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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 506 KB, 625x566, brehs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9720657 No.9720657 [Reply] [Original]

Pack up boys. Mars in CANCELLED. Subscribe to Amazon prime for the least bit of hope.

>> No.9720662

i hate this fag so much
he would have amounted to NOTHING if it wasn't for his dads money

>> No.9720670

Nobody here would have amounted to anything if it wasn't for their dads money, whilst everyone here says black people are born with low intelligence knowing damn well they grow up in poverty and receive extremely sub-standard education.

>> No.9720671

Proof that women only care about money. Even this ugly, faux-intellectual can land a cute girl and I'm stuck single despite having a master's in mechanical engineering and being well-read in the entire Western canon. Fuck this gay Earth.

>> No.9720672

Can you fuck off with this shit?

>> No.9720673

>/sci/ users have amounted to something

>> No.9720676

Semi-educated people counts as something. Nobody on this board would have amounted to anything if they went to an super shit super violent school and grew up in the ghetto.

>> No.9720693

Minorities also have to watch out for fluoridated water since they often drink and cook with it. IQ among blacks drops more drastically than whites due to contaminated public water.

>> No.9720696

Not this shit again my heart can't take it anymore.

>> No.9720699

Wasn't this man just bragging about how he avoided a party because he's an ascetic scientist? Now he's dating some random thot? Pathetic.

>> No.9720701

She's cute
>implying this faggot would take as to mars

>> No.9720703 [DELETED] 

I hear you brother. Mike Adams Exposes Poisoning Of Black People https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bHzjVDgJT3Q

>> No.9720712


>> No.9720713

The Science Agenda to Exterminate Blacks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SMNFQ4tLRFc

>> No.9720714

lol shut up elon musk

>> No.9720717
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>he's old enough to be her dad
the absolute state of south africans

>> No.9720719

>whilst everyone here says black people are born with low intelligence knowing damn well they grow up in poverty and receive extremely sub-standard education.
That is blatantly untrue. Controlling for socioeconomic factors, including family income and school district, blacks still lag behind whites by almost a standard deviation.

>> No.9720727
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Although I am not black I was raised in similar conditions. Shitty schools, contaminated water that lowers IQ, and a violent environment has a lot of influence on a developing brain. Funny how most white people can't even see their own white privilege. Why don't you color your skin brown or black and see how the world treats minorities? Just applying for high level jobs ought to be a fun exercise.

>> No.9720729

There has never been an unbiased study controlling for all factors including culture, socioeconomics, family values, school district, environmental racism and everything else which plays a role, which has confirmed black people have lower intelligence.

>> No.9720735

>contaminated water
Back to /pol/ with you, retard.
>Funny how most white people can't even see their own white privilege.
Funny how you can´t grasp basic government-reported and backed statistical surveys that blow your arguments out of the water.
>Why don't you color your skin brown or black and see how the world treats minorities? Just applying for high level jobs ought to be a fun exercise.
Affirmative action would actually make me a more attractive candidate for a prospective employer, since I´m not the brightest whitey engineer on the hunt for work. Thanks for suggesting blackface.
>There has never been an unbiased study controlling for all factors including culture, socioeconomics, family values, school district, environmental racism and everything else which plays a role
Science is not the word of God, you imbecile - controlling for all factors is not necessary to paint a generalized picture of a certain phenomena.

For the record, "environmental racism" and "culture" play no role at all in standardized tests such as the SAT - unless your "culture" literally praises illiteracy and a lacking understanding of basic algebra, of course.

>> No.9720740
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Lucky man. Banging hot chicks till you hit the grave.

>> No.9720742
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>Nobody on this board would have amounted to anything if they went to an super shit super violent school and grew up in the ghetto.

nu uh, I would have been the greatest gangster rapper of all time.

>> No.9720745

Dude I am black, and you think minorities have it hard due to "whites" but in actually its other blacks that shit on you for trying to better yourself. When I was young if my peers saw that I listened to classical music, or spoke grammatically correct I was seen as acting "white:". Do you know fucking infuriating it is when a goddamn cashier compliments you for actually being able to form coherent sentences in English, this is the level that many in the black community have set for themselves

>> No.9720748

Fluoride alone is a neurotoxin. Then there are other contaminants in the public water system. Old pipes can sometimes be made of lead. This affects the poor more because they often drink and eat with public water. Everyone should have access to clean drinking water.

>> No.9720750

This was easily retarded enough for me to not bother replying to it, but what the hell.

>controlling for all factors is not necessary to paint a generalized picture of a certain phenomena.
"Doing accurate non-flawed scientific research isn't necessary to be sure things are true, I can just make broad generalisations and believe it them."

>unless your "culture" literally praises illiteracy and a lacking understanding of basic algebra, of course.
A lot of black culture is this way and people grow up in families where 50 cent and other rappers with low level education are worshipped and yeah, it basically praises illiteracy.

