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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 72 KB, 243x207, Tfweveryoneyouknowisabrainlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9763232 No.9763232 [Reply] [Original]

>"Oh hes talking about those ((studies)) again"
>"Math is rules lmfao yolo"
>"Scientism blablabla"
>"Weed is good for u"
>"There are several inteligences, mechanical skills are also innteligence"
>"The sun fills you with vitamine D"
>"There is no race"
>"Statistics should not be taken into consideration when deciding for a course of action"
How can we brainwash the blind mases into worshipping the fundamental truths of our reality, instead of their primitive intuitions?

>> No.9763245

What makes you think that the results of scientific inquiry are fundamental truths?

>> No.9763248
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What are you talking about? Normies FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE

>> No.9763251

But cannabis is good for you.

>> No.9763255
File: 154 KB, 930x926, harm_chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's also certainly less harmless than most other things people put into their bodies.

>> No.9763267

Cite study or begone
Its the most objective type of procedure that i know of

>> No.9763280

That has studies mentioned.
As for respiratory cancers, if you use vaporization of the oils, you get the benefits without the risk.

>> No.9763296

> ecstasy is below cannabis
Hard to believe unless they’re comparing smoking pot every day to rolling once a year

>> No.9763297

Read some of those, makes you dumber and lazier

>> No.9763303
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>Why do normies hate science?
because they dont understand it
and primitive humans instinctively hate anything they dont understand

>> No.9763312

you have a weak mind and body. You are just a human calculator if you cant enjoy tastes of life other than crunching numbers.
You can hate on others for doing something you're too weak to partake in.
Whos in control, you or the weed?

>> No.9763327

>Its the most objective type of procedure that i know of
They're still falsifiable, and more generally subject to further advances in science, so they should never be regarded as "fundamental truths".
best and simplest answer. They've been trained since elementary school to regard "science" as a boring recitation of results taken completely out of context. There's a reason why kids are initially attracted to science because they saw some cool experiment on a video or an exposition - they're seeing it in action.

>> No.9763330

You know nothing about me, yet you assume im a weak human calculator. Away with you fiend, before you soil this thread furthemore

>> No.9763338
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wtf, I hate science now. time to praise based kek

>> No.9763342

Theyre still close enough to benefit the common man. Thus my point still stands

>> No.9763344

That's true, normies "love" science but are illiterate as fuck in science when it comes down to it

>> No.9763355

You know nothing about people who actually can enjoy life and still function, begone calculator, begone, because thats all you'll be.

>> No.9763364

I fucked your mother

>> No.9763380

>beep boop beep

>> No.9763475
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It's hard and I hate math because I dont like to spend days solving exercises to learn a single part
Its full of weird symbols and you have to dedicate yourself 100% to it but there are other disciplines you have to dedicate yourself too and that makes it impossible to learn if you have a social life
Science is full of math and math is bad
I hate math

So you better get that shit away from me you fucking nerd. Go back to your gay notebook

>> No.9763487

Thats what every philosopher dreamed of. Getting 'close enough' to the truth so we can make iPhones.

>> No.9763488


>there is no race

For some1 who claims to "love" science lul. you sure are ignorant of human biology or a full blown racist

>> No.9763508

>he's still in the part of math where he does exercises
Skip that part. I don't even know what a number looks like. I'm a math major

>> No.9763512

normie here and I fucking love science

>> No.9763532

I will confess, i am indeed ignorant on human biology. But a racist i am not. Keep politics on /pol/ please.
I love you frien, just sad youre one of the few exceptions to the general pattern

>> No.9763538

Im thinking more along the like, getting close enough so they stop getting skin cancer from sunbathing, or stop giving alcohol to toddlers to "cure" infections

>> No.9763545

>"Math is rules lmfao yolo"
That is exactly what math is though.

>> No.9763563

In what way?

>> No.9763578

Math is just manipulating symbols according to strict rules.

