9770059

low birthrates+immigration=genocide

What is so hard about this?

>> No.9770097

No it isn't. If you decide to have less kids than someone else that isn't genocide. You are an idiot.

>> No.9770100

>I am going to change the definition of a word
Just like how SJW's try to pretend you can't be racist against whites.

>> No.9770107


They’re Europeans but no more white than Turkey

>> No.9770110
File: 78 KB, 3072x1152, ADMIXTURE_15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

by that logic, the only white people exist in scandinavia and northern germany.

Since non-white people invented the modern world, so whites should bow down and worship them.

>> No.9770127

It is if the economic situation pressures locals to have less kids while the same people who create the policies push for massive immigration regardless of who the public votes for.

>> No.9770141

But immigrants will deal with the same economic situations. It's actually rich people that have less kids.

>> No.9770157

The fuck are you on about. Almost every "refugee" into europe is on a benefit and those with kids get housing and money thrown at them while locals will struggle to get a dime from the public system. Do you have any idea about the context you are talking about?

>> No.9770168

>refugees living the life
I don't think so. Basically on welfare, which is available to any European. Taking on refugees can he a hardship, but it's the right move on the global stage. USA should take more to ease Europe's burden.

>> No.9770179

They aren't refugees they are fucking economic migrants. Calling them refugees is a bald faced lie.

>> No.9770180

Nope. Taking in refugees is evil unless they are white. The source of them should be bombed to oblivion.

>> No.9770182
File: 57 KB, 625x626, You call this bait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>evil unless they are white

>> No.9770183 [DELETED] 

White countries should become more white at all costs. Letting in non-white refugees is evil.

>> No.9770186

>economic migrants
yeah economically not being able to afford food is kind of a bad scenario

>> No.9770188

Non-whites don’t deserve food.

>> No.9770189

Sure then by that metric we need to accept every single hungry person in the world. I'm sure that is a great policy and will cause no problems.

>> No.9770192

No media outlet is going anywhere near that. Testosterone and IQ have been linked with race for years now and you'll never hear about it in the news.

>> No.9770198

I'd rather know why women have better grades than men from elementary school to college

>> No.9770206

I thought they were refugees of the middle east, cause it's a warzone. That would be the textbook definition of a refugee.

>> No.9770209

The vast majority are. The economic migrants are a much smaller number.

>> No.9770218


We live in a multicultural globalized economy.

Even if cognitive differences exist among races, what would be the point of talking about it when geniuses exist in all races?

I'm a Zulu. My tribe isn't known for too many scientists. I triple majored in math, physics and EE with a 3.7 GPA and now I probably make more money than your dumbass. I'm glad I didn't follow any discouraging advice from idiots like you.

>> No.9770225

Boys are more aggressive and learn through play which results in not functioning well in school.

>> No.9770268

>what would be the point of talking about it when geniuses exist in all races?
So you don't fall for the meme that every race is the same, that not matter what kind of people you allow in your country they'll all do well instead of turning it into a shithole and that racemixing is ok.

>> No.9770282


it sounds like you're just mad some hot white chick you knew got fucked by some big black cock

>> No.9770302

No, but this sounds like a default answer from someone who refuses to acknowledge the truth in what i said.

>> No.9770307

>the truth in what i said
so far you haven't said anything that could be considered the truth

>> No.9770319

Nice larp. If you're actually such a winner then you shouldn't feel the need to debate these sorts of people.

>> No.9770324


Wow you're stupid. My point was that there's no point in trying to discourage people just because of the color of their skin.

I came to this site after I completed my studies but if I had seen all those negativity beforehand, I might have had low confidence going into university.

Who knows, some poor person might decide not to study high level subjects altogether because of a lack of morale.

>> No.9770326

Assuming you are the person i first replied to
You said you see no reason why IQ differences between races should be discussed.
I gave you three good ones.
>First races are not the same.
There is not even a discussion here
>Depending on the kind of people who you let in your country they might turn it into a shithole.
Looking at countries like Sweden or France or South Africa it's hard to dispute that.
>Racemixing is not OK.
If you acknowledge that races are different and that by racemixing with a certain race you are dramatically increasing the odds of stunting the intellectual potential of your offspring, that's a very compelling reason to not racemix.

Your counter argument was talking about black cocks so i think you conceded to my points.

