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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9716420 No.9716420 [Reply] [Original]

Is "computer science theory" is just a polite way to say "the math that is actually useful"?

>> No.9716425
File: 5 KB, 127x200, 1337110418529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol no

>> No.9716427

fuck of /g/

>> No.9716433

This is the cancer of this board.
Whether CS is a science or not is neither here, nor there, it is useful in its application and required in today's STEM due to the need for high powered computation that a human brain couldn't handle.

>> No.9716437

CS theory is literally only math

>> No.9716445

buttmad mathematicians detected

>> No.9716446


>> No.9716449
File: 297 KB, 836x1136, 1513067679808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9716450

non scientist detected you need math in many fields

>> No.9716453
File: 130 KB, 1084x441, mathvirginchad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9716458

pretty much. Mathfags need to cope somehow though.

>> No.9716471

No, if people weren't too brainlet-tier to wrap (jejejej) their heads around topology then technological progress would probably skyrocket. A lot of math is only deemed useless because normies are too intellectually lazy to give them due consideration.


>> No.9716475

Why is no one responding me? :(
It's a good point, please respond.

>> No.9716476

Here's your (You)

>> No.9716477


>> No.9716483

Is it true that CSfags can induce the MergeSort algorithm empirically, unlike Mathematicians, who have to deduce it from first principles?

>> No.9716502

>shitting on mergesort again
oh boy never seen that one before

>> No.9716535

Wut? The theoretical parts of cs are never used for anything. You can do all the practical parts of it without knowing more than a minimum of the theory and the rest almost never comes up.

>> No.9716548
File: 11 KB, 1294x108, csarethisdumbtheycantderivemergesortontheirown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CS majors are unable to naturally come up with mergesort on their own

>> No.9716565

what theorems have you come up with on your own?

>> No.9716566

that screencap is literally completely correct, I seriously doubt you'd be able to come up with mergesort on your own.

>> No.9716569

what algorithms have you come up with on your own?

>> No.9716573

I had an exam for a fourth year discrete math course. I naturally came up with mergesort to answer the question.

Mergesort is super intuitive to anyone who understands computational complexity.

Suck it AGP's

>> No.9716579

Pics or it didn't happen

>> No.9716586

>things that never happened

>> No.9716587

What was the question? Also, gj coming up with something half a century after it's invention has been recorded.

>> No.9716595
File: 82 KB, 1140x431, csarethisdumb2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CS are this salty that they think mergesort is non-trivial

>> No.9716610

lol, what tf are you doing if your 4th year discrete math course has questions to which the answers are 'mergesort'?

>> No.9716620

>That pic
You don't need graph theory for shit in actual applications. Sure, there are graphs all over the fucking place, but you just use them as a convenient way to organize and traverse data and use some algorithms, the theory is hardly relevant.
I took an optional class that was super heavy on graph theory and just ditched it since most of it wasn't useful (and also the professor was an asshole who not only had use take classes on Saturdays at 7am, but also took stupidly hard exams where 95% failed).

>> No.9716624

If merge sort is so easy then why do we have all the jobs? Checkmate stemfags.

>> No.9716748

>You don't need graph theory for shit
>in actual applications
Oh ok you are just a shitty software engineer
> stupidly hard exams where 95% failed).
Excuses brainlet

>> No.9716749

I’ve always posted in defense of csfags and disliked the seemingly unfounded mockery, but this post and it’s replies really do confirm that they are figurative monkeys.

>> No.9716757

Tell me where you have ever used graph theory, I'll wait.
Even in research based on networks it never comes up past the super basic stuff.

>> No.9716768

>shitty software engineer
Do people not realize how important good programmers are to human society?

>> No.9716777

The same people who appreciate the "contributions" engineers make to society.

>> No.9717167


>> No.9717212

except software engineers contributions are actually remembered lol

>> No.9718928

>Information Mathematics
Sounds a bit like CS is (in part) a specialized variant of Applied Mathematics, doesn't it.
>"the math that is actually useful"

>> No.9718939

>Information Mathematics

>> No.9718942

CS is neither math nor is it useful.

>> No.9718954

>I seriously doubt you'd be able to come up with mergesort on your own.
I doubt that it would be out of a CS students grasp (who has taken a class on computational complexity).

>> No.9718955


>> No.9718960

CS students find calc II hard

Hell they even find linear algebra hard. If they find linear algebra hard how can you expect them to come up with mergesort on their own?

>> No.9718962

quick sort is a much more intuitive algorithm imho and in most cases it's more efficient

I really doubt someone would independently come up with merge sort before quick sort

>> No.9718964

>I really doubt someone would independently come up with merge sort before quick sort
Any 12 year boy who knows how tournament brackets work can figure out mergesort.

>> No.9718972

Suck a dick insecure faggot
Your point was neither rigourous nor poignant. Stop taking up space. Acknowledge the fact that your (you) begging makes hou a cocksucking normie that causes Perlman to be dissapointed

>> No.9718982

>terms derived from contracted translations of the expression "automatic information" (e.g. "informazione automatica" in Italian) or "information and mathematics" are often used
It's not clear that Informatics is derived from 'information *and* mathematics' rather than 'automatic information'.

>> No.9718983

Accidentally when posed a sorting problem and some constraints?

>> No.9719025

math is a tool, anyone who studies a tool is a tool himself.

>> No.9719056

This is the cancer of this board.
Whether cooking is a science or not is neither here, nor there, it is useful in its application and required in today's STEM due to the need for highly nutritious sustenance that a human brain couldn't produce on its own.

>> No.9719067

Agreed, gastronomy is one of the most important fields today.

>> No.9719149

Easy to comprehend =/= easy to come up with

I’m not arguing that’s mergesort is the hardest ever or even that it’s hard, but robust algorithms are generally a fair amount of work to formulate

t. Math and CS double major who took the graduate algorithms (proof, analysis, and design) course