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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9701779 No.9701779 [Reply] [Original]

there's always people posting on /sci/ threads with questions relating to studying techniques, approaches, whether or not a course they're taking is hard, how to deal with a professor that does x, etc.

so I thought it would be a good idea to make a thread to contain all questions/discussions pertaining to studying.

some ground rules:

>this is NOT a homework help thread, go to /sqt/ or /wsr/ for that.
>this is NOT a career advice thread as it is not an appropriate thread to make questions such as"should I study X or Y?".
>you must be studying in a STEM field to post here, this is 4chan's board for science and math.
>no /pol/ race-baiting or IQ nonsense please, the last two are a bane on this site.

what I intend this thread to be about:

>sharing and explaining studying habits, techniques and tips.
>discussing the contents of courses and how to best approach them.
>sharing notes/resources on courses an anon is taking that you might have taken in the past.
>sharing time management techniques maybe even helping anons organize their schedule and getting help organizing your own.
>discussing everything related to PEDs (adderall, ritalin and whatnot)
>tips on how to deal with professors, take tests etc.
> sharing general thoughts on your major and the courses you're currently taking and discussing said thoughts.

the main idea behind this thread is that for it serve as place where we can exchange ideas that will help us become more academically successful.

ill start by sharing what I'm currently taking, I have resources for pretty much everything if anyone may be in need.
>calculus 3
>circuit analysis 1
>data structures in java
>physics 2

I don't need help with anything, I'm creating this thread because I think we can make something wholesome and mostly, useful.

>> No.9701848


>> No.9701853
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I've always found note taking in math is particularly a little more difficult than other subjects.
What methods do you (and anybody else here) find success with?
I'm trying Cornell right now, and they seem to be doing better than my autistic page-filling I did before.

>> No.9701899

I dont know what the cornell method is.
I simply write down whats being said and I center important formulas/results in the middle of the page and write them down in clear and big letters. pretty much exactly like the [eqn] command does in TeX. and ive never had trouble with my notes.
what is it that makes harder for you to understand the notes you take in math class?

>> No.9701972

fuck meant to reply to you.
after reviewing what the cornell method is I inmediatly see some problem, the method assumes you will write exactly one page of notes and write questions and even a summary on each page. whilst in class, how the fuck would you manage to write so much so fast? is there even a point in writing a summary for a math class?

>> No.9702103

Nah, I don't even write a summary. I pretty much do pseudo-Cornell.
I divide the page about a few inches from the left side and then only use that for organizing, i.e. it would include titles like "Taylor Series".
Typically I don't even write a conclusion.
The actual right side of the notes would be all of my work and such. I use about 2-3 pages per 1 hr lecture.

>> No.9702136
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That actually seems very comfy.
These are some of my current notes.

>> No.9702170

I'm studying CS with the SICP book, it's fucking great for self learning.
Here is my routine for this book:
-read the chapter in the bus until there are exercises
-do the exercises at home on my computer
-post the exercises on my blog : exemple https://smatchcube.github.io/SICP/Ex2.3/
-watch the comfy old school lectures of Sussman in my bed before sleeping

I don't know if it's a good way to study but it's comfy and fun.

>> No.9702326

Sounds comfy as fuck mate.
What are you learning in cs?

>> No.9702378

I don’t take ‘notes’. In lecture, I focus 100% on paying attention. I keep a todo list if something is fuzzy, or for interesting tangents. I read the material and do many problems before the lecture so it makes everything easier to digest, allowing me not to waste precious lecture time scribbling down disposable garbage.

During the problem sets, I annotate my answers heavily for errors, misunderstandings, interesting links between problems, etc etc.

In general I’ve found that for me, personally, the time is better spent doing problems and paying attention than focusing on what sounds important and writing it down.

>> No.9702397

That sounds fair. My note headaches seem like they come from what you type. Thank you very much for the feedback.

>> No.9702400

Is that a scan of your notes or is that a scan of something like an Everlast notebook?

>> No.9702412

I'm a junior electrical engineeringfag and my courseload is insane. I'll have to study for my 21 credit courses for my finals. I love what I'm learning and I've been consistently studying so I won't have to pull all nighters to study for my finals, but I'm getting peer pressured to try adderall/modafinil/concerta etc. because all my friends use it while studying. I feel like it's cheating but a ton of stuff I read says unless I abuse it, it's zero harm. What's you guys' opinion on the topic?

