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File: 143 KB, 1794x994, CD6E8ECF-9FC7-4015-8641-F23197CB2F78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9731418 No.9731418 [Reply] [Original]

When will science allow humans on average to start living (without struggle or loss of normal functioning) to 150+? I have so much I want to do in life but don’t have enough time to do it all.

>> No.9731467

Who is this spic who has an appetite for white dick?

>> No.9731536

go kys kaffir lover

>> No.9731551

Stop posting on 4chan if you need time dumbass. Also, nobody "needs time". Time = Actions. You are a definitely a brainlet if you think you change the relative movement of a particle. All you can do is increase your movement in a way that you make more actions than the reference particule ; in other terms, do your thing faster you fucking moron.

>> No.9731554

if you think you can*

>> No.9731573

>I have so much I want to do in life but don’t have enough time to do it all.
And yet you spend time on 4chan.
How can we seriously believe you?

>> No.9731578

Fuck that, I don't wanna be in the situation where I've been retired for a decade and then longevity treatments kick in and now I have to go back to work because I'm living too damn long.

>> No.9731737

good answer

>> No.9732137

>Stop posting on 4chan if you need time dumbass. Also, nobody "needs time". Time = Actions. You are a definitely a brainlet if you think you change the relative movement of a particle. All you can do is increase your movement in a way that you make more actions than the reference particule ; in other terms, do your thing faster you fucking moron
I have shit to be done

>> No.9732240

I recommend using cocaine if you need to get more done. Cocaine will help you eliminate sleep from your life and bam you have 1/3 of your life back.

>> No.9732400


>> No.9732721

O rly? Then leave 4chan and start doing shit

>> No.9732728

When you stop shitposting and find the solution yourself

>> No.9732765
File: 23 KB, 640x400, Longevity_Escape_Velocity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first 1000-year-old is probably only ~10 years younger than the first 150-year-old.


>> No.9732766

never you retard

>> No.9732767


>> No.9732771
File: 7 KB, 275x183, cryonics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In case longevity escape velocity is not reached within your natural lifetime, remember to sign up for cryonics.


>> No.9732774

Prove it

>> No.9732785
File: 82 KB, 700x490, LTG_000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9732807

It's less a matter of when will we be able to do this (we've been able to extend life indefinitely for decades now), it's more a matter of why the elites would ever allow the general population to live any longer than they already do?

Speaking as one of the wretched masses of general humanity myself, can you imagine how much worse everything would get if you just stopped people from dying without first sterilizing them all? There isn't a NewsCorp on Earth that could drive a national murder rate high enough to even out that population growth. Governments would actually have to send their armies through cities and towns mowing people down at random, openly and without adding anything to the drinking water.

In short, just shut up and obey.

>> No.9732813

Except new technology has been way less resource intensive than it was in the past

>> No.9732838

thats good but the benefits are more than cancelled out by population growth

>> No.9732878

Population growth plateaus as countries develop. Just control it through other means if it doesn’t. Retarded argument.

>> No.9733216


I fucking love this video

>> No.9733224


>> No.9733228

Organize time better, find shortcuts to achieve goals. Do what you really want to do instead of procrastinating. Forget 4chan - I know, it's mission impossible.

>> No.9733496

Human bodies are designed to eventually fail by the evolution on a very deep level. It might be easier to design a new one from scratch than to fix the clusterfuck a human body is.

>> No.9733508 [DELETED] 

Don't worry about living long enough. You don't even know what the fuck reality is. Death and everything we entail is probably nothing that we think it is.

>> No.9733530

Karlee grey

>> No.9733608

>I have to go back to work because I'm living too damn long.
If you havent figured out how to live like a parasite, or at least by working little after having more than 100 years of experience then its best you die off

>> No.9733613

the first 150 year old will be some kind of horrible semi human experiment barely kept alive by a continuos stream of excruciatingly painful treatments. Im betting that the first great hurdle will be to get anyone to consent to that or maybe do it by force using some kind of legal gray area

>> No.9733618

>ve been able to extend life indefinitely for decades now), it's more a matter of why the elites would ever allow the general population to live any longer than they already do?
dont do this, if you look at succesful people, they are pretty chill, they are not " WORK 100% OF THE TIME, FIND WAYS TO WORK WHILE SLEEPING OR TAKING A SHIT"

no, its true that you need better organization but dont leave 4chan, 4chan is rest, blowing off steam, that is necesary, but just in moderate quantities, say, 15 minutes, 30 minutes a day tops, if its something you do all day long then its a problem

>> No.9734460

various methods of increasing life range and quality already exist, methods of reducing if not preventing cancer exist, quality of life enhancement already exists, the "Elites" won't have jonny and jane normal even look/know this just like "CHEMISTRY" rules are commonly told false info about chemical reactions and interactions at the lower street level to prevent illegal drug/manufactoring from occuring(meth outbreaks). Also medical and doctor/pharmacy industry is the only real growth market in the western hemisphere and slowly in the eastern hemisphere. Look where all the senators invest right now.

