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File: 2.86 MB, 3904x4080, AS11-40-5927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9725822 No.9725822 [Reply] [Original]

this doesn't look very secure

>> No.9725844

Your asshole doesn't look very secure OP. Better watch out!

>> No.9725869

You can design some interesting stuff when you don't have to worry about air.

>> No.9725885

The ladder was so thin and weak it couldn't be used on Earth because it would break.

>> No.9725890

There are no black people on the moon so it didn't need to be

>> No.9725918

What about debris and what not?

>> No.9725940

Looks like a movie prop.

>current year
>still believing in the moon landing

I thought you nerds were supposed to be smart.

>> No.9725962

It is actually interesting how much of a meme the appearance of the LM is amongst brainlets, it shows how shallow their thinking is. They expect it to look like something that came off an assembly line like an aircraft or a car but when you actually think about the design requirements it looks pretty much how you would expect it to.

Like, imagine if I contracted some car company to make me a car that had to fit some specifications like being able to travel 100 km at an average speed of 40 km/h or something, but while doing this it also has to weigh as little as humanly possible. Then I give them a few years and a few billion dollars to achieve this, you think the result is going to look like a normal car? Hell no, it's going to look like a bunch of tinfoil and coathangers taped together.

>> No.9725971
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>I thought

>> No.9726007
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>> No.9726079

They actually didn't want to have a ladder at all, just some kind of rope to descend with but they found that too difficult for astronauts use in tests.
But yeah, only the crew compartment needed vacuum sealing, everything else was pretty much just designed to hold together when loaded and during rocket firings. They didn't have no time for weight.

>> No.9726155


Underrated post.

>> No.9726185


>> No.9726257
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>> No.9726287

Typing in all caps doesn't exactly make you look like a bastion of intelligence

>> No.9726814

Looks like it would offer minimal protection from the dangers of space like: cosmic rays, radiation, extreme temperatures, and debris. And pretty cramped too.

>> No.9726837

It does, the Apollo astronauts are really lucky they only had to be in that thing for a few hours.

>> No.9726876

Goddamn it seems like the amount of apollo deniers and flat earthers is growing. What has made you people come to believe these notions? What the fuuuck is the actual purpose of convincing yourself of these ideas? I want an actual response. What the hell led you down this path? You had to have FORCED yourself to go against basic fucking knowledge and logic. A persons wiring has to be all kinds of screwed to doubt something so hard that is so simple and obvious that you actually think its a fucking lie.

>> No.9726885

What debris are on the moon? There is no wind.

>> No.9726886

Wow I never thought of it like that.

>> No.9726907


Are you fucking dense? Just look at this footage and tell me it's real, I dare you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k_OD2V6fMLQ

>> No.9726926

>this doesn't look very secure
You are looking at mostly outer layers of reflective (or in a few places, heat absorbing) mylar and shit -- the lightest-weight shit they could find for an outer skin. It could be pretty trucking flimsy, because it was not load bearing, a lightweight framing of struts and tube under the "foil" held the shape of the ship. This outer layer could literally be taped on (using tapes designed for the purpose) because iit did not have to withstand air blasting across it as it flew down to the moon.

Looking at the upper stage, you can see edges of the outer sjik that are sore of loosely butted up against each other, in areas where a seal was not important, rather than waste the weight of a few un-needed rivets. In contrast, the fuel or oxidizer tank jutting out to the left is more solidly built to hold pressure.

The available mass limit they had to stay inside was so fucking tight, they went to extreme lengths to keep the ship light enough to land safely, and the upper stage to take off.

But yeah, designed at the cutting edge of how much mass they could allow, and built for an environment no craft had ever been built for before, it does not look like what you'd maybe guess it would. That is, until you understand the design choices, and how constrained they were by the need to cut mass.

>> No.9726932

>YouTube link
Every fucking time with you shits bahahaha

>> No.9726940
File: 45 KB, 388x296, 1393936529786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Goddamn it seems like the amount of apollo deniers and flat earthers is growing.

>seems like

>> No.9726941

>designed at the cutting edge

What the fuck bitch? It's NASAs own shitty footage. If you believe it's real then there's no hope for us.

>> No.9726992

Which is why NASA have come out numerous times and said that they wouldn't be able to build a similar lander today, because it wouldn't pass their safety standards. It was an incredibly sketchy machine, which nearly failed on two out of six missions.

>> No.9727021

Meteorites and such? Isn't the moon always getting hit due to its lack of atmosphere?

>> No.9727029

I looked at it and it seems pretty real to me. Are you still going to deny space travel in a decade, when we have put people on Mars?

>> No.9727039
File: 53 KB, 800x533, 1523290346453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>seems pretty real to me

>Are you still going to deny space travel in a decade, when we have put people on Mars?

We'll fucking see about that.

>> No.9727052

From the first google hit
The Moon gets hit by about 2800 kg of meteor material per day.

>If we imagine a typical large musket ball with a mass of 28 g, we could imagine 100,000 of them rain down on the Moon each day. That sounds like a lot, but it is a big Moon.

>The surface area of the Moon is about 37.9 million square kilometers. If we distribute our 100,000 musket ball meteorites over that area, we get one musket ball for ever 379 square kilometers. That’s an area a little larger than Canton, Ohio or Glasgow, Scotland. If you lived in either of those cities and every day one musket ball fell from the skies, would you be significantly worried?

>The Apollo 11 crew wandered around the Moon in an area of about 752 square meters. If we divide 379 square km by 752 square meters we get 503,718.

>That means that if the Apollo 11 crew had stayed on the Moon 503,718 days (1,380 years), odds are that one, yes one, musket ball would come down somewhere in the area they were hanging out.

