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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9728814 No.9728814 [Reply] [Original]

Can /sci/ answer this and explain it through science?

>> No.9728825

No, because there is no scientific way to answer that question.

>> No.9728827

left is bouba, right is kiki

>> No.9728828


>> No.9728830

Do different cultures answer this differently or is it something innately human?

>> No.9728836

the left is kiki and right is bouba because kiki has a harsher sound, so the brain associates it with the harsher, harder, sharper shape, while bouba has a smooth, soft sound, so the brain assocaites it with the rounder, softer, smoother shape

>> No.9728844

Bouba has lot of oval and round letters, the blob has round shapes
Kiki has letters with acute angles, the explosion shape(?) has lot of acute angles
even the sound of "Bouba" is bubbly and "Kiki" sounds sharper

linguistically, it is the only logical solution

>> No.9728852
File: 208 KB, 354x534, 1525476366814.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bouba is the bouby one

>> No.9728855

Apparently it is innately human.

>> No.9728861

>Autistic individuals do not show as strong a preference. Individuals without autism agree with the standard result 88% of the time, while individuals with autism agree only 56% of the time.
Autists are animals and should be put down

>> No.9728864

Idk there are smarts autists like the ones that can solve a rubiks cube really fast

>> No.9728868

I suppose autists tend to think that since the names come in order left to right and the shapes come left to right, the left shape must surely be the left name?

>> No.9728870

apparently you just have to memorise a formula for solving rubiks cube from a known state - you have to solve the cube only up to the starting state for the formula, and then once you get the cube to that state muscle memory takes over to solve the rest of the cube

>> No.9728871

they are pretenders who wouldn't pass Turing's test
look at Zuckerberg

>> No.9728875

does the jewish version of the test change the order of only the words so that they go right to left and thus align with the "correct" option cause jewish autists to pick the "right" mapping?

>> No.9728953

Yep, couldnt explain it better myself

>> No.9728962

The thing is, there is nothing inherently "harsh" about /k/ or or soft about /b/, they are both plosives. Yet somehow the way you describe it is universal.

>answer based on orthography
pick one

>> No.9729039

It's quite simple. Your pic shows a group of traits that form an indication that, viewed in a holistic way, gives a certain assumption based of the interaction of your brain and your reception. For language we got mainly visual (graphematic) and audio information. Your cognitive ability makes you able to combine and differ your input by variables given from each sense. Harmony (voice, or music for example) differs from noise (scratching, knocking...) with its integer waves. Visuals are roughly the same, just not as well discovered, harmony is again described by integer relations. Common understanding implies that there is no relation between form and substance in evolved language (arbitrary). But what do we got? Two terms with statistic evidence proven that they connect well with a distinct one of the other list.
On a deeper, almost unconcious level we still got the original ''feel'' of the earliest proto lingua that is deeply embedded in most of us. Mutation and/or disability might impair or improve some abilities. Other anons described numerous parameters of different levels of communication already. Phonetics, syntax, grammar, semantics, name whatever. They are layers and iterations for more and more complex relation that increase steadily. But we still got the same foundation that got humanity going above else. They just differ slightly in most common languages but are complex enough to make this post unreadable for most anon if I posted it in german.

>> No.9729128

How is high school treating you

>> No.9729186

I assume you feel old. Apparently I learned how to contribute. Step it up, or remain a troll.

>> No.9729195


>> No.9729203
File: 26 KB, 640x448, 96a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100% confirmed autism

>> No.9729232

yudkowsky pls go somewhere else and ask about diet advice

>> No.9729339

am i allowed to change my answer?

>> No.9729382

Solving the cube to any state requires the same process as solving the cube to the typical "solved" state. Some people can intuitively solve the cube without exposure to any algorithms, after all, a person developed the solving methods in the first place, but most people do learn publicly available algorithms to solve the cube. The instruction manual that comes with the cube typically provides 3 or 4 algorithms to be used at different steps of the solving process. World record cube solvers typically chain 5 or 6 algorithms together that they selected from a set of several hundred algorithms they have memorized after a brief inspection phase that when executed, solve the cube in under 10 seconds.

