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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 197 KB, 1000x622, This_is_Fine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9749822 No.9749822 [Reply] [Original]

What will be the long term effects of the Kilauea Eruption?

>> No.9749830

cool thread

>> No.9749950

bumb for life

>> No.9749978

Some people's homes will be ruined

>> No.9750024

Some places in Hawaii won't be fine for a while.

>> No.9750387

A few volcanic eruptions release more green house gasses than mankind has ever released.

Liberal extremist progressive scientist declare WE are responsible for global climate change and we need to impoverish ourselves as punishment.

>> No.9750716
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I just want a thread about the eruption without /pol/'s retarded IT'S HAPPENING!! posts so this is now Kilauea/volcanology general

>> No.9750718
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>> No.9750722
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>> No.9750732
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>> No.9750734
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>> No.9750739
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>> No.9750743
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>> No.9750748
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>> No.9750750


>> No.9750753
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>> No.9750757

cool ass pic

>> No.9750759
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>> No.9750761
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>> No.9750763
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most recent USGS map of the fissure zone

>> No.9750768
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thermal imaging of the fissures from 2 days ago; again, the most recent one published by USGS. the most recent fissure count is 22 this morning, based on local news.

>> No.9750771
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statement from the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory basically telling /pol/ "it's not fucking happening you retards, piss off"

>> No.9750775
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direct link to the USGS HVO site: https://volcanoes.usgs.gov/observatories/hvo/

>> No.9750781
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the explosive activity at the summit has stopped, but volcanologists expect it to resume at any time.

>> No.9750796

On a global scale, not much.
The Hawaiian Islands, beginning with their bases far below the surface of the Pacific , are entirely built from the lava of previous eruptions.
Current events are just a drop in the bucket.

>> No.9750815

yeah but it's cool though. a dike of magma making its way to the surface, offgassing like crazy, and erupting lava at random. in the past Kilauea has formed new vents during eruptive episodes, but nothing like this. one thing I thought was really cool was that this is happening where no previous fault had been mapped or suspected.

>> No.9750833

Is that splattered lava all around that person?

Follow up question, is that person fucking insane?

>> No.9750839


>> No.9750844

yes, and she's a volcanologist.
as I recall, this was like a day after this fissure ended its eruptive phase though. so far, most fissures open, spatter some lava, and then resume emitting huge volumes of gas. however, a few have had lulls in activity, and then picked back up, erupting more lava. that's currently happening now at the fissures toward the NE end.

>> No.9750870
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so as a retarded civil engineer I cant help but wonder why the rich faggots who own nice houses there arent building simple 5 foot soil berms around their property. It would probably keep your land safe from most of the flows im seeing in these pictures.

>> No.9750907

probably cause it looks bad, and there is always the likelihood of the fissure opening on your property so what's the point. Plus the lava could have the force to just break through them depending on how they're made.

>> No.9750919

The icelandic vulcanic eruption a few years ago had a net negative carbon output because it grounded a lot of air traffic. European air travel emits more carbon in a week than a giant vulcanic eruption. So fuck off with your bullshit and learn some science.

>> No.9750925

too much expense vs how effective it would be. there would be a very, very slim margin whereby the berm would actually be effective at stopping a flow that would endanger the structure if the berm didn't exist. if the flow were any weaker, the structure wouldn't be in danger anyway, any stronger, and the berm is useless.

>> No.9750950

looks like detroit right now.

>> No.9750954

I still think it's weird that magma contains both oxidized and reduced sulfur gasses, and that they react to form elemental sulfur at the mouths of fumaroles.

>> No.9751258
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updated map

>> No.9751292
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>live in a desert
>complain about not having water

>live in Canada
>complain about cold winters

>live on an active volcano island chain
>complain about lava

>live in Detroit

>> No.9751301
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Thankfully, lava isn't that sticky nor wet so it doesn't conduct heat very well. It is also crusty and not overly hot, unlike say molten steel is hot. Getting hit with lava splatter wouldn't be nearly as bad as molten steel splatter (which I've been hit by a few times). You'd still enjoy some burns though.

The Home Owner's Association won't allow it.

It shouldn't be made to stop it. It should only direct it around important stuff.

