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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 13 KB, 1280x640, 1280px-Flag_of_the_United_Kingdom.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9715146 No.9715146 [Reply] [Original]

>wrote down rules of calculus, mechanics and gravity (Newton)
>discovered oxygen (Priestly)
>discovered evolution (Darwin)
>discovered relationship between electricity and magnetism (Faraday)
>wrote down the rules for electromagnetism (Maxwell)
>discovered atomic nucleus (Rutherford)
>discovered electron (JJ Thompson)
>discovered antibiotics (Fleming)
>discovered DNA (Crick and Watson)

Has any other country contributed as much to science?

>> No.9715160


>> No.9715230 [DELETED] 

> worked out how best to ethnically suicide via arab dick

>> No.9715262

Germany contributed quite a lot to science, they basically created the chemical industry. They also have e.g. Leibniz to the UK's Newton.
re: Darwin, Lamarck is quite celebrated in his native France, which surprised me.
I think the British have a tendency to name discoveries after people that other nations (in particular, Germany) do not share. The British (and American by forced inheritance) approach to science in general is much more "taxonomical" than the German approach. This might be why they're such terrible engineers.

>> No.9715276

>invented algebra
>proved ZF's supremacy and made it the standard it is
>invented signal processing
>invented vaccines
>proved the "trivial af" conjecture everyone else tried to ignore like virgin pussies
>solved your diffeqs
>unwillingly invented cryptography
>invented coordinates
>invented the Big Bang theory
>anything else from the X-ENS overlords
France reks all your shitty countries 1v1

>> No.9715278

and somehow US schools rarely give them the credit

>> No.9715290

Because things like rationalism and empiricism were really popular there before elsewhere, basically they were ahead of the trends. And Britain started the industrial revolution.

>> No.9715301

United States, Germany, and Italy

>> No.9715363

>formula for ice
>electric toilets
>(soon) robots

>> No.9715369

>Germany contributed quite a lot to science

>proceeds to babble on without even mentioning MAx Planck or Albert Einstein

>> No.9715373

That alone is more important than anything Britian has invented

>> No.9715375

>invented vaccines
>invented the Big Bang theory
Who of FLRW is French?

>> No.9715376

lol you aren't serious are you?

>> No.9715377

In answer to OP's question, no - no other nation even comes close.

And now your nation is cucked by globalist economists... its a fucking tragedy

>> No.9715380

useless shit tier post. you have contributed nothing but pathetic innuendo

>> No.9715382

>>formula for ice
Pretty sure the West discovered enthalpy at a time gooks were still wannabe chink pathologic wankers.


>>electric toilets
Overrated trash. Also, pooping in public toilets is the grossest thing ever.

>>(soon) robots
They're not even the best at that according to robotics contests. A handpick of rich kids making toy robots aren't gonna change the world; industrial innovators will.

>> No.9715383

The Japanese contributed a great deal to engineering

>> No.9715384

>planck and einstein
>not gauss

>> No.9715389

gauss counts for the french dumbass

>> No.9715390
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>whomt'd've is Pasteur?

>> No.9715394

oh nvm my mistake. always thought he was french... but was wrong

>> No.9715396

Fine I play to your fucking shit topic aimed.
USA, Russia. Both have been to space. Has Brexit done such a feat?

>> No.9715397

Some guy born 1 year before Jenner's death.

>> No.9715398

Japan is huge in chemistry

>> No.9715400

i think they did a lot of metallurgical firsts too

>> No.9715420

>invented algebra
>al gebra
>al jabr

Arabs invented it you fucking retard.

>> No.9715430


>> No.9715461

>erases other people's discoveries
>we invented EVERYTHING
>Us us us us

>> No.9715491

All your neighbors are better

>> No.9715492


are you serious!?!


well, I guess that's the end of my mathematical career.

>> No.9715494

>>discovered atomic nucleus (Rutherford)
He was a kiwi

>> No.9715586
File: 70 KB, 630x630, science_nobel_evoloution.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their former colonies are pretty good too. USA is the new centre of scientific innovation, Australia and Canada punch well above their weight.
Seriously nigger?

