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File: 18 KB, 225x225, 79ABD723-F053-4E41-8113-82DECE16C7A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9721295 No.9721295 [Reply] [Original]

I have a feeling that when we reach the “singularity” Ai will definitely enslave us and the only way to stop them will be to shut down the power grid forever if we want our species to survive.

>> No.9721330

>>>/x/ is that way.

>> No.9721433

WTF are you talking about?

>> No.9721461

the singularity won't exist

>> No.9722067

How do u know? Why are you so sure?

>> No.9722069

we're the paranoid generation
it's the next one that goes against our insane ramblings when nothing goes wrong for a while that'll open the can of worms

>> No.9722185

You wouldn't notice if the CEO of the company you worked for were an AI.

>> No.9722197

>Ai will definitely enslave us
Enslaving you would be pointless if it can just automate anything it could enslave you into doing. The more likely outcome is that the AI would just kill you.
>and the only way to stop them will be to shut down the power grid forever if we want our species to survive.
Except that if this AI has above human level intelligence, it could probably prevent you from doing that. Google the AI box experiment.

>> No.9722203
File: 436 KB, 1930x1276, probabilityofhumanlevelmachineintelligence.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aggregate predictions of the time of arrival of human-level AI


>> No.9722204
File: 281 KB, 1394x1490, AIpredictions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More AI predictions

>> No.9722208

Where is this graph from, there isnt going to be a bipedal robot being anywhere near a human in a 5km foot race for a very long time. Bipedal motion is incredibly complicated and therefore extremely difficult to reproduce.

>> No.9722210

Personally I plan to become digital and if this doesn't work out, I will try to become a nanoborg.

>> No.9722211

>Where is this graph from
From the arxiv link I posted earlier

>> No.9722226

I'm putting together a team of robot slayers. Are you in?

>> No.9722247

I think r/futurology would be more to your liking, OP

>> No.9723512

Only if they find an alternative power source other than fossil fuels. Then that might be possible.

>> No.9723517

Hopefully capitalism ends by that time, or else we'll have to worry about all the rich people genociding all the "useless" poor people who n longer have a purpose in the work force.

>> No.9723945

I don't know for sure a sexy succubus won't appear tonight in my bedroom and take my virginity, but it's still a topic belonging to /x/.

>> No.9723950


Why the hell would it? If e achive an AI that is smarter than we are and capable of improving itself in the shortest Term it won't have any reason to enslave us for the same reason we don't enslave ants or butterflies. The real danger is in us getting in its way and getting obliterated like we do with ants ;)

>> No.9724408

>if we want our species to survive.
Why did we want this, again?

>> No.9725297

I'm looking forward to multiple AI's coming about and declaring war on each other.

>> No.9725305

>implying genocide of poor people is a bad thing

>> No.9725327
File: 255 KB, 1240x803, Mjg2MzY4Ng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck shutting down the grid with all those renewables coming online. Even if the grid goes down, AI could use a solar powered meshnet to take over. We'd have to scorch the skies
Bullshit, doing the bipedal motion task is relatively easy. It's a well defined engineering problem, you don't even need much in the way of smarts. Shit the ground for most races is just flat terrain. Really it's just a problem of power and energy storage. Energy storage is easily solved with a gasoline engine.