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File: 385 KB, 2048x1440, CNS-VATICAN-LETTER-FATIMA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9744098 No.9744098[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What was Fatima? A hoax or real?
Mass hallucination?
Is that what people saw om the sky a hologram or project Bluebeam?

Is it possible that some advanced civilization living among humans know much more advanced technology and they were performing a giant hologram?

>> No.9744100
File: 114 KB, 744x523, 3Miracle-Sun744x523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9744108

>What was Fatima? A hoax or real?
>Mass hallucination?
>Is that what people saw om the sky a hologram or project Bluebeam?
>Is it possible that some advanced civilization living among humans know much more advanced technology and they were performing a giant hologram?

>> No.9744175
File: 79 KB, 500x275, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if I told you it was an apparition of the divine.

>> No.9744189
File: 557 KB, 800x1188, 1443247175259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What was Fatima? A hoax or real?
It was real.

>Mass hallucination?
No, notice how everyone is dry here >>9744100. Something physical definitely happened.

>Is that what people saw om the sky a hologram
No, it was the light of the sun being distorted.

>or project Bluebeam?
The fuck is that....
>Project Blue Beam is a conspiracy theory that claims that NASA is attempting to implement a New Age religion with the Antichrist at its head and start a New World Order, via a technologically-simulated Second Coming.
No, NASA was founded July 29, 1958. Fatima happened in 1917.

>Is it possible that some advanced civilization living among humans know much more advanced technology and they were performing a giant hologram?
Anything is possible, the question you should be asking is 'is it reasonable?'.

>> No.9744199


Peasant euro-beaners being credulous fools and staring at the sun too long.

>> No.9744209
File: 616 KB, 1836x2448, 1419938706955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. internet intellectual

>> No.9744214


This. What evidence does this racist asshole >>9744199 have that staring at the sun is in any way bad for your eyes, or that farm workers are any more likely to be credulous than anyone else?

>> No.9744270
File: 64 KB, 600x750, 1282771684576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying people all over the country and sailors out to sea stare at the sun all the time for no reason
>implying everyone was a farmer

>> No.9744305


This picture really expresses the truth. If you don't, Herodotus-like, buy into every tale you hear that confirms your preconceived Christian faith, then you're just a fedora tipper.

>> No.9744310

>Arguing with meme pictures

People seeing weird shit in the sky is people seeing weird shit in the sky. Slit your throat with Occam’s Razor.

>> No.9744313


No, it's a recognized miracle. Check with your pastor.

>> No.9744321

>The Church recognizes it as a “miracle” therefore God actually did it

You’re retarded. Go to /x/.

>> No.9744327 [DELETED] 

>Occam's Razor

Yes, yes, "an unknown advanced civilization living among humans know much more advanced technology were performing a giant hologram" that dances around all the evidence is a much simpler answer that an act of God that the evidence directly points to.

>> No.9744335 [DELETED] 
File: 194 KB, 731x960, 1421796390830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying atheists don't buy into every tale they hear that disparages the Christian faith.

Tell me again how
>Jesus didn't exist but was a rip off of Zeus and Kristina
and how
>Jesus did exist but was actually a Buddhist
and how
>Jesus didn't exist but was made up by Constantine and how
>Jesus did exist but was a secular philosopher
and how
>Jesus didn't exist but was made up by Walt Disney

>> No.9744337
File: 194 KB, 731x960, 1421796390830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying atheists don't buy into every tale they hear that disparages the Christian faith.

Tell me again how
>Jesus didn't exist but was a rip off of Zeus and Kristina
and how
>Jesus did exist but was actually a Buddhist
and how
>Jesus didn't exist but was made up by Constantine
and how
>Jesus did exist but was a secular philosopher
and how
>Jesus didn't exist but was made up by Walt Disney

>> No.9744342

>Occam's Razor

Yes, yes, the "an unknown advanced civilization living among humans that knows much more advanced technology than us were performing a giant hologram" explanation that dances around all the evidence is a much simpler answer than "an act of God" that the evidence directly points to.

>> No.9744354

A hidden civilization doing science shit is more likely than a Sky Wizard, yes, but that’s not my position. The simplest explanation is that some retarded people stared at the sun. The fact that different people saw different things alone shows it was just bullshit.

God’s not real, sorry. Grow up.

>> No.9744356

That’s nice. Prove God exists. I’ll wait.

>> No.9744360

>The simplest explanation is that some retarded people stared at the sun

Oh come on. I can accept that there's a reasonable likelihood of one person getting confused like that, but when you multiply that by the number of people there, that probability becomes vanishingly small. All it would take is one person to see through the illusion.

>> No.9744361

People saying they saw stuff a hundred years ago isn’t evidence of catshit, by the way.