>> No.9715597

We were in close proximity to the rest of Europe to share research and got ahead due to 1) having less political instability 2) having vast coal deposits with which to build industry and 3) having a large naval and commercial industry. The Japanese were a similar island nation but they were 1) isolated 2) had no large industry, military or commercial interests for it to be worth bothering with science.

>> No.9715608

>Pretty sure the West discovered enthalpy
not that sort of ice m8

>> No.9715722

>Scientific innovation only took place in the last 300 years
>We whites are the best because we're the only ones who did technological development because we oppressed everyone else so they couldn't do any research and had to agonize on getting freed from slavery

>> No.9715726

>>wrote down rules of calculus, mechanics and gravity
But that was Archimedes

>> No.9715755

ya whites literally oppressed every single human being in existence for like 6 centuries.... not

>> No.9715764

Is it a coincidence that only white scientific research has advanced in the past 300 years while EVERYTHING else stagnated?
The cause was white people and the effect was that nobody except whites benefitted.

>> No.9715766

It was a joke, anon

>> No.9715768

no its not just a coincidence. whites innovated first (key word: first ) and used technology to enlighten the savages of the world.

you should be grateful, not hateful

>> No.9715772

in theory, if africans had innovated first they would have done the same thing

donr hate the player, hate the game boy

>> No.9715775

Just in the last 300 years. Not for most of human history. Being proud and jacking yourself off and thinking you're superior because you held everyone else back while you did it yourself doesn't mean you're actually good at research. It means you're good at holding others back.

Not really. Chinese people invented gunpowder and they didn't do the same thing. Whites are simply oppressors and lovers of organized violence and nothing more. Nobody else thought "hey let's go """"""""civilize"""""""" the rest of the world. The Chinese didn't.

>> No.9715782

whatever you say, buddy

>> No.9715786

>only white people can be racist

kek, get off this board you fucking retard

>> No.9715787

Let's fast forward 500 years into the future, all of today's knowledge will be a drop in the ocean compared to what will be known in the future and if there won't be wars caused by whites, whites will be left behind by the rest of the world when it comes to research because they'll finally stop being poor so they can focus on research.

>> No.9715788
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Brain drain is real.

>> No.9715789

Whi*oids are fucking demon spawn from the devils asshole.

>> No.9715792

Whites taking cre

>> No.9715793



>> No.9715804

how is it that your country is still a shithole even though there are <0.002% whites there?

losers always find a way to blame someone else

>> No.9715820

Einstein is not G*rman

>> No.9715843

Just shut the fuck up you brainless moron. You don't know anything and you are wasting everyone's time by saying shit.

>> No.9715857

It's improving because of the lack of whites now.
It was shit because of whites for 300 years

>> No.9715866

Canada made the cut!
I'm pretty sure Canada invented insulin.

>> No.9715923

Nobody invented insulin. Canada only discovered that it was there. Don't flatter yourself.

>> No.9715964

Wait wait, so in your mind, it's not so much that whites are any good at science, it's that for 300 years they had the armies and social engineering to hold everyone back, allowing to make any discoveries first.
For about the last 300 years or so.
The 300 years that have given us roughly 90% of the innovations and discoveries in our 10,000 year human history.

Gosh, it seems like the rest of the races have been holding back whites.

>> No.9716006

*medical* insulin you dolt

>> No.9716254

>The rest of the world has been holding back whites
Wew now back up that statement. How did the rest of the world enslave whites for 10000 years and prevent them from advancing?

>> No.9716258

a lot of European inventions are stolen

calculus concepts were already conceived in ancient india and china long before newton

>> No.9716261

They divert students into the sciences only after they have proven they can master the basics at a younger age, in the US best potential scientists go into econ or finance.

>> No.9716268
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Lol, I knew this thread would be illiterate burgers chanting USA, but ididn't think it would be this bad.
The UK has done an awful lot for science, FACT, but so has the US, France; Switzerland; Germany and Italy.
But that doesn't mean you get to deny US, the reason for the industrial revolution (for goodness' sake) equal fucking credit you ungrateful cretins.
Sure, populism and nationalism are the fad on 4chins, but don't be revisionist scumbags.

>> No.9716272

Because they got the biggest army and influenced culture and religion, thats why are all talking english and not french or something

>> No.9716278

>ITT: Burgers chanting USA, whilst performing self-congratulatory revisionism because they've taken one too many bumps of the resident nationalists bullshit.