>> No.9770347

>First races are not the same.
>There is not even a discussion here
Yeah the discussion is where those differences stem from and how they should be treated.
>Looking at countries like Sweden or France or South Africa it's hard to dispute that.
>South Africa
Yeah maybe white people shouldn't be allowed to go wherever they want. I'm totally on your side here.
>Racemixing is not OK.
Why not? you better the position of the "lesser" race with small sacrifice. Between that and murdering them all I would choose the one that involves boning.

>> No.9770361

>Yeah maybe white people shouldn't be allowed to go wherever they want. I'm totally on your side here.
I totally agree but this doesn't apply to the case of South Africa since they settled in a land that belonged to no one.

>Why not? you better the position of the "lesser" race with small sacrifice. Between that and murdering them all I would choose the one that involves boning.
I totally understand that for some races this might be seen as an improvement by them but for whites i see no advantage and since we can simply choose to not racemix and to keep those that might harm us at a distance i don't see why not do so.

>> No.9770370

>>Yeah maybe white people shouldn't be allowed to go wherever they want. I'm totally on your side here.
>I totally agree but this doesn't apply to the case of South Africa since they settled in a land that belonged to no one.
I btw this wasn't even my original contention. I merelly posited that depending on what kind of people you bring into your country they might turn it into a shithole. You are yet to disprove that.

>> No.9770377

>I totally agree but this doesn't apply to the case of South Africa since they settled in a land that belonged to no one

I knew you're from fucking /pol/. South Africa already had Bantu tribes in the east and the Cape also had Khoikhoi and San peoples.

Go read a book. /sci/ is not for low IQ white supremacists

>> No.9770382

It's really sad that you value skin pigment over other qualities in choosing a mate. You do realize for every white person that racemixes there's one non-white, right? There's no net gain anywhere. You go make white babies man. Go make lots of them, so you can feel like your winning some absurd contest. But leave the non-crazies alone.

>> No.9770386

>I totally agree but this doesn't apply to the case of South Africa since they settled in a land that belonged to no one.
>I btw this wasn't even my original contention. I merelly posited that depending on what kind of people you bring into your country they might turn it into a shithole. You are yet to disprove that.
White people turned south africa into a shithole, in fact they tend to do that with every place they colonize. India, Japan, China, America, wow why didn't I see it all along you were so totally right. Gas the whites.

>> No.9770391

They turned all of Africa into a shithole. There were some nice successful empires before the Atlantic slave trade and colonization.

>> No.9770395

Sure, because first thing they did when they got there was draw they geographical delineations of their country on map instead of fighting off the tribes that were trying to kill them and later take measures to keep them away from their settlements.
Also the rules at the time were very simple, you get to keep your territory if you are able to defend it. Westphalian sovereignty wasn't even in place at the time and it was a concept created by whites btw.
So this notion that africa belonged to the blacks is bullshit. They were just random tribes scattered accross millions of square miles. The continent was no one's land. The had as much claim to the land as a fish has to the sea.

>> No.9770406
File: 179 KB, 667x1000, taylor-swift-when-young-and-attractive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>South Africa already had Bantu tribes

Actually it was true that vast areas of the transvaal were uninhabited due to prior wars / chimpouts.

>> No.9770413

>White people turned south africa into a shithole, in fact they tend to do that with every place they colonize. India, Japan, China, America, wow why didn't I see it all along you were so totally right. Gas the whites.
Bad bait but i'll respond
SA was a first world nation before the end of apartheid, now that blacks are in control it's number two int the world misery index and number 119 in the human development index. They have some of the highest crime rates, especially rape.
Other african countries that were considered first world and now are shitholes are Ivory Coast and Zimbabwe. You can guess what changed.
I don't know what you mean by mentioning Japan and america.
Japan is a first world nation, the US was a very nice place when it was 90% white and Latin america has a majority of mixed people not whites.
China is majority chinese, india is majority indians and so on.
Now, white countries on the other hand tend to be great right until the non white imigration becomes rampant.

>It's really sad that you value skin pigment over other qualities in choosing a mate. You do realize for every white person that racemixes there's one non-white, right? There's no net gain anywhere. You go make white babies man. Go make lots of them, so you can feel like your winning some absurd contest. But leave the non-crazies alone.
You do understand that skin pigmentation is one of the least important things that one takes into consideration when they say racemixing is not ok, right?

>> No.9770414

>hey turned all of Africa into a shithole. There were some nice successful empires before the Atlantic slave trade and colonization.
What you mean before the slave trade?
You mean when the Africans kept their african slaves to themselves?

