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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9707209 No.9707209 [Reply] [Original]

Do you normie friends respect your major?

>friend is business major
>never understands why I study so much
>thinks I'm full of shit
>boasts how he works so many hours a week and still takes 16 units of classes while I only have 12 units and work less hours
>I try to explain to him that it's because I am senior in engineering and he is bus pleb
>he gets mad at me

It's annoying as fuck.

>> No.9707237

>having normie friends
>having friends
/sci/ is my friend

>> No.9707240

My normie friends come to me. How the fuck can i get rid of people who know where i live?

>> No.9707245

I'm not really a cringy redditor that just spouts random physics facts to feel smart, at least I think I'm the leastself aware to understand that. Hell, I never mention my major if no one asks me, but anytime someone asks me and I try to talk about it a bit, it looks like I just called them retarded faggots to their face. I usually just say, "yea a I like it" and move on.

>> No.9707254


every time I'm a family event relatives always ask what classes I'm taking and try to sound like they know what they are, and I just say ya stuff like that...I don't bother anymore

>> No.9707269

I once met an aerospace engineer who would not shut up about how he was better than me for being a chemical engineer.

>> No.9707312

You should make up classes that make no fucking sense to get their reaction.
"I'm currently taking Comparative Quantum Linearity"
"Oh yeah I was reading about that in the papers"

>> No.9707317

he was a faggot
real aero engies love you chembros

>> No.9707319

business majors are dumb, news @ 11

>> No.9707339


>> No.9707355

Why are engineering majors so proud of the fact that they're engineering majors? I never see math majors, physics majors, or chem majors ever brag about themselves so god damn much, despite all three of them requiring a higher IQ than engineering.

>> No.9707367
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because engineers are smart enough to know they are above average and try to use their title as a way to impress normies whilst mathematicians and physicists do not care about impressing people and love the subject they study.

>> No.9707375

>I never see scientists brag
>on a science circlejerk board
>literally proceeds to call himself higher IQ than engineers

>> No.9707396
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>math major
>"so you're going to be a teacher, right anon?"

>> No.9707403

business is the bullshit major sports chads take because it's one of the few majors they can take while focusing MOSTLY on sports.

tell him that. make sure he understands that unless he's focusing more time on ANYTHING ELSE he's wasting his time with his bullshit major.

>> No.9707435


>haha i dont have to study this im never going to use it
>but why do i need to know all these pointless physics equations they cant even be applied anywhere
>but please professor we deserve a curve for the effort we put in

>> No.9707437

Lost all my normies uni friends. Can't succeed with normies holding you back.

>> No.9707490


He actually wasn't planning on going to college but in highschool we made fun of him for that so he decided to take up business. He's honestly has changed for the better so I wouldn't call him out on what he's doing but I kind of went to his head.

>> No.9707499
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>> No.9707555

nah not really. i tell people i study econ and they think it means the same thing as business, which grinds my gears a little. then i come on /sci/ and the same thing happens here.

>> No.9707558

Welcome to college. On average I spend about 4 hours a day during the week doing homework, revising notes, reading the text, you know, normal college stuff. This blew my roommates away, they could not understand spending more than an hour working on a power point for a marketing class where the average grade is an A-.

Don't argue about it though, it comes off as bitter. You also made the choice to major in engineering. If you're a senior you should have came to this realization a long time ago.

>> No.9707559

Shut the fuck up, brainlet.

>> No.9707564

>destined to become a faceless white collar slave
>would have become a badass welder, machinist, or inspector if it wasn't for anon-tachi

>> No.9707567

Im a biophysics PhD 5th year and have a number of friends who are fairly professional, one is almost a lawyer, one is currently a doctor in residency, one business school, and another in accounting, but he's just undergrad. They all pretty much all think im the smartest of the group, but im easily the poorest. But im also probably the happiest of them, I think i enjoy doing what i do more than they do.

>> No.9707575

>5th year
>friend in accounting undergrad
You need to re-evaluate your life.

>> No.9707587

How do you even have friends that are in a completely different major? Especially something as degenerate as business? I had a few dumbass friends that I used to hang out with all the time but I quickly realized I didn't enjoy their intensely boring conversations and slowly detached myself from them.