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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9743244 No.9743244 [Reply] [Original]

In schools children that do not think about their subject are rewarded. Those that do think about their subject are not rewarded as much as those that do not. Pausing and thinking about information given to you is a disadvantage to students as it puts you behind those that consume information without questioning it. In my experience understanding concepts came second to memorizing the definition.

A classic example of this is the student asking "when am i going to use this" in math class. The question is fair and honest but it puts the student behind those that consume information without concerning themselves with the validity of it. Children are made to memorize the times table but are not made to understand the process of multiplication.

This type of behavior in schools is useful to produce people who have a text book understanding of a subject. The system does not produce the type of person that can reason out new systems because their knowledge is built on a thin layer of memory on top of a system they did not have the opportunity to understand when they learned it, they are top heavy.

>> No.9743254

Schools exist to create compliant, minimally capable people, not innovators who might stir up trouble. This is what our corporate-dominated society has turned education into.

>> No.9743301

problem comes from necessity to educate many people with few teachers. Computer can be used to teach students, but they lack the human touch.

>> No.9743324
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Most kids who ask when they're going to use math are annoying little pricks who won't care about your answer.

>> No.9743346

b..b..b..ut it evolves your mind kid.
You use trigonometry when playing football don't you? It isn't all abstract to you?
You used this knowledge to do something practical, not just when doing homework to please your parents, right, right?

>> No.9743348

The fact that teachers get frustrated because of kids not wanting to learn math always amazes me. They search for passion that simply won't be there 99.5% of the time..

>> No.9743353

I'm a mathematician, so yes, I use math for work.

>> No.9743357

psss kid, don't you want to come into a class room, sit perfectly still and memorize math symbols you wont truly understand for another 10 years?

>> No.9743364

Pretty much. High performers in school are usually obedient, inferior, and insufferable.

>> No.9743371

What kind of a person doesn't understand elementary/middle school mathematics intuitively? It has to be a tiny minority, right? I refuse to believe that some people actually purely memorize shit like multiplication tables.

>> No.9743377

Stay jelly, low IQ.

>> No.9743380

tl;dr you need to have a little bit of autism to be a genius and not a normie

>> No.9743393

People who can do math that's past solving linear equations in one variable are the small minority. This is the absolute state of the human race.

>> No.9743397

Reminder that asian tiger students are pathologically unable to come up with new ideas.

>> No.9743404

Asians aren't better at academics they're better at cheating. Anyone who has taught at the college level should understand this.

>> No.9743406

How often do you actually solve linear equations?

>> No.9743411

"Fortune favors the prepared mind." -Louis Pasteur

Math is used constantly in many many fields and everyday uses. Most people don't know it is algebra they are doing to figure out a mortgage cost or milage of a car or dosage of a medication ( mg/ per kg). I used trigonometry on a speeding ticket and got out by showing that the target area of a radar gun was about 100 ft across and included several cars. Maybe you want to know something about the force, fuel consumption or orbit of the next SpaceX launch - use the math. Or calculate the diameter of the earth with sticks to take the angle of elevation of the sun at noon and measuring the shadow at 2 locations at known distance apart. Using the math depends on situations. But almost everyone uses algebra frequently.

OP's claim is false under the new "Common Core" and was supposed to be false under the 1960's "New Math". My kid is doing math with understanding that processes are commutative. Now of course the argument is " We don't need to know how to do this, we will just use calculators."

>> No.9743412
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There are adults, especially in the third world, who cannot understand organigrams, who are not able to understand written instructions because they are literally not able to get their head around the idea that a piece of paper can contain orders.

Schools teach kids abstract thinking, they do not need the ability to interpret a poem or division of polynomials, they need the ability to grasp abstract concepts. They need the ability that I give them an official document or instructions or legal document or technical documentation for their shitty office job and they can understand it. This ability alone makes them intelectually more able than 2/3 of all the humans on this planet.

Learning stuff by the text book has proven for decades to produce people who are able to think abstractly enough to function in our highly literal society, that they do not develop any interest or intuition for it is neither required nor wished for or even beneficial.

>> No.9743421

When calculating percents and stuff. Of course I don't write it down but when you want to find what number is 70% of 80 or some shit it's the same principle.

>> No.9743425

Sorry that's an easier calculation, a better example would be like "25 is what percent of 80"

>> No.9743429

>has turned education into.
As if it were ever different

>> No.9743432

I doubt many kids whine about percentages being too abstract for them to ever use.
Fair answer tho.

>> No.9743460

I know brainlets irl who couldn't do that calculation in my example (where you just divide 25 by 80 and multiply by 100).

>> No.9743526

>A classic example of this is the student asking "when am i going to use this" in math class.
From my experience the kids who asked this ended up never using any of it in the end, since they started working as plumbers.

>> No.9743594

>people actually believe this

Am I on reddit with teenagers?

>> No.9743602

That is not the point of the post. We are selecting for people who consume without questioning. If people who ask this question end up as plumbers or any other style of work you feel is inferior is not the point

>> No.9743675

No, you believe that >we are selecting for people who consume without questioning, since you are a brainlet.
The non-retarded part of the population knows (by using basic reason) that the majority of things you learn probaly won`t be needed in your everyday live but you still should at least get to know them because: (a) it is either needed for something you are going to learn down the line or a field you could go into down the line; (b) its to expose you to ideas or way of thoughts you aren`t going to encounter otherwise; (c) give you what is deemed essential knowledge in your culture; and (d) allow you and others to reflect on your own strenghts and weaknesses so you don`t go into physics if you suck at math.
Schools are selecting for people who are able to understand the need for knowledge and who have the traits necessary to attain it.
Which brings me to another point:
>Children are made to memorize the times table but are not made to understand the process of multiplication.
If you don`t understand the process of multiplication then you deserve to be shot on the spot to clear the genpool of your defect DNA.
I refuse to believe that there are many people that retarded even in the US of A

>> No.9744010

>implying you would have the time to explain 4000 years of human discoveries in 15 years to unwilling teenagers
If this were to be done you would need to force children into specialization at an early age. To decide who gets into STEM field would most likely be done through IQ. By forcefully shoving information into brains you give people the ability to choose what they want to study despite their intellect not being good enough.