>> No.9770417

Fuck eople that identify with a race or group of people (oppressed or not, fuck you my people we're oppressed as fuck). Fuck collectivism completely. Every single war arose from some collectivist ideology.

>> No.9770420




>> No.9770424

>They are all essentially the same "east Asian" race
>Descendents of Burakumin and Koreans in Japan
Which one is it, imbecile?

>> No.9770431

>IQ does not measure intelligence retard.
Given that those who attain high scores on IQ-tests go on to more successful, intellectually demanding careers than those with average or below average scores, I´d say there´s more than enough reason to consider it a valid approximation of a person´s giftedness. The military, academia, law enforcement agencies, intelligence agencies and corporate creme de la creme have all experienced positive results from screening applicants by forcing them to take thinly-veiled IQ-tests.

The person who scores 80 is, more often than not, employed in manual labor and unable to write coherently. On the other hand, a person who scores 120 is, more often than not, college-educated - possibly even in STEM -, well-spoken and able to write coherently. These are scientifically verifiable facts.

>> No.9770432

>The sensible thing that is healthy for our society is just to treat everyone as an individual

Except that is just what doesn't happen. Affirmative action to correct mythical discrimination leads to incompetent fools going into jobs that they can't do.



>> No.9770438

>mythical discrimination
Discrimination is 100% real.

>> No.9770440

anon, I...

>> No.9770445

Name one example of discrimination in today's society.

>> No.9770446

Government and academia don´t discriminate against blacks in the slightest - in fact, they discriminate against every other ethnic group by applying the principle of affirmative action during the hiring/admission process.

>> No.9770448

That's not against whites, i meant.

>> No.9770523

So people know what they're in for if they move to a majority black neighborhood. I'm tired of people stealing and trash everywhere, it was the biggest Awakening I had, everyone should do it.

>> No.9770527

>what would be the point of talking about it when geniuses exist in all races?
To further the knowledge of the human race.

I guess you could be a reactionary and argue against progress, but I doubt that you would do that.

Additionally it explains why affirmative action is completely non sense and should be stoped.
Blacks can be under represented in academia without being opressed.

>I'm a Zulu. My tribe isn't known for too many scientists. I triple majored in math, physics and EE with a 3.7 GPA and now I probably make more money than your dumbass. I'm glad I didn't follow any discouraging advice from idiots like you.
Great for you.
And no, racial differences in IQ should not discourage anyone who actually knows what the consequences are.

>> No.9770533

Discrimination where?
In academia certainly not.

>> No.9770578

I'd like to say that your image is super fucking misleading. Of fucking course countries that have been industrialized for a significantly longer time will have a significantly high ACCUMULATIVE CO2 accumulation. However CO2 production is very different compared to the current pie chart with China being the number one producer of CO2 at the moment to the point that there's a SE Asia smog cloud system that they developed.

>> No.9770583

>What if these genes linked to high-IQ are more common in some races!!!
Fuck off, /pol/. It's just a roundabout IQ and race thread again. Unless it's consistently true, it doesn't work for building a model, so it isn't science. If niggers were always retarded and white people were always smart, then your "scientific racism" would be scientific.

>> No.9770608


>Unless it's consistently true, it doesn't work for building a model, so it isn't science. If niggers were always retarded and white people were always smart, then your "scientific racism" would be scientific.

You are an idiot. Statistical correlation is enough for it to be science.

>> No.9770627

>Unless it's consistently true, it doesn't work for building a model,
Nice you just debunked almost all of science.

>> No.9770633

Is this another
>journalist misunderstands a scientific paper and turns it into a sensationalist headline

>> No.9770637

What was the real discovery?
Just curious.

>> No.9770640

What are the consistent between races that are significant to society as a whole?

>> No.9770646

Why does science have to be significant to society?
There is plenty of science that was done without any usefulness in mind, if you want to reject that sure, but that is a really extreme stance.

But supposing there are consistent differences in average IQ, could that explain a disparity in blacks and whites in academia and would it not put programs such as affirmative action in a questionable light?

>> No.9770659


The sensible thing to do would be to halt all sub saharan african immigration into western nations.

>> No.9770754

Is your claim that Korean immigrants perform worse because of racism from Japanese?
I'm not surprised that immigrants perform worse than natives in general. That's why you have to resort to finer methods such as adoption studies for a clean comparison.

>> No.9770756

I'm referring to data that would make people justify people to stop "racemixing" due to other races supposedly having inferior genetics

>> No.9770773

>due to other races supposedly having inferior genetics
That is an absurd claim that I have never seen anyone genuinely propose.