>> No.9744363

That’s right. Some people saw nothing. Others saw the sun do some things and other people saw it do entirely different things. Retarded people stared at the sun and saw some stuff becaude they wanted to really badly.

>> No.9744366

>A hidden civilization doing science shit is more likely than a Sky Wizard, yes
What's sad is you're probably not a troll.
>The fact that different people saw different things alone shows it was just bullshit.
Or just different angles on the optical effect produced different results.
>God’s not real, sorry.
Because you called him a funny name?
>Grow up.
You're the one namecalling.

>> No.9744368

Prove the Holocaust was real and not a giant hologram by some advanced civilization living among humans with much more advanced technology. I'll wait.

>> No.9744369

>What's sad is you're probably not a troll

A hidden civilization with advanced technology is literally infinitely more likely than a sky wizard. I’m sorry you don’t understand that.

>Or just different angles on the optical effect produced different results.
And no one else anywhere on earth saw this effect, and some people there saw nothing at all. Psychological effects and staring at the sun. Nothing more.

>Because you called him a funny name?
Nope. Because he doesn’t exist.

>You're the one namecalling.
Kill yourself nigger.

>> No.9744370

Occam’s Razor. Done. What are you on about?

>> No.9744375

>And no one else anywhere on earth saw this effect, and some people there saw nothing at all.

Sailors miles out to sea saw it, people in other towns saw it, many of them were unaware of Fatima.

>Because he doesn’t exist

That's just your opinion, gal.

>> No.9744378

>Sailors miles out to sea saw it, people in other towns saw it, many of them were unaware of Fatima.

And? Localized atmospheric effects aren’t evidence of sky fairies. Stop trying to use unconfirmable optical phenomena from a hundred years ago as evidence for sky fairies.

>That's just your opinion, gal.

Nope. It’s fact. The omnipotent and omniscient Biblical God does not exist since those concepts are contradictory.

>> No.9744383

>Retarded people stared at the sun and saw some stuff becaude they wanted to really badly.

Why did the atheist journalists sent there report back that the saw something? Don't forget the Portuguese state was actively trying to purge the country of Catholicism at the time:

>> No.9744386

Almost like they stared at the sun too. Localized atmospheric effects are localized atmospheric effects, not evidence of divinity.

>> No.9744387

>The omnipotent and omniscient Biblical God does not exist since those concepts are contradictory

Only if you force a retarded definition of the terms.

>Hurr durr, you can't have a set of all sets therefore set theory can't exist!!

>> No.9744388


>Being an atheist makes you magically immune to suggestion

>> No.9744392

Random characters appearing in the post is not evidence of poster writing them. It's just coincidence that they form words.

>> No.9744393

You can decide “omnipotence and omniscience” aren’t actually omniscience and omnipotence if you want to preserve some vague possibility of your sky fairy, yeah. Why not move the goalposts outside of the observable universe while you’re at it?

>> No.9744395

>Being an atheist makes you magically immune to suggestion

I'm glad you finally admit being brainwashed by Dawkins into being closed minded about anything to do with religion.

>> No.9744396

False analogy disposed of in trashcan.

>> No.9744399

>I'm glad you finally admit being brainwashed by Dawkins into being closed minded about anything to do with religion.

Adorable strawman. Gonna set it on fire now.
I was implying the opposite.

>> No.9744403

Everyone close-minded toward religion started out open-minded toward religion before deciding it was hilariously stupid, and then closed their mind toward it. Should I also be open-minded toward astrology and tarot cards and Harry Potter, fatty?

>> No.9744407

>it's a false analogy when applied to anything other than religion

How many times have tens of thousands of people seen the sun dance over a wide area?

>But it's just a coincidence that it happened the same time Mary said it would.
>you can't prove otherwise

>> No.9744409

It’s actually more likely everyone present was lying about the whole thing and anyone else that claimed to see it than for deities to be real. Just realized that,

Christian troll killed.

>> No.9744410

>sky fairy

You know autistically repeating that phrase proves nothing.

>> No.9744412

I’d love to see some magic fairy bullshit happen. Don’t think anyone wouldn’t.

>> No.9744413

The point is to capture the absurdity of what you ACTUALLY believe as a fully grown adult, and it accomplishes that. Religious people are literally the exact equivalent of anyone who believes Harry Potter is a real person and slayed Voldemort in a castle in the 90s or whatever.

>> No.9744415

Sky fairy. Sky wizard. Invisible thaumaturgist. Intangible mystic.

>> No.9744417

>anything i call a funny name is absurd
Top reasoning skills you've got right there.

>> No.9744419
File: 256 KB, 1200x1200, 1492903668147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Religious people are literally the exact equivalent of anyone who believes Harry Potter is a real person and slayed Voldemort in a castle in the 90s or whatever.

