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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9708917 No.9708917 [Reply] [Original]

Hear me out

The Earth is flat. STOP!

Not like you're thinking.

It isn't a disc with an edge. It's a 3D PLANE(t) of a 4+Dimensional object. When you reach the "edge" you wrap around to the start seamlessly(think pacman). The sun oscillates up and down in a sine curve and the moon is the cosine. To travel through "space" is to travel interdimensionally to another plane(t).

I have another thought brewing about other planes resonating at specific frequencies and what happens when they form a chord, but I'm not finished wrapping my head around it yet.

>> No.9708932

Triangulation of GPS wouldn't work if we were in a curved 4D space.

>> No.9708939
File: 14 KB, 650x366, 420418_269609506441879_638365291_n.jpeg.650x0_q70_crop-smart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it would. We're still operating in 3D on this plane.

>> No.9708962

But if we were in a tightly curved 4D space, it would influence our geometry.

>> No.9708986

>The sun oscillates up and down in a sine curve and the moon is the cosine
Bu a sine is just a cosine with a phase shift. You're not saying the moon is just shifted behind the sun? Because that's completely wrong. Their passage through the sky have different periods. Also your theory is too complicated and not justified by evidence.

>> No.9708989

>The sun oscillates up and down in a sine curve and the moon is the cosine.
With what frequencies?
Can't be the same or we couldn't have full moons, new moons, or eclipses of either sort.

If you identify the side edges of the screen as being identical (as it a videogame) you get a cylinder. If you also identify top & bottom you get either a torus or a Klein bottle. There's no way to get a sphere because you can't get rid of the "corners". I'm not disparaging music, but you should learn a little more topology before theorizing or posting.

>other planes resonating at specific frequencies and what happens when they form a chord
You've been reading about Kepler, haven't you?

>> No.9709004
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>you get either a torus
Now you're thinking.

>> No.9709008

Also the moon and sun orbit each other as they oscillate. Think one of those spirograph toys we had as kids.

>> No.9709032
File: 292 KB, 351x384, CUBE___STEP_ON_SNEK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to go from the circle to the helicial covering space, pic related
>step on snake's head
>make helix

>> No.9709040

Yes it's flat, but it's an infinite plane, the horizon line always remains at eye level no matter how high you go.

>> No.9709045

light doesn't orbit the earth therefore the surface of the earth is more curved than the time space continuum

>> No.9709059

>but it's an infinite plane
I said that. It wraps around when you reach the "end"

>> No.9709073

There is no end.

>> No.9710218

There are snakes that actually do that? Holy shit how stupid do you have to be?
>inb4 it's a shoop and I'm the stupid one

>> No.9710326
File: 607 KB, 3000x2400, HiRes3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are snakes that actually do that?

>> No.9710398

The earth isn't flat! It's round like a pancake

>> No.9710459
File: 235 KB, 597x400, 1485891668991.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're just discovering planetary motion moves in an ellipse and that can be mathed with trig functions you haven't got the key or the secret anon. venus and earth are roughly in a 3:4 orbit or some shit, but celestial (stars and galaxies and shit) body movement is more complex and newton couldn't accurately measure it. Didn't figure out how to describe it accurately until relativity, where einstein figured out how spacetime translates with different reference frames. learn 2 tensors you're just postulating about dimensions from your imagination with what looks like no knowledge that there is an entire field about shit like that because there are probably like an infinite amount of 'spaces'. differential geometry, topology, order group and set theory...you can have all the fun you want learning about dimensions and space or whatever the fuck. You're probably not thinking anything new, just ignorant on what people have already done, just like any other flat earther. Good intentions, just misinformed and stubborn. You should learn so you can channel your energy productively.
the sooner you get off flat earth nonsense the better, it's just basic geometry play these people are doing, really just the tip of the iceberg and these poor fuckers think they're getting to the bottom of it. Got a long ways to go pal.

>> No.9710820

>putting faith in Einstein
History and Science are one in the same
It's not just history that goes to the victors.

>> No.9710948

yh and a dying god's heart made a big volcano

>> No.9710964

The world is flat enough.
t. engineer

>> No.9712439

>the Earth is Flat
Get out of /sci/

>> No.9712470

clearly not a bridge engineer

>> No.9712478

Um actually, it's Newton's laws and perspective.

>> No.9712805

It's called a torus retard