>I'm referring to data that would make people justify people to stop "racemixing"
If romantic interests are determined by the government we have bigger things to worry about in general.

Supposing that you REALLY wanted children with the highest IQ possible you obviously would search for a partner with a very high IQ, such people exist in any race.
Race mixing with an extremely smart black will produce a more intelligent child then not race mixing with a low IQ white, but I don't think that you should let romance be concerned with such absurdities.

This is called eugenics btw and doesn't have very much to do with what is at hand, since eugenics would promote race mixing in many circumstances.

>> No.9770812

I'm not saying it's useless. I'm saying it's completely unscientific.
>valid approximation
exactly, it's not a measurement of intelligence. It's simply a correlation, like measuring how good someone is at basketball by looking at their hand size, except with IQ everyone uses different rulers they made themselves, don't agree where on the palm to start measuring and don't even agree on what "120" means because they score differently.
There's a reason there are more scientific papers written about toenails than IQ.

>> No.9770827

>I'm saying it's completely unscientific.
>>valid approximation
Are Newton's laws unscientific?

I mean, they are wrong and at best approximate something, also there are many ways to measure eg. Force and none of them agree what exactly 100 "force" means.

>> No.9770847

>Are Newton's laws unscientific?
People don't make up their own newton's laws dummy. They are strictly defined and give consistent reproducible results. The error at high speeds for example is also consistent and reproducible.
>there are many ways to measure eg. Force
all of which are strictly defined.

Again, There's a reason there are more scientific papers written about toenails than IQ.

>> No.9770876

We already know that race differences in intelligence exist. You just aren't allowed to say such things, because it clearly implies that eugenics should be practiced which obviously implies another Holocaust is imminent. The only way you could even get this to catch on in, say, America, would be to convince them that it's the only way to uplift the blacks.

>> No.9770879

Why are you adding more and more qualifications for something to be scientific?

In your first post you claimed that different rulers make IQ unscientific, now you claim that these rules need to be strictly defined, which obviously is the case for any IQ test.
Your entire post is goal post moving, which seems very disingenuous, although your description of what scientific means are mostly correct.

>People don't make up their own newton's laws dummy.
So something is only scientific if people don't try to built upon it?
And people make up new laws, that is what relativity was about...

>give consistent reproducible results
Is the correlation between IQ and achievement not reproducible?
Yes, reproducing results is important, but you don't show that all studies about IQ aren't reproducible.

>Again, There's a reason there are more scientific papers written about toenails than IQ.
Just making one Google search on Google scholar gives significantly more results in the last few days for IQ.
Evidence for your claim?

>> No.9770881

Criminal justice

>> No.9770882

Be more specific.

>> No.9770883

Yes, when Africans had their own slaves. Just like how Romans had their own slaves.

>> No.9770891

Black people are punished worse for equivalent circumstances compared to whites.

>> No.9770897

Can you be less vague?

It is important to formulate a claim in a manner that it is testible?

Do you mean that black people are more likely to get shot when being arrested?

>> No.9770908
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>> No.9770909
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>> No.9770910

>Do you mean that black people are more likely to get shot when being arrested?
That, and also in sentencing:
It holds when controlling for crime, criminal history, socioeconomic status, etc.

>> No.9770921
File: 12 KB, 677x229, ilililililil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In your first post you claimed that different rulers make IQ unscientific
No, I said different rulers they __made themselves__
>rules need to be strictly defined, which obviously is the case for any IQ test.
There is no standard what so ever. Tests are completely different.

> Google scholar gives significantly more results in the last few days for IQ.
IQ is an abbreviation for many things retard.

>> No.9770924

>It holds when controlling for crime



26% of people shot in 2015 are black.



27% of crimes are committed by blacks.

They are NOT overrepresented in police shootings when controlled for crime.
Now go away liar.

>> No.9770929

>IQ is an abbreviation for many things retard.
My claim holds true for "intelligence quotient" too.

Also you are looking at one source, which focuses on many different things.
This is a retarded comparison and ZERO evidence for your claim.
This is just dumb, at least I used a site which goes through a highly diverse archive, which showed evidence against you.

>> No.9770937

That's... not a good analysis...

>> No.9770939

Give a better one.

>> No.9770942

>literally doesn't even know what pubmed is
>talks about scientific credibility
ok, i think were done.

>> No.9770948

>>literally doesn't even know what pubmed is
Obviously I do.