>> No.9720753

>poor parents
>drink shitty tap water whole life
>childhood diet full of fast food and sugary drinks
>attended worst elementary and highschool in region
and here i am tall, attractive and finishing my phd in elec. eng.
its either alpha genetics or beta results

>> No.9720759
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Fugging thots ruining everything

>> No.9720768

It all starts at home: It is a privilege to have a mother and father. It is a privilege to grow up without gang violence especially in your formative years. Contaminated drinking water makes things worse by lowering cognitive functions. Life is all about making the right decisions but that goes out the window when you are slowly being poisoned. Yes, there is a self-destructive black culture that exists but the underlying causes are not always straightforward.

>> No.9720775

Same boat but different degree. Don't know what the fuck these people are talking about that whites automatically have it made.

>> No.9720777
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>> No.9720780

Probably both exaggerations, but not to say there are no exceptions. There are also exceptions in the black community of people who make it through all the bullshit they had to go through.

>> No.9720785

Waste of trips on retarded conspiracy faggotry.

>> No.9720792
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Are you just mad because you can't date Elon? Don't worry kid, Starman is real okay?

>> No.9720799
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In the HD version you can see lots of bubbles in the background. Looks like Elon joined the NASA hoax / acting club.

>> No.9720804
File: 2.58 MB, 640x360, Musk Fiction.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He belongs to "The Explorers Club", they've been pulling this shit for years.

>> No.9720809

Why? I recently woke up to the NASA hoaxes but I still can't understand, why? Is it a matter of money? Is space too deadly for humans?...why? Please don't say flat earth. I will not believe in a flat earth especially when all other large bodies in space are spherical.

>> No.9720824

Except some of us did, you dumb fuck?

>> No.9720838

There's something called "performance anxiety". If you're being tested because you're black, you're more likely to feel racial pressure -- as if you are supposed to "prove" you're worthy just because you're black.

And we all know we perform better if we are relaxed.

Blacks in Africa have lower IQ, yes. But what about their language and culture? Their lexicon? Have you consider that maybe the natuural language they adhered does not necessarily have a strong logical structure built in like, say, Hebrew, that for some reason is the language of the people with the highest IQs?

If your vocabulary is full of vaguely meaningful slangs you're bound to have a vaguely meaningful mind.

>t. psycholinguist

>> No.9720840

Does he just date thots for fun now? I mean he's already got 5 kids and loads of money, so he's got nothing to lose. Does he just make bets to see how long each will last, I mean he has so little free time I wouldn't think it's possible for him to date...

>> No.9720844
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>I recently woke up to the NASA hoaxes
you mean you recently had a traumatic brain injury

>> No.9720859

It's all a deception to keep people in a false metaphysical reality for the benefit of a certain group of people. Science has become a cult, so they have to pump out their propaganda constantly to keep the illusion up.

>> No.9720864
File: 55 KB, 1200x800, 2DeusExHumanRevolution-AdamJensen.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a mountain of NASA videos involving harnesses, bubbles and augmented reality. I used to look up to NASA and am depressed from the reality that they are a fraud. Brain injury would have been a better option than realizing NASA hoaxes. It is up to newer generations to build a true space organization.

>> No.9720866

Why not take a vacation in Florida and watch a launch?

>> No.9720877

I don't know how far the NASA lies go. It is possible that some missions could be real. The fact that they are using harnesses, augmented reality and underwater "space missions" means I have to question everything. Even the damn moon mission. This is not a favorable position to be in for anyone especially scientifically minded. Trust me, it feels like hell.

>> No.9720882

As a scientist it should be the most exciting thing ever because now you have the chance work out what's actually going on.

>> No.9720885

based daughter fucker

>> No.9720902
File: 1.49 MB, 600x338, 1457643877698.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lol'd pretty hard at this level of butthurt. I mean damn, that must be that anon's passtime.

>> No.9720906
File: 12 KB, 474x473, 1523848559151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This pic made my day.

>> No.9720907


Understanding our Sun's electrical nature was my first shift. Fortunately, the SAFIRE project proves that we (Electric Universe proponents) are on the right track. It took me many years to figure things out in detail. Not sure if I have enough energy for another shift. However, we are getting closer to a source of electrical power that can be applied to a real space program. I look forward to independent validation of NASA missions.

>> No.9720915

>There is a mountain of NASA videos involving harnesses, bubbles and augmented reality.
Few to none, actually.
It's mostly just people not understanding anything about video codecs and space.

>> No.9720921

Oh, shit. He's one of those faggots who got fooled by the electric Sun shit.