>> No.9702415

R8 me:

With classes largely computational, I merely wrote down concentrated, to-the-point versions of pertinent theorems, definitions, and formulas on their own special sheet of paper separate from all the unfiltered BS the professor spouts in class. Then I made copies of those notes, sans important elements of the theorems, definitions, etc. In the weeks leading to an exam, I would play "fill-in-the-blank" multiple times a day with those copies until, through rote memorization, I knew every relevant theorem, equation, w/e I needed by heart for the test. That method never failed me for those classes.

Obviously, as the classes get less computational and more theoretical, my method may be less helpful. Then you really need to know the nuts and bolts.

But as for the early, computational classes, you're most likely going to be tested mostly on how you can solve problems and crunch numbers. Rote memorization is fine here. Don't fool yourselves.

>> No.9702506

Its a scan from my physics notes.
Im aware my handwriting is garbage but I understand it.

>> No.9702519

I wouldn't fuck with Adderall or amphetamines for that matter.
They can seriously fuck you up.
For comcetratiom I drink some tea and smoke my pipe. With that I can stay focused for 1:30hours +

>> No.9702525

Its always seemed to me that actively trying to memorize formulas is futile.
Just using them on problems on the other hand burns them in your memory.

>> No.9702542


Ten years of huperzine, off and on, here. You're probably better off not fucking with Adderall, there's cheaper (legal) options that don't stress your heart.
Stay off modafinil, too. Nothing hurts good study habits more than messing up your sleep cycle.

Man, I rate you silly.

>> No.9702627

That totally works too as long as in the end you remember what you need to know. Even better if it's formulas and only formulas that you need to know. In those early classes I sometimes had professors that wanted you to know/ recite theorems and stuff. I had to imprint them in mind the hard way.

>> No.9702635

Formulas shall always extend from an underlying intuition.

>> No.9702835

Having actually been officially diagnosed, but I'm almost positive I have ADHD.

Anyone who has ADHD have any tips for studying and/or paying attention in class? I fifn that listening to music while I work is basically mandatory.

>> No.9702902

If I ever need to know a theorem/proof I usually carefully perform the proof myself and its the same as using the formula in a problem
I find it that correctly using a formula in a problem gives you a very solid intuition for the ideas at play and thats why it burns the formula in yout mind.

Regardless, Ive never had problems remembering formulas, the one thing that hinders my academic success is that I make retarded mistakes in tests, I think the main reason is nerves but I cant really tell

>> No.9702991
File: 27 KB, 521x374, spaced-repetition-chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The two best ways to study are active recall and spaced repetition
The best way to use active recall is to open up an excel sheet and write questions about the chapter while you're reading it. In the right column write the answer and change the text color to white. Go over each question and mark an x each time you get it right (you can hover over the white text to see your answer in the function bar). Make a chart in the excel document to track your progress, you can use this for spaced repetition. Keep in mind you should be studying 10-12 hours a day if need be.

>> No.9703007


Just realized. Fuck.

>> No.9703038


>> No.9703599

your lecturer told me he wants you to take notes so that you stop staring at him the whole time because its weird

>> No.9703616

Fucking terrible way to learn anything.

>> No.9703646

How to take notes efficiently and what works for me 101.
Have three note pads. It sound excessive but hear me out.
In class use the first note pad to quickly take down important notes that professor says. It can be as messy and unorganized as possible.
Once the lecture is finished take the second note pad and write out the notes in an organised manner. This also helps to understand the topic. With the third note pad use that for exam questions or doing exam papers. This helps keep everything nice and organised so when it comes to the exam you have organised notes and aren't looking at shitty scribbles. Also when doing exam questions write the question out. Remember it's all about recognising the question and what answer applies to it.
This method although quite tedious works wonders for me considering I'm doing applied math and physics.

>> No.9703653

So if you take 4 different classes, would you have 3 note pads for each class and thus 12? Yeah that is pretty excessive

>> No.9703676

Yes, re-writing what you wrote in an orderly fashion can be of great help. This is a sound strategy.

>> No.9703691

Repetition is key.

>> No.9703712

Anyone have tips on academic writing? I feel like I can write at a fairly high level, but it takes me hours to produce something that i'm happy with.

