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9757484 No.9757484 [Reply] [Original]

Redpill me on mangnets.

>> No.9757488

The red side has all the magnet power in it. SJWs don't want you to know this truth.

>> No.9757519

It's just there in the air

>> No.9757522

Magnets made me gay.

>> No.9757527

Then why do the south poles repel?

>> No.9757748

Monopoles exist. The goverent is hiding them to weaponize them.

>> No.9757763
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>> No.9757774
File: 27 KB, 480x240, back-to-pol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Redpill me
GTFO pill-popping /pol/esmoker

>> No.9757804

t. bluepilled

>> No.9757806
File: 26 KB, 922x540, Tesla-Youtube.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Atomic energy aligns and combines to form a vortex in the surrounding luminiferous aether. The mechanism for attract and repel is due to the direction a vortex spins. Two vortices can couple (attract) only when they spin in the same direction. If they don't spin in the same direction, they will repel and resist each other.

>> No.9757827

Mangnets have little penises, womangnets have little vajanyas.

>> No.9757887

What is it about magnets that attracts /x/ so potently?

>> No.9758573

Magnets are not real

>> No.9758576

why do your field lines start and end on S?

>> No.9758581

Replace magnets with fans and you get same properties as magnets.

>> No.9758697

I see this same post and image anytime some one uses certain 4chan terminology.
Is it a bot? Because it would be pretty gay if it was a person just standing by to post it every time.

>> No.9758700
File: 115 KB, 600x808, whenthejuggaloscomemarchingin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not one juggalo joke in this thread.

I don't know to be impressed or disappointed.

>> No.9758810

They start on S and want to join N but at the center they cancel out with those of the opposite magnet (so you need an even number of magnets).

>> No.9758822


>> No.9758824

Magnets made of manganese?

>> No.9758827

>it's just there in the air

>> No.9759483

>I see this same post and image
>but I don't give a shit about the reason for it
...so STFU /pol/ack

>> No.9759639

the reason is obviously angry liberals like yourself, whom he obviously shouldn't give a shit about

>> No.9760079
File: 193 KB, 992x762, 19aef8218bbffb227ab2375a0a395c11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A magnet is a dielectric object. There is no difference between the materials in earth and a magnet other than the alignment and coherency of said materials.

A monopole cannot exist period. All magnets have two poles and must in order to be split and united. Mono=no splitting, no uniting, no anything.

Nobody knows how a magnet works that's why. Except for Ken Wheeler apparently.

<<<Fucking magnets, this is how they work

>> No.9760528

the red side is doing all the work it's just an optical illusion

>> No.9760575

magnets are just the relativistic part of the electric field, sheesh. Also, it can be useful to symmetrize Maxwell's equations by including magnetic currents and (monopolar) charges, although, indeed, no one has ever observed a physical magnetic monopole.

>> No.9760588

>although, indeed, no one has ever observed a physical magnetic monopole.

When you split a magnet what happens? What is in the center of the "poles" on every single magnet? Why does the "center point" (or bloch wall) instantaneously move to pressure equilibrium when a magnet is split? How is as "monopole" magnet supposed to work?


>only the top part of the planet works

>> No.9760645

>"monopole" magnet supposed to work
fully symmetrized Maxwell's equations

[eqn]\nabla \times \vec{E} = -\vec{J}_{mi} - \vec{J}_{mc} - \frac{\partial \vec{B}}{\partial t}[/eqn]
[eqn]\nabla \times \vec{H} = \vec{J}_{ei} + \vec{J}_{ec} + \frac{\partial \vec{D}}{\partial t}[/eqn]
[eqn]\nabla \cdot \vec{D} = \rho_{ei} + \rho_{ec}[/eqn]
[eqn]\nabla \cdot \vec{B} = \rho_{mi} + \rho_{mc}[/eqn]

where the subscript "e" means electric, "m" means magnetic, "i" means impressed free charge/current (ie you put it there), and "c" means conduction free charge/current (ie currents caused by fields).

The magnetic current [math]\vec{J}_{m}[/math] (units V/m^2), and (monopolar) magnetic charge [math]\rho_{m}[/math] (units Webber/m^3) are right there. Physically they don't exist, but you can do a lot of theoretically and practically useful things if you suppose they do exist. For instance, there are a slew of equivalence principles that make life easier if you cast problems in terms of, say, a magnetic current distribution.