>> No.9763587

>"There is no race"
Did you really just try to slide this in?

>> No.9763599

You make me angry

>> No.9763610

Why are you so angry?

>> No.9763616

My parents never showed affection

>> No.9763639

The scientific method is the best we have.
It's the most likely version of 'truth' until it can be proven otherwise.
Feelings and political agendas be damned.

>> No.9763643

Those symbols are just a vessel for logic.

>> No.9763647

That explains a lot

>> No.9763648

One of these things is not like the others.

>> No.9763650

Not enough ruthless yet educational beatings m'lad.

>> No.9763666
File: 86 KB, 500x667, 1448672064006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


race is an entirely social construct. there is no scientifical basis for it

for example

>slavs weren't considered white for most of history
>gingers are considered white even thou they usually have features that differentiate them from average "white" persons more than any asian or muslim could ever hope to achieve
>half white half black people are considered racially as being black even thou that makes 0 sense. Obama was thouted as being a black president, which he wasn't, he was half black but no1 said the first half black president

>> No.9763720
File: 423 KB, 1280x982, 1280px-Asiatiska_folk,_Nordisk_familjebok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats a pretty simplistic view you have of race there bud. I suggest you read the sources cited on this wikipedia page,

>> No.9763726

I'd rather talk to normies that dislike science than to those
types that pretend to know shit they actually have no clue about.

>> No.9763730

You can correct them on their misunderstandings. Normies will literally be hostile (overtly or covertly) against you if you try to enlighten them

>> No.9763732


it literally sais that there that race is a social construct

>> No.9763734

I said sources. Not the article. Are you even 18?

>> No.9763739
File: 296 KB, 759x830, racial groups.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are 3 distinct racial groups which an alien from outer space would classify as 3 sub species.
This has been further defined as 4 groups due to Australoid's who left Africa and traveled the coast toward Australia where they were left undisturbed for long enough to diverge though it seems they didn't change much at all compared to other humans. They are the living fossils of an earlier man.

>> No.9763740


are you? im not going to go throw douzens of books and articles cus some 4channer told me to

>> No.9763744

You dont need to read all. Read the recent studies, and/or scout for the best ones. Im trying to help your argument here, maybe you see something i dont

>> No.9763747


you say that like you have some authority but scientists already agree there is no basis for race. did you get that image from /pol? or where?

>> No.9763748

[citation needed]

>> No.9763757


you haven't said anything about my argument. I'm not even sure what your problem with it is, retard.

you don't think race is a social construct?

>> No.9763764
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Everything you learned in your ethnic studies course is bs. Stop discrediting antrophology, you know nothing

>> No.9763772


you're a retard, literally ask any working biologist and then come back to me, fuking idiot

and btw I'm studying CS

>> No.9763774

People like you are the reason Sci makes fun of us

>> No.9763783


sci is full of undergrad morons in case you haven't noticed. this board is posibly worse to actual science than the I fucking love science facebook groups.

If you think race has a basis in biology go write a scientific paper and prove it and get the nobel prize. Because saying that race is not socially constructed is on the same level as saying that evolution isn't real. Have you monkeys actually read a scientific paper in your life? Have you people actualy been a scientific conference or talking to a practicing scientist?

>> No.9763810
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>> No.9763814


yea I'm out of this place. literally filled with racist science denying monkeys

>> No.9763815

Hey man, brainlet here, you seem to really know your stuff.
Can you explain to me why there is a shortage of African American blood donors?
Can an African American donate bone marrow to a non-African American?
Is it because of the social construct?
Please help

>> No.9763820

Why do fat fuck like cutting off their circulation

>> No.9763821

An number is an equivalence class of Cauchy sequences

>> No.9763828


all people, weather black or white or whtaver have one of 4 blood types(0,A,B,AB) so there is no such thing as black blood

Yes you can donate a bone marrow to anyone of any race with the same blood type

You need me to tell you that?