But good that you have zero arguments, obviously PubMed has less articles on quantum physics then on toenails, so I guess QM is debunked.

>> No.9770955

>quantum physics
see >>9770942

>> No.9770958
File: 238 KB, 1098x791, Capture+_2018-05-27-09-01-04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not all crimes necessitate lethal force. Cops are much quicker to resort to it when dealing with blacks.


>> No.9770962

All crimes warrant lethal force. There would be no repeat offenders and potential offenders would be less likely to commit crimes if the punishment for anything was death, preferably by public execution.

>> No.9770966

>% when translating to a direct subgroup
fucking kill whoever made this infograph

>> No.9770968

If only you could have taken that thinking a tiny step further.
>PubMed comprises more than 28 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books.

Might it, be that psychology is not generally considered a life science?
It isn't listed here:

How very, very interesting.
REALLY makes me think, maybe PubMed doesn't focus on publishing articles about psychology and thus less articles about IQ are there...

>> No.9770977

>Not all crimes necessitate lethal force.
You don't seriously want me to look at violent crime, do you...


As it turns out if you look at violent crimes black become significantly UNDERREPRESENTED.

Stop making this worse.

>> No.9770981

>Might it, be that psychology is not generally considered a life science?
exactly. The thread is about genetic influence on intelligence. Which obviously is a life science, so psychology is irrelevant here.

>> No.9770984

Yes, which debunks your methodology about the claim that few articles are written about IQ, because YOUR ARCHIVE DOESN'T DEAL WITH PSYCHOLOGY.

>> No.9770995

1. I'm glad you finally agree that IQ is irrelevant
2. I specifically talked about scientific papers, not "articles". The fact that you don't know the difference and think google scholar only returns science is depressing.

>> No.9770999

The global iq is diminushing you retard since there are now a lot of births in Africa.

>> No.9771004

Why is it always that the people who care about IQ are the ones who literally don't even know how it works?

>> No.9771026
File: 148 KB, 1590x771, agg ass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's play the game of "Guess the Race"

>> No.9771040

You retarded buddy? Violent crime =/= active scuffle with police. If you get arrested for assault committed the previous day, you shouldn't get shot.

>> No.9771043

>1. I'm glad you finally agree that IQ is irrelevant
It is irrelevant in fields not related to it, yes.

>I specifically talked about scientific papers, not "articles". The fact that you don't know the difference and think google scholar only returns science is depressing.
Stop pretending to be retarded.

>> No.9771045

IQ is a scale and 100 will always be the average.
Even the human population is getting dumber you would not be able to prove it with IQ because 100 will always be the international average.

>> No.9771048

Yes, obviously, but of course you are more likely to get shot when commiting a violent crime, or at the very least just as likely.

Good to know that you have no argument though.

>> No.9771050

I shouldn't say scale a better word is that it is normalized

>> No.9771052

If I had to guess left black, right white.
Due to the differences in violent crime.

>> No.9771057

But it might also be left white right Asian or something, for similar reasons.

>> No.9771110
File: 77 KB, 1074x744, khfwt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first guess was correct
I left unlabeled obvious ones like "Robbery" (yellow next to AggAss) and Drunkeness and Liquor Law (Blue and Light Blue to the right respectively) because they would definitely give it away
here's the asian one, with legend used for all of 3

>> No.9771407

>can't grasp the difference between race and ethnicity

>> No.9771412
File: 164 KB, 1080x914, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whites will be purged from the breeding pool so our children will be smarter.

>> No.9771540

blacks are more likely to resist arrest and pull a gun to a police officer


>> No.9771568
File: 87 KB, 392x353, 1524198965946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, that would be the sensible thing to do if you had no empathy. The action to take that would improve the world for everyone would be trying to improve the IQs of the less fortunate regardless of what group they come from thru the use of science or possible environmental methods like nutrition.

For example, the use of embryo selection by IQ could help the problem, or another solution which is further out from our current science is gene editing. Point is, these facts don't need to lead to genocide, deportation, or isolation which I know you fags on /pol/ desperately want to happen which is why you spam IQ data on blacks everywhere on the internet. I think that's why I loathe you /pol/ losers so much, its never about helping but about justifying some fucked up evil thing you want to do to people who are different from you. I really wish people like you didn't exist.

>> No.9771570

It's 538 genes now

>> No.9771577


>> No.9771578

There is no reason why they can't stay at their home country while we try to figure out how to do all of that.
It's actually better this way since whites won't have their own countries destroyed.