>> No.9760659

Take your meds Ken.

>> No.9760660

>Physically they don't exist, but you can do a lot of theoretically and practically useful things if you suppose they do exist.

Golf claps*
Now which Maxwell field equation explains what causes a field?

>> No.9760669

They all do. They all have source terms, namely the currents and charges.

>> No.9760691

>They all do
>Physically they don't exist

On your way, bub

>> No.9760692
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Calm down, guy.

>> No.9760696
File: 46 KB, 677x461, 1512866745472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to be redpilled. Too much cockpilling for you

>> No.9760747

Brainlet here, what's that magnetic current density that you put in Faraday's law?

>> No.9760755

They hold the moon up

>> No.9760810

Just that, magnetic current density, with units of V/m^2. If that's confusing, maybe think of the equations in integral form. It's put there to make the electric and magnetic field essentially mathematically identical.

If you feel uncomfortable with it, take comfort in the fact you can always set these to zero to recover the original equations.

>> No.9760825

Brainlet here, why can't a monopole exist physically, or why haven't any been seen physically?

>> No.9760842

They just dont, if they did it would violate conservation of energy and mean that infinite motion is possible

>> No.9760844

To add, it makes all the math between the fields the same, so you get this duality prinicple, meaning you can convert equations into their duals to derive new equations (for example, the curl and divergence equations in Maxwell's equations I just wrote out). Thus, EM simplifies to solving the same equations for both fields rather than solving nuanced variations of those equations.

Theoretically, it's pretty.

Practically, this is used to do shit like design and predict antenna radiation patterns. For instance, You can well predict an antenna's field anywhere in free space if you know the tangential components of the electric around a volume surrounding the antenna. From there, you can do some magic with boundary conditions to express the electric fields at the surface as being caused by magnetic currents in free space. From there it's easy to figure out the fields (because I know how electric currents radiate and can apply duality as a shortcut to figure out how magnetic currents radiate).

>> No.9760847

>implying the bad half of the planet produces anything of value
you know what half you are

>> No.9760859

no body knows. some theories require or strongly suggest they exist. but the experimental evidence is pretty bleak. it would be helpful if they really did exist, because Dirac showed even a single magnetic monopole would explain charge quantization, but alas it doesn't seem to be the case. I've never heard of a reason why they shouldn't exist, just that we know we haven't found any.

>> No.9760953

m8, if I knew shit about magnetics I wouldn't be having so much trouble figuring out the right core and turns ratio for this flyback converter/forward converter/half-bridge converter (must have changed the topology half a dozen times now) I've been trying to build.

I sort of understand magnetic saturation and permeability but idk what I need for high power switching converters, I though higher permeability would be better for higher power but the core ends up saturating easier and you need air gaps and shit... FUCK. Then there's shit I have no fucking clue about like remanence, reluctance, coercivity, susceptibility, among other terms that are meaningless to me. Then there's DCM and CCM and whichever you pick completely changes the design then if you're designing a flyback converter you treat the transformer as two coupled inductors and the inductance matters for some fucking reason but if you're doing a forward converter or half bridge the transformer is a transformer and the inductance doens't fucking matter.

Magnetism is a confusing heap of shit.

>> No.9761034

This is the real form of an electron. The opposite is the form of the proton. Don't let the government hide it from you any longer.

>> No.9761057

Electrons arent real, the goverment has been hiding the ether model from us for years. things are actualy made of diffrent ethers

>> No.9761233

mangnets > magnets

Imagine if we all switched to using mangnets.

>> No.9761268

How about chick magnets? Is my goatee a chick magnet? How about my fedora?

>> No.9761271


>> No.9761466

because magnets siphons ether (aka "magnetic field"). they suck on one side and push on other side.

>> No.9761548

>tfw I have Electromagnetism final in 3 hours
>tfw this thread fucked up my knowledge and now I may fail

>> No.9761784

You were doomed to fail if this screwed you up.

>> No.9762055

>here, why can't a monopole exist physically, or why haven't any been seen physically

Angular momentum. The flow of aetheric current goes in one direction due to its vortex nature.

>> No.9762081

ether aren't real, the government is hiding the mantra model from us for years. things are actually made of mantras