>> No.9763830
File: 88 KB, 650x270, racism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same species
Vid may seem really bizarre but you can jump forward to 1:40

>> No.9763833


>> No.9763835


>> No.9763837


>> No.9763838


>> No.9763841


>> No.9763842


>> No.9763843


bone marrow transplant depend on ethnicity if you can't read, not race. Meaning if you are a white italian you will need a bone marrow from a italian rather than german.

And you can be white or black with the same ethnicity.

>> No.9763844


>> No.9763846


>> No.9763847
File: 262 KB, 1600x1214, Brain-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Intelligence(which is genetic) isn't exactly the norm in modern society.

>> No.9763848


Let me know if you want me to keep going

>> No.9763851


let me know when you learn the difference betwen ethnicity and race

>> No.9763852
File: 8 KB, 348x145, Neotny and chimps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9763854


>> No.9763857


yea i think im waisting my time on this site with the racists and neo-nazis

>> No.9763859

I am asian. Can an asian be a neo-nazi?

>> No.9763860

Yeah we are all members of the national socialist German workers party.
You are wasting your time here, go back to tumblr

>> No.9763862

I'm half Maori, half Scottish, but I'm a neo nazi too because I refuse to accept that blacks, whites and asians are all the same.
Join the club bro.

>> No.9763865

I dont think thats what he is implying.

>> No.9763868

I bet you think there are more than two genders too

>> No.9763870

what do you think he is implying?

>> No.9763893

At risk of derailing the thread, can anyone point me to some actual, scientifically valid studies on the differences or lack thereof between races? Wikipedia told me that races are not considered genetically distinct because there are very few (if any) differences that cannot be explained by cultural or environmental factors but I would like to read further if possible.

>> No.9763907
File: 5 KB, 284x177, dat_jaw_doe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skull shapes, brain capacities, neuron counts, bone densities, gestation periods.
Yes we are all humans but what we are seeing is speciation in action, halted in it's tracks by globalization.
It would be FUCKING ASTOUNDING to suggest that we are all the same considering we did most of our development (thousands of years) in different climates.

>Firstly, the mostly obvious difference is that the Caucasoid top skull has a very flat profile, while the bottom skull is ‘prognathic’, meaning it’s jaws protrude out. Although not obvious from this image, the nose aperture of the Caucasian skull has a narrower triangle shape; with a longer, thinner bony protrusion at the point where the nose comes out from between the eyes (nuchal ridge). Caucasian skulls also posess a nasil sill (unless you see this shown, no explanation will make sense), Asian and African skulls don’t.

>> No.9763909

good old blog posts
the epitome of rigour and validity

>> No.9763911
File: 16 KB, 518x283, Map_of_blood_group_b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Variation in blood type does not correlate with any known geographic or "racial" destribution, however Pic related should make it immediately obvious why a shortage of B type blood exists and why said shortage can be addressed with more donations from African-Americans

>> No.9763915

You can attack the link I posted but it's common knowledge. The skulls have distinct differences.
Do some research and see for yourself.

>> No.9763924

Holy shit, did you just post phrenology at me? The mid 1800's called, they want their debunked academic field back

To actually address your point, all the observable differences are either negligible or explainable via environmental or social factors. To try and categorise humans based on them involves ignoring much more significant factors such as blood type, which is randomly distributed

>> No.9763940

>explainable via environmental or social factors
Same goes for different species of finches or lizards of the Galapagos islands, or anything closely related.
I'm not saying anyone is less human than anyone else, just that we have 3 major racial groups, and a 4th that got frozen in time due to isolation. That's pretty cool, that's diversity.
Only a privileged white fuck leftist like your self would try to tell me I'm the same as you under the skin. I'm not and I don't want to be.

>> No.9763947

Galapagos Finches cannot share blood with black throated Finches, yet any two humans with the same blood type can, regardless of race. The observable differences between geographically isolated humans are either entirely unrelated to genetics or not conistent enough to justify reclassification.
Insulting me will not change the truth.

