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9749052 No.9749052 [Reply] [Original]

Do people not fail exams or what?

>> No.9749059

because they don't admit brainlets

>> No.9749060

They're actually an awful school full of brainlets.

>> No.9749062

Grade inflation

>> No.9749066

What exactly is grade inflation?

>> No.9749070
File: 222 KB, 1273x743, the evolution of the american mathematician.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can American graduate exams be failed ?

>> No.9749071


>> No.9749080

Interesting. Although the author rambles quite a bit

>> No.9749084

Dumb faggot.

>inb4 it's plus OR minus 2!!!
No, that's just being a pendantic faggot.

>> No.9749090
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>> No.9749105
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>> No.9749135
File: 85 KB, 856x846, 1526247780275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the state of the Ameridumb
It's 2, or -2, OR 2i OR -2i

>> No.9749166

Using Imaginary numbers whoes the real brainlet

>> No.9749172

>What exactly is grade inflation?

>> No.9749173

Why the homophobia?

>> No.9749175

Graduation rates are part of ranking formulas.

>> No.9749206

bc they're not there to fail you on purpose, and what kind of kid goes to harvard just to fail school or drop out

>> No.9749292

Are those actual answers by americans in pic related?

>> No.9749310
File: 144 KB, 618x597, rollseyes'_'.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to berkeley
>extremely competitive
>widespread grade deflation
>highest level academics
>see harvard kids
>this shit everywhere
that mixed feeling of smug superiority and raw furious rage is just exquisite.

>> No.9749330

Fellow Berkeley fag reporting in, thinking of taking math grad classes my senior year (rising junior rn). Apparently math 202A and 250A are the go to ones for undergrads, you know anything about them?
Also, do profs hand out A's like candy in grad classes?

>> No.9749376

The problem isn't the graduation ratez the problem is grade inflation.

>> No.9749383

Giving less than a C is hateful. You don’t know what circumstances that student might be going through - they’re doing their best, and they deserve at least a B. Frankly, the only way to heal our nation’s crimes and sins is to give every student an A+.

>> No.9749395
File: 485 KB, 1125x2436, BE1B9494-6FCA-410A-B9DE-2AC004909F42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9749397

and then these faggots go on to apply to grad schools and get in since grad adcoms don't give a shit about grade inflation and just see the big ol' name HARVARD and that juicy 4.0

as a berkeley anon this makes me fucking seethe

>> No.9749400

>My favorite animal is a type of mammal
>His favorite animal is cows
>There are other options
>No, that's just being pedantic faggot

>> No.9749434

Cal master race. What are you taking next semester? Is math 126 PDE's a meme or actually interesting?

>> No.9749467

Sure, everyone at Harvard ends up with a ~3.8 GPA, but it doesn't mean we don't do shit.

>> No.9749507
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>Asians are the new Jews
Kek'ed a little

>> No.9749510

You need to read the data in the index. He didn't even make the strongest argument he could have.

>> No.9749705

wait what's wrong with 2^2^3=64 and <1,3>*<-3,1>=0?

>> No.9749708

The first one is just retardation because it depends on the order. 2^2^3 = 2^6 = 64, but it could also be interpreted as 2^(2^3) = 2^8.
Haven't a clue what's wrong with the dot product.

>> No.9749711

This, if you're smart enough to get in, you're smart enough to graduate

>> No.9749768

They might have a lower graduation rate and just use a bit of statistical trickery to make it seem better. When I was at Oxford they compared graduation numbers for the MSci to people admitted at an undergrad level, but did not account for people going straight into the MSci at grad level or people transferring in (if that happens, not sure desu). In reality way more people were weeded out or dropped out than the official numbers would have suggested

>> No.9749776

>american university
money buys everything

>> No.9749777 [DELETED] 

No blacks and hispanics. Only answer needed.

>> No.9749785
File: 19 KB, 295x341, USAiww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>american universities
>universities at all

>> No.9749802

(2^2)^3 =64
but that is not the same thing as
2^2^3 = 256

>> No.9749805

ok man i get that now but what about the dot product there's nothign wrong with it right

>> No.9749808

la creatura...