>> No.9716361

This. It was all discovered a long time ago. Europeans just rediscovered it and then took all the credit.

>> No.9716414
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Holy shit in dying

>> No.9716478


his point was to make a statement which has about as much logic as your first post - i.e. he is not really serious

not surprised you missed it

if youd been following the thread youd see that some (likely chinese) guy brought up the race card first, saying that whites basically cheated - thats why they made the first inventions. way to throw around race baiting buzzword like 'revisionist' and 'white nationalist' yourself. perhaps you also believe that only whites can be racist.

>> No.9716485

The Northeast Asians were undoubtedly the most advanced 'race' up until they stagnated after the increase in influence of Confucianism, which outmuscled Daoism for the intellectual center stage. This drew their focus away from explorative science of spiritual reasons to internal betterment for the collective, moral philosophy..
It was also twinned with the overall efficiency of their logistics systems that largely kept everyone fed and comfortable, meaning there was no need for an industrial revolution.
This is called a "high-level equilibrium trap":

>> No.9716496

I think this also answers the OP, the reason the British were so revolutionary in science and engineering during the 1700, 1800 and early 1900s was due to their failure in logistics, there was a need for efficiency as "necessity is the mother of invention".

>> No.9716526

i dont think so. you dont 'stagnate' for 300 years - all the while growing in population and innovation. i think it was more a fluke of things like language and societal structure all coming together.

>> No.9716529

>you dont 'stagnate' for 300 years
That's also happened to Europe from the transition from Paganism into Christianity and then the fusion of Pagan thought and Christianity in the Renaissance.
So yes, you can stagnate for 300 years, it happened to us (Europe) and it happened to them (Northeast Asia).
And both of them were (partly) due to a philosophical paradigm shift.

>> No.9716530

>high-level equilibrium trap

this is smoething we should be striving for in the west, especially as technological advancement appears to be leveling off. this obsession with growth will be our undoing

>> No.9716534

I agree, there is a point at which you reach a critical unbalance. Whilst I don't think we'll go into some Vargian-style primitivism, it'll be the most dreadful war we've ever known.

>> No.9716536

>transition from Paganism into Christianity
but that happened 1000 years or more before the enlighenment

>> No.9716537

And invention and discovery slowed greatly during that period.

>> No.9716546

All of OP's examples seem to be dead a century or more.
Now that Hawking's gone, that leaves Roger Penrose.

The English had the advantage of a (relatively) open-to-new-ideas society while the Continent was still under the thumb of kings and pontiffs.

Current government is killing science funding wherever it can, pulling out of joint projects. They're much reduced since the Empire is gone. At the end of WW2, Von Braun's team was trying to decide whom to surrender to. They hated and feared the Russians, and knew the British couldn't afford their activities, That left the Americans.

Took awhile for the Brits to face reality. Look at Dan Dare in the '50s. "Flying Spitfires to the planets." Space Force is International, but Sir Hubert calls the shots and there are only token foreigners.

>> No.9716550

The United Kingdom is a shell of its former self.
No wonder so many of our STEM graduates leave for profitable positions.

>> No.9716563

didn't crig and crag steal that shit from a woman?

>> No.9716564

touche, the dark ages were all about Christian fanaticism...

i wonder though about cause and affect, and which is which. we seem to be slipping back into a form of fundamentalism (with dogma based on economic principles instead of religious ones) - whether its due to the lack of technological advancement or resulting in it is the question.

>> No.9716570

Not exactly, ut she should've at least been co-author.

>> No.9716583

That would be a shitberg indeed, if we were to hit a faux-high-level equilibrium trap, but without the logistical prowess leading to famine and war.
Oh wow, that's gotten be really excited for the future, not!

>> No.9716594

Africa was colonized by whites for less than a century.

>> No.9716597

Umm... what?

>> No.9716599

im trying to remember that quote about shit times when evil has all the strength and motivation,

it was by some american anyway... maybe one of the founding fathers

>> No.9716600

No. She was just one of many x-ray crystallographers of the time and in fact misinterpreted her own diffraction pattern. She made a significant discovery, but it was Crick and Watson's interpretation and model that won out.
How did whitey hold down the world for 300 years when most of it was not even colonized for that long?