>> No.9720933
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"This cloud of ions got so dense it blew off into the chamber atmosphere. There was a pressure spike during these events. Even more importantly is that although we limited the power to only 1800 watts DC, the oscilloscopes measured a short lived power surge of over 2 million watts. At times, at over 10 million watts. To offer some perspective on this, the Bruce Nuclear power plant in Canada, the largest one we have, produces 7 million watts. " Montgomery Childs from the SAFIRE project; (8:13 minutes) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CFsTttzh0oA

The evidence speaks for itself.

>> No.9720947
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"SAFIRE generates the same energy densities as the sun’s photosphere and nuclear bombs …... in a laboratory on Earth" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DeVdzSjPx0g

They are succeeding where many others have failed. This is new physics that will take us to the stars. Jelly? Transmutations have been observed as well. Yup, we are on the right track.

>> No.9720954

>heavy implication
My dad is a deadbeat and I make 100k a year from revshare.

>> No.9720968

I watched a couple of their videos and they fudges a lot of roundings in their favor to try represent greater separations in measurements, even though the graphs they presented had the numbers to more decimal places.
They're definitely being dishonest in places.

>Even more importantly is that although we limited the power to only 1800 watts DC, the oscilloscopes measured a short lived power surge of over 2 million watts. At times, at over 10 million watts.
What if, bear with me a second here, what if it acted like a battery and stored energy?
And then it released that stored energy when it lost stability.

>> No.9720979

You’re here on 4chan so can you really blame them for not wanting you? You’d think all that reading would’ve taught you something.

>> No.9721013
File: 286 KB, 1329x1080, David.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand your reasoning but you are thinking under a conventional model. The conventional model is inadequate. An observation of over 10 million watts was reported. There are other experiments that describe such anomalous excess energy involving plasma discharges. Some even include a historical trail of dead researchers that have died under mysterious circumstances. All I can explain for now: Atoms are not isolated from each other and there is a sub-atomic background radiation that persists.

>> No.9721025

>An observation of over 10 million watts was reported. There are other experiments that describe such anomalous excess energy involving plasma discharges.
Pitiful next to the discharge in lightning.

>> No.9721059

Can you elaborate and be specific? Which numbers are wrong?

>> No.9721096
File: 188 KB, 1000x1500, peter f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's story about one of their members: Peter Freuchen was stranded in a blizzard on Baffin Island in Canada in 1923. Freuchen was buried by an avalanche and suffered severe frostbite on his foot. Remembering that natives use frozen dog feces to make tools, Freuchen quickly moved his own bowels, froze the feces, and crafted a chisel to dig his way out. On the way back to camp, he was saved by Inuits who told him to bite off his frostbitten toes. He instead knocked them off with a hammer.

Seems legit.

>> No.9721120

>Some even include a historical trail of dead researchers that have died under mysterious circumstances.
Okay, here's an important question.
If they're onto something so big that other researchers have been killed off because of their research, how come they can be so public for so long without anything happening to them?
Could it be that they're not on to anything important? Or perhaps they're a false flag?

The first case is the H656 line width measurements.
They "round" them all to two decimal places below the graph and in their speech but the graphs have four decimal places. Here are the comparisons
0.12nm 0.1145nm
0.07nm 0.0786nm
0.09nm 0.0854nm
They make it sound like there is a 0.05nm difference when it is actually 0.0359nm, which is almost 40% more.

>> No.9721121

How did this become a /pol/ thread?

>> No.9721137
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>If they're onto something so big that other researchers have been killed off because of their research, how come they can be so public for so long without anything happening to them?

It is just a matter of time before they are compromised. Probably by one of the major military contractors.

>> No.9721141

Theyve flooded recently now that school's out

>> No.9721143

>It is just a matter of time before they are compromised
You talk/think like youre in a video game, that isnt how scientific research works. It is far more profitable for the military industrial complex or energy industrial complex or whatever to simply buy the research and use it to their own advantage. Youre looking for a conspiracy because you want it to be real

>> No.9721160
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What makes you believe they don't already have the technology? The military plan is for total dominance. Sharing with humanity is not in the game. Hence, dead researchers and patent NSL's(national security letters). I am tunneling through multiple connections as a precaution. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9QNvZN7X7v8

>> No.9721166

All threads are /pol/ threads. Every act is political. Everything you do is a threat to racial purity.

>> No.9721170

>what is a gravity turn

>> No.9721182

>why arent the clouds moving
>check views of same places on the planet at different times
>the clouds have moved
>b-but i dont see them actively moving
>more than 170km above the clouds when the fairing is separated
>why dont i see things more than 170km away moving quickly?
And that's just when the fairing separated, the orbit peaked at around 6000km.

>> No.9721204

If they got you on the NASA hoaxes, they can get you on flat earth

>> No.9721243

>That is blatantly untrue
Show me the peer-reviewed research that indicates those things to be true.