>> No.9749811

It's a matrix multiplication probably, the first vector should be transposed

>> No.9749816

The average grade given out at Harvard is an A-, it's a school for brainlets that can't do math.

>> No.9749864

>Harvard graduate and professor Harvey Mansfield is a longtime vocal opponent of grade inflation at his alma mater. In 2013, Mansfield, after hearing from a dean that "the most frequent grade is an A", claimed to give students two grades: one for their transcript, and the one he thinks they deserve. He commented, "I didn’t want my students to be punished by being the only ones to suffer for getting an accurate grade".[13] In response, Nathaniel Stein published a satirical "leaked" grading rubric in The New York Times, which included such grades as an A++ and A+++, or "A+ with garlands".[14] In his 2001 article in the Chronicle of Higher Education, Mansfield blames grade inflation on affirmative action and unqualified African American students: "I said that when grade inflation got started, in the late 60's and early 70's, white professors, imbibing the spirit of affirmative action, stopped giving low or average grades to black students and, to justify or conceal it, stopped giving those grades to white students as well."[15] He also claimed that he did not have figures to back up his claims, but he is convinced that grade inflation began with African American students getting grades which were too high, "Because I have no access to the figures, I have to rely on what I saw and heard at the time. Although it is not so now, it was then utterly commonplace for white professors to overgrade black students. Any professor who did not overgrade black students either felt the impulse to do so or saw others doing it. From that, I inferred a motive for overgrading white students, too."

This is harvard

>> No.9749911

don't catch you slippin now

>> No.9749913

I don't think you could fail out of my college without trying. They did the same thing. Set the entrance bar really high and then it was just a matter of sticking with it. If something wasn't in your major, they were fairly lenient. If you did poorly in Greek mythology basket weaving, it wouldn't stop you from getting your engineering degree. Even having trouble with something like organic chemistry wasn't going to fail a mechanical engineer. You would get a C. Now a chemistry or chemE having issues with organic chemistry, that was a problem.

>> No.9749934

I don't know how it is for America but the top universities here engineer most of their programs so you can pass through simple rote learning. This means the international students aren't disadvantaged for not knowing fucking uni level English (and cheating on the basic English tests if they're chinese).

>> No.9749935
File: 36 KB, 400x400, but thats wrong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2i or -2i

>> No.9750119

I've got friends at UChicago and I'm at Vanderbilt, which both grade deflate pretty heavily. Honestly I'm not that pissed though. If someone made it into Harvard, who gives a shit if they don't have to grind as hard as some other students. In order to get in they probably had to go above and beyond and try really hard in high school.

>> No.9750125

They have hilariously high grade inflation.
The larger part of the remaining 2.5% is from people who decide not to go to college rather than from students failing out.

>> No.9750129 [DELETED] 


>> No.9750180

>I have no data but I suspect it for reasons
So this is is the power of the top scientists of the USA

>> No.9750196

Why would you want someone to fail and lose their tuition money?

>> No.9750254

Aussie? Limey? Kraut?
>Chinese students are coming to American colleges in record numbers. A recent New York Times analysis of this phenomenon makes it clear that nearly all of these students cheat to gain admission. As evidence, the Times quotes a report concluding that “90 percent of Chinese applicants submit false recommendations, 70 percent have other people write their personal essays, 50 percent have forged high school transcripts and 10 percent list academic awards and other achievements they did not receive.” The report predicts this will only get worse going forward. The Times calls this a “conundrum.”

Isn't the amount of legacy students at Harvard like >66%?

>> No.9750292

Pretty sure it's like 30%. Still a hell of a lot, but not crazy. Don't know why I wasted my early decision on it though.

>> No.9752061

You cant take the dot product of two column vectors, one has to be transposed

>> No.9752071

this is the 26th time you said that in this year, you fucking fag.

>> No.9752179

Oh yea, thats right. Because the domain of an inner product isnt V×V, its V*×V, where V* is the dual space of V. Thanks for clearing that up, genius.

>> No.9753029

>one has to be transposed
Most people literally just write the vectors as columns and assume the reader is intelligent enough to understand the first one must be transposed.

>> No.9753450

shut up you lin alg 101 tier tard

>> No.9753474

it's a bot

>> No.9754269

Ive literally never seen this.