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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9737790 No.9737790 [Reply] [Original]

>I'm a social scientist

>> No.9737792
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>I majored in linguistics

>> No.9737793

The only time social science gets even remotely scientific is when it comes into contact with economics. Then I'm okay with it.

Money has the unique capability to objectively measure the philosophical concept of utility, so it does get abstractly scientific, especially if you're trying to represent the economy with a system of equations.

>> No.9737797
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>I study Freudian psychology
>DFW is my favorite author

>> No.9737798

Threadly reminder that the scientific method is based on collecting data, not doing math, thus making social science more of a scientific field than theoretical physics.
>physicsfags literally cannot cope with this

>> No.9737801

>be retard in psychology field
>make claim
>everyone agrees with you
>be retard in physics field
>make claim
>people will laugh at you

>> No.9737812

That's tough talk coming from a college freshman. You missed the part where the real scientist backs up their claims with experimental data while the theoretical physicist is satisfied with unfalsifiable opinions.

>> No.9737816

I'm saying even the theoretical physicists will laugh at the most outlandish theory while the psychologist or social scientist will lap it all up. Mathmatical data is proven right or wrong pretty easily unlike other abstract forms of data don't you think? I consider myself to be an empiricist and a rationalist but I guess this is asking too much of so-called scientists who can't even do calculus.

>> No.9740189

>retard spews shit about something he knows absolutely nothing about
>/sci/ will eat this up because "social sciences is a meme lol"
You literally need to back a social scientific study with emperical evidence in order to be taken seriously by any colligate review board. I can't just go and publish a paper about how SAT scores are indicative of postgraduate test results without backing my findings with an asston of stats. The days of Freudian speculation have been over for decades but /sci/fags are too busy sucking their own dicks over the fact that they need to take 2 calc classes to acknowledge that fact.

>> No.9740247

Yet you brainlets still can't even follow the rules and procedures of 13 simple tests given to you by scifags, because so many of your """studies""" can't even be reproduced due to you being a retard and overlooking some simple confounding variable/undercoverage.

>> No.9740313

Lol of all the people on this board I do not need a physics cuck telling me what a confounding variable is. I don't know why you autists keep telling yourselves social science experiments aren't replicable when you can go out, do the exact same experiment, and find statiscally significant results comparable to the findings of the original experiment. I guess its unfair of me to expect basic understanding of applied math from a physics major. You faggots jerk it to equations everyday of your lives only to get gpas in the low 3s lmao.

>> No.9740319

>results are simply replicable with the same experiment

not him but you're legitimately retarded

>> No.9740881

>you are retarded for using the scientific method

Ok brainlet

>> No.9740882

social sciences are more difficult anyways. I'd like to see you clowns try and come up with scientific models for how society functions and their relationships.

>> No.9740906


Just out of curiosity, what do people mean when talking about research in math? I understand you're trying to find new things, because thats the definition of research, but what's the actual process? whats the process of researching something in math?

>> No.9740910

>backs up their claims with experimental data
>both sociology and psychology have under 50% replication rate
literally lmao

>> No.9741011

I'm working on it but it involves a significant amount of thermodynamics so I doubt most social scientists will be able to understand it.

>> No.9741032

>I'd like to see you clowns try and come up with scientific models for how society functions and their relationships.
no thanks, such a badly-conceived endeavor should be left to the professional clowns. I prefer to do things where embarrassing failure isn't a guarantee

>> No.9741061
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>I'm a computer scientist

>> No.9741106

>sources: my ass

>> No.9741164

All I have to say is if you are not testing hypotheses, you are not a scientist.

>t. CS student

You read papers and books about the thing you're researching

>> No.9741189
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>"I'm a scientist"
>has neither published any research nor graduated from undergrad

>> No.9741228

Not that guy but are you really unaware of the replication crises in psych and social sciences?

>> No.9741353
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I was actually. I just looked it up and I didn't realize this was such a widespread thing within the social sciences. Fuck me I guess some of the memes are true.

>> No.9741358

Neither are required for it to be true you /pol/tard.

>> No.9741431

I dont think you know what theoretical physics is

>> No.9741489
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>production engineer

>> No.9741551

Is a medical student a doctor? Is a law student a lawyer? If not, then how is an undergrad who hasn't even published something a scientist?