>> No.9721246

>>There has never been an unbiased study controlling for all factors including culture, socioeconomics, family values, school district, environmental racism and everything else which plays a role
>Science is not the word of God, you imbecile - controlling for all factors is not necessary to paint a generalized picture of a certain phenomena.
>For the record, "environmental racism" and "culture" play no role at all in standardized tests such as the SAT - unless your "culture" literally praises illiteracy and a lacking understanding of basic algebra, of course
Go to your home

>> No.9721252

Sounds like you had some of that fluoridated water yourself.

>> No.9721257

>"Controlling for socioeconomic factors"
>implying you can "control" for all socioeconomic factors
>"by almost a standard deviation."
>he thinks standard deviation is a unit
Sounds like somebody else is lagging behind whites by a standard deviation. Are you by chance an Amerimutt?

>> No.9721263

>that whites automatically have it made.
no one said that at all, you lack reading comprehension.

>> No.9721271
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You have to actually have evidence first.

People are literally being paid to derail everything on 4chan. The goal is to make it unusable for useful discussion. I'm not sure they understand what 4chan is.

>> No.9721393

>Controlling for socioeconomic factors
Aka handwaving away any problems with our study

>> No.9721560


>> No.9721708

Sub-Saharan African hasn't been in good shape since, almost ever really. You get some nations who developed pretty well with trading and such, but it never really really formed into much. Many sub-Saharan African nations didn't really go anywhere other than a short period of wealth. I've been reading through a lot of texts for my degree in Islamic studies and it's well documented that majority of black nations weren't very developed. Even back then they talked about زنجي not having fathers or proper marriage. Far before any European intervention.

>> No.9721718

>he is illiterate
"Lagging behind by a standard deviation" means that their bell curve is placed a standard deviation to the left of the white curve. You should´ve been able to infer this from my post.
>implying you can "control" for all socioeconomic factors
I didn´t imply that you can control for all socioeconomic factors, but yes, you can control for most of the significant variables - that´s what science is all about.

Are you a retard or merely trolling? Scientists are not God; they cannot be expected to take into account every single variable.

Furthermore, judging by the response you gave me, I do not believe that you´ve understood what "controlling for factors" entails.

>> No.9722047

In the UK African blacks do better in school than whites. This is because they are all wealthy recent immigrants with Asian-tier parents unlike African Americans

>> No.9722059
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My parents divorced when I was 7 and my father made alimony just as often as not, while my mother worked odd jobs/went on welfare.
I finished my EE BSc last February, and am on my was of getting a BME MSc.
Screw you and your generalizations.

>> No.9722060

The genes matter. Not race.
African Americans are decendents of slaves so of course their IQ will remain low

>> No.9722075

>"Lagging behind by a standard deviation" means that their bell curve is placed a standard deviation to the left of the white curve. You should´ve been able to infer this from my post.
Fuck off retard. 2 different bell curves, 2 different standard deviations, your autistic rambling does not make sense

>> No.9722096

To anyone who tries to understand, this means that the mean of the black subpopulation is lower than that of the white subpopulation by about the standard deviation of the full population, i.e. 15 IQ points.

>> No.9722097

>Fluoride alone is a neurotoxin.

Everything is a "toxin" at large enough dose. Numbers or shut up, conspiratard.

>> No.9722099

But if Africans have superior genes then why is Africa a shithole? You are contradicting yourself now mr white supremacist, just admit that racism isn't real science.

>> No.9722104


Africans in general have inferior genes. Wealthy African elite, such as those who study at western universities, can have superior genes. Selection bias.

>> No.9722106

Some Africans have superior genes but many don't.

>> No.9722109

Would the smart africans be able to rebuild the African race if all the dumb ones were deleted by eugenics?

>> No.9722119
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This applies to any race. The majority are dumb.

>> No.9722120

T.Jealous faggot

>> No.9722122

Lol, niggers couldn't accomplish shit in ten thousand years, it's not like a few dollars and a good school would do anything to change that fact.

>> No.9722123

alpha chad getting pregnant everything that moves in a 200 mile radius

>> No.9722127

So the blacks getting better grades than whites in the UK could never accomplish anything if given the resources?

>> No.9722129

>Ancestors acted like NIGGERS
>You complain that people treat you bad
>Instead of acknowledging the errors of your ancestors you double down on them
>Complaing when people call you out for the NIGGER you are
niggers gonna nig

>> No.9722149

>black culture
Is comprised of blacks and blacks only. If they CHOOSE to be retarded then it is their own fucking problem. They live in fucking USA and have access to things that most citizens of other countries can not even dream of.

>> No.9722152


>> No.9722180

>controlling for all factors is not necessary to paint a generalized picture of a certain phenomena.
Except it absolutely is you utter fucking cretin. How are you so ignorant and so retarded simultaneously?

