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9747010 No.9747010 [Reply] [Original]

There are multiple substances that are obviously bad to consume over a long period of time: cigerrates, alcohol, hard drugs, etc. What are some things that you have noticed through your life that seem to be harmful in the long run?

For me personally, it's coffee. You can absolutely tell people who are chronic coffee drinkers and see it in their skin.

>> No.9747014

>What are some things that you have noticed through your life that seem to be harmful in the long run?
>For me personally, it's coffee.

In 2012, the National Institutes of Health–AARP Diet and Health Study analysed the relationship between coffee drinking and mortality. They found that higher coffee consumption was associated with lower risk of death, and that those who drank any coffee lived longer than those who did not.

A 2014 meta-analysis found that coffee consumption (4 cups/day) was inversely associated with all-cause mortality (a 16% lower risk), as well as cardiovascular disease mortality specifically (a 21% lower risk from drinking 3 cups/day)

Additional meta-analysis studies corroborated these findings, showing that higher coffee consumption (2–4 cups per day) was associated with a reduced risk of death by all disease causes

>> No.9747029


1) Reduction in mortality and extension to life does not mean caffeine is healthy, it simply means that people who consume it tend to live longer.

2) Same as above.

3) All disease causes? I highly doubt it.

>> No.9748147
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>what are some things that you have noticed through your life that seem to be harmful in the long run?

Eh..time for sadness
>Lying to people, especially to myself.
>Doing an action I know to be wrong
>Doing anything that I know I will regret tomorrow
>Arguing with some one and not explaining my own personal position, but rather spewing out statements that fit the ideology I want to be true
>Not developing my social group or my position in the overall society

>> No.9748220

Not studying and procrastinating.
I feel my wallet burning because dropping these classes solely because I was too lazy to study for them is going to net me another year or two to get my masters
>not developing my social group
My friends are all brainlet discord retards who autistically scream at eachother for hours over nothing lol. I need new buds I can talk about ideas with.

>> No.9748222

Visiting 4chan

>> No.9748262

Being overly political. For real, the saddest period of my life was when I was a cynical, paranoid retard that browsed shit about Jewish conspiracies all day and couldn't even glimpse a piece of mainstream culture without fuming over something completely fucking trivial. I was completely miserable and up my own ass. Same goes for the far-left.

>> No.9748308
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>This meta-analysis goes against how I feel the world should be so it doubt it
t. brainlet

>> No.9748350
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find nice irc channels, it's all I use, and it leads to interesting topics daily.

>> No.9748466

Obsessing over "natural intelligence". For a time I was convinced that my IQ was 80, and I was pissed off that intelligence seemed to mostly just be luck. I was angry because I enjoyed learning about and applying subjects like math or physics, but I was scared that my genetics would never allow me to contribute to the field. I'm only just now about to go into uni, so the fear is still lingering, even though I'm aware it's going to fuck over my preformance.

>> No.9748482

IQ isn't meaningless but it's memed for the same reasons MBTI and other personality quiz type bullshit is. People love boxing themselves - it gives arrogant people a reason to feel smug, and unconfident people a justification for being defeatist.
The easiest way to brainwash somebody is to flatter them.

>> No.9748489

Thinking. Every depressed person I've ever met spent too much time thinking.

Thinking is fine, but overdoing it sends your brain down some alleys you really don't want it to go.

>> No.9748536
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Wrong. The depression comes from a midpoint of thinking where depression festers. Imagine it like a line. On the left there is no deep thinking, and on the right high amounts of deep thinking. On the left, people are happy, blissfully unaware, and generally have a pleasing feeling of naivety. As you progress farther right, you develop a sense of nihilistic compromise with yourself. Progressing passed that point is where the struggle lies, and eventually if you can break the threshhold you can achieve intense self happiness that's a hell of a lot more virtuous and gratifying than if you were to stay below the nihilistic midpoint.

>> No.9748613


>> No.9748620
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>> No.9748637

Wrong. Don't over think, depressy.