>> No.9751366

>It shouldn't be made to stop it. It should only direct it around important stuff.

in that case, a culvert around the property would be a better bet. look at this map >>9751258 notice how the lava flows follow the steepest paths down terrain?

>> No.9751466

Not much. Do you realise this isn't the only volcano that is in the process of erupting right now?

>> No.9751556

you can totally see a house that was intact here:
is completely engulfed and burning here:

and that other swimming pool is about to turn into a hot tub

>> No.9751560

if I'm not mistaken, that was fissure 8, which had the greatest volume of lava extrusion prior to fissure 17. that second house is absolutely under a few meters of basalt by now.

>> No.9751563

this is a good stream for raw footage of the eruption: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SEcLitBiGhY

>> No.9751975

>How fucked are we?
What do you mean by "we", Peasant?

>> No.9752511
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fissure 17 appears to be forming a cone where the majority of lava is erupting, but still has explosive releases of gas+lava spattering in the fissure to the SW of the cone

>> No.9752521

somewhat indirectly related but any geos care to provide a quick explanation as to why theres a hot spot in the middle of the pacific plate. its similar but different than the midatlantic ridge

>> No.9752531

what is plume

>> No.9752547

why there? whats the theory

>> No.9752552

>molten steel splatter (which I've been hit by a few times
You genuinely need to make better life choices

>> No.9752583

She could be both.

>> No.9752588

>What will be the long term effects of the Kilauea Eruption?

Hawaii will be imperceptibly larger. That's pretty much it.

>> No.9752593

whatever kind of monkey that is, it's based fuck

>> No.9752635

>I saw a picture that had a funny joke in maybe if I repeat it i will be funny and it will cause a post chain.

>> No.9752836

fissure 20 is fucking going off: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SN4ai47iNOE

>> No.9752858

If you wish to stand in front of an active lava flow with a shovel and build a berm, be my guest.

With all the sulfur dioxide the eruption is kicking out, you might want to take along an air supply as well.

Won't do a damn thing if a lava bomb lights the foliage on fire though.

>> No.9752870

That house is already burning in the first pic, you can see it through the smoke at the top half-left

>> No.9752894

>is that person fucking insane?
Yes, us geologists are insane

>> No.9752936
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here we go boys, summit is active again

>> No.9752965

Invasive haole scumbags DESTORYED

>> No.9752995

>A few volcanic eruptions release more green house gasses than mankind has ever released.

Wrong. Humans release ~25 gigatons of CO2 annually. All volcanic eruptions annually worldwide release ~0.2 gigatons combined.

>> No.9752997

>Beginning yesterday and continuing overnight, the rate of lava eruption has increased. Fountaining is occurring at Fissure 17, and Fissures 16-20 have merged into a continuous line of spatter and fountaining. Flows from the consolidated Fissure 20 crossed upper Pohoiki road late yesterday afternoon and continued flowing southward. This morning, the wide flow is very active and is advancing at rates up to 300 yds per hour. A second flow from the same fissure complex is also flowing southward between Pohoiki and Opihikao Rds. The lava flow from Fissure 18 continues to advance more slowly. Fissure 17 and its flow are still active but the flow is advancing even more slowly. It is unknown whether the flows will continue to advance, or stop, and new lava flows are likely given the rate of activity seen at the rift zone.

>Magma continues to be supplied to the lower East Rift Zone; however, the GPS instrument near Pu`u Honua`ula is no longer moving suggesting that the rift zone is no longer inflating in this area. Elevated earthquake activity continues, but earthquake locations have not moved farther downrift in the past couple of days.

>> No.9753012

Berms don't really work against lava flows because the lava will solidify if it stays still, and since it's being forced up from underground it will essentially fill up then overflow its own barriers.

If a lava flow encounters a berm it will stop. The perimeter of the flow will solidify. More lava is force up from underground but now flows on top of the old flow. If the berm is tall enough it will run up against it and solidify again. This process will repeat, adding ten feet to the flow's height every few hours until it reaches the top of the berm and starts to flow over. Now that the lava can keep moving it doesn't solidify, and the flow can rapidly gain ground from here. It usually takes less than 24 hours for a flow to overwhelm a berm built 20 feet high or so. That's enough time to evacuate people and relocate expensive equipment for example, but it will not stop the lava from going where it's gonna go.