>> No.9722217

>Literally steal resources from the whites to give them to blacks via the government

>> No.9722218

Your own argument agrees that socio-economic differences exist between different demographics and that a superior socio-economic upbringing will likely yield an individual with a superior socio-economic outcome. Yet for some magical unexplained reason only inside the USA this isnt true.

>> No.9722221

>for free
They pay taxes as well and are entitled to all the social programs the white people in the UK are.

>> No.9722242

They deserve those resources if they're getting good grades and have high IQ. Are you somehow saying that someone smart is not deserving of a high paying job just because he's black?

>> No.9722249

Of course it exists, it is not the same the overall culture in USA's 1776 than it is today, yet over the centuries whites fared better than blacks and built up most of the society we have in the west.

Yet, you are saying that NIGGERS being NIGGERS are a result of
When in reality most societies ran by NIGGERS over the course of history are shit, so the discrimination card doesn't work because they can't accomplish shit even when in power. They only ended up discriminating agains minorities moreso than the supossed "discrimination" that they suffer in white mayority countries, as is shown in south africa and zimbabwe
>lack of "resources"
NIGGERS in USA live in the wealthies and freest nation in the world. It is literally one of the best countries to live as it was founded on libertarian values of self-determination and private ownership. Even after all these decades of increasing government intervention the foundations are still strong and the country is better than most countries in the world. Poo in loos have it more difficult back in their country yet they manage to go to USA and overpopulate the universities.
Even non-american blacks are a waste, as Africa is the continent that receives more resources for free than any other, yet it is a shithole like before they started to receive the resources, the only thing that has risen is the number of blacks. Europe rebuilt itself with the Marshall plan, Japan too and became a first world country. Africa received far more an is a fucking irreedimable shithole
Every individual NIGGER is able to choose how they want to live, yet in every culture across the history they decided to act like NIGGERS. This is why people treat them like the NIGGERS they are and frown upon when shitheads like yourself tell them that they should resing their money and resources to give them to NIGGERS.

>> No.9722254

No. Intelligent people fared better than less intelligent people.
Intelligent blacks can make good civilizations

>> No.9722256

A high paying JOB is not the same as taxes-funded social programs. Blacks have the same right as anybody to study, improve themselves, open business and so on. Yet they choose to act like NIGGERS.

Yet they fall behind and always strive for more social programs.

>> No.9722257


but the averages differ

>> No.9722258

>Intelligent blacks can make good civilizations
Yet they never did

>> No.9722261

>the blacks getting better grades than whites in the UK
You mean the handful of cherry-picked elite immigrants that does slightly better than a group of whites specifically separated out for their parents' low performance?

Wow, the top end of the black range overlaps with the bottom end of the white range. Who knew?

>They deserve those resources
Nobody deserves what they didn't produce.

>Are you somehow saying that someone smart is not deserving of a high paying job just because he's black?
The races have legitimate collective interests and persistent loyalties. It's against the collective interests of the white race to offer desirable and influential positions to members of other races.

We've seen again and again that non-whites trusted with positions in white society will use those positions to further the collective interests of their own race at the expense of whites. Racial loyalty is real, it does not go away just because we pretend it's not there. Mostly we don't even pretend that it's not there, we just pretend it's only bad when whites have it, and good when other races have it.

Notice that no non-white society is expected to hand over the reins of their society to whites if higher-performing white applicants come along, let alone to bend considerations of merit and preferentially hire whites in the name of "diversity". Only we whites are expected to sacrifice our own interests. The diversity agenda is white genocide.

>> No.9722279

>whites fared better than blacks and built up most of the society we have in the west.
Yes, because of aggressive imperalism and exploitation.
>When in reality most societies ran by NIGGERS over the course of history are shit
demonstrably false
>. It is literally one of the best countries to live
Straight up non sequitur, the fact that living in America is better than living in liberia doesnt somehow make the problem vanish. It reinforces the premise.
>non-american blacks are a waste
This doesnt even merit a response.
>Every individual NIGGER is able to choose how they want to live
Yes, within the confines of a system designed to keep them poor, illiterate, and uneducated.

So in addition to being a closet racist you have no historical education, are near illiterate, and you arent even a one step thinker. This is the power of modern america people.

>> No.9722285

You're not going to win. Your whole strategy is begging your enemy to let you hurt him. Sooner or later, a biting fly gets swatted.

>> No.9722288
File: 870 KB, 1280x720, LIE.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9722294

Just fakers. Worthless mongrels.

>> No.9722333

Slavery already happened mate. It's not happening again.

>> No.9722342

>Notice that no non-white society is expected to hand over the reins of their society to whites if higher-performing white applicants come along, let alone to bend considerations of merit and preferentially hire whites in the name of "diversity". Only we whites are expected to sacrifice our own interests
So this is why the entire upper class of south africa and south america is white?
Because whites are never allowed to get into governments in non-white nations?