>> No.9741642

>results are simply replicable with the same experiment
>theoretical physicist is satisfied with unfalsifiable opinions
>scientific method is based on collecting data
> real scientist backs up their claims with experimental data

So you dont understand the scientific method in spirit or execution, you dont understand statistical mechanics, you dont understand what theoretical physics involves, and you arent aware of social sciences abysmal replication rate. This is truly the power of social sciences.

>> No.9741667

Threadly reminder that employing the scientific method makes you 'scientific,' not a 'science.'

>> No.9741677

Threadly reminder that pedantic linguistic argument are not science or math.

>> No.9741684

>I don't need you telling me what a confounding variable is

>50% or more of my experiments aren't repeatable

you obviously do, your field is filled with double digit IQ mouth-breathers.

>statistically significant

All that means is that its higher than chance to find your result, doesn't speak about how its setup, how your data is founded or even your p-value/test you choose which we all know you fuck up more than half of the time due to your """results""" not being repeatable.

>> No.9741694

It's not pedantry; the fields of physics, chemistry, geology, and psychology not only concern different subjects but by virtue of their methods have different confidence in and weight given to their predictions. Just because they all use the scientific method does not mean they have achieved the systematic understanding and predictive power of a science.

>> No.9741759

80% of the degrees are memes anyway

>> No.9741768

Including some of the hard sciences btw

>> No.9741770

lmaoing at your life

>> No.9741791


>> No.9741807

(you) sound like the only freshman here friendo

>> No.9741808

>only one valid "scientific method" exists
read some philosophy of science faggot

>> No.9741810

>philosophy of science

>> No.9741884


>read papers and books about the thing

I didn't mean that kind of research. How are new concepts in math created these days? alot of things such as calculus came out of a need in a scientific field, but I see tons of people here saying that if you're a genius you can go into mathematical research? what does that mean?

>> No.9741938
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What's /sci/ opinion on Aydin Paladin?

>> No.9741962

Is she science related?

>> No.9742026

Only social scientist I can respect but according to the dox she got her degree from a technical school/never went to where she claimed she taught at.

>> No.9742111
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She has a degree in media psychology IIRC.

>> No.9742123
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DFW was a modern classic put down the calculator for once nerd

>> No.9742128


>> No.9742293
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>Richard Feynman rarely shied away from debate. When asked for his opinions, he gave them, honestly and openly. In 1981,he put forth this one:

>"Social science is an example of a science which is not a science... They follow the forms... but they don't get any laws."

>"They haven't got anywhere yet," Feynman furthered. But never one to rule out being wrong, he added with a grin, "Maybe someday they will."
Where are your laws again? Are you even trying to be scientific? Our laws of science is stronger than this social science. According to your garbo pseudo-science, the sun will not rise every day based on statistics and weather.

>> No.9742402

science is based on collecting data but if the data doesn't match the maths, then its wrong.

You can't defend this.

>> No.9742415

>production engineer

Production engineer =
Business Major with less Calculus than Economics

>> No.9742428

honest question, why is it called "political science"

>> No.9742432

Don't some political science students learn the singular value decomposition? That's not too bad.

>> No.9742434

>statistics isn't maths

>> No.9742439

>There is an number when conformity is guaranteed in an individual
>The exact capacity of short term memory has been expressed in bytes
>Psychology experiments are almost always required to quantifiable and most produce statistically significant data to be taken seriously
>No hard data

>> No.9742445

is it coz they also learn scientific method for collecting data from polling and stuff

I'm legit trying to not belittle poli sci here

>> No.9742448

>do you even formal languages

>> No.9742477
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>I majored in computer science.

>> No.9742493

the only ounce of truth in this thread

>> No.9742565

This and variants of it, such as mol bio (which I am doing now and realized too late fml) etc.

>> No.9742605

sexbots are the future anyway and women are thots.

>> No.9742650

The MSM is so out of touch it's an embarrassment to see them trying hard at being edgy.

>> No.9742655

Surely molecular biology is the least meme-y part of biology, though? Won't you end up with a decent understanding of chemistry?

>> No.9742670

>implying these people dont use statistical analysis.
I agree that they dont study fundamental properties.
But their models are predictive.

>> No.9742675

Only if you study biochem instead.

>> No.9743533


11 out of 18 papers being successfully replicated doesn't seem too bad to me.

