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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9751320 No.9751320 [Reply] [Original]

>be late 20s

>decide want to study science

>decide to start taking high school courses at night

>do well in grade 11 physics and grade 12 math

>decide to fully commit

>take leave from my job to study in adult day school

>now I'm failing the grade 12 physics course

Feels pretty terrible man. The instructor spends every class writing calculus proofs (instead of teaching the material in an accessible manner that is appropriate for the level of the course) and assigns questions from AP physics textbooks even though I never studied at an AP level. I wanted so badly to study science and I sacrifice what little I had going for me to pursue my dream and all my teacher has to say to me is

>not everyone should be allowed to build bridges

>there's no shame in doing something else

>you're not entitled to get into these competitive [university] programs

>would you want a surgeon to operate on you that did the bare minimum in school?

>> No.9751321

Thanks for making me feel like shit OP. I guess misery loves company eh?

>> No.9751322

He's right tho

>> No.9751329

or you can btfo ur teacher and get A

>he was visibly shaking

>> No.9751334

Why are you telling your sob story to a bunch of faggots on the internet? Think about what you want, think logically on how to do it, and get it. Leave 4chan

>> No.9751996



>> No.9752000

You can do it anon, turn it around and keep at it. Even if you do poorly in just this course, you’ll make up for it in the next one. I believe in you!

>> No.9752005

My advice would be to look for online classes.
When in irl physics class, just write down shit without thinking too hard about it.
And when you get home, study online.
Also, don't hesitate to print shit, reading paper>>>>> reading on a screen.
Reading paper doesn't make your eyes turn red, you can read it before going to sleep, and you can take it anywhere with you.

>> No.9752027
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>> No.9752032
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>>9752027 With the analogy of a rabbit best exemplifying this. Why is it that a rabbit is unable to learn mathematics and quantum physics? Why is that a rabbit is incapable of reading a book? Why can't a rabbit produce abstract complex sounds with what ever mouth it has and contemplate suicide?

>> No.9752034
File: 209 KB, 978x1024, HP Lovecraft quote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9752032 Assuming the rabbit has all of it's biological needs met, the answer would be GENETICS.

>> No.9752042
File: 262 KB, 1600x1214, Brain-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9751320 So I don't know how to tell you this OP, but you might just have a low to average IQ.

>> No.9752046

Never count on teachers for anything. Ever. Do not count expect them to do their job. Treat them like the enemy. Would an enemy help you prosper? They are not your friend. If you want to learn, study on your own, because teachers will do everything in their power to sabotage you. DO NOT TRUST THEM.

>> No.9752048
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>I don't have a low IQ, the teacher is just evil

>> No.9752052

Most teachers are lazy, incompetent, morons and you should never trust others to take care of your education.

>> No.9752058
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>>9752052 That maybe true in some instances, but the general concepts of education most teachers teach are not hard to comprehend if one has a genetically high IQ and is capable of discerning fiction from reality(which again is dependent on the given individual's IQ). The teacher's own incompetence is irrelevant so long as said teacher gives you the basic information on the subject you're studying, and as I've previously stated, if you have a high enough IQ to comprehend the teacher's delivery of said information.

>> No.9752062

teacher is potentially just an easy and safe job which is what I could imagine is 1. priority for lazy bastards.

>> No.9752072

Isn't putting your feet up like that EXTREMELY rude in Japan?

>> No.9752176


she is so cute though.

>> No.9752258

>do well in grade 11 physics and grade 12 math
>now I'm failing the grade 12 physics course
What the fuck is that shit?

>assigns questions from AP physics textbooks even though I never studied at an AP level

You don't need "high school physics" to learn freshman/AP physics. It's all the same stuff more or less.

>> No.9752476
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Real question is, would you still kiss her feet and lick her cunnie eventhough several dozen of men have ejaculated inside her?

Is the backstory of Ai Uehara a detractor of her sweet innocent angelic image of a sex godess?

Would you kiss pic related fully knowing she had sucked over twenty different cocks in one high school year alone?

Scientifically speaking, what are the odds of contracting STDS, and which?

>> No.9752871

Yes, and stick my dick inside her mouth as dozens

>> No.9752886

What difference does it make?

>> No.9753085

Well, some are. Most probably this one is too.

Not all, though. I know many teachers who want their students to succeed, and even if we know some of them are "less capable" than others it doesn't make them incapable.

Most of the times IQ ISN'T the answer. It CAN be. It can also be lifestyle. Your habits may share similar neural mappings with your studies. If you play strategy games, you may do well on subjects that require strategy, such as math.

Not that it will MAKE you do well, but a shared faculty makes it easier than it is for those people who never use that faculty for anything.

Thing is, like anon above said, pursue the logical way to get what you want. Your teacher isn't a good source of knowledge. He probably is there just to show just how smart he is, and maybe teach something. He's flipped it.

t. English teacher and psychologist

>> No.9753149

Sounds like OP is implying the teacher is intentionally obscuring the course material. High school physics doesn't require calculus and if his teacher is doing proofs using calculus all day in class, he's wasting time that should be spent covering the course content.