>> No.9703718

Take your meds when you get your dx.
I'm on 50mg of vyvanse, shit works wonders.
Stop listening to music while studying and read what you're writting out loud when you take notes.
Explore the concepts - learn for understanding.

>> No.9703719
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Why the fuck does a radiologic technologist need to study physics
All I'm gonna be doing is taking fucking pictures of people

>> No.9703818

Desperately lurking this thread.

>> No.9703897

Maybe you need to understand the physcis behind radiology so that you understand the safety measures you need to take so your patients dont get radiation poisoning?
What do you need to know?

>> No.9703905

Spaced rep is probably the best general approach.
Do you have any studies on this?

>> No.9704752


>> No.9704991

Damn, very nice, we add those to the thread sticky in the future

>> No.9705127

So, I am in need to order my fucking notes so I surrender to write them on the computer.
I have two types of notes, the ones that need math formulae and the ones that dont. For the ones that dont I need an outliner program that can save all my work in plain text, but can also order them in hierarchies as to not lose anything. For mathematical formulas I choose TeXmacs which can write down mathematical formulas fast. Before some of you confuse Emacs with TeXmacs let me explain they are two different programs. Also TeXmacs can type things fast, if you are familiar with Emacs think on a few abbreviated keystrokes can call a pre-generated math symbol and constructs like subscripts and superscripts.

>> No.9705140

I divide the page in half, left and right. Subject and date and page number go at the top. Then i start copying free-form. Maybe just a sentence indicating what the lesson was about, in case I think I understand everything but want to stay on-topic. The right hand side allows me to scribble calculations or pictures without getting off track. Important stuff gets stars next to it betqeen left and right sides of the page, an effective "margin". Sometimes i'll scribble things into this margin at a 30-60* angle to the rest of the notes on the page

I see nothing wrong with appending additional notes to a lesson's notes after class is over, so long as care is taken to assure additional notes aren't misleading, ie. for the exam

>> No.9705146

I bet you're not reading the textbook before class and trying the problems. You really should be.

>> No.9705153

>read the chapter before class
Fucking. Liar.

>> No.9705174

Post pictures of your notes. Much better than trying to make out what they look like from text.

>> No.9705215

This is TeXmacs http://texmacs.org/tmweb/home/screenshots.en.html
I havent decide it yet but probably TeXmacs is how I will end up recycling my notes and finally throw the pile of garbage I have.

>> No.9705225

By the way, my notes are all over the place and my handwriting sucks, I dont feel like sharing a picture of that and I really need to put things on the computer because I cant stand that anymore.

>> No.9705254

Having things on a notebook is very comfy. Staring too much a computer screen fucking destroys my eyes. I definitely wouldnt take note on a computer. But if you can manage to make some quality notes that work for you by all means.
Also, 90% of people that say that their handwriting sucks usually have very good handwriting. And, I posted my notes here and my handwriting [math] does [/math] suck.

>> No.9707508

What about memorization techniques like the mind palace? Is anyone here successful in using it to remember formulas?

>> No.9707540

Is being bad at memorization fixable? I have a hard time memorizing things. I can usually remember enough to derive what I need, but it would be great if I could actually remember stuff. This Chinese guy in my optics class says he just memorizes whole problems and derivations. I have no idea how to even begin to do that. Once I start a problem, I usually know what to do, but it would be great going into a test having more derivations simply memorized. It would save a huge amount of time during exams.

>> No.9707675

being bad at anything is fixable imo.
memorizing complete problems and their step by step resolution is brainlet move that chicks always do. I wouldnt encourage that at all.
nevertheless you ought to memorize some things from time to time, so I need a quick search and stumbled upon this link, please tell us what techniques worked for you so we ca start making a pastebin or something with all the techniques for everything.

>> No.9707751

does anyone here obsesses with silence when studying?
I fucking HATE when someone or some noise interrupts me, and even hate the potential of having that happen.

>> No.9707938


I do. I think that it's often a product of my frustration with whatever I'm working on, and not a NEED for complete silence. Try a pair of noise cancelling headphones combined with a white noise playlist.

