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9758302 No.9758302 [Reply] [Original]

what are some /sci/ approved youtube channels?

>> No.9758310
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>> No.9758472
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>> No.9758492

Quanta Magazine: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTpmmkp1E4nmZqWPS-dl5bg
PBS Infinite Series: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs4aHmggTfFrpkPcWSaBN9g
PBS Space Time: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7_gcs09iThXybpVgjHZ_7g
Sixty Symbols: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvBqzzvUBLCs8Y7Axb-jZew
3Blue1Brown: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYO_jab_esuFRV4b17AJtAw
Mathologer: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1_uAIS3r8Vu6JjXWvastJg

>> No.9758495

Numberphile: https://www.youtube.com/user/numberphile

>> No.9758630

I never really could watch through a full Mathologer video, they feel exausting.
3Blue1Brown is pretty cozy

Since Sixty Symbols and Numberphile are here its probably fair to add
Periodic Videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/periodicvideos

>> No.9758672
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>“Yeah, they do. They do exist. They just don’t exist the way you think they exist. They certainly exist. You may say well dragons don’t exist. It’s, like, yes they do — the category predator and the category dragon are the same category. It absolutely exists. It’s a superordinate category. It exists absolutely more than anything else. In fact, it really exists. What exists is not obvious. You say, ‘Well, there’s no such thing as witches.’ Yeah, I know what you mean, but that isn’t what you think when you go see a movie about them. You can’t help but fall into these categories. There’s no escape from them.”

>> No.9758704


>> No.9758708

What part of this is untrue? Is it seen as annoying how he uses seemingly odd definitions of 'truth', 'real', 'God', etc.? I think what he's saying is true, but maybe he should use different words.

>> No.9758982

I don't really disagree with it either. He's explaining why things that exist as concepts permeate into reality. I just think it's hilarious in the way he said it.

>> No.9759010

More cs related than /sci/ but two minute papers is awesome

>> No.9759013
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Based Wildberger

>> No.9759062

3Blue1Brown is fucking crazy

>> No.9759257

Because he said it. Speech often does not translate well into text.

>> No.9759261

Like in a bad way or,,,?

>> No.9759326
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>what are some /sci/ approved youtube channels?