>> No.9753154

What kinda depression is it where you can only imagine other guys having sex with a girl youre with? Thats a major psychological/depressive issue if thats all you can imagine during sex. Seriously broken mental process.

>> No.9753180

>t. beta cucks

>> No.9753206




>> No.9753277

Your own fault for not researching your teacher before class began. Doing that is like committing to dating someone for half a year and taking them on dates at least twice a week without so much as talking to them beforehand.

>> No.9753333
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>>be late 20s
>>decide want to study science
>>decide to start taking high school courses at night
>>do well in grade 11 physics and grade 12 math
>>decide to fully commit

I have done the same (currently 29 years old)... Considering things don't suddenly fuck up all over the place, I should be starting my BSc in Swansea University this September.

>now I'm failing the grade 12 physics course

What program are you trying to use in order to get the required documents of a highschool diploma? are you going the route of the GED by any chance?

>> No.9753360

That is a gorgeous looking rhino carving, looks like it was made on mahogany, it could also just be clay.

>> No.9753367

What are you doing on 4chan? You should be learning whatever you need to know in your spare time. Life will throw shitty teachers at you and you’ll either make the best of it or go back to McDonalds.

>> No.9753415
File: 12 KB, 429x410, 1351655576504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Would you kiss pic related fully knowing she had sucked over twenty different cocks in one high school year alone?
Did she, though?... Did she?

>> No.9753421

>>not everyone should be allowed to build bridges
>>there's no shame in doing something else
>>you're not entitled to get into these competitive [university] programs
>>would you want a surgeon to operate on you that did the bare minimum in school?

>> No.9753435

Don't give up OP
I'm 28 and a 3rd year compsci student
just finished calculus I with a B
if I can do that anyone can do anything

>> No.9753442

I love that copypasta. Why is Einstein such meme material?

>> No.9753444

For anyone on here who's struggling in math, physics, ignore insecure, arrogant faggots like the one I replied to.

>> No.9753497
File: 1.28 MB, 1920x1200, 1334805202450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Khan Academy.
Don't give up. Find yourself a tutor. I did this, ran into problems still, but improved, and am still pushing forward with my goals. Don't give up.

>> No.9753546

Not if you take off your shoes.

>> No.9753711

Hey OP, I don't know much about you, and I can't say that I'm in the same situation, but I just wanted to say that we all have bad moments, but we gotta keep trying. If this is your dream, if you want it that bad, then for the sake of your soul keep at it, don't give up.

To avoid making this post just some advice, here are some stuff that you may find useful:

brilliant.org - Kinda like Khan Academy, but I prefer the way they present the material over Khan's;

https://ocw.mit.edu/index.htm - MIT website with a lot of their courses in video, for free. There may be something useful here for you (I don't know what "AP level" is, sorry). You can find their classes on calculus and physics in Youtube as well;

Udemy, EDX, Coursera also have a lot of MOOCs and courses to learn the subjects related to science.

I hope you find this stuff useful OP. Just don't give up on your dreams.

>> No.9753721

You have to fight, anon. You have to bleed. Ignore this teacher. Plow through your textbook. Answer every question. Wake up at 6 and study. Make it habitual. You're more than capable of this.

>> No.9753753

What is your dream? To study science? Cuz Google is free

>> No.9753769 [DELETED] 

meh, you want to get to the point where instructors are meaningless and are literally there to fill a purely administrative role. Once you get a decent enough foundation in mathematics and science, learning new material becomes fairly mechanical - not necessarily easier as the topics get more advanced and less clear-cut but doable. It takes patience to be in school and slog through the arbitrary paperwork fuckery of labs and assignments.

>> No.9753785

1. he's right
2. i had the exact opposite problem, my 12th grade physics teacher tried to dumb everything down to the point where it didn't make sense. would've 100 percent preferred a mathematical connection

are you just retarded?

>> No.9753804

This guy is right OP
Just keep pushing. I'm in the same boat as us and I got really stuck on a question felt stupid. I even posted questions on 4 chan and some dude helped me through it, now i get.
Keep pushing keep working. Math is just something you get used to

>> No.9753855

>low iq meme

How fucking stupid are the kids on this board that they think you need a high iq to do well in highschool physics.

Op even if you have a low iq, its a fucking highschool course, work harder, work longer, work independently and work smarter. If the teacher is rewlly thr issue than retake the class with another teacher. The really smart kids i knew did well even with the most dogshit teachers. Instead of whining online fuxking do something about your situation

>> No.9753866

Never give up no matter how hard today's challenges may seem and no matter who blocks your way forward. Use as many paths as you can find and need to reach your goals. There are many twists and curves in the road ahead. Life is not a straight boring line. The first time you do anything can be difficult. Trying strengthens you and makes you better in many ways. Do not lose heart. Ignore all the naysayers. IQ is of little value. Persistence, patience, and studious effort are more important. I admire your effort to learn. Good luck to you.

>> No.9754557

Shut up weeb.