>> No.9743565
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>It's yet another "my subject is better than your subject" episode.
The absolute fucking state of /sci/. Just pure elitism and circlejerk. Nothing of value.

>> No.9743619
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Love her videos.

>> No.9743639

Ok social scientist here (i am in /sci/ bc i also love natural sciences).

But basically, the definition of "science" is when you apply the scientific method.

And as a political scientist and sociologist, i assure you that we are very carefull in applying it correctly and follow every step of it. Of course we make mistakes and of course our error-chances are bigger, but that's because we can more easily have hidden factors that manipulate control group or the variables measured in the sample. But yes, it is science after all I think, however you like it or not.

Sorry for my bad English, I'm Spanish and it is my first post.

>> No.9743670

you got baited, brainlet.

>> No.9743672
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listen to me bby girl you're still a scientist in my eyes don't let anybody ever tell you otherwise
>mfw thinking about you hurting

>> No.9743677

Absolute state of peeps. And social 'scientists'.

>> No.9744110

>rain rain go to Spain
But seriously, I think you've made a fair point. I'll let poli sci slide this one time.

>> No.9744183


I hear there are breakthroughs in gender studies as a social scientist you must be good at the maths.

>> No.9744278

Silencio gusano, tu campo es para putas y atrasados mentales con delirios de que son cientificos.
Y no "amas" las ciencias naturales, seguro viste alguna mariquera pop-sci en Twitter que te parecio "cool" y ahora te dices eso a ti mismo para sentirte inteligente.
Cambia de carrera o suicidate maldito insecto.

>> No.9744289

no, it's no more scientific than the rest
the most scientific of the social memetic sciences are the ones that will be replaced the sooner by real sciences, namely, physiology, medicine, certains areas of psychology

>> No.9744318

>real sciences: physiology, medicine...
What is: Econometrics.
Oh silly anon...
>b-but it can be bias!
So is medicine, physiology, etc.
We fight off these biases by long-standing, well-tested ideas over years of research that is processed through a consistency machine known as Econometrics which is founded in modern statistical theory (i.e. math).

>> No.9744323

Psychology is definitely a science because it studies the natural world (humans and their behavior being natural) through experiments and observation.

>t. Psych undergrad

>> No.9744343

>barely 50% is good enough guise
the absolute state

>> No.9744355

>>I'm a social scientist
I actually am tho, I have lots of friends with whom I spend time with on a regular basis and I'm a physics grad

>> No.9744815

I genuinely cant tell if you are memeing right now.

>> No.9744825

elitism has value, it keeps the plebs from voicing their pleb opinions

>> No.9744829

econometrics and economics in general are the absolute biggest memes of any soft science, freudian psychology is less BS

>> No.9745016

jesus christ there is a real life person with this opinion

>> No.9745056


If the maths doesn't match the data the maths is wrong.

Maths is an abstraction of the real world, not a world unto itself. The real world is never wrong, but the construct of maths can very well be.

No you fucking tard.

I'm saying that 1+1=3 is fucking wrong. It's wrong because if I take one stick and then pick up a second stick I don't have three fucking sticks.

>> No.9745836

You see, you write all of this, but all I hear is:
>hurr durr i don't understand statistics.

>> No.9746381

"Los de ciencias sabemos escribir como los de letras"
O eres un sub-humano latino o un english-speaker usando google traslator. No me queda otra opción. Vaya escritura de mensaje de mierda colega... Y los insultos pésimos.

>> No.9746975

I didn’t know Vegeta was a science student

>> No.9746981

He is an Australian comedian that foes edgy humour.

>> No.9746988
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Wrong. Wrong wrong wrong wrong

Stop being retarded.

Economics is extremely intense. Go study Irving Fisher or anyone from the Lausanne school like Pareto (pic related).

Sometimes it just gets into pure math territory. Basically because of the existence of a ‘numéraire’

>> No.9746991

>Atrsadaos mentales
Jajaja ¿Qué? Saludos :V

>> No.9747027

True. Cool fact the black-scholes model comes from heat equations. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black%E2%80%93Scholes_model
Someday I want to study economics and finance at this level, but for now im just a lowly math undergrad.

>> No.9747042


Got my bachelors in Finance. It’s all corrupt and full of Arithmetical analysis. Not science.

Economics has a broad, extensive literary tradition and a heavy mathematical basis. The level of mathematical understanding needed to contemplate some of these equations is just plain intense.