> that would be the sensible thing to do if you had no empathy.
No, that would be just self preservation.

>> No.9771580


>> No.9771589


>> No.9771785

you mean a lower class neighborhoods or has hollywood turned all black over night?

>> No.9771851
File: 122 KB, 926x661, high iq mental disease.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9772203

That depends.
What is intelligence?

>> No.9772204


Funny thing about the 538 genes

You can go back about 4 years and find leading experts at harvard and other places saying it would be impossible

>> No.9772210


>> No.9772229

Yep, g is pretty much everything.
From a marine general to a physicist, the same general skill sets are necessary for every task.
I'm sure it's a good idea to narrow our thinking based solely on a well defined statistical indicator.

>> No.9772250

it won't be races because race is an outdated concept replaced by geographic cline so it won't be discrete odds that certain 'races' will have certain genes, we will find much more gradation than that. /pol/ will still argue about it though.

>> No.9773755


>> No.9773981
File: 38 KB, 884x498, 1519551555036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who the fuck cares?
Here, have a Flint City Council meeting, on the house. This is my hometown btw.


>> No.9774117

Tell me the one about MAOA-3R again.

>> No.9774134

What happens when we find that the further we go along the african cline, the rarer the genes increasing intelligence become?

>> No.9774208

Your article really clashes with what you are saying. There was no mention of race in it....Are you trying to start a race thread anon? For shame!

>> No.9774219

What happens if the opposite happens? What will people do?

>> No.9774227

>That's why you have to resort to finer methods such as adoption studies for a clean comparison.

that's wrong because when and who adopts a kid alongside them others womb condition also effects it.

>> No.9774234

Why do people get triggered over this woman getting shot? How is it different then any other fatal shooting such as it?

>> No.9774239

That took a massive amount of years to do so.

>> No.9774247

There is no such thing as "intelligence gene". Those people just proved that mentally disabled persons are dumb. That my friends is the closest we could get from dumbness.

What would happend if everyone just see we're all on the same boat, listening the same idiots?

>> No.9774261

>Asians and whites have an advantage in swimming because they have lighter bones and shorter legs, more bodyfat, and less muscle.

Blacks don't even compete in swimming at all. A Black woman did win gold in swimming for America though so maybe things will change.

>> No.9774433

why is there so much bait on this board?

>> No.9774446

Free speech
Talking doesn't do shit anyway

>> No.9774479

>muh "race realism" is science
Fuck off, /pol/
Race has no biological basis

>> No.9774554

>Blacks can be under represented in academia without being oppressed.

Academia is actually pretty racist like how fashion is notably.

>> No.9775816

Yeah, and all those ugly little shitdogs for ... what exactly?

>> No.9775839

no way

>> No.9777199

It's pretty interesting, though.

Also Amerindians have more civilization potential than europeans.

>> No.9777206

>IQ is partially heritable
>IQ varies somewhat during childhood based on nutrition and education, but finalizes by the time someone reaches adulthood
Why the fuck can't you brainlets understand this concept? It's not entirely genetic or entirely environmental, it's a combination of both.

>> No.9777296

>Who the fuck cares?

The blacks probably do. Did you ever consider that they may not learn the same way as other races? Maybe they need to change the way they educate their youth so they will be successful. Maybe they need to reform laws and punishment in their areas to prevent so many of them being incarcerated. There is a lot to care about regarding this issue.

>> No.9777302

>>being this retarded, ever

Not all men were create equal.

>> No.9777308

Exactly. See >>9777199

>> No.9777325

But they were, brainlet.

>> No.9778473

There is no reason to ever believe that is true.

>> No.9778529

this is good senpai

genetically engineered 130 average iq techno utopia is right around the corner

>> No.9778597

>hurr what is the entirety of peer reviewed research since like 1960

>> No.9778642

You're right, heritable (epi)genetics DOES play a role in intelligence. Same with height, as we know due to deep QTL assessment over the past 40 years. The issue with settling on a handful of genes correlated to intelligence, or even a "golden gene", is that both of these traits are polygenic. There are likely hundreds of thousands of loci interacting to produce the observed phenotype for intelligence, as evident by this paper. Presence of a handful of SNPs does not explicitly determine the outcome.

>> No.9778643

Hundreds or thousands*, if not more.