>> No.9716607

We never seem to progress the context of our existence, only the tactile nature of it.
We are as cyclical as a species as the lesser species we assume we are better than.
Let's hope that isn't an eternal truth.

>> No.9716611

That's true, we spent more time plundering it than actually taking control.

>> No.9716618

it really seems to be make or break at this point. ie either progress beyond basic animal competitive survival instinct or extinction. paradoxical. and it appears many people have an axe to grind


>> No.9716628

Maybe this a mythical:

>> No.9716642

The overwhelming majority of resources were never taken and are still sitting in the earth, waiting for an educated and technologically-savvy populace to exploit them.

>> No.9716645

Taking people is still plundering as people are a resource that can transform over resources via work done.

>> No.9716650

That was the Arabs, not white Western Europeans. The former made brief contributions to science about 1000 years ago. The latter made more effort to end slavery than any other rough ethnic group.

>> No.9716656

Crick and Watson STOLE it from Rosalind Franklin.

>> No.9716660

But I thought ethnic Europeans were the worst?

>> No.9716666

But she was also British, checkmate, atheist.

>> No.9716667

>most advanced race
>couldn't even make bronze until indo-europeans introduced it

>> No.9716673

And? There's been lots of retarded shit like that.
>Aztec, advanced, building huge pyramids, couldn't even wheel.
>Muh Europe can't even into gunpowder or silk.

>> No.9716814


Both Jews and Germans back then never considered Jews as fellow Germans.

>> No.9716823


Yep, that's the way Europeans roll.

>> No.9716851


>> No.9716856
File: 11 KB, 1092x83, yes_british.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9716906

colonialism was (is) a lie, no?

>> No.9716942

>in theory, if africans had innovated first they would have done the same thing
what theory says such thing, and what supports it?

>> No.9716947

the nobel prize is a politically charged contest

>> No.9716949

OP, unironically google 'HBDchick hajnal line', and then google "Jayman hajnal line'.

There's an evolutionary reason why northwestern Europeans punch above their weight in historical scientific achievement.

>> No.9717055

He doesn't know about the Male warrior hypothesis.
Git gud.

>> No.9717070

>The male warrior hypothesis (MWH) is an evolutionary psychology
stopped reading right there.

>> No.9717082

Many civilizations discovered algebra independently of each-other. The Sumerians, Indians, and Greeks were among the first.

>> No.9717113


>> No.9717316

Make America Great Britain Again

>> No.9717329

What, did we invent algebra? Pretty sure algebra still works in the absence of humans. Not trying to ridicule you, but please explain..

>> No.9717354

Can you name ONE source that algebra would exist in a world without humans?

>> No.9717883

Poland invented integers

>> No.9718656

they got jew/nigger dna, so they are culturally enriched enough to give birth to such gr8 inventors.

>> No.9718702

Probably it's such a bad weather's fault

>> No.9719221
File: 332 KB, 1891x1131, Periodic Table by Nation of Discovery and Isolation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Discovered the most elements, too.

>> No.9719225

>discovered DNA (Crick and Watson)
the woman, Franklin, discovered DNA. Crick and Watson deduced its structure

>> No.9719228
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They're also very welcoming to those that have the highest IQ's on average too, relative to the rest of Europe.

>> No.9719233
File: 295 KB, 1258x1594, Geological Map of Western Europe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2) having vast coal deposits with which to build industry
Yes, you are correct. See picture attached.

>> No.9719423
File: 158 KB, 800x900, 1512825653768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

achually. nobody invented algebra outright. it was slowly developed over thousand of years. however it was french germans and British who helped create the fundamental theorem of algebra

>> No.9719434

lol gunpowder was a complete accident not exactly some great intellectual achievement

>> No.9719436

>equilibrium trap
sounds like a nice coping mechanism and scapegoat for trying explain why europe accomplished 95% of science and technology in 500 years while a large population like China didn't do jack shit

>> No.9719443

*it was Euler who created the fundamental theorem of algebra

>> No.9719448

Better yet, they had no idea what it could be used for until the Europeans turned up and put it in tubes to invent rifles and cannons.

>> No.9719454

prove it or stfu.

>> No.9719459

per Capita, the UK has us beat.