But those are the atheists marching for science.

>> No.9744423

>Shows picture of literal small child

>> No.9744426

An invisible entity that made the universe and is supposedly benevolent whilst humans shoot and rape eachother is absurd, yes.

>> No.9744433

There's nothing fundamentally illogical about God(s) or outside entities affecting the universe. If a programmer can fuck with the execution of his code with a debugger, a God can fuck with the going on of the universe.

>> No.9744434

We have zero evidence of said imaginary entities. Go back to pop science.

>> No.9744435

>gods can't exist because they're not benevolent

lel, go play the sims.

>> No.9744437

>zero evidence

Literally the OP.

>> No.9744439

Not what I said, sweetie. BENEVOLENT and OMNIPOTENT gods cannot exist in this universe. Malevolent and/or apathetic deities are possible, as well as benevolent ones that aren’t actually all-powerful.

>> No.9744442


Why do you refuse to even consider the possibility of an illusion interpreted through the lens of Portuguese Catholicism?

>> No.9744445

>imaginary entities

It's hilarious that you can't even say "outside entities" without turning it into something derogatory first.

>> No.9744450

I will deride the concept of unfalsifiable magical beings until there’s evidence they exist.

>> No.9744451

>Mommy can do my homework but doesn't
>Therefore she has to be malevolent and/or apathetic

Benevolent doesn't mean pampering. This is the problem with millennials.

>> No.9744453


Get that popsci out of here

>> No.9744455

>until there’s evidence they exist

Literally in the OP.

>> No.9744458

I suspect that it's something along the lines of what you'll see if you ever go into one of those churches where they get the followers to speak in tongues. Essentially people participating in a thing because everyone else is doing it and faking their way through it.

>> No.9744459

>people participating in a thing because everyone else is doing it and faking their way through it

That doesn't sound like something people would do

>> No.9744462
File: 91 KB, 759x422, 1492905497174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9744463

“Mom does nothing while I’m gang-raped and die of malaria”

>> No.9744464

Optical phenomena are not evidence of magical beings outside of the universe, sorry.

>> No.9744465
File: 690 KB, 612x614, 1492904356275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9744468

Nature is crazy evil, there's so much inequality and suffering that has nothing to do with effort or agency. It just exists because of a dice roll. If your God exists, he's too evil to be described with a mere word like "evil."

>> No.9744471

>This should be interpreted literally

>> No.9744472


Except there were people there actively trying to debunk it and it doesn't explain how everything became dry after it was pouring just a few minutes before.

>> No.9744476

>has never played the sims

>> No.9744477
File: 153 KB, 204x273, 14759611-3DC9-4D8E-B9F2-5C7DC645CEA7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Personal anecdotes are trash but when lots of people have personal anecdotes, it’s scientificslly valid evidence.

>> No.9744478

Sims aren’t real people, you fucking retard.

>> No.9744480

Only retards who can't into actual science use that word.
People speaking in tongues continues to be seen as a "mystery" in the same way despite the fact that if you were to go to one of those churches and participate you would immediately be able to tell it's complete bullshit.

>> No.9744482

>Optical phenomena that almost never happen happen just as when God reportedly said it would make it happen.

Honestly, you're not going to be satisfied with anything. There's always going to be some excuse to get the conclusion you want instead of going where the evidence points you.

>> No.9744486

Exactly why the Holocaust never happened.

>> No.9744488

Meatbags aren’t real being, you fucking retard.

>> No.9744492

I can always apply Occam’s Razor which killed your entire argument several minutes ago. It’s more likely literally everyone lied than for deities to be real. Your intangible thaumaturgist could always perform miracles for everyone on earth to see in a way that is clearly visible, impossible, and undeniable evidence of his existence instead of making weird lights for some proles a hundred years ago.

>> No.9744493

>Only retards who can't into actual science use that word.
What does debunking bullshit have to do with science? Only popsci fags think everything is a question of science.

>> No.9744494


>> No.9744495

>It’s more likely literally everyone lied than for deities to be real

That's just your opinion.

>miracles for everyone on earth to see in a way that is clearly visible, impossible, and undeniable evidence of his existence

Then there's no point if God is going to spoon-feed everyone. Obviously God wants to filter out the brainlets that can't be assed to assess the evidence for themselves.

>> No.9744496


>> No.9744503

No, it’s fact. It is objectively more likely for hundreds of people to lie about something than for a physics-violating entity to exist.

>Then there's no point if God is going to spoon-feed everyone. Obviously God wants to filter out the brainlets that can't be assed to assess the evidence for themselves.

Thanks for confirming my suggestion that you believe in an evil god.