>> No.9753013

holy shit lads https://volcanoes.usgs.gov/observatories/hvo/multimedia_uploads/multimediaFile-2058.mp4

>> No.9753016

I don't complain about Canadian winters, shits cozy as fuck and keeps the brown people away

>> No.9753031

Problem with the culvert is that the lava will solidify on all sides and choke the flow rapidly. As the culvert effectively narrows the flow rate decreases (lava is incredibly viscous and usually has a lot of partially solid material in it), and as the flow rate decreases the solidification speeds up. I wouldn't be surprised if a ten foot diameter culvert was completely choked off by lava in several hours. Also, only the lava flowing directly into the entrance to the culvert would go through it; lava does not drain like water, it can't move fast enough. instead the effect overall would be to slightly slow down the advancing wall of lava for a few hours.

>> No.9753035

>lava isn't that sticky
Lava is very sticky, it's like honey or molasses but over 800 degrees C. Steel is not sticky at all on the other hand, as a liquid it beads off of everything and as a solid it's obviously just hot metal.

>> No.9753237

Fissure 20 is best fissure...

>> No.9753241

They no longer have a story?

>> No.9753255
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So, it's taking that lava about 2.5 seconds to fall, meaning (9.81 m/s^2) * (2.5 s) ^2 = 61.3 m = 201 ft.

Btw, what the fuck is that terrifying snorting sound in the background?

>> No.9753420
File: 49 KB, 3437x1550, Volcanism vs. Anthropogenic CO2 emissions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

false. Absolutely false.

>> No.9753425

Humans release 150x the co2 of volcanoes each year. Fuck off Reagan.

>> No.9753878

>Volcanic yearly average has been the exact same for 250 years.
Spotted the bullshit fake graph.

>> No.9753954
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So basically what's happening is that the "slump" is cracking and separating from the main landmass which will lead it to slipping into the ocean causing mass destruction, right?

>> No.9753978
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>volcanic emossions a straight line for the past 250 years

>> No.9754133

Some guy apparently got his leg obliterated from lava bomb. Kinda morbidly curious to see what lava actually does to someone

>> No.9754150

snap crackle pop

>> No.9754224
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>> No.9754225
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>all them drawfriends

And I thought /pol/ didnt have fun

>> No.9754229
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Come on in /sci/ the water is fine!

>> No.9754387
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Note the type of respirator she is using. That is a commonly used respirator, you can get them from home depot. It looks like a 3M pro. But, you can't just use any old respirator cartridge for any old job. Most people who use respirators don't realize their cartridges can and should be swapped out to protect from different types of hazards.

I don't like 3M because all of their cartridge color coding appears pink because that is their code for the HEPA filter cartridge. But the HEPA comes stock on their filters for most other vapors So, most of the cartridges are pink on the outer side to code for HEPA. Other brands change the overall color of the cartridge based on the vapor types you are protecting against, and they don't code for HEPA, as that is pretty much stock. For example, I used to use one for aldehydes and the chole cartridge was color-coded tan, HEPA included.

But, if you look carefully at the interior part of the 3M cartridge, that is white. A pink/white 3M cartridge is for acid vapors, like you would find in a volcano. It appears to protect against: Chlorine, Hydrogen Chloride, and Sulfur Dioxide or Chlorine Dioxide or Hydrogen Sulfide and Particulates.https://multimedia.3m.com/mws/media/40744O/3m-respirator-cartridge-and-filter-selection-poster.pdf

So, she has tailored her respirator cartridge for ash (HEPA) and volcanic acid gases. You should do the same, based on the hazards that you would encounter that might require a respirator.

>> No.9754440

Nobody knows, it's a core thing. Imagine a bubbling pot of water. The bubbles (magma) will come up to the surface randomly.

>> No.9754868
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I could watch this all day. Way more comfy than watching a fireplace.

>> No.9754897

You really need to de-emphasize those hip-bones.

