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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9760877 No.9760877 [Reply] [Original]

Can some one explain how science has benefitted man at all?

I mean as a species we are arguably less fit, less fecund, and less diverse than we were before the scientific method was widely accepted.

>> No.9760887

I don't know about you, but I'm pretty sure my quality of life is a lot better than I could expect from times before the scientific method was widely accepted.

>> No.9760889

1) completely untrue. technology has dramatically improved childhood nutrition and health, and significantly reduces the chance that the whole species will be wiped out by some kind of disaster
2) genetic fitness will be improved with genetic engineering

>> No.9760891

that fact that your lard ass didn't die after your slag of a mother gave birth to you

>> No.9760896


>> No.9760915

Science has advanced us too much before moral development can catch on. Look around you -- same-sex marriages, promiscuous relationships, feminism etc. This degeneracy although not noticeable, will slow down our progress as a species.

>> No.9760925

Go back to /pol/, incel. No one gives a fuck how you rationalize your lack of sexual activity.

>> No.9760930

It's not sciences fault. It's the fact that our culture hasn't been able to keep pace and so people just fall into a materialistic black hole. Eventually the pendulum will swing and people will realize that it's connections with other people that make you happy, not buying things and we'll get back on course.

>> No.9760957

Lab grown stem cells building ready to transplant organs

>> No.9760962

is this bait
or is OP just a pessimistic nihilist aka faggot

>> No.9760970

>less fit, less fecund

yet somehow average lifespan has increased and birthrate has too. hmmMMMMMMMM

>> No.9761096

Science didnt do any of those things. That was the Jews who did that to us.

They poisoned our air, our water, our food, our culture, our media. Even the genepool is being poisoned by an endless wave of brown immigrants. Jews are behind it all.

Go hang out on /pol/ and the world will make more sense.

>> No.9761101
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>birthrate has too

>> No.9761121


Lifespan yes, birthrate no. Our population numbers has increased because we have lessen the factors that cause infant mortality while lessen the factors that cause elderly deaths. But we have not increased our birthrates nor our ability to have bigger litters either.

>> No.9761126

We are k-stratgist animals high fecundity isn't ideal

>> No.9761212

We tend to live into our 80s now.
Better than dying in our 40s.

>> No.9761226

>Lifespan yes, birthrate no.

Certain events cause birthrate increases, aka booms. You've got to also remember that within the last century the risk of death in childbirth has plummeted.
In 1900 about 850 in every 100,000 live births resulted in the death of the mother in the US.
Now it's like 26, and the US is the worst of the first world countries.
So you sorta have to keep that in mind as well.

>> No.9761230

The unabomber was right, we need to return to nature

>> No.9761232

So what do u suggest, go back to the days of meaningless random death? Oops mosquito but me, time to die of malaria. U talk like ur a tough guy but would be begging for our world if u lived like the good old times for month.

>> No.9761251
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>> No.9761257