>> No.9778688

fuck off weeb

>> No.9778749

>blood is the same between races
>sickle cell is not more prevalent in blacks
Fuck off retard

>> No.9778762

only in one African ethnicity

>> No.9779090

>hurr durr what is the fact that no matter where negros go they consistently fail to perform at the same level as other races
>hurr durr what is the fact that the Nilos make up some of the best athletes of the world and they constantly beat other races

We're not the same, and we never have been. Stop living in egalitarian fantasy land.

>> No.9779092

>intelligence cannot be raised by education at all
Here's how I know you're a /pol/tard
IQ is not 100% heritable
It's like 70% heritable, MAX

>> No.9779097

That's still a pretty significant portion and that doesn't change the fact that people are born unequal. Why do you jump through so many hoops and bullshit yourself so hard? The sooner you accept the reality of the situation the sooner you can improve it.

>> No.9779099

Except that IQ is currently INCREASING among non-whites. The gap is closing, you retard. It's called the Flynn effect. In a century there won't be an IQ gap.
And then...all this race nonsense will become utterly irrelevant. Because then retards like you can't claim that blacks are inherently dumb.
Time is running for your pseudoscience. Enjoy it while it lasts.

>> No.9779100

But they said IQ can't change

>> No.9779102

Model assumes linear correlation
Model assumes source snps as only factor for iq, not cited in paper
Model assumes non random correlation
Model does not attempt to examine score vs iq or pose any direct scrutiny, instead implies unsound conclusions (biologist_discovers_calculus.gif)
Article uses anecdotal arguments

>> No.9779103

Iq cannot rise by definition, take a stats class

>> No.9779105

This is generational, AND IQ can vary...in childhood.
The nonwhite children of today are smarter than the nonwhite children of last generation.

>> No.9779106

Someone with an 80 IQ is a danger to society due to how mindlessly impulsive they would be.

>> No.9779108

>intelligence can be raised
Lol get of this board, its all DNA and nothing you can do can change that.

>> No.9779110

NO its decreasing actually because more stupid shitskins are being born everyday than smart ones you can look at fucking Black America to see this.

>> No.9779114

I never said that it can be raised. It can be LOWERED by poor education.
And each generation has a higher "floor" of IQ scores. Instead of the ceiling of IQ scores (the smartest of the smart) getting raised, it's that the dumbest of the dumb are getting smarter.
Within a few generations we won't have any retards. Everyone will have an average IQ of like 120, with the same typical genius outliers. This is called the Flynn effect.

>> No.9779118

Except that's literally not supported by research at all.

>> No.9779119


While someone with +120 IQ shows risk of psychopathy which is equally dangerous.


Not him but there's documented proof iodine deficiency/ consumption can affect IQ. The U.S., Europe and China have studies that prove this. You can easily google research on this.

>> No.9779139

Lmao did you just subtly imply that apartheid is the future

>> No.9779145

Racists really like the idea of apartheid and want segregation to come back.

>> No.9779150

Well, Humanity doesn't have race genes. I.e. a set of genes defining a race. And by Mendel's first law I can't see how a intelligence gene would correlate with skin color.

>> No.9779153

OP is obviously a /pol/tard who believes, incorrectly, that race has a biological basis.

>> No.9779154

poor you. The /pol/ pack is here

>> No.9779156

>humanity doesn't have race genes
Citation needed.

>> No.9779160

>proving a negative

>> No.9779173

Skin colour already correlates with other features (eye and hair colour, body ratios and such are the most readily apparent), no immediately apparent reason why it can't correlate with cognitive abilities.
In other words, if I point to the various physical characteristics of a great ape to be correlated with their cognitive inferiority to humans, it's taken as granted. If I apply the same argument to people that appear different from one another, it's grounds to sue me and call me a phrenologist.
I don't even think cognitive abilities are that important on an individual/group level, human societies are remarkably scalable beyond the quality of its components.

>> No.9779174

It's called the null hypothesis.

>> No.9779178
File: 217 KB, 1160x629, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you're saying that instead of trying to increase the int of black people, the status q is to lower that of the white and asian folks?

>> No.9779183

Except that we know that there isn't a correlation between race and intelligence. There's been research conducted. Peer-reviewed research.

>> No.9779186

are you fucking retarded? 100 is the average for whites, its not the global average.
global average iq is diminishing, whites and east asians are having less children while africans and arabs are having 5+ children each.
in addition to the birth inbalance, there has been studies that show the average iq in western countries are also diminishing, as many programs we have now have a dysgenic effect, where we are paying single mothers and low income people to have children.
you don't even need to be proficient at maths and stats to figure this out.