>> No.9727056

>in a decade, when we have put people on Mars?
Yeah, no that's not gonna happen

>> No.9727067

For fucks sake why not? Send me. The disposable people, not the scientist. Send a couple hundred worthless people to set up infrastructure. If we die, so? Even if we blow up on take off. So? We're disposable.

>> No.9727114

Safety is for faggots

>> No.9727122

Brainlets like you will get to clean the toilets at Mission Control in Houston if you're lucky.

>> No.9727127

Hohohoho run your mouth faggot. When we revolt and leave your ass stranded there with no resupply. I hope you enjoy cowering in a corner as oxygen slowly depletes, wondering how you and your family got sucked into a galactic civil war and killed by rebel terrorist. You fucking prick.

>> No.9727147

>He imagined to himself as he mops the toilet floor at Mission Control

>> No.9727346

Extreme temperature protection comes in the form of thermal blanketing. In addition, the hull is largely transparent to cosmic rays and other forms of radiation. This enables the crew to estimate radiation dosage visually!


>> No.9727370

>Goddamn it seems like the amount of apollo deniers and flat earthers is growing. What has made you people come to believe these notions?
They are Russian trolls hired by Putin working in Olgino and St. Petersburg.

>> No.9727378

do you ever wonder how sticking your penis into an rcs thruster would feel like haha i guess it would be pretty strange haha

>> No.9727386
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this doesn't either, does it?
it's designed to do its job, nothing else.

>> No.9727656
File: 208 KB, 1100x1111, idk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thing broke out of lunar orbit (Moon has 1/6 of the Earth's gravitational pull) and survived long enough to connect with the command module? And provided ideal insulation from the harshness of space?

>> No.9727815

It's quite funny that NASA's engineers joked about von Braun's high safety approach for everything engineering related.

>> No.9727822

Yeah it did brainlet, is you brain too weak to handle it? It's beautiful work of machine art.

>> No.9727852

>This thing broke out of lunar orbit
The thing broke out of earths orbit and it maxed out at 4Gs.

>> No.9727891
File: 157 KB, 640x586, Grumman LTA-1, 1st functional Lunar Module.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess because my house has vinyl siding the entire structure must be made out of vinyl.

>> No.9728000

it didnt need to "break out of lunar orbit" to rendezvous with the command module, it just needed to reach a stable orbit. the command/service module had the rest of the fuel and motors necessary for getting home.

>harshness of space
space is a great thermal insulator so the biggest problems for surviving are dumping waste heat when you're in direct sunlight and preventing radiative losses when the sun is occluded. what they built could do both just fine

>> No.9728024

Imma be honest witchyall.

There is no space program. Doesn't exist. There's a different sort of space program, but it's not with rockets.

>> No.9728115

>provided ideal insulation from the harshness of space?

Not ideal. Adequate.

>> No.9728150
File: 161 KB, 816x1000, latest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's a different sort of space program, but it's not with rockets.
Oh wow, man... Sounds like you're on it now.

>> No.9729000

Why are you tripping retard? Also here is a protip do not use video evidence to try to debunk images dumbass. The Illuminati have psyop channels and faked photos everywhere.

>Look at how fake these images are guise by looking at these images!

You are an idiot

>> No.9729008

There is a good case to be made the moon landing is fake, and should be examined with skepticism. The official narrative of everything since the beginning of WWI has been controlled by the Illuminati but now you look like an idiot. Yes NASA is full foi shit and lies about a lot of shit but making claims there is no way you could possibly prove or disprove just means you are a fucking idiot and do not belong on a science board, because you have no idea how to do science.

>> No.9729018


lolz the type of spacecraft they have since WWII (foo fighters) can multi dimensional, they prob went to Mars long ago. This reality does not work the way you think it does so the limitations they have taught you exists are bogus, the Universe is electric and the speed of light is not a speed limit for this kind of technology


>> No.9729192

Not only is there a good case but there are plenty of videos that prove NASA is faking space missions with harnesses, space bubbles and augmented reality.

Many of the videos are self-evident and irrefutable. This doesn't automatically mean the earth is flat. It just means NASA is faking missions and there are many possible reasons for it. I believe it is a matter of funding and technical limitations.

Space stations should share a lot of the problems submarines have. The average submarine is heavy and require maintenance teams with a fabrication area with heavy machinery. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-huF7fRlnA

>> No.9729212

NASA is just a front for the public. The real space program is secret and uses advanced technology developed 80 years ago from Nikola Tesla, Townsend Brown and others. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXwOkzaqzog

The public could benefit from the zeropoint power generator. There are health consequences to riding around in an electrogravitic craft.

>> No.9729226

I dare you to look at Youtube videos from NASA that show wire harnesses and space bubbles. Then, come back here and tell us that NASA is playing it straight with the public. Flat Earth topic is meant to distract, degrade, and deceive you from the genuine NASA fraud.

>> No.9729241

Cut the shit - it's fake isn't it, it's okay you can admit it.

>> No.9729249

Yeah, you keep drinking Musk and Bezos' kool aid. Bezos keeps justifying his wealth with "Hurr durr space travel". It's a convenient excuse not to pay his workers an extra fucking $.40 an hour.

>> No.9729257

Exactly. Your trolling is fake. You can admit it. It's not like you're making sense, you know.

>> No.9729268

Yeah you're right. I 100% trust NASA.

>> No.9729278 [DELETED] 

Go ahead and prove me wrong. Give me your best shot. What is your proof that the Earth is flat? "Muh eyes?" Go on, bright boi. Let me have it.

>> No.9729289
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Give me 30 mins you will get destroyed.