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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9711751 No.9711751[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It doesn't make sense that the male of the species is larger than the female. Men don't need to be big because our reproductive organs don't need to take up a lot of room, women should be bigger because her fecundity is tied to her size. Females are larger in males in the majority of animals anyway.

At this point, we must make the transition to a larger female species, like whales or rabbits. Optimize males to the lower bound and females to the upper bound. It would completely end rape and violence against women as well, and we could build a matriarchal utopia. If you're nervous about women not being attracted to small males, well if that's a social thing then they'll like the small cute males, if it is some biologically innate thing, we can engineer them to find "cuteness" attractive and like the small males.

Males would be superior as well. Small size is better for modern combat, plus they take up less room and resources.

Yes there's a fetish element to this, so what? It's better than furry shit which is going to explode as genetic engineering gets better. Fuck those guys.

>> No.9711754
File: 1.16 MB, 1957x1296, futureofwomen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Females should just be replaced with artificial wombs.

>> No.9711765

No, terrible my dude. This isn't /r9k/
I want giant amazon girlfriends. Think about it. A mutualist world where you spend all day working, studying whatever you want, running around playing sports and vidya, and then coming home to an amazon girlfriend to suckle on her tits and fuck her all night.
Literally a paradise.

>> No.9711771

I’d rather be a 13 foot tall giant and literally tear girls to bloody ribbons with my 19 inch spiked warclub of a dong

>> No.9711776

You'll be shot so easily. Modern combat renders large males obsolete.

>> No.9711825
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>Be primarch
>literal perfection of the human form.
>Tower over subhuman trash that look up at me as a god.
>Could destroy them all but instead I give them a priceless gift in serving me since I am benevolent.
>Literal scum help fit my armour, I should tear them apart but choose not to.

>> No.9711850

My girlfriend is already a huge bitch. I don't need that statement to be literal.

>> No.9711853

>gigantic titties.

Sign me up.

>> No.9711864

If women were larger than us the would be absolutely brutal and turn us into literal second class citizens, the only reason they haven't done so IRL is because they are much weaker and dumber than men on average....

>> No.9711869

date a tranny

>> No.9711888

Would possibly be nicer to feel like females were the dominant sex. I hate all the pressure of having to be the outward party.

>> No.9711902

I approve of this project

>> No.9711910
File: 73 KB, 707x489, really faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's a fetish post
Not only is this not science or math, but you're a disgusting faggot kys.

>> No.9711912

What do you think the obesity epidemic is about you brainless brainlet? Nature is already taking care of this.

>> No.9711973

kek, i still remember the futanari thread where some anon made a lot of points why humans should be like hyena's.
That was a fun /sci/ thread because so many anon's took the bait.

>> No.9712007

t. insecure angsty manlet
I slightly approve just for the porn potential

>> No.9712008
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This is going to be an interesting century.

>> No.9712169

You try to use nature as a basis, where female species are larger.
What if in humans, the male is technically the female of the species? Other than reproductive sence, of course. And many years of submission of the female and social networks made the female feel loss of control... when really, girls have dominant Control over males and all those aspects as in nature.
On a non-intellectual basis... even the most strongest scientifically driven (they would think) male; in their Virgin, scientific, laboratory, dungeon; would have weakness to the right woman's control, if she knew how to tame him.

>> No.9712210


>> No.9712315

That's not the case in other mammalian species where the female is larger. They are very peaceful nice societies (other than the Hyena).
I want amazon girlfriends.

>> No.9712334

Yeah op? Try having a sister who is both taller and more attractive than you are. My sister is married with 4 children and I'm stuck as an incel. Thing is, I'm not even super short(5'8").

>> No.9712385

But that would not only be normal, but greatly exaggerated to what we have now.

>> No.9712420

Is OP the same guy?

>> No.9712429

OP, you need Orion's Arm.


>> No.9712432
File: 1.13 MB, 720x1200, tumblr_p0jsl7dafA1vhn2zmo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

women don't even need to be bigger to be superior...

>> No.9712434
File: 139 KB, 555x414, Theodore_Kaczynski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. No genetic engineering.

>> No.9712450

Does Ted ever talks about it?

>> No.9712477


>> No.9712481

m*n should be replaced with inseminators*

>> No.9712482


>> No.9712487

What makes you think you'll get why more pussy in this fantasy world than the world you're loving in right now
Also /b/ is that way -->>

>> No.9712494

It's easier to replace men than it is women. It's easier to make sperm in a test tube than it is to make an artificial womb. It's easier to make male sex bots than it is female ones. Once sperm can be made in a test tube cheap enough, us men are as good as dead.

>> No.9712495

I just looked that up, it's cool but what I actually need is for this to be real irl
I want amazons
Go back to lolcow
why? What's wrong with my vision?
Why do you assume I don't "get pussy"? What makes you think this is only about "getting pussy"?

>> No.9712499

Women can't make sperm though

>> No.9712508

they could in a test tube

>> No.9712514

They were made from male mice cells, it was about creating sperm for infertile men (and it's still much harder for humans than mice). Women can't make sperm because they lack the Y chromosome:
Either way, this isn't about "gendercide" it's about building a paradise of amazon girlfriends.

What's wrong with my world of beautiful amazon women and cute males?

>> No.9712526

Except that men run literally everything. Without men, civilization would not exist. Women are useless apart from their vaginas.

>> No.9712529
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>> No.9712530

please stop with the "women are bad" "men are bad" "replace women/men with artificial wombs/sperm" posts.

This thread is about genetically engineering a paradise world of amazom girlfriends and cute male supersoldiers.

>> No.9712533

Those Y chromosomes can be kept in a test tube. You can even fertilize eggs without sperm.

>>What's wrong with my world of beautiful amazon women and cute males?
The biotechnology necessary to do that is much further off than the technology necessary to replace men with cells in test tubes. We don't have a good understanding of how traits like height are expressed genetically and we don't have a good way to genetically modify humans.

>> No.9712547

I admire your ambition

>> No.9712558

This paper was back from 2001 and yet there isn't anything going on in this field. Sounds like there's a lot missing from the story you're writing. Every attempt I know of at creating offspring without both sperm and an egg doesn't work.
Either way, whats with your hangup? Why would you rather replace yourself with a test tube than create a paradise world? Learning about how height is expressed in genes is just a matter of time, as for genetically modifying organisms we do that already, humans are no different.
Just imagine the beauty of the world I'm describing.
Thanks anon.