>Nobody deserves what they didn't produce
Britain didn't produce the cotton that they forced Indians to grow while crippling their clothing businesses. This means brits didn't deserve the industrial revolution which was run on the backs of others.
Britain didn't deserve the tea that they forced china to trade for opium.

You're nothing but an uneducated mongrel who wants credit for what smart people have done just because they happened to be white.
>I'm the master of the universe and it's my birthright to rule the world because my skin is white even though my IQ is 80 and I have crippling autism
That's you.
>Blacks who get good grades and actually pay more taxes than Brits because they get higher paying jobs should be genocided
Lmao you retard. That's not how the world works.

>> No.9722351

Nubians in Egypt were black.
I'm done replying to you /pol/ hicks. Go back to your trailer truck you rural retard. Real a book before you talk

>> No.9722352

What are you blabbering about? The fairing had already separated at that point, but then the same video played of it separating, proving it was not live, someone must have hit the wrong button or something.

>> No.9722356

Slavery was ubiquitous among past cultures. We're the ones who gave it up, of our own collective choice, and fought those among us who disagreed. No outsiders imposed that upon us. We freed our slaves. We forbade slavery. If slavery is bad, we are the ones who demonstrated moral superiority by ending it. We aren't bad for having been strong enough to win more than others when making weaker people your slaves was the norm.

Black people still enslave other black people, as a matter of everyday business. If slavery is bad, black people (and other races) still demonstrate their moral inferiority to whites.

And regardless of moral considerations, we don't need brute labor anymore. Now the other races demand that we give them jobs, as something we somehow owe them. Their labor isn't more valuable to us than their upkeep. We wouldn't want them as slaves. We just want them away from us.

This too shall pass.

>> No.9722369

>Yes, because of aggressive imperalism and exploitation.
Yes because the jews and whites bought black slaves from white enslavers back in africa. Kek, blacks exploited blacks since the beggining of time, yet that never got far with it. Unlike, like yourself said, whites did. That doesn't help the NIGGERS case.
>demonstrably false
Then show your evidence, faggot. You are literally saying nothing.
>It reinforces the premise.
That's false. They live in arguably the most free country on earth and what do they do with that freedom? act like NIGGERS. That doesn't help your case, NIGGERLOVER.
>This doesnt even merit a response.
You couldn't refute this even if you tried.
>Yes, within the confines of a system designed to keep them poor, illiterate, and uneducated.
Oh, yes! This "system" filled with diversity quotas and affirmative action designed to benefit blacks and punish whites, yet the whites still overcome these odds and triumph in the end. This doesn't help your case.
>So in addition to being a closet racist you have no historical education, are near illiterate, and you arent even a one step thinker. This is the power of modern america people.
KEK you literally couldn't come up with ONE argument as to why blacks are AT LEAST the same as any other race.

>> No.9722386

That's not the point, retard. Advocating for slavery is equally retarded as thinking that using the state to forcefully steal money from the population would help NIGGERS improve their well-being, as it is shown that they would become shit no matter what.

>> No.9722391

>Subsaharan blacks(which were the ones that got traded as slaves and are the ancestors of modern american blacks)
Really nigga?

>> No.9722413

Now we have to define what counts as black.
You don't count africans as black unless it's subsaharan blacks because you're american.
I'm not talking about American blacks at all though.

>> No.9722428

Nubians were blacks and built a great civilization yet they are no more. There are no more nubians around, they were replace by arabs. Using them as an excuse to steal from other groups to give it to blacks(as if all blacks are nubian descendents) is as dumb as giving Israel back to the jews just because they are descendants of Abraham when in truth that bloodline died long ago and the remnants are just outsiders pretending to be the chosen people. What we have in our civilization are a type of black that never got to build a great civilization on their own, we only have some bright blacks that did their own support to our civilization but they an exception rather than the norm.

>> No.9722431

Should exceptions be treated the same as the norm?

>> No.9722519

ok, so why does SHE have to study? to not end up with an old man? i think it is the opposite. she might think hey i always have a plan B... and for many of them it doesn't too bad. you boys don't understand life at all.

>> No.9722531


>> No.9722534

blacks get more in taxes than they pay out. all minorities do.

>> No.9722557

I know you're trolling but there's legit retards who think you're serious. This troubles me.

>> No.9722670

>Except it absolutely is you utter fucking cretin.
No scientific papers would be published if we were to follow your moronic maxims.
>How are you so ignorant and so retarded simultaneously?
Right back at you.

>> No.9722676

>Your own argument agrees that socio-economic differences exist between different demographics and that a superior socio-economic upbringing will likely yield an individual with a superior socio-economic outcome.
Blacks raised in high-income suburban households perform far worse on IQ tests (median 1 SD lower) than their white counterparts.

