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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 238 KB, 650x654, obitaemy-ostrov-bashta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9757370 No.9757370 [Reply] [Original]


He People. I think that Sovet Science Documentaries are the best.
The Science in USSR was very imortant (to fight against USA-Religion) and they had a Plan-System without free market and populismus in TV. The Plan was to made people good educated and bring high culture and moral to the nation.

I have made English subtitles (my english is poor, but you will understand the meaning) for one Video about Theory of Relativity.
There is also a lot of. Also to the Quantum Mechanics.

I think Discovery and National Geographics overdo they science documentaries with populism, so that even the most stupid redneck will understand.
But there is no more science.

What do you think?
Thank you in Advance.

Like shearing cultures.


>> No.9757382
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[url] https://youtu.be/7aEBF5rt9-M [=url]

>> No.9757389

fuck off commie

>> No.9757391

i am not commie
its stupid to think in caterogies: all was bad, all was good.
this kind of black white thinking is typical for not educated people.

>> No.9757397
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>> No.9757401
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ah ja... i am from Germany, and we think that americans are not more smart in average as russian. the same rednecks like any other

>> No.9757515


>> No.9757572

>to fight against USA-Religion
fuck off reddit

>> No.9757576
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>> No.9757621
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Also Results from this day: A lot of views, but most of people drop the video at the beginning.

Possible reasons:
- Black White Video; no HD
- No comparison what the black hole is greater in the expression of the number of American football stadiums
- No the spatial curved grid in 3D with Sun in middle, which should show it "LIKE A 4-D SPACE TIME"
- Nothing sayed about Hubble and Shuttle etc.

I will work on it, guys : )))

>> No.9757634

Good luck to you man and i hope you keep up the effort but the majority of people who even watch documentaries would rather watch black science man DESTROY religion via spaceship than watch soviet black and white docus.

>> No.9757649

May be the people, who want to understand and not to have just @WOW WOW WOW effect@

Do you really believe, that majority has no future and will be in all time so stupid like always was?

>> No.9757685

But its true.
USA have big problems wth religion. Religion make people more stupid and blocks critical thinking.

Religion is more dangerous as hard drugs like meth. I make slaves from people.
Its really bad.

>> No.9757966

Look at this great Soviet science

>> No.9757989

>I think Discovery and National Geographics overdo they science documentaries with populism, so that even the most stupid redneck will understand.
These programs are made with the same purpose as any other marketable TV show: they need to give it some "wow" factor while the actual content is shallow, not requiring any mental process whatsoever from the viewer. Pure spectacle.

...which even the Soviets themselves didn't really agree with:

>In 1940, Lysenko became Director of the Institute of Genetics within the USSR Academy of Sciences, where he used his political influence and power to dismiss Mendelian genetics as “bourgeois science” and “pseudoscience”. Yet, even Stalin was not convinced of Lysenko's scientific and political claims. Stalin removed all mention of “bourgeois biology” from Lysenko's report, The State of Biology in the Soviet Union, and in the margin next to the statement that “any science is based on class” Stalin wrote, “Ha-ha-ha!! And what about mathematics? Or Darwinism?”
>In the end, Lysenko's politically inspired purge of Mendelian genetics backfired, and in the early 1960s prominent Soviet physicists began to openly criticize his fraudulent research and behaviour.

>> No.9758008
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>> No.9758064
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>> No.9758112

to stupid trolling

>> No.9758118
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Just read this, idiot

>> No.9758151

Why anything socialism-related triggers normies so much? And why their reasoning always so anecdotal and stupid?
Is it the result of jewish brainwashing?

>> No.9758161

>...which even the Soviets themselves didn't really agree with:

So since Stalin disagreed with Lysenko on a single point, his support of Lysenko's takeover of Soviet agriculture and biology can be ignored. The fact that only Lysenkoism was taught in the USSR for decades, and dissenters were imprisoned and executed for decades can be ignored. Yes clearly the Soviets didn't *really* agree with it despite giving Lysenko a ruthless monopoly over science. You are delusional.

>> No.9758177

Maybe you should learn history.