>> No.9754902

>CO2 is the only greenhouse gas

>> No.9754923

The sound is amazing. Discount the intermittent staccato rattle of the wind on the microphone.

It sounds almost alive.

>> No.9755200


It's actually quite a complicated question which depends very much on the parameters you're defining to ask whether gay anuses can re-emit jizz onto women's breasts without fecal matter. If you bear in mind maxwell's semen demon, it becomes clear that netwon's principles of bowel motion are over-ridden by dongwong's law of dong wangs.

>> No.9755296

It's been a while, but IIRC, the 3M cartridges are meant to be stacked as needed. The HEPA filter goes on last but underneath that can be VOC, acid vapor or other specialty filters. I think you can get multiple stackable filters, too. I prefer the round filters for my dust mask.

>> No.9755447

isn't lava splatter absurdly heavy?

>> No.9755516 [DELETED] 

/pol/ here
What are the odds of this volcano killing all the niggers in Africa. That would be nice

>> No.9755529

This is, not surprisingly, about the cheapest land on the island. The owners aren't so rich.

>> No.9755652

It's become more active!

>> No.9755753
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It hasn't been exactly the same, it just appears that way in the graph because compared to the CO2 released from fossil fuels and the change over time, the changes from volcanoes are minuscule.

>> No.9755882

It'[s gone to a loop that shows that the fountain has gotten bigger since yesterday, and then pans over to the flow that has started flowing closer to them. I wonder if they've evacuated.

I hope the rooster is OK.

>> No.9755890

>old and stale bait

>> No.9755895

the explosions? that's fucking lava blasting out of one of the fissures.

>> No.9755905

made this for the /pol/ thread but it made be helpful here as well
let me know if something should be added

link you want is "civilbeat on jewtube"
should be currently live

>> No.9756004

Doesn't increased CO2 just incrase plant life which turns it into H2O?
How is CO2 pollution if it helps plants grow?

>> No.9756012
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the lava flow from fissure 20 has reached the ocean.

>> No.9756016
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it's currently raining, so visibility is poor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=009L4FAxwG4

>> No.9756037

Don't often get to sat thank you to somebody from /pol/ -- thank you.

>> No.9756050

Long-term, plants are pretty carbon-neutral - they take CO2 out of the atmosphere and use to C to make sugars and stuff, but eventually tend to release it all back into the air either directly while alive, or through decomposition when they die.

One of the most useful things you can do to pull CO2 out of the air is to build a good library of paper books -- books on the shelf don't rot and put their carbon back. Another thing you can do is make sure a lot of paper gets into a good landfill.

>> No.9756074

In geology, the places known as hotspots or hot spots are volcanic regions thought to be fed by underlying mantle that is anomalously hot compared with the surrounding mantle. Their position on the Earth's surface is independent of tectonic plate boundaries. There are two hypotheses that attempt to explain their origins. One suggests that hotspots are due to mantle plumes that rise as thermal diapirs from the core–mantle boundary.[1] The other hypothesis is that lithospheric extension permits the passive rising of melt from shallow depths.[2][3] This hypothesis considers the term "hotspot" to be a misnomer, asserting that the mantle source beneath them is, in fact, not anomalously hot at all. Well known examples include Hawaii, Iceland and Yellowstone hotspots.

There's a couple of weird regions where lava wells up.

>> No.9756078

It's kinda amazing to see these kind of things happening in places where there's civilization. Makes me wonder how humanity and Earth's changes will interact in the next millions of years.

>> No.9756081

To be fair, Puna isn't what you'd call civilized.

t. frmr resident of the Big Island

>> No.9756084

Isn't rain around volcanoes toxic af?

>> No.9756099

I promise we're not all bad
we just want SOMETHING to happen

>> No.9756266

somewhat. the sulfur dioxide is probably more toxic to humans in the gaseous form, but the sulfuric acid rain just wipes out plant life.

>> No.9756279
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>> No.9756282
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>> No.9756285
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>> No.9756434

Streaming Dante's peak if you guys wanna watch /comfyfrenstream on vaughnlive

>> No.9756469

>Rich faggots
>Nice houses

Hawaii-bro here. The area by the crater is basically the Appalachia of Hawaii. It's actually really rural. Houses usually don't have a sewer line. The land is dirt cheap (because it's next to a volcano). The people living there couldn't afford to live elsewhere.