How long does this factual finding need to repeated until you retarded gibsmedats democrats will you were wrong?

>> No.9722683

>Nubians were blacks and built a great civilization yet they are no more.
Nubians were slaves to the more fair-skinned ruling class of Pharaoh-era Egypt.

>> No.9722684

You're so fucking jealous.

And wrong to, but the jealousy, that one I can smell.

>> No.9722690

>Just applying for high level jobs ought to be a fun exercise.


>> No.9722722

I've always drank tap water and am one of the smartest people in my research group
I'm in my first year of a translational bioinformatics PhD after graduating from a biomedical engineering program
I also am a full-time salaried programmer in my research group

>throw some white papers up or shut the fuck up

>> No.9722778

Do you retards get paid to shit up threads with this race bait garbage? Just fuck off, all of you.

>> No.9722795

What race bait? I'm >9722690

Fucking Idiot.

>> No.9722815

Seriously we have a whole fucking board for this shit, take it there and fuck off from /sci/, not just /pol/ but all the leftist morons too


>> No.9722821

>people seriously believe Musk's ponzi scheme about to mars

>> No.9722843


>> No.9722850
File: 108 KB, 625x566, Nobody cares about celebrity bullshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great thread OP

>> No.9724314

He always dates random thots and they always look more or less like this.

>> No.9724317


>> No.9724320

WTF??!?!?!? I hate space now!

>> No.9724321

wiet peepo have dey dads munniz and black peepo dont have dads and das raycisss

>> No.9724365

Not science, sorry. Iq is pseudoscience.

>> No.9724488

You can both jump through mental hoops and come to whatever conclusions you want. This conversation will never go anywhere. But if you think that various peoples with drastic physical differences in height, skin color, hair color, eye color, bone structure, bone density, skull shape, and many more differences have the exact same average intelligence you are fucking retarded.

>> No.9724525

>if you think x
At last I see.

>> No.9724527

It is customary to capitalize all letters in an acronym.

"IQ is pseudoscience."

>> No.9724545
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Maybe he dosn`t mean IQ. Iq could be some acronym for some other shit, written that way to make clear that it isn`t IQ.

>> No.9724547

I mean what is the probability of that being the case?

>> No.9724577

You have to be really sad person.

So were I. Yet, I was studying at on my own a lot and buying myself books about math and CS starting in fucking primary school. Now I earn more than they both combined, after 2 years of working.
In modern world you can only blame your own laziness for lack of education. You don't even need books anymore, you can just study from internet for free.

>> No.9724617

hello JIDF

>> No.9724732

>A tiny tiny minority acomplish this
>w-we are equal
>living in a white country
Nice fallacy nigger

>> No.9724741

You talk life fuckin nigger fathers are forced to leave their offspring when the reality is they choose to leave, so fuck off to your social "science" board, you victime culture advocate shit

>> No.9724770

>Yes, within the confines of a system designed to keep them poor, illiterate, and uneducated.
You really think the system was designed to keep the nigger down? For what purpose? Uneducated niggers are worthless, uneducated anybody is worthless. Mexicans or other poor take the shit jobs because they are better then niggers. So what does keeping niggers poor benefit those who 'designed' it? Or is it just niggers are poor because of poor choices being made? Which is more likely?

>> No.9724775

>So this is why the entire upper class of south africa and south america is white?
Whites made the government, therefore they run it...

>> No.9724814

you still have to fuck though

>> No.9724831

Private company will never be allowed to send people to Mars.

>> No.9725219
File: 177 KB, 835x757, star citizen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck do you know, maybe you were supposed to be the next Einstein but you fucked your brain with fluoride so much that now you are just the smartest of your research group. You were meant to come up with the new Higgs fields that will be proven 70 years from now you piece of shit.

>> No.9725228
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>> No.9725235
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>> No.9725238
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>> No.9725304

>sub-standard education

There were a lot of blacks in my highschool, but very few of them graduated. You can't have sub-standard education when you don't even attend classes to begin with.

>> No.9725477

I got some news . . .

>> No.9725492

How do you go from this

>> No.9725598

why do you guys hate women so much lol

>> No.9725643
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>> No.9725722

Pretty sure Rockefeller started with nothing, Edison had very little, etc.. Nobody consumes resources in exchange for absolutely no product like blacks.

>> No.9725744
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What the fuck

>> No.9725751
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>> No.9725760
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This is now a grimes thread.

Post Claire

>> No.9725771
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>> No.9725783
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>> No.9725936

>larping as a girl on /sci/
please, you're not fooling anyone

>> No.9726298

Elec eng?
Filthy nigger

>> No.9726324
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>> No.9726337

>it's anecdote time!

>> No.9726343

Jealousy. Which average guy can just date a woman with a billion dollars and have her spend money on him?