>> No.9758208

>Learn history from propaganda and anecdotal evidences.

Unlike you I actually studied history. To really understand events you must know historical context and who were these people, how and under what circumstances they comes to power.

Soviet terror is not one man's mistake. Stalin is not mythical evil guy responsible for everthing.

>> No.9758393

this video's pretty comfy actually
good explanation
russians are smart.
no wonder their president chooses our country's leaders

>> No.9758427


Stalin did everything for political reasons. He installed Lysenko because he thought there would be some political advantage in it, not because he either understood or cared about the crackpot science Lysenko was promoting.

>> No.9758438


However it is deeper than jews, judaism and its derivative texts are the control system to steer above average IQ populations towards greater goals unknown to them by a deeper shadow religion

>> No.9758457
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>the hole left by the Christian dark ages

>> No.9758458

>y-axis: "scientific advancement"
>source: my ass

>> No.9758461

Based documentary

>> No.9758474


soviet russians were no fan of jews actually

>> No.9759112
File: 26 KB, 400x400, _y9j1InT_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you trying to tell me the dark ages didn't leave a hole there?

>source: my ass
Source: for example Wettenhovi-Aspa's studies on how the Egyptian culture is of Finnish origin.

>> No.9759202

>believing in fedora propaganda

>> No.9759212

Actually I have read something Americans may not even know existed (excluding the Bible), books.

>> No.9759248

Yes, I'm sure you read all of Dawkins, Harris, Black Science Man, and Bill Nye's books but >>>/reddit/ is that way.

>> No.9759330
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Picture from russian religion Ritual

>> No.9759331

No. I have read no books from any of those, nor do I use Reddit.

>> No.9759332

You watch that shit with subtitles?

Soviet science isn't science at all, from their political ideology to the very basics of science itself.

Almost all the academics suffered under the Soviet regime: Pavlov himself told Stalin to go fuck himself.

Look up Lysenko and how he caused famine because he rejected evolution. Soviet Science? Don't make me laugh.

>> No.9759371
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Can you remind me who invented:
1. Tokamak
2. Gravitation Wave Detector
3. Finite Element Method
and a lot of another fundamental basic ideas....?
ah ja. Soviet Regime.

You have heard one story about Lysenko and now running with this in thread like chicken with egg.

>> No.9759374

>Hur dur communism and atheism are the same thing

>> No.9759377

the regime itself didn't make the film

>> No.9759387
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>> No.9759396

Exactly. This topic is not about soviet regime, but about good not populistic Documentaries.

show red color to a bull
and he cant see anything more around

please stop this shit people
be complex
open mind
think, please

>> No.9759448

1. Soviets persecuted scientists and embraced pseudoscience for political reasons
2. ???
3. Therefore Soviet science is great

>> No.9759450

>Soviet Regime.
No, the Soviet Regime didn't invent anything, maybe it were Russians living under the Soviet regime who did.
There is quite a large difference there, you are conflating things which don't belong together.

>> No.9759544
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>> No.9759607

>Source: for example Wettenhovi-Aspa's studies



>> No.9759667
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Only your (((official))) truth is acceptable?

>> No.9759749

Frankly I think you're trying to mesh two interests of yours in a naive but admirably optimistic way. The Soviets were not especially good for science, but it doesn't seem like you're particularly interested in hearing that. It seems, rather, that you've already made up your mind, mashed those two things together, and are really looking for affirmation, which you will not find much of here.

>> No.9760002

agree. regime was shit.

>> No.9761878

/sci/ should have a futurism general imho

>> No.9761929

I'm watching it and it's very charmant but dude you confirm every cliché by treating a video that is almost as old as my grandparents like it's news...

have you ever seen national geographics documentaries from back in the days? they are similar to your video, if not better produced.

and what about today? is it even allowed to broadcast documentaries of western science nowadays?...

don't devalue someone elses work if you can't do better

>> No.9762000

Ah you must still be under aged, you it's strange oh what sort of thought processes people go through in their lives. Eventually you'll settle on the fact that while religion itself may not be true it is necessary to keep the moral and cohesion of society.