>> No.9779190

You're the retard. The global IQ average is actually rapidly INCREASING.

>> No.9779201

same website as u linked:
us army asvad score declining
lynn on eugenics and dysgenics

what a fucking retard. you think the global average iq would increase when we have rising african/middle-eastern births while whites/east asians are declining?

>> No.9779212

>he cites the Daily Mail and Richard Lynn
Additionally, you cannot use circular reasoning like this

>> No.9779213


>100 is the average for whites,

Not him but that's wrong, 100 is the mean that was designated by researchers to act as a comparative to different populations for normal distribution. This is why when you renorm IQ tests the mean always goes back to 100. In the U.S. whites were utilized as the proxy for that mean. But more accurately whites (at least American Whites) are 102-103 IQ.

>as many programs we have now have a dysgenic effect

Half true, in studies the genotypical IQ is reportedly lowering. This has been attributed to better healthcare which allows more people to survive supposedly those with slower reaction times. Which is one of the ways cognitive ability is measured in psychometrics. But the phenotypical IQ is rising. This attributed to the Flynn effect involving better nutrition and education (higher literacy/ learning multiple languages is documented to increase plasticity and IQ). Which indicates better memory and efficient processing aka crystal/ fluid intelligence.

The raw global average is decreasing though. But this isn't anything new since populations in different countries have risen and fallen throughout thousands of years.

>> No.9779217

Let me get this straight:
>floor of average IQ range is rising
>ceiling of average IQ range is staying the same

>> No.9779224

Hey guys, I woke up early again this morning.
I have a choice between doing some research in the field of computer architecture and algorithms, or discussing IQ in one of /sci/'s 6 IQ threads. Which should I do?

>> No.9779230

Oh is richard lynn not a reliable source now when he is one of the only scientists who dare delve into this field?
Then how about the same website that ur link came from? Is my link not valid but yours is?
How about the article i linked on declining army scores, gonna comment on that?
Retard learn when you get fked and just stop asking for more.

>> No.9779236

Richard Lynn's methodology is junk.
He's a fraud who blatantly lied about his data sources on multiple occasions. He claimed IQ scores from a school for retarded children in Spain were IQ scores from Equatorial Guinea.

>> No.9779810
File: 42 KB, 465x473, 473153924_182b7a84ab_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See >>9769742
Lynn is a fraud.

>> No.9779838

Not him, but it's probably the only way to prevent an extinction event at this point.

Less "segregation" and more separation, the US balkanizing is not the best solution, but it's the most (though still very unlikely) realistic, as that's likely the only situation where no other countries will condemn them.
Don't get me wrong, if I could find an answer where the US becomes 90% minimum white without separatism, ethnic cleansing or, god forbid, genocide, I would.

>> No.9779964

Yes, I do want apartheid to come back because I don't want to live with other groups of people.

>> No.9779991

Cry harder.

>> No.9779996

"groups of people" is extremely arbitrary my dude. You mean darkies right? You're okay slavs, tumblrinas, and neckbeards, right?

>> No.9780001

Is implusiveness even correlated to IQ? How many stereotypes about intelligence are actually true?

>> No.9780021

cops being retarded cunts, nothing new, name something else

>> No.9780030

It's not just cops. It's judges and juries, as I've pointed out.

>> No.9780033

Slavs would be ok, none of the other ones though.

>> No.9780044

Woah. Sounds like you just wanna persecute people you disagree with, and you need the govt to help you with it, giving them ridiculous power in the process. Idk.

>> No.9780046

People like him have a hateboner for egalitarianism. They will go to any length necessary to make it seem like they're in the right. See, for example, Lynn outright falsifying or lying about data.
They just want to bully people they don't like.

>> No.9780089


>> No.9780090

>because outliers exist in a population, you are retarded!
uh-oh, the prefontral cortex of the negro seems uncapable of statistical understanding independently of the IQ he has.

>> No.9780101

>missing the point THIS bad

>> No.9780106

>I-it's a conspiracy!!!!

>> No.9780112

>truth being swept under the rug is a conspiracy

>> No.9780121

But that's not what's happening.

>> No.9780184

> subtly reminded of racial stereotypes
> subtly
How did the scientists do this? Did they include "nigga solve dis shit" on the papers?

>> No.9780229
File: 957 KB, 1151x2143, Capture+_2018-05-31-15-04-53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always gotta spoon-feed you people...

>> No.9780254

That's just the methodology of one of the four studies they did by the way. The rest of it is in that PDF.