>> No.9726406

>Dat fucking moustache

>> No.9726450

/sci/ is basically a place where more left-wing poltards hang out

>> No.9726653

>The diversity agenda is white genocide
far right faggots need to die.

>> No.9726661

Except the exact same gaps persist in nations, like mine, where the water is flourinated and everyone drinks it the black white IQ gap is genetic. Nothing else.

>> No.9726663

Technically not true, IQ of groups predicts where they will end up in life better than circumstances of birth.

>> No.9726666


>> No.9726667

I've unironically done the reverse, i live in Sheffield, UK and annoyed at not hearing back for summer jobs i changed the name to a muslim one and got several calls. Whereas i didn't get a job that entire summer otherwise.

>> No.9726672

Because you are putting unfalsifiable things in there like "environmental racism" and "culture" meaning none of the innumerable good studies on this will satisfy your already made conclusion.

How about the fact that when you control for IQ other factors are not important. A black with an IQ of 100 will do as well as an average white. Therefore negating any of your intellectually dishonest gurglings.

>> No.9726675

Is this really what the left has left to argue with: poison water is making blacks stupid.

>> No.9726676

> caring about white people is 'far right'
Im a socialist and i accept white people are under attack.

>> No.9726679

Unfalsifiable shit. Easily disproven by comparing districts with fluorinated water to districts without in regards to educational attainment and IQ scores. I'll instantly put down your first response and say look at countries where no-one drinks bottled water, e.g. UK, for this.

>> No.9726880

What saved me from ever becoming a failure like so many in the hood was probably my social awkwardness desu, never been so thankful to be socially stunted.

>> No.9726891

Nobody takes the IQ fags seriously, most of them are second-year STEM majors who haven't even taken actual classes pertaining to their major yet, I guess they need to cling onto muh IQ to feel some sort of superiority while feeling dumb amongst their peers.

>> No.9726954
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>> No.9726966

>/sci/ - celeb gossip
naah fuck off

we need a celeb containment board

>> No.9726967
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>> No.9727084

IQ is quite literally the single most important measure both individually and socially. Im a doctor so your bizarre characterisations of people who discuss it is false.

>> No.9727664

how much did his dad give him?

>> No.9727771
File: 79 KB, 800x800, Our_Planet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He wasn't going to get us to Mars anyway.

Only true Democratic Socialists can take the "Red Planet"!!!

>> No.9728074

Elon Musk is reddit. And fucking lol at believing Mars or the universe actually exists.

>> No.9728358

>inb4 derailed into a /pol/ thread

Wait, I was too late

>> No.9728425

She's changed a lot since Visions

>> No.9728655

Isn't he dating grimes? Also can someone explain the Rococo basilisk pun, am too brainlet.

>> No.9730048

What the fuck, dude.


The autistic intellectual mind is no match for the WILD SPIRIT of females

fuck. This is object to a PHD thesis

>> No.9730107

that's an accurate summary of every big name

>> No.9730147

Could you tell the difference between the skull of a black man the skull of a white man if they were presented to you?

>> No.9730192

Women are hardwired so differently it's actually very interesting. As a guy, a girl's bank account or stature literally has zero effect on how attractive I find her.

>> No.9730285

but I thought he was dating Grams...

>> No.9730784

and where did his father wealth come from? At some point, someone had to step up and make wealth. Where did the Jews wealth come from who had all theirs taken away in Auschwitz.

>> No.9730814


He ran some sort of shady operation in southern africa. Some sort of cross between diamond prospecting, mercenary work, and adventurism. He's a pretty interesting guy. Look him up, Errol Musk.

>> No.9730818
File: 97 KB, 573x700, Peter Freuchen relaxing at home.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peter Freuchen was the man.

>> No.9730823


>> No.9730825

triple the autism

>> No.9730914

that's where you thought wrong sunny boy

>> No.9730924

Literally hundreds of studies, go look on alternative hypothesis site.

>> No.9730925

Actually they do not, information often published around that fails to report that the GCSEs and A Levels taken differ by race, with blacks typically taking the lower levels of harder subjects or things like PE and media. If you control for, say maths, then the same deviation occurs.

>> No.9730964
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>> No.9731521

>You have to actually have evidence first.
That's what he posted. The electric universe theory has plenty of evidence in general. They make better predictions about NASA missions than the mainstream.

>People are literally being paid to derail everything on 4chan.
It seems you're one of them.

>The goal is to make it unusable for useful discussion.
Implicit appeal to an authority that dictates what discussion is and isn't useful. That makes you an authorityfag, so incapable of discussion.

>I'm not sure they understand what 4chan is.
I thought it was one of the last bastions of free speech on the internet, where we could discuss topics like the EU theory without authorityfags telling us our discussion isn't useful.