>> No.9756472

Also the land was originally subdivided and sold off in the 60s. Kilauea didn't start going off until the 80s.

>> No.9756478

>How fucked are we?
What do you mean by "we", Peasant?

>> No.9756541

lmao shills in full force this is true.

I brought this up in my enviro scie class in high school and completly btfo'd her

>> No.9756545

you're the shill anon, ignoring scientific facts and going with your political agenda

>> No.9757147
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How has nobody posted this yet?

That would explain the rooster that's been all over the live feed. I hope he's OK...

>> No.9757153

I knew a gay hair stylist who was like "f it, I'm going to hawaii!" when he heard about land being dirt cheap out there. Turns out it was dirt cheap because it was, indeed, next to a volcano. After a few years he moved back because his house was consumed by lava. He did mention that even after lava fucks your shit, the land is still technically yours, for what it matters (which isn't a lot)

>> No.9757369
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>> No.9758164

of course it's still yours. They don't easily remove land from the property tax rolls.

>> No.9758245
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I didn't realize just how close fissure 22 was to the geothermal plant. even if no lava reaches it, the underground plumbing has to be completely fucked by the magma incursion.

>> No.9758254
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>> No.9758260
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Finally got a timelapse working.

>> No.9758303
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I wonder how long this eruption will last, and whether this might become the new vent since Puʻu ʻŌʻō collapsed.

>> No.9758312

Don't they put sulfur into the atmosphere, which reflects light away from the earth and thereby cooling it?

>> No.9758317

sulfur dioxide itself is actually a greenhouse gas. however, the aerosols it forms when it reacts with water and oxygen and becomes sulfuric acid increase the albedo of clouds, reflecting more solar radiation.

>> No.9758318

thanks anon

>> No.9758563
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FFS, there was an eruption in 1955 near there.

>> No.9758608
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Made a new one with improvements.

>> No.9758713

>What will be the long term effects of the Kilauea Eruption?
None. Unless you're that guy a lavabomb landed on. The long term effects on his life are pretty straight forward: he'll have a prosthetic leg for the rest of his days.

>> No.9758961

you could not calculate the amount of shit you have around your mouth, yet accurately predict the output of a volcanic eruption. Go back in your fucking cave mongrel, and live there. This is why I don't give a fuck about new "science" , if full of marxist idiots with an axe to wield.
>if enough volcanos erupt to stop all flights, we win

>> No.9759531
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>> No.9761408

care to elaborate?

>> No.9762870
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the land is really cheap because it's on a fucking volcano. the area is so hazardous that no one will sell you homeowner's insurance. as a result, a lot of poor people and white trash tend to buy property there. some of the structures destroyed are glorified corrugated steel shacks.

>> No.9762882
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>> No.9762885
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>> No.9762894
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>> No.9762912

shut up trump nobody ask you

>> No.9764649
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>> No.9765126

>the land is really cheap because it's on a fucking volcano. the area is so hazardous that no one will sell you homeowner's insurance. as a result, a lot of poor people and white trash tend to buy property there.

Absolutely this. Check out satellite view on Google Maps and you'll see how irrational it is to build your home there. It's their claim to fame.

>> No.9765381

>with an axe to wield
The saying is "an ax to grind."

>> No.9765402
File: 2.13 MB, 3952x2964, multimediaFile-2105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit, update on the HVO site: LERZ fissure activity continues to migrate westward. In addition to copious lava production from fissures near Pohoiki Rd, fissure 7 is erupting pāhoehoe lava flows spreading to the east, south & north filling in low-lying topography within eastern edge of Leilani Estates.

so fissure 7 is active again. when the tiltmeters indicated that the ground deformation had stopped and magma was no longer moving into the rift, I thought that was going to be the end of it. instead, the fissure system is more active than ever.

>> No.9765404
File: 785 KB, 1133x637, 1527216138123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this video shows how lava is just pouring out of fissure 22: https://volcanoes.usgs.gov/observatories/hvo/multimedia_uploads/multimediaFile-2104.mp4