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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 11 KB, 170x227, Albert_Einstein_Head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9708621 No.9708621 [Reply] [Original]

"Literally the greatest mind of our times." -internet

Tell me just one of his inventions that actually turned out to be useful.

>> No.9708623

Just a proto-pop-scientist, nothing else.

>> No.9708627

>Casts aside Newtonian Physics when it was accepted as doctrine
>Invents a new theory of physics from the ground up which has proven to me far more accurate at describing the universe than even Newton's.
>Revolution paves way for various space-based high-velocity advancements like GPS.
>Revolution leads to the invention of the nuclear bomb

lol bro what did he even invent BRO?

>> No.9708639

Science builds upon itself. Every engineer and scientist after Einstein had access to a better understanding of reality because of his work.

Also GPS for us on Earth, and navigation in general for spacecraft would be very inaccurate without general relativity.

>> No.9708644

Thanks for saving me the breath bro.

>> No.9708648

forgetting the photoelectric effect? Modern electronics are based on it. Solar panels and what not.

>> No.9708750

who cares about leds and solar cells right???

>> No.9708869

Pop-sci has measured him to have had 160 IQ. I'd say much higher if you can measure how deep you can think. The man was a master in how you think.

>> No.9708888

People should believe in people like Einstein. And not god. An excellent thinker and professor.

>> No.9708983

some more
>Provides a mechanism so fundamental it expanded all of physics
>One of the first people to put serious work into a unified theory
>Accidentally provided a mechanism for effects not thought of for 50 years

>> No.9709015

>all these kikestein apologists worshipping a fraud
wew, no wonder /sci/ has been so shit lately. I guess I'll go back to /pol/ for now.

>> No.9709022

How do people with agendas like this even take themselves seriously? Everything you believe is purely agenda driven, zero relationship with reality. And somehow you don't notice this.

>> No.9709027
File: 20 KB, 488x463, u0b6agtyx5401[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>intelligence is measured by utility, not by complexity, criativity and originality

>> No.9709031

einstein thought his greatest invention was egg-drop soup, so he even beat you to the punch on shitposting

>> No.9709041

was he also the pioneer of thought experiment?

>> No.9709149

He didn't toss out Newtonian physics. Classical mechanics was just fine, expect they don't work when you are working on a super small scale or nearing the speed of light.

>> No.9709154


Photoelectric effect that makes transistors possible which the computer you are shitposting now is built with

>> No.9709181

what a waste

>> No.9709183
File: 62 KB, 600x663, HurrDurr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Einstein INVENTED the photoelectric effect.
Nice education there, dumbass.

>> No.9709305

The lightbulb, we use that bloody thing every day

>> No.9709311

and the refrigerator

>> No.9709317

He wasn't an inventor and no one claims he is.

>> No.9709360

>the greatest mind of our times
>Literally the biggest fraud of the century.
What did he mean by this ?

>> No.9710578

I hope to god this is a troll.

>> No.9710856

His theory of relativity fucked us over from also pursuing aether theory(which will probably resurface as something else), his Greatest contributions was to understanding how the photoelectric effect works...

>> No.9710868
File: 39 KB, 640x480, AetherWind.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aether theory was complete shit, you have no clue what you're talking about.

>> No.9711251

He help make big boom boom that kill nips and japs.

>> No.9711269

Aether wind wasn't detected because the earth isn't moving.

>> No.9711274

okay flattard, kys

>> No.9711292
File: 100 KB, 250x250, 250px-Apparent_retrograde_motion_of_Mars_in_2003.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao, in your mind the apparent retrograde motions of planets in the sky is still something mysterious and unexplained, it's like you're living 1000 years in the past but cheating by using modern technology

>> No.9711335

And stay there thanks

>> No.9711374

He proved that everyone was stupid and didn't understand what gravity was.

He proved that the atom bomb could be built which caused the US to dump a lot of resources into research before the Germans found out about the possibility of an atom bomb.

He made the understanding of physics much more clear and created a paradigm that explains the equivalence of almost everything, leading to the concept of the black hole (based off of his spacetime theory) Hawking radiation, gravitational lensing, and infinitely many other effects that are still being confirmed true even today.

>> No.9711465

GPS and solar panels

>> No.9711851

Newtonian physics kind of shits itself in certain cases so he made it so we could solve cases where Newtonian physics shits itself.

>> No.9711871

He changed out entire understanding about the Universe by explaining it with geometry, he fucking united Space with Time into a single description using tensors that makes sense and makes >testable< predictions about nature.

>> No.9711875


>> No.9711877
File: 15 KB, 718x420, 1467338490836-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9711917

seriously hate this kind of logic
you think we wouldn't have computers today if he didn't exist? you think we'd just stop all progress with computers because he died? you think that no one at all would ever think the same idea he did?

>> No.9711918


>> No.9711950

he invented the fridge

>> No.9711961
File: 60 KB, 700x566, pol larp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9712185

A guy who dismisses other peoples works and patents convincing them it is flawed or a devastating impact on society so keep it quiet. Then keeps works of the thoeries, turns around and claims them as his own. Sounds kinda Jewish.

>> No.9712257

The Earth's motion was already known, which is why the conclusion was a failure to detect Aether wind, not a failure to detect Earth's motion.

>> No.9712268

He didn't prove the nuclear bomb could be built, at least not directly.
At the time of his e=mc^2 announcement we didn't know about neutrons, so we had no way of splitting the nucleus without using a lot of energy, protons would repel. The discovery of neutrons unlocked nuclear weapons.

>> No.9712272

How many decades behind would we be though?
Even if we were one decade behind can you remember what we had 10 years ago?

>> No.9712282

Not even close. The ancients and medievals were all about thought experiments. In fact they often viewed actual experimentation as silly and beneath them.