>> No.9708153

nice pasta faggot, hope no one falls for this

>> No.9708175

I feel like I don't get good enough results for the amount of time I spend studying. Like, I'll study 30+ hours for an exam and fail it. It's so absurd... I don't know what's going on with me

>> No.9708191

There's this flashcard app called Anki, syncs phone and computer. Its main thing is it has spaced repetition built in, so if you do one card today, it may not show up again in queue until some days later. I haven't used it for math but it was nice for a botany class elective I took

>> No.9708226

how do i stop being lazy? i have zero drive to do anything.

>> No.9708242

I'm helping a low IQ older adult get his GED. Any ideas on helping him through it would be appreciated.

>> No.9708274

I do a version of this. Math major here, so this is what I have been trying lately.

I read the book before class so I know what to expect in lecture and ask good questions. Anything I don't find obvious, I write down and also make reminders to re-do it.
Then, after a day or two, I pop open Latex and I rewrite the notes as fully and completely as I can. I do as much from memory, while skimming the book when I'm stuck (this happens a lot). Every step in the proof is justified. Usually I end up typing 2-3 pages for a proof since I am also introducing some exposition. My goal is to have these notes be able to fully explain the concept to someone who didn't attend lecture.

Idk if it works, but it sure seems to reveal when I'm lacking in some areas

>> No.9708276

Not him, but I do this. Not all of us are lazy, anon.

>> No.9708281

Let go of your perfectionism. You subconsciously know you can't be perfect and so you become avoidant in response. Just accept your flaws and turn in hack jobs. Over time, increase your standards of work while accepting imperfections

>> No.9708290

It depends on the class (AKA I do not care about my introduction to chemistry course) but I always make sure to read the chapter before the lecture for my major courses.

>> No.9708291

I'm trying the Cornell method while I self-study some ML textbook, but I just end up rewriting shit in very high detail and run out of space per page.

I think it might work brilliantly for lectures though.

How does spaced rep. work for areas that require analysis and mastery instead of just rote learning? I can see how this would work for someone studying medicine and needs to regurgitate facts but what about math?

I have a report due in 3 days that consists of 3 sections and lots of reading to be done but I spent all my time deeply reading the first section and now won't have enough time to do the others. What do?

>> No.9708414

What's there to fall for?
This is how I study and I get 90% and 100%.
Love to see you try any better faggot.

>> No.9708470

Since I live 50 km from my university I try to re-read my whole notebook before the lesson and when coming back at home I read the notes of the day. I find that doing this helps me to connect the various concepts with each other.
For studying techniques, I use the Pomodoro technique for particularly boring/hated subjects. I had some Law exams which I couldn't stand and doing some breaks allowed me to not throw the books out of the window. Also, during the breaks I do some light exercises (weights, squat, push up, etc.) in order to release the stress and not becoming a blob.

>> No.9708513

Can you post a link to the pomodoro technique?
This is a very specific reason to be lazy.

>> No.9708576

As you wish:
I just customized it a bit because I study for half an hour and during the pause I eat and exercise. Obviously, during the pause I don't use electronic devices except for the timer and maybe youtube for relaxing.

Adding some other personal habits, I find that starting from basic information and doing a proof from there is better for long term retention of formulas and equations. Some equations are a bit long or uncommon, but they also start from a simple idea so I can arrive to the final result. However for a test or similar repetition is the mother of learning so I simply do a shit-ton of exercises.
For dealing with professors instead, if I notice that the professor has a huge ego and thinks that his subject is the most important of the whole faculty then I try to ask him particular questions and partecipate in seminars for showing that I'm interested and passioned in his course. It's shameful, however if the exam is oral this can save you.

>> No.9708583

1. Pomodoro technique for getting shit done:

2. Feynman technique for learning concepts:

3. Cornell method for note taking:

>> No.9708592

Never had an oral exam in university but yes, egotistical professors are annoying and showing interest is in my experience the best way to deal with them.
Ill add links to thread sticky.

>> No.9708596
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Baby fourier analysis is really kicking my ass, it was all fun and games when it was just fourier series, but after we moved onto fourier transforms the difficulty ramped up. >muh tempered distributions and Schwarz functions and weak derivation and fundamental solutions of differentiative operators and shit.
>mfw someone actually came up with all this shit and I can't even comprehend it when handed to me on a silver platter like this
>mfw I will never make it

>> No.9708764
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I want to print a version of pic related and put on my wall. I plan to read everything there maybe once or twice a week, and glance at it for a few seconds everytime I am leaving the room. What do you guys think about that? Do you know where I can find a more printable version? If a more printable version doesn't exist I will try create one myself and post here later.