The thing people don’t understand is that mathematics is used to explain complex relations between a good used to express money, a good’s price used to compare all other prices to, and all other goods.

This results in hyperspace analysis, by its very definition. And all analysis is based on the fact that the partial derivative of the partial derivative of the good used to express money (with respect to the function of the utility density) with respect to said good’s price changes with every single exchange.

I hope that makes sense. Economics is a fucking trip man, second-order partials are everywhere. You deal with Hessians and minors, trust me man Economics is no joke

>> No.9747047


i really really regret being a CS major

>> No.9747050

Who doesn't

>> No.9747074

i just wish I could go back in time

I feel like me and a lot of people like me got drunk on the koolaid because of the excitement rising up through the 2000s into the 2010s and the encouragement from adults to "get a job in computers cause im good at computers"
Looking back, it's all so fucking absurd. I hate that I passed up shit that only through hindsight i know I would have enjoyed more. I watched too much akira, too much ghost in the shell, too much lain too much terminator too much blade runner too much war games and whatever else fucking dumb hacker movie

So I majored in CS. Then realized the tech industry is horrible. then I realized the only reason i stayed in the cs program were the tiny pinpricks of pure mathematics that were there. I was happiest when I was in my math courses.

I feel like I just followed what was expected of me all my life and now I'm so fucking unhappy and have so much regret. I'm >>9745591 and I don't see my life ending in any other way than suicide.
None of this stuff, NONE of this stuff is anywhere close to as interesting as those dumb propaganda movies and anime lead you to believe.
All that shit was just propaganda so we could have more CS worker drones.

>> No.9747088


Just finished grad school for mol bio. It gets a bad reputation because of society's attempts to push normies into stem with bio being more accessible and relatable than more math intensive fields.

Just gotta find a lab group with like minded people and respectable research. Then go get a job for the government or pharma you get paid surprisingly well with a grad degree.

I do agree that most people I meet in academia drive me nuts though. A lot of people who are truly trying to make the field a social justice type paradise. Not even being an edgy poltard right now most bio programs are insufferable with their attempts to pander to "under represented groups". Which translates into people there for the wrong reasons. So in that respect you would be better if in a biochem program just to limit your normie interactions.

>> No.9747095
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>I was happiest when I was in my math courses.
I'm in my second year of CS with a full scholarship and I want to switch to math so fucking bad but then I would get a gigantic debt since my scholarship doesn't allow changing major.
There's grad school I guess.

>> No.9747473

Explicame en donde verga dice "los de ciencias sabemos escribir como los de letras" en mi post, maldito imbecil.

>> No.9747486

>Read papers Social science lack high school statistic education.

>> No.9747611

>You literally need to back a social scientific study with emperical evidence

1: it can pulled out of your ass with less if any verification being possible.
2: the measurement is far more subjective and probabilistic, variables you want to measure can not be isolated or singled out as with physics and chemistry wherein you can control all of the environmental and external factors which might influence the outcome.

What does empirical data and measurement even constitute for social sciences?
If a physics experiment is repeated anywhere in the world it becomes very evident whether or not the findings, data and claims were falsified, this doesn't seem to be the case with social sciences, it can always wiggle and weasel its way out into some bullshit.

>> No.9747668
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>He's not aware that Psych is literally undergoing a replication crisis right now.
You people are worse than I thought.

>> No.9747728

>read 4chan posts lack high school English education

>> No.9748434

But there's nothing wrong with social sciences.

>> No.9748527

You find an open mathematical problem and try to solve it. This typically involves constructing a theorem and then proving it.

>durr how do math?

social "scientist" detected

>> No.9748570

Es cláramente latino, habla un español paupérrimo.

>> No.9748679

You know he's right. As an undergrad, all you've done so far is follow the professor's instructions. Any idiot can be obedient, the real test lies in whether you can produce something original of your own initiative.

>> No.9748704

The mathematics used in economics arent in question, the principles of economics are the meme point. Additionally math itself isnt immune to being a meme because its math.

>> No.9748709

Go back to school then, what is difficult about this?

>> No.9749319

>so call genius doesnt know what is empirical evidence
stick to making memes of social sciences

>> No.9749332

You cant predict shit or measure properly something, how is it science? For the amount of mathematics? Kek

>> No.9749416

>"under represented groups".
that's literally white men in bio, isn't it?