>> No.9763953

lol, that's one of the carr brothers from the Wichita massacre.
Raped and killed a bunch of white people, forcing them to drive to cash machines to withdraw their money.
Their final murders were a dinner party of young white college students. They stripped everyone, raped the woman in front of their partners, forced some of the men to commit sex acts against each other, killed their dog, then drove them all naked out in the snow and shot them in the head one by one, driving over them with their own SUV afterwards. Amazingly one woman survived and walked for miles naked in the cold while shot in the head and run over. She found help.
She had caught an STD off the blacks which helped convict them.

>> No.9763955

>yet any two humans with the same blood type can, regardless of race
African Americans average around 27% Caucasian DNA. The chances of a match are pretty slim

>> No.9763959


You think people don't notice that you try to incite hate against black people? Yea those people that perpetrated those crimes are human scums. so what? They are not representative of all black.

White people use to lynch black people in the middle of the town under protection of the law. They are not representative of all white people.

>> No.9763964 [DELETED] 
File: 2.45 MB, 320x182, 1490252277575.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really care what people notice, those crimes happened

>> No.9763972
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but those matches do happen

>> No.9763973

Phrenology is not just observing the difference between skulls you fucking mouthbreather.

>> No.9764032

Found the biology denialist

>> No.9764039

You're an S tier brainlet.
Race doesn't exist in the taxonomic sense, but that doesn't mean that we can't define discreet populations on the basis of certain traits.
Oh, people of african descent have a higher chance of developing autoimmune diseases? Better ignore that because it's racist and wrong, even though there's extensive literature about racial population differences.
Social constructionists can suck a big fat dick, and I'll tell you what, it probably won't be asian.

>> No.9764063

Yet despite this blood type matches are quite common between central Africans and eastern Europeans, almost as if blood type does not correlate in any meaningful way with race.

>> No.9764070

I don't use any of those

Why do people do that?

>> No.9764081


It's less about blood and more about bone marrow and stem cells.

We are all humans but with some distinct genetic variations that can be categorized into 4 major groups of which 500 odd ethnicities are made up from.

The only social construct is the indoctrination you received when you went to school.

Neither Blacks nor Asians claim to be the same race as each other or with Whites.

>> No.9764091
File: 574 KB, 1024x1024, 2016-Likelihood-of-finding-a-match_v6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>social construct

>> No.9764092
File: 312 KB, 1278x1651, Black-Bone-Marrow-Infographic2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>social construct.

>> No.9764117

You keep saying this but the truth is that there are no reliable models for your "four races" that don't ignore major shared traits like blood type. It just isn't possible to categorise humans into distinct races in a scientifically rigorous fashion.

>> No.9764124

science fuels arrogant behaviours or/and demeanours.

They really cant help themselves.

"Yes, yes you are fueled by nitric oxide. - Yes yes its true. Shutup. You are dumb." Bla bla bla.


>> No.9764144

ecstasy is very neurotoxic, while cannabis isn´t

>> No.9764146

There are a shitload of scientists who DO say race has a genetic existence, which it obviously does you fucking moron. You're confusing the societal structures built around it for the actual genetic differences.
You're a moron, which makes sense seeing as you study computer science lol

>> No.9764148

Once again, only white liberals make such claims.
Neither Blacks nor Asians consider themselves to be the same as you.
Blacks, Asians, whites and Aborigines are distinctly different- visually, genetically, culturally. We even smell different. We have different hair structure, bone stucture and skull shapes. We originate from distinctly different parts of the Earth.
Different groups of humans developed in different climates for a very long time, hence the diversity.
Skeletal remains can easily be identified by racial grouping by sight alone.

You can alter the meaning of words, muddy the science and circle jerk with your study group as much as you like.
The major races are not going to suddenly become the same.
Nor do they want to.

>> No.9764153

Ethnicity is a subset of race you fucking idiot.
If ethnicity exists, than race HAS TO exist.