>> No.9729407

Why are you such a faggot?

>> No.9729486
File: 10 KB, 250x250, 1517802184263s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Autists are animals and should be put down
All people are animals. As in we are all multicellular eukaryotic organisms that form the biological kingdom Animalia. You are making no sense, by your logic everything that is capable of breathing, eating or sexually reproducing should be put down, yourself including. Which is me being overly generous, since no multicellular organism of my knowing is capable of producing such an overly stupendous set of utterances.

>> No.9729508

Because I browse /sci/

>> No.9729624

>the brain

speak for your own brain, brainlet

>> No.9729638

It's not k vs. b, it's kiki vs. bouba.
The vowels matter.

>> No.9729663


>> No.9729666

>is is what psychologists actually believe

>> No.9729712

I wonder if "kiki" sounds sharper than "bouba".
If you did a fourier transform of the spoken words, "kiki" would have more intense high frequency components than "bouba".

>> No.9729724

Or, we could train an ML to split any pair of words between these two.

>> No.9729803

Use Word2vec with not only words but all scenes

>> No.9730154

I played persona 5 too OP

>> No.9730158

"train an ML"

>> No.9731086

Kiki has a sharper quality to it, so left.
Bouba has a rounder quality to it, so right.

>> No.9731090

Most of humanity can't even read the text, you retards. Much of humanity doesn't have the sounds in their languages to even say or imagine them as most English-speakers do.

>> No.9731313

Kiki left, bouba right
I think kids it also has something to do individuals age and brain development
I guess very young kids who are often exposed to primitive shapes in kids books (if those still exist in 2018), who do things like colouring would have difficulty deciding which is bouba and which is kiki. They probably think both kiki and bouba is the right figure. The figure on the right look somewhat like a splotched drop of green ink paint. Something kids are more familiar than the sharp figure on the left

>> No.9731347


you are not even autistic, you are just retarded

>> No.9731358

I'd say you are baiting, but since /sci/ has been so shit lately, you're probably not.

>> No.9731382

Not enough information for a meaningful answer.

>> No.9731385

OP here, I played Persona 5 too but I dont' get your reference.

>> No.9731395

>they solve rubik's cubes fast
Which does no good for the world.
They are just useless eaters.

>> No.9731400

Kiki is feminine, Bouba is masculine, so Kiki is the softer one.

>> No.9731462

"missing the joke"
lurk more.

Is it Bubba or Bow-bah? The second one is kinda gross.

>> No.9731485

How did you come to this conclusion?

>> No.9731491

Kiki is a female given name.

>> No.9731497


>> No.9731508

bouba = 2x bs
kiki = 2x ks
ks are sharp and bs are round, left is kiki and right is bouba

>> No.9731509

>there are smarts autists like the ones that can solve a rubiks cube really fast
>tfw /sci/ thinks I'm smart because I'm disabled and memorized solving algorithms

>> No.9731548

its because kiki has beautifull curves despite her weight, which is totally fine by the way.

>> No.9731579

I would tell psychologists kiki is the bubbly one just to mess up with them.

>> No.9731604

That's hecka edgy dude!

>> No.9731609

No, because psychology is a protoscience.

>> No.9733299

Refute my post then.

>> No.9733637

"Kiki" reminds of words such as "spike" and "peak"

"Bouba" reminds of words such as "bubble"

>> No.9733743

Facebook-tier science, this is some stuff to show your pseud friends
>isn't science amazing, it figured out we choose a certain name for a shape
lmao amazing
woah sick make sure to do your dissertation on bullshit shapes, that answer was so bad bouba and kiki had to leave the room
>assume you feel old
lmao 12 yo response confirmed make sure to tell all your friends during lunchtime that you btfo'd an oldfag on /sci/ this morning

>> No.9733826


>> No.9735017

Science isn't necessary. Round peg goes in round hole. Star peg goes in star hole.