>> No.9734545


In economics, the Jevons paradox (/ˈdʒɛvənz/; sometimes Jevons effect) occurs when technological progress increases the efficiency with which a resource is used (reducing the amount necessary for any one use), but the rate of consumption of that resource rises because of increasing demand.[1] The Jevons paradox is perhaps the most widely known paradox in environmental economics.[2] However, governments and environmentalists generally assume that efficiency gains will lower resource consumption, ignoring the possibility of the paradox arising.[3]

In 1865, the English economist William Stanley Jevons observed that technological improvements that increased the efficiency of coal-use led to the increased consumption of coal in a wide range of industries. He argued that, contrary to common intuition, technological progress could not be relied upon to reduce fuel consumption.[4][5]

The issue has been re-examined by modern economists studying consumption rebound effects from improved energy efficiency. In addition to reducing the amount needed for a given use, improved efficiency also lowers the relative cost of using a resource, which increases the quantity demanded. This counteracts (to some extent) the reduction in use from improved efficiency. Additionally, improved efficiency accelerates economic growth, further increasing the demand for resources. The Jevons paradox occurs when the effect from increased demand predominates, and improved efficiency increases the speed at which resources are used.[5]

>> No.9734979

Fucking disgusting

>> No.9736283

>When will science allow humans on average to start living (without struggle or loss of normal functioning) to 150+? I have so much I want to do in life but don’t have enough time to do it all.

For starters, stop coming here. That alone will free up A LOT of your time.

>> No.9736513

>recognize the OP image immediately
man I didn't even care that the video included the guy's voice in PoV, it was great regardless. Also IIRC it was just in one ear so you could drown it out pretty easily

>> No.9736522

karlee grey sislovesme probably

>> No.9736539

wasnt there some 150 year old monk who was kinda alive in a trance like state?

>> No.9736580

shut up, pedo

>> No.9738114

What, no recycling?

Already old waste dumps are turning into potential mines for discarded metal.

>> No.9738116

Long before that the bots will have taken over most jobs and we will mostly be on basic pay.

>> No.9738119

>I have so much I want to do in life but don’t have enough time to do it all
Yeah, I want to play Fortnite for a hundred years too.

>> No.9738834

Why would you want to watch the plebs destroy the planet, each other, and everything good about the human spirit for any longer than you have to?

>> No.9738856

All the stories of people who live to stupid ages doing something inherently impossible (oh I never ate food or drank water and I lived to 150!) never have any evidence to actually prove that age.

>> No.9738860

Honestly you only have like 40 years to live if you are lucky. Even if you live to 100 you will be spending half of a century -- half of your life as a degraded, barely functioning shell of your former self, and you will be wishing you could be 20 again.

>> No.9738873

Maybe start trying to do it instead of saying you want to and then we can start talking about if you have enough time.

Just because you like discipline and efficiency in your life does not mean tacking on another 50 years will suddenly make you accomplish more.

Even if you are efficient a vast majority of the population, especially in well off countries, will constantly procrastinate. Making their lives longer would not help that.

That's not even taking into account the psychological and physical implications living that long has. What good is being 150 when you're brain is mush and you can move without pain or expensive medications.

>> No.9739149

>Honestly you only have like 40 years to live if you are lucky.
Girls get 25 years of people honestly biologically wanting to fuck them wihtout false reasons like feelings or culture.
Men get maybe 30-40. Some 50 year olds can still provoke feelings of real atraction in worht it girls.
Both cant go into competitive sport much further than 25-28 years old. If youre an ultra star you might make it to 40 but thats an absolute extreme limit.

BUT, if you diet, excersise and lead a helathy lifestyle you can easily enjoy intellectual pleasures of life, well into 70 even 80, with minimal pain and medical procedures.