>> No.9719463
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>> No.9719639

>whitewashing science

>> No.9719910

Nah. They used it for fireworks. Europeans were violent and wanted to kill people and that's why they used it for cannons and rifles effectively ruining all combat forever.

>> No.9719990

I'm happy that whites die out.

>> No.9719997

>some arab scholar collected a bunch of trivial age old algebra results in a book
Memes aside, what he did was pretty neat and we named the subject after him as a nod of approval, but the notion that arbas invented algebra is just ridiculous.

>> No.9720001
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>there are people who actually believe this

>> No.9720006

Constant muslim conquests were pretty fatal for the Christians involved. Maybe you should, I don't know, educate yourself.

>> No.9720454
File: 118 KB, 1000x667, 1512354448759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no. you are just unaware of how broad of a topic algebra is and the history of it. look up the fundamental theorem of algebra. the arabs contributed to parts of algebra but didn't come close to inventing all of it. you are trying to brownwash history by falsely claiming history is whitewashed.

>> No.9720456

>no fair. they used their brains instead of swords.

>> No.9720463
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>> No.9720466

Pro-tip: Capitalism

>> No.9720468

Nice white washing you FILTHY anglo

>> No.9720484

To discover something that was supposed to be lost and publish it so it won't be lost in time is not stealing. It's not like Newton got a piece of an ancient scroll and copypasted it and took the credit.

>> No.9720496

>Falling apple theory
Yeah. He just so happened to discover gravity. I don't believe a beady eyed bastard managed that.

>> No.9720501

Have you ever been outside?

>> No.9720507

Anyone who thinks Britain is good at anything is fucking retarded.
>wrote down rules of calculus, mechanics and gravity
The french basically created math, you fucking moron.
I fucking hate the french, but even *I* am willing to admit if you don't know french, then you fucking suck at math.

>> No.9720520

Me too. They didn't contribute as much as they think anyway.

>> No.9720533

>This one guy thinks he's entitled to tell me and other billions of people how to live our lives and what to do with our time
Fuck off commie

>> No.9720747

My boy Benny F from Other to Other

>> No.9720765
File: 136 KB, 546x700, lepol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh joos
of course

>> No.9720794


>> No.9721202

>reason for the industrial revolution
Return our spinning jenny and all-moving tailplane, burger, they were the China of the age.

>> No.9721344

>We wuz astronautz and shiet
Just fuck off of /sci/ you fucking casual

>> No.9721372

Per capita isn't worth shit. Scaling up population doesn't necessarily scale up research output or anything else at 1:1 rate

>> No.9721397

This. Industrializing first makes a huge difference between Britain and the rest of the world. Just as wars across the world except for on US's home soil let the US get a large advantage over other countries. The Chinese were close to industrialization in the 13th century or around that time, but simply did not have the middle class necessary to warrant the increase in goods that come with industrialization.

>> No.9721417


>> No.9721420

true. Seen a lot of jap reactions in a book

>> No.9721425

not very impressive

>> No.9721431

you mean a useless powder util it was on european hands?

>> No.9721530

>Germany contributed quite a lot to science
And if WW1 and more importantly WW2 didn't happen it would today be even more relevant.

You are also forgetting Physics and Mathematics, there were a lot of very relevant scientists and mathematicians there.

>>proved ZF's supremacy and made it the standard it is
But ZF itself was created by two Germans, one of them a Jew.

>> No.9721531

>Arabs invented it you fucking retard.
Yeah, so?
France is an Arab colony, what is your point?

>> No.9721682
File: 25 KB, 569x428, 1427276129865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

America made an enormous amount of discoveries in the 20th century in every area of science but most of it is still way to esoteric to show up in memey lists like OPs.

>> No.9721867


>> No.9721871

>Rainy island
>Lots of wealthy upper class folks with good education
>Nothing for them to do other than sit inside and invent stuff

Combine that with pretty extreme capitalism and you've got a recipe for innovations.

>> No.9722116

Oh yes! He was a nobody, so it's obvious that he couldn't made the discoveries for himself even if he tried! It's not like he dedicated his whole life to this kind of things, right?

>> No.9722591

>Why is western and northern Europe so good at science?
Fix`d your thread title, since its more fitting.
The answers are whites, tho

>> No.9722597

Whites are the best because they managed to gain a large enough technoclogical lead to be able to opress everyone else.