>> No.9735247

Is this a rorschach test for anal rape victims?

>> No.9735259

>/k/ or or soft about /b/, they are both plosives
Yeah but K is hard and B is soft. The hard B is P and the soft K is G.

>> No.9735268

>Refute my post then.
>Much of humanity doesn't have the sounds in their languages
You have no basis to assume this. Almost all languages are based on sounds humans produce with their mouths so any sound that is easy to make will exist in most languages.

>Most of humanity can't even read the text
Then restate the question in the language of the person you are asking dingus.

>> No.9735276

Left is kiki, right is bouba

>> No.9735289
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Kiki sounds like a feminine name so I associated it with the right. Am I retarded /sci/?

>> No.9735290

>I would tell psychologists kiki is the bubbly one just to mess up with them.
Doesn't actually matter, this is why research is done with statistics and not individual anecdotes. Sabotage of a single answer won't do shit to the overarching trend.

>> No.9735295

My first instinct is to say you don't really think that and are just pretending you do to try to be contrarian.
My backup guess though is that you're sincere and are just being overly conscious about your decision making.
If the latter, I think the point of this is to go with what you intuitively feel is the right answer, not to intellectualize a choice based on consciously determined shit like feminine names.

>> No.9735310

kiki is the one on the left, because the triangle mass resembles many teal letter "Ks". Bouba, on the other hand, is made of round shapes that resemble Bs, lowercase As and and Us. You'd have much different results if the names were "Jane Doe" and "John Doe".

>> No.9735312

I think the right is more of a Gluba and the left a Shaka.

>> No.9735664
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>> No.9735700


>> No.9735712

That was my thinking exactly

>> No.9736508

Left is kiki, right is bouba

>> No.9736519

more like kik

>> No.9736552
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Maybe you’re the one who’s a contrarian and you’re projecting

>> No.9736573
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I also answered that anon.

>> No.9736596
File: 76 KB, 556x628, kiki bouba spectrogram.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our brains are somewhat synaesthetic through cross-fire of synapses between the visual and auditory parts of the brain, and if you were to quite literally look at the spectrogram of someone saying those sounds, kiki looks closer to the kiki shape, bouba looks closer to the bouba shape. Take a look at pic related

protip: This is the only right answer

>> No.9736605

Neither of those look anywhere close to the shapes above them. Also, you've got a high-pitched quiet pussy voice.

>> No.9736607

>ks are sharp and bs are round

>> No.9736619

>He can't see the literal spikes on the kiki sound and the lack of spikes and general roundness on the bouba sound

Unironically commit sudoku

>> No.9736680

Literally this.
Why would we define a sound as a shape?

>> No.9736699

Ever tried acid? It's called synaesthesia.

>> No.9737075

No you retard, I can't be contrarian by advocating for the overwhelmingly more common answer to this test question. Stop using words you don't know the meaning of.

>> No.9737161

it's one of the questions in class

>> No.9737237

They resemble the sounds those things make in the real world. If I stand on a stick that snaps it makes a "hard" sound, more like a k than a b.

These things are pretty universal across all human languages.

>> No.9737262

i must be autistic then because i had to force that kiki=left, bouba=right connection. it didnt come to me naturally.

>> No.9738082
File: 100 KB, 640x483, NhjL5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not every sound is interpreted the same way by every language.

>> No.9738336

left is kkk, right is nigga

>> No.9738341

yes however, they tested this on a secluded tribe and found the same mapping.

>> No.9738342

It's not hard....
When you say "bouba" your mouth becomes big and deep, round and encompassing.. Kiki is a hard sound so it's sharp.

>> No.9738348

Bouba is a more rounded out sound like the right shape and kiki is very sharp like the left shape

>> No.9738349

K sound resembles snapping, usually causing the object to become sharp.

Bouba sound resembles the sound of something bouncing which means the object might be rounded and have some elasticity like a ball.