>> No.9744505

>Occam’s Razor
Not an argument.

>> No.9744508

Yes it is, sorry. It kills your line of reasoning at the starting line. There is no need to further pursue it.

>> No.9744520

Prove the Holocaust wasn't a forged Zionist hoax to gain support for Israel which is infinitely more likely than Hitler reallocating his few human resources into something that could have waited until after the war. Especially when he was losing and in need of all the manpower he could get.

Occam’s Razor says the Holocaust never happened.

>> No.9744523

Red herring placed into trash. Leave the board and come back when you have a better argument for Jeebus that can’t be shot in the head before it leaves the gates.

>> No.9744529

Only popsci fags use the word 'debunk'. Any scientist or mathematician using that word in any academic paper would be laughed out of their career for being a fucking pop-sci brainlet.

>> No.9744533

>it’s fact
>It is objectively more likely

"More likely" isn't the same thing as "fact". When you get into discussions of what's "more likely", that's objective entering the territory of opinions and not facts.

>a physics-violating entity to exist

It's outside of physics so the laws do not apply. That's like arguing programmers can't exist because the source code doesn't allow for it.

>> No.9744535

>Thanks for confirming my suggestion that you believe in an evil god.
What's evil about having a test?

>> No.9744536

>wasn't a forged Zionist hoax to gain support for Israel
The logistics of this are impossible, even hypothetically. The only reason you believe this is because you're brainwashed and the idea was planted into your head by neo-nazis on the internet. Neo-nazis rewrite every historical and current event by asking one question: "How can I push my narrative with this?" Then they start lying, and not very convincingly because of very low average intelligence.

>> No.9744540 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9744542

>my opinion is infinitely more reasonable than any other
>therefore I'm not going to bother listening to anything else

What could go wrong?

>> No.9744543

>Red herring
>something, especially a clue, that is or is intended to be misleading or distracting.

Do you even know what that word means?

>> No.9744545
File: 1.89 MB, 1500x4010, 1385706542952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are probably in the bottom percentile for intelligence if anything in this image seems compelling to you, let alone like "evidence." Someone made an image that explains why for even someone very stupid, enjoy.

>> No.9744556

>they kept saying millions of jews are dying/dead/in danger
>yeah, but it wasn't always 6 so shut up

top kek

>> No.9744635

>3 gypsies had hallucinations
>muh religious revelations
>>>/his/ fuck off

>> No.9744636

Why the racism?

>> No.9744655

It shows very clearly that there's no attachment to the number 6, which is what the conspiracy is about. Dumbass. Clear proof that your board's "infographs" are lies and you defend it. The definition of a useful idiot.

>> No.9744735

Everything is paranormal until it is explained

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."

>> No.9744753

So what, it's still the boy that cried wolf.

>> No.9746746
File: 179 KB, 940x627, dead nigger storage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>News sensationalizes a group of people buying bullshit doomsday prophesies by kids
>Catholic Church just goes with it because they need a modern miracle to keep the peasants in line

>> No.9746828

>Others, such as professor of physics Auguste Meessen, suggest that optical effects created by the human eye can account for the reported phenomenon. Meessen presented his analysis of apparitions and "miracles of the sun" at the International Symposium "Science, Religion and Conscience" in 2003.[48][49] While Meessen felt those who claim to have experienced miracles were "honestly experiencing what they report", he stated sun miracles cannot be taken at face value and that the reported observations were optical effects caused by prolonged staring at the sun.[7] Meessen contends that retinal after-images produced after brief periods of sun gazing are a likely cause of the observed dancing effects. Similarly, Meessen concluded that the color changes witnessed were most likely caused by the bleaching of photosensitive retinal cells.[7] Meessen observes that Sun Miracles have been witnessed in many places where religiously charged pilgrims have been encouraged to stare at the sun. He cites the apparitions at Heroldsbach, Germany (1949) as an example, where many people within a crowd of over 10,000 testified to witnessing similar observations as at Fátima.[7] Meessen also cites a British Journal of Ophthalmology article that discusses some modern examples of Sun Miracles.[50] Prof. Dr. Stöckl, a meteorologist from Regensburg, also proposed a similar theory and made similar observations.

Not all present saw anything, and some saw different things. It's simple religion-charged delusion combined with something tangible (a physical effect in the eye). If the something were to be happening with the sun (as claims reported), billions would have seen it. It was both localised and selective (not all there saw it).

>> No.9747033

>It was both localised and selective (not all there saw it).

That's just further proof that it was a miracle.

>> No.9747048

Nobody ever said anything was happening with the sun. And that doesn't explain how everything that was soaked moments before became dry.

>> No.9747051

It wasn't real. Do you really think women go to heaven? Let alone Catholics

>> No.9747145