>> No.9762027

I enjoyed the video

>> No.9764126
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I'm not scientist and dont want go there, where I dont understand.
I would do better from my field of work.
I plan bridges. What are you interested in? About what to tell? I dont think, that it can be so interesting for anyone.

I criticize the way how they put information and deficit of details, that needed to understand the idea, and also populism.

If i see this american hollywood style documentaries, then i have i feeling, that they repeat the thing 5 times, and show just beutiful 3d Graphics, and tell some stories about people... but they dont explain anything. All Information, that they put to 60 minutes documentary can be told in 2 minutes (google for "kurzgesagt". Thus guys are really cool!!! and they do it without tausend dollars, that recieve this big channels like Discovery).

>> No.9764134


>> No.9764165

Why do people talk about religion in /sci/ threads? Is religion considered science?

>> No.9764234

what a fucking cringey picture, i love it how "evil land" is just some random alley that doesnt look too bad its just a bit filthy and has a wall that says fuck you IM SORRY LIBERALS IM SORRY IF READING FUCK YOU HURTS YO FEELINGS, and the little kidd steps on books , not reads because you cant ask that from a liberal, to see some kind of bullshit magic land with a giant moon that is obviously about to collide with earth because it could not have a stable orbit with that mass and that distance, a shitty XIX century romantic interpretation of a medieval castle were surely an evil monarch lives who surely rapes those freaky human butterfly hybrids that are seen escaping finally to freedom, he keeps his population in such a shitty state that even tough he has a rocket ship (which hes using to escape the impending moon disaster) even other wealthy citizens are stuck in industrial revolution age technology and are riding around in fucking hot air ballons and wooden sailships.

So basically the message is, liberals cant cope with reality so they will misuse books to try to delude themselves into a fantasy land because theyre too chicken to do hard drugs

>> No.9764251


>> No.9764370

What a fucking idiot you are.

He posts a video about special relativity, and your ignorance sends you into a flurry. I'm lead to believe you've never even taken a modern physics class. High-schooler confirmed.

>> No.9764376

As a Mexican studying in America, even we think Americans are dumber than us. Though we have many native peoples bringing our scores down, certainly the average American is dumber than the average Mexican middle class. Fuck these people.

>> No.9764394

>modern analysis
>set theory

>> No.9764405

socialism is a result of jewish brainwashing tho

>> No.9764407

This. When I was around 11 I loved watching this bullshit popsci because I was just fascinated with the CGI. I didn't learn a single. fucking. thing. Popsci needs to fuck off.

>> No.9764531

>white people invent stuff 1000BC-600AD
>browns attack and destroy white civilization for a thousand years
>white people finally recover from mud people attacks
>civilization resumes

blaming Christianity...

>> No.9764551

>jews against money
every time
you need to understand the difference between socialism and so called "left" ideas

>> No.9764901
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: )

Why you and some people in the world are so angry in their souls?

this picture says only: if you read and is smart, that you are interested for more "human" and "high" and "important" things as just be redneck (fuck,eat, trink, produce stupid content).

>> No.9764913
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I do not like Russians and Americans (on average, but not every single person)
because they think that they are better like other nations
patriots of their "great empires" are stupid people

>> No.9764922
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same story bro
at 16 i have understtod
at 8 understtod that there is no christian god (may be programmer like matrix)

how somebody can be more that 20 and cant understand this primitive things?

>> No.9764972

oh geez i guess the bolsheviks aren't jews anymore now

>> No.9766276
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>> No.9766301


im a dual citizen and incredibly disenfranchised, both sides hate me and i cant see my self living in russia or america desu.

feeling pretty bad right now

>> No.9766315
File: 69 KB, 850x400, asd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come to germany bro
we say, welcome to people

>> No.9766318


id love to but no money currently and i don’t wanna get stabbed by a refugee, or is that all memes?

>> No.9766324

refugee from usa .. lol
and you give as a reason "Trump is not my president"

will be funny

i dont know how to come to EU. only if you have work, purpose. may be good way is to start studing at univercity or take part on some international programms