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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 17 KB, 495x362, angry fren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9740860 No.9740860 [Reply] [Original]

I'm getting extremely upset by the attitudes members of this community have toward CS students who post regularly on /sci/.
The hostility is really getting out of hand. How do you think we feel when every time we make a post we are constantly and brutally mocked?
This has gone beyond memes and banter. We are having up to ten CS-hate threads every single day.

We get called brainlets, codemonkeys, you name it. You constantly and endlessly insult our great field of study.
Computer Science has given so much to the scientific community and has asked for so little in return.

I can't even post in most threads anymore without being met with the same barrage of abuse and troll responses, or the same canned CS memes posted again and again and again.
It's honestly quite disturbing how much hatred there is towards us on this board. You treat us worse than the social sciences or the humanities and I'm begging you to stop.

We are your allies in all of this. We want to get along and help further science but we are met with derision and hatred at almost every single turn.
But you are turning us against you with your actions and speech. This has gone beyond a bit of light-hearted banter and is now just 24/7 abuse.
You've made your point, we know we're not as good as Math or Physics majors. Instead of just being cunts to us all the time why don't you try to help us?

Please. Just stop this nonsense.

>> No.9740877


>> No.9740878

Imagine being so autistic that you spend your free time trying to provoke hate between aritrary groups on an anonymous imageboard.

>> No.9740886

ikr, CS hate has to stop
this is stupid

>> No.9740890
File: 176 KB, 494x468, 1518611813005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having that thin-skinned
you're better off at >>>/reddit/

>> No.9740915

Yup, just to make I dont miss anything, ahem... this guy is an nigger faggot spic brainlet dicklet pale face manlet incel virgin with an IQ equal to room temperature in degrees Celsius, which is the closest thing he's ever gotten to getting a degree.

>> No.9740917

fuck you

>> No.9740921

Computer science is useful.
Most CS programs are as worthless as philosophy or English degrees.

Dont confuse the two and you won't get so butthurt.

>> No.9740940

>he's so autistic he couldn't get a job if he majored in English or philosophy

>> No.9741117

fuck you

>> No.9741132

>You've made your point, we know we're not as good as math or physics majors. Instead of just being cunts to us all the time why don't you try to help us?
This has to be some sort of insecure math major false flag or something like that because I refuse to believe that someone is this limp dicked to develop an inferiority complex from imageboard memes.

>> No.9741149

It's pasta.

>> No.9741166

Friendly reminder that biologists save lives while CS code monkeys help Amazon and Google manipulate people for $$$

>> No.9741188

there's literally nothing more entertaining than flame wars on internet forums.

literally. nothing.

>> No.9741251

look I'm willing to admit math and physics students have a higher IQ than CS students on average, because that's just a fact

fuck you

>> No.9741313

kys brainlet

>> No.9741384

fuck you

>> No.9741391

Friendly reminder that biologists use the fruits of CS work in order to save lives.

PS code monkeys != CS people

>> No.9741395
File: 53 KB, 640x360, Doki-Onii-chan-Dakedo-Ai-Sae-Areba-Kankeinai-yo-ne-06-1280x720-h264-AAC-3BAAC90B.mkv_snapshot_09.34_2012.12.09_18.04.47-640x360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a brainlet.
We only bulli you because we love you.

>> No.9741398
File: 94 KB, 617x446, Hes-already-dead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9741424

die mad about it

>> No.9741449

I like watching brainlets too, but it gets stale pretty quickly

>> No.9741531

Oh man you’re right, thanks to computers we have penicillin

>> No.9741535

the hostility you perceive doesn't even exist
you just wanted to preface your post with some reasoning because there was none otherwise

>> No.9741540

I cope by seeing the many failed pure math majors who were retarded enough to choose the major with a sub 148 IQ.
And also by having a good job at Intel in Oregon.

>> No.9741547


>> No.9741631
File: 47 KB, 640x599, 1502836216959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> How do you think we feel
No one gives a shit how you feel, dont you have some html to be doing

>> No.9741703
File: 54 KB, 1110x720, Lain-Iwakura-lain-iwakura-37176739-1110-720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t.pure math and CS ubermensch, its okay OP most of the people here haven't done much beyond calc 2 and wouldn't cut it in either a cs or a math curriculum, just love lain and everything will be okay.

>> No.9741727

You nerds need to cultivate an identity beyond what you study. Unless you're innovating, you're just a salary to someone with more resources than you, so get a hobby and stop measuring yourself against the next dweeb.

>> No.9742183


>> No.9742488

i'm a grad student in a cs department. cs is so stupidly easy that I have time to make As in all my classes, TA a graduate level course, work a 25 hour assistantship managing a team of code monkeys, and self-study enough psych and social science nonsense to be employed under an NSF funded project in ethnographic research methods in social science

>> No.9742542


>> No.9742545

>I can't even CS

>> No.9742555

LMFAO literally not made up. I'm an actual genius.

>> No.9743486
File: 109 KB, 406x364, 1335531993266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least you're not a medfag. Everyone here thinks a machine can do our job.

>> No.9743870
File: 287 KB, 836x1065, 1514516182975.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, alright, I'll post it.

>> No.9744965


>> No.9745460

Things like the Human Genome Project would be impossible without CS, but what can I expect from a brainlet.

>> No.9745479

can we ban CS from this board?

>> No.9745507

Sorry to be the one to tell you this but...
Most CS courses (that aren't mathematics) are absolute trash tier garbage because they lower the difficulty for the people wanting to only write code.

People should do a math degree if they want to be a Computer Scientist

>> No.9745513

>muh CS is in everything !!!
Wow good point, should we also celebrate the techinicians for prepping DNA correctly?
You’ve just demoted your entire field of study to nothing more than a tool for better scientists to use and discard.

>> No.9745523

can you stop posting these cringey fucking images? It's such an eyesore

also sage

>> No.9745614

>implying CS isn't about efficient problem solving
You can hate CS all you want, but its contributions to the advancement of almost all fields of science is undeniable. In short,
>>muh CS is in everything !!!
Not an argument

>> No.9745636

Make sure you screenshot your own bait for future shitposting.

>> No.9745639

get a hobby u tools