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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9751142 No.9751142 [Reply] [Original]

>The African introgression hypothesis suggests that Late Pleistocene Neanderthal mtDNAs originated through gene flow from an African source8, which we constrain taking place more than ∼270ka
>Under this demographical model, the Denisovan mtDNA type was common among early Neanderthals in Eurasia (for example, Sima de los Huesos) and was then largely replaced by an introgressing African mtDNA that evolved into the Late Pleistocene Neanderthal mtDNA type
>While the upper bound for the time of this putative gene flow event would be the divergence time between Neanderthal and modern human mtDNAs, here dated to 413ka (95% HPD 468–360ka

Africans entered Eurasia 217,000+ years ago, and their mtDNA completely replaced the old neanderthal mtDNA, and later African humans supposedly bred with these mutts again to produce the 1-4% neanderthal ancestry.

This means that the pre-270Kya neanderthal autosomal genome was also impacted, such that post-270Kya neanderthals could carry derived alleles from humans. The accretion model predicts this transition;

>According to the accretion model (9, 45), changes along the sequence of the Western Eurasian clade mostly resulted from a shift in the frequency of non-metrical features already occasionally observed in early MP large-brained European hominins.*
>Eventually, these features were fixed in late H. neanderthalensis, primarily through a process of drift and random fixation. In parallel, changes in the cranial architecture occurred in relation to a growing degree of encephalization.
>This increase in the degree of encephalization, like the reduction of the posterior dentition, likely resulted from selective pressures similar to those at work in the lineage leading to H. sapiens

>> No.9751206
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Neanderthals displayed the ancestral, non-D MPCH1 allele;

>from Neanderthal individual from Mezzena Rockshelter (Monti Lessini, Italy)
>We show that a well-preserved Neanderthal fossil dated at approximately 50,000 years B.P., was homozygous for the ancestral, non-D, allele
>certainly shows that speculations on a possible Neanderthal origin of what is now the most common MCPH1 haplogroup are not supported by empirical evidence from ancient DNA

However, at 50kYBP, this neanderthal is post-African mtDNA contribution. Modern sub-Saharan Africans predominantly display the ancestral form of MCPH1;

>Instead, our data are consistent with a model of population subdivision followed by introgression to account for the origin of the D allele
>the lineage leading to modern humans was split from another Homo lineage, and the two lineages remained in reproductive isolation for ≈1,100,000 years
>At or sometime before ≈37,000 years ago, a (possibly rare) interbreeding event occurred between the two lineages, bringing a copy of the D allele into anatomically modern humans
>Furthermore, the worldwide frequency distribution of the D allele, exceptionally high outside of Africa but low in sub-Saharan Africa (29), suggests, but does not necessitate, admixture with an archaic Eurasian population

H. heidelbergensis emerged about 700kYBP, and the derived MCPH1 allele dates to 1250YBP. The human-neanderthal/denisovan split occured roughly 1000kYBP;

>It represents a hitherto unknown type of hominin mtDNA that shares a common ancestor with anatomically modern human and Neanderthal mtDNAs about 1.0 million years ago

A hypothesis can be presented; a proto-Denisovan emerged in Asia over 1250kYBP, who possessed the derived MCPH1 allele.

>> No.9751217
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Which makes the following facts even stranger;

>Long, gracile pelvic pubis (superior pubic ramus)

>Minimum width of pubic superior ramus
>Men = 21.1-8.1mm
>Women = 19.3-7.1mm

The superior pubic ramus is wider in males than in neanderthals;

>This view also exposes an extremely
large subpubic angle (110degrees), even greater in this male specimen than in most modern fe-male pelvises
>The superior pubic ramus, as part of
the region, is, indeed, very long and slender
>As such, it is identical both in size and shape
of its cross section with other classical Nean-
derthals and markedly different from the
short stubby ramus seen in modern H sapi-
>The un- usual sexual dimorphism in the Neanderthal ramus discussed by Rosenberg (1986b)(longer in the male than in the female

>> No.9751291
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What this implies is that by two measures, the neanderthal pelvis was more feminine than a human pelvis.

On top of that, we have an inversion of a typical male-female pelvis measurement - male neanderthals had longer superior pubic rami than females. This means that the male neanderthal pelvis was more feminine by modern standards than the female neanderthal pelvis.

However, neanderthals had a less curved spine. In contrast, Denisovans and modern humans are ancestral in terms of hyperlordosis, whereas neanderthals were derived;

>Among the derived non-synonymous changes seen on the Neandertal lineage, but that are ancestral in Denisova and present-day humans, the only significantly enriched phenotypic term is “hyperlordosis

If neanderthals had a more feminine pelvis and inherited Denisovan mtDNA before African mtDNA replacement, we can suggest that Denisovans shared the neanderthal pelvis while also displaying a lordotic spine. This is justified, as the single Denisovan finger bone discovered was rounded like a neanderthal's.

This excess lordosis was the original state of the spine;

>The implications are quite profound. Since apes exhibit the opposite change of lumbar column reduction (Fig. 2), the demonstrably more lordotic column in Australopithecus than occurs even in most H. sapiens

Neanderthal admixture in modern humans could explain the loss of this extreme lordosis.

>> No.9751309 [DELETED] 

So are blacks inferior to whites or what? What's the point of this thread?

>> No.9752941

does that mean that neanderthal males prefered african females over their own?

>> No.9754339


>> No.9754369 [DELETED] 
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>>9751309 I mean of course they are, nearly all races in Eurasia have looked down on the Negroid genus of ape and for good reason.

Also "Africans" as we know them today didn't exist 217,000 years ago. That was merely a common ancestor and or a completely different hominid species.

>> No.9754372

you are actually an idiot
you literally got banned posting your dumb images and you're going to get banned again

>> No.9754380
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>>9754372 I've never used the term "nigger", and that image is within the realm of science other wise known as osteology.

>> No.9754382

so the ban reason was you said nigger?

>> No.9754388 [DELETED] 
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>>9754382 I guess, that and I posted derogatory pictures show casing the negroid's natural state of being.

>> No.9755623

/pol/'s obsession with Africans is almost uncanny. Like actual mental illness.

>> No.9755658

To be fair, the number of Africans in the world is growing exponentially.

>> No.9755661

we need super ebola + AIDS now

>> No.9755687

Wait, so Native Americans have a high average of 102? So the noble savage is real?

>> No.9755691

indians = pajeets

>> No.9755692

The idea that two functionally different species of humans existed at one point pretty much shoots a hole in evolution.

>> No.9755694

It says "US. Indians".

>> No.9755696


>> No.9755702

the idea that 2000 functionally different species of birds exist pretty much shoots a hole in evolution.

>> No.9755706

The idea that inter-species breeding doesn't exist pretty much shoots a hole in evolution. What more guaranteed way does one species have to introduce new and beneficial features than to breed with a species that already has those features?

What if bestiality is only illegal cause there really isn't an arbitrary restriction on inter-species mating and the government doesn't want us to know about lizard people aka people who bred with lizards.

>> No.9755825

America belongs to Amerindians the same as europe belongs to europeans. Time to get replaced, subhuman.

>> No.9756736

>people in countries with functional education systems are better at making tests
:) wow man such great research

>> No.9756865

The IQ tests are dubious just like the tests to prevent black people from voting