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9708134 No.9708134[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why have you not done it yet? You're not a brainlet, are you?

>> No.9708138

>people hallucinate on it
>hallucinations include hallucinated meaning

this is from somebody who has done lsd

>> No.9708144

This. Don't get me wrong. I've had some pretty profound thoughts while frying. However, I understand that I was on LSD, and it was in fact the drugs making me think that way. Just like when I thought it was a good idea to smoke in a pizza place while I was drunk. Drugs are bad. They're fun, but they're bad. And you shouldn't look to drugs to experience the profound.

>> No.9708147

Why is LSD bad?

>> No.9708158

As someone who abused the shit out of it, I was taking 5 or 6 tabs 2 or 3 times a week for nearly a year. It slows your brain process. That's not to say it makes you dumb. Basically, if I took an IQ test now and compared it to before the abuse, I would score lower. However, only because it would take me longer to figure out the answer. Everything still works, as far as thinking goes. But the process is much slower. I stutter more, mix up words, forget words when I'm talking etc. a lot more now than before. Like I said, drugs are fun, but drugs are bad. Don't listen to any idiot that tells you, they're not. Obviously you're still going to do it, just realize that they ARE bad and WILL fuck you up.

>> No.9708189

Acid is fun

Hold up

All drugs are fun


>> No.9708204


>drug abuse is bad

staggering insight chap

>> No.9708210

What are you talking about? OP asked a question and I answered it. This is 4chan, I wasn't looking to break down the barriers of insightfulness. It was a post I typed out in between doing actual work. The point is, LSD is bad for your brain. Maybe not as much as MDMA, Meth etc. But it still chemically alters portions of it, and the LSD metabolite is stored in your spine. Humans didn't evolve for that to be a good thing. Is that better on the insight? Don't do it because it's bad for you? I don't Know what else you want from me.

>> No.9708216
File: 89 KB, 782x1021, 6b6b89fdb0196afc4709838f8cb86f80-d8boh8w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First. It is hard to get your hands on to it. And secondly why change my consciousness when i got a good one allready. If it wont give you more answers then why take it. It's no wonderdrug that fucking hipsters say is good for you because they are brainlets.

>> No.9708228

No drug is hard to obtain in the age of the internet

>> No.9708232

Why go to amusement parks? Why watch a movie? Why do anything fun?

>> No.9708235

This, I wanna argue against it just being high but I spent a solid 10 minutes trying to rack my brain for any serious personal growth they caused and came up with nothing. I guess a kind of profound mushroom made me not depressed for a while but it didnt make me mature and get my shit together.

All drugs are fun as shit

>> No.9708252
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Psychedelics I have done:

>> No.9708261

Hows ALD-52 and 1p-LSD

My list so far is:

Favorites are 2c-i and mush. Rest tend to give me a bodyload, and DMT's too fucking intense.

>> No.9708262

this is why most animals will do drugs given the choice. cats with catnip, dolphins with puffer fish, some mice even in experiments where mice didn't prefer drugs.

>> No.9708266

Alpha mice don't do drugs. Only the beta ones do. The alpha ones enjoy the rush that comes from dominating everyone.

>> No.9708270

Indistinguishable from LSD

>> No.9708272

Can you describe your DMT experience? Did you "breakthrough"?

>> No.9708282

It felt like I got shot multiple times and I could feel blood gushing out of my body. I got cold as this distinct whine grew louder and louder until it overcame everything and I was shot down a tunnel of psychedelic light. I arrived at the chrysanthenum which was indescribably complex and stared at it in awe as all the little components whirred and rotated but it never opened for me. I floated there for a few more moments before I got sucked back to reality.

The sensation of dying was rather unpleasant so I never made another attempt.

>> No.9708283

Did enough of it in utero, thanks.

>> No.9708313

Are you blind to your surrounding during the trip?

>> No.9708316

cause it's much easier to get shrooms here in the netherlands so why would I bother with lsd?

>> No.9708317

They're a different trip.

>> No.9708321

Complete immersion, and you lose all sense of your body. Its sort of like being an observer in a dream.

>> No.9708349

I did it and there is nothing brainlet about not trying it.
Yeah, it can give you some really interesting thoughts and open your mind, if you are smart but get lost somewhere in your own emotions and stuff it can straight you up and it can also fuck you up if you are a faggot. You won't get smarter or discover something just because you took acid, but it might make you a little more open minded and give you some fresh look at world and your own life.

>just realize that they ARE bad and WILL fuck you up.
Anything can fuck you up if you are already so fucked up enough to take LSD so often.
If you are sane, take care of S&S, etc and take LSD like 2 times a year or something, it can only benefit you.
Also I kinda doubt it's possible to take abuse psychedelics like that, without it telling you get your shit together with some intense bad trip after a month, but I don't say it's impossible.

You could say, why look at photos and videos taken by camera when you already have good eyes? It can give you different answers because you think different on it. And for others, it's just fun. It's fun to kill your own ego and learn about whole world and your own life from grounds up, rethinking your own value system and problems you encountered so far. It's fun to feel the world around you as your own body as you become everything around you, etc.

>> No.9708352

>do drugs kid all the (not brainlets) are doing it
What the fuck even is this post? Am I on fucking /b/?

>> No.9708354

I never breakthrough, but I had some fun experiences.
It really depends on dosage, on lower dosage it might feel a little like acid with the patterns and colors, but things look way more clear. It seems like my trips are always themed around hospital, so on first trips I've seen pillars of random props and items, like syringes, cups, limbs, chairs etc, all made of random colors and materials and full of aztec patterns. But that's when I close eyes. When I look at real world, all flat surfaces get filled with random things, when I looked at wall it suddenly got filled with furniture and when I looked at table it was empty but in matter of second, new bongs and lighters and cups started to pop up and filled whole table. You often experience ego death, when you lose all you memories and knoledge, all you are is just floating cloud of consciousness experiencing things you cannot describe. Then the best part is when all of yourself starts to come back to you and for a moment you see your own life and world from the 3rd person perspective, you realize that your problems might not be as big as you thought, that you might have deluded yourself, and that death is not really that scary.
Last time I was tripping I found myself on space station waiting for some cosmic surgery and three three-eyed alien nurses were preparing me for the surgery. I was waiting excited to see what they will do with me but then the trip ended. One time I was in white room with an elf who was holding a TV and showing me various parts of human life and civilization which really interested me because I didn't even knew I was human myself.

>> No.9708358

Also one of best replications of DMT I've seen was: https://youtu.be/tmozGmGoJuw?t=126
Not perfect, and it doesn't represent what you feel like, but it feels kinda familiar on lower dose. It all still depends on set, setting, dose and you.

>> No.9708359

tried to watch that song on acid
pissed me right the fuck off and i never finished it

>> No.9708360

I've never had a bad trip. I've watched friends melt and cry for hours, but it never affected me like that. Which is weird, becuase I used to be extremely depressed and was always waiting for that to trigger a bad trip. I'd have spotty moments, but I knew I was on LSD, so I ignored them.

>> No.9708373

I watched it yesterday on two days ago and had fun.

I guess you just have a really strong will. That's quite interesting though.

>> No.9708401

The problem with drugs is that theres no way to know if you are actually buying drug or literal shit