>> No.9764160

It was the UN that pushed to end the accepted racial group categorizations in 1950.
This was for purely political reasons.

>> No.9764167


>> No.9764168

>bone marrow transplant depend on ethnicity if you can't read, not race.
Tomato, tomato.

>And you can be white or black with the same ethnicity.
No, you can´t, you utter imbecile. Do you ever think before you write or speak?

>> No.9764172

>It just isn't possible to categorise humans into distinct races in a scientifically rigorous fashion.
Yeah I sometimes confuse white guys for Africans. I'm not sure if my neighbour is Asian either. He may be white.
Good thing we have mitochondrial DNA otherwise I could never tell.

>> No.9764355

I don't know what country you're talking about, but I assume America. Many European countries have pretty great educational systems, and alot of the time they're free. Even look at a poorer country like Poland, the way they teach allows kids to learn at a considerabley faster pace whilst still keeping a high level of subject comprehension. Because of this, you don't see that much retarded shit everywhere other then north america. The key is a good early education, that's it.

>> No.9764482

White? Given that Irish have been described as fair skinned negroes in the past but now are generally considered white I'd like to see what definition you are using.

>> No.9764807


>> No.9765100

>Roids are as physically harmful as alcohol
>Tobacco is less physically harmful than alcohol

>> No.9765136

You actually think that wikipedia will tell the absolute opposite of its sources

>> No.9765142

The genetic variations inside one ethnicity is more frequent than between different ethnicities. Meaning that biologically you can't categorize the humans into races

>> No.9765169

Can't say i get any of this but who javwggsgsbv

>> No.9765662

Not necessarily. Ethnocity can be based on language. Danish people and Swedes are part of the same race but not the same ethnicity. Ethnicity is a social/cultural construct, it's not rigged by genetics, people have to agree on it to exist.

>> No.9765665

Yup, exactly how I feel.
Ethnicity is the social construct, race is not.
Leftists have muddied the waters and switched the meanings of the words, like they do.

>> No.9765936

Race has no basis on taxonomy, though. What we call human races is literally a socio-cultural construction.

>> No.9765939

It may as well be, because it has absolutely no basis reality.

>> No.9765943

>Everyone has eyes, therefore everyone is the same.
That is what your thinking produces. The categories we use to classify humans are arbitrary, as the other anon said its equally valid to say everyone with a different blood type is a different "race" in this sense. Race is obviously important from a social aspect, stop trying to read into it more than it is.

>> No.9765947

Immediately I know you are a retard.

>> No.9765948

Both are social contstructs. By definition ethnicity is how one group defines itself, race is a description of a group made by a separate other group.

>> No.9766128

I'm white.
If I moved to the Congo and lived among the tribes people would I become a negroid?
What if I were adopted by a Chinese family as a baby, would I be Mongoloid?

>> No.9766132

Who do you think has been steering academia in its current direction?
Who do you think is now coming after STEM?

>> No.9766138
File: 99 KB, 900x900, 654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"There is no race"
No-one thinks race doesn't exist at all.

>> No.9766155

Caucasians have round hairs, Asians have oval hairs and Negros have flat hairs. Under a microscope it's flat like public hair. It's also the only human hair that can be felted.

The 4 racial groups also have 4 distinct skull shapes that are immediately identifiable, though the difference between Asian and Caucasian is less profound.
A simple DNA test will establish which race you belong to or how much DNA from each race you have.
To call this a social construct is fucking retarded. You guys are no better than religious nuts.

>> No.9766165

Citation needed

>> No.9766200

"You may be smart, but I have emotional intelligence"

>> No.9767211

I got it wrong. Asians have the round hairs, Caucasians have an oval cross section. Blacks have flat hairs that come from a curved follicle.
The black woman in this video admits race but then throws in the standard nu-science social construction double think so you should be able to watch it without feeling bad.
She links to the relevant scientific papers about hair and race.