>> No.9708916

Just staring at pic and trying to memorize will bring you nothing.
Try to study the subjects the pic summarizes in detail as you would in uni.

>> No.9709069

How do I avoid making small mistakes during tests? I failed my midterms because of a hundred little errors like forgetting signs and adding wrong. I almost always end with around 10 minutes extra that I use to check over my work but I rarely catch any mistakes. How do you deal with this?

I guess it's exam stress because I literally puke before each of these major tests.

>> No.9709079

They dont learn like kids obviously, unless they are properly motivated they dont expect to concentrate. Maybe take breaks every 40 minutes and give it exercises doable outside your help, small tasks so it can be done in 10 minutes and dont interfere with day to day activities adults have.

>> No.9709081

What I want to is to keep in mind that those things exist and remember myself to think about them. I study quite a lot. I've been thinking that maybe I will gain something if I spend more time thinking about the stuff I learn. The poster will be a visual clue to think more about math. I will be expanding it as needed.

>> No.9709102

After finishing all of your questions, try to empty your mind of all the thought that went into answering each question as you go through them again.

A new pair of eyes will help you spot mistakes, but since it's just you there, that is the best you can do.

>> No.9709133

How fucked am I if I have 2 days to learn vector calculus?

>> No.9709135

I made a post about this a couple days ago when a guy made a thread with the same complaint. It depends on the kind of problems you're solving, but there are two things I can suggest.

If it is possible to do so, always plug your answer back into the original question and make sure it does what you claim it does. This is a fairly reliable way to check any question along the lines of "solve this equation".
If you're given a word problem you can't do this, but you can stop and think about whether your answer is sane; most arithmetic errors will make your answer wrong enough that you can notice. Make sure you aren't giving solutions that involve 4 inch tall trees or cars moving -20km/h (not all will be this blatant but I'm willing to bet most of your wrong answers were at least a little implausible)

Just rereading your solutions again generally doesn't work very well, since it's too fresh in your mind you'll just end up redoing the same steps regardless of whether they're correct.

>> No.9709259

Posting videos.

>Never Stop Learning
>Born to Learn
>Famous Failures
>If by Rudyard Kipling
>The Most Beautiful Libraries in The World

>What Makes People Stupid? How To Be Smarter?
>How to become a memory master
>The first 20 hours -- how to learn anything
>How to learn any language in six months
>Make your brain smarter: it's not what you think
>Enhancing the plasticity of the brain

>> No.9709320

One more, The Power of a Mind to Map https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nMZCghZ1hB4

>> No.9709335

That's exactly what I do, I turn off my phone and put my laptop in a bag under the desk and just give the lecturer 100% of my attention. It really works for me too, that and participating in classes when the lecturer asks too, to reinforce my knowledge.

>> No.9709438

People takes studying in the same way as marketing? Maybe that's why I always fail at it lol

>> No.9709450

Someone described the human brain well when he said we have a little bit of Einstein sitting at the front but a lizard sitting at the back. Failing to attend the lizard brings uncomfortable situations.

>> No.9709469

The business of learning is very big at some circles, take The Teaching Company for example.

>> No.9709471

I meant more that kind of "nothing is impossible" or "The power of the mind will let you fly" and that kind of flat and empty motivational speech. It just makes me "nope" at everything it is related to.

>> No.9709476

>flat and empty
Sucks to be you.

>> No.9709487

Thanks for the advice anon. Appreciate it.

>> No.9709490

Not trying to be the special snowflake or anything. I'm not saying that doesn't work either. Is just I've never seen the appealing of that "catch your dreams" marketing, or "your will can do anything" in any matter.

>> No.9709508

It works, don't ask me how but studies have been done and professionals speak about some kind of motivation involved. Probably has to do with marketing for real, and if ads sell then maybe they can sell education.

>> No.9709512

I agree with you, although I think selling education is slightly a different topic from studying something as you were about to sell it.

PS: Sorry for my english in case I worded it really poorly.

>> No.9709553

The mind is a mysterious thing, mental barriers to study exist. And without mentioning the particular example they are right at trying to "sell" you the learning experience. Is how we learn for what we are here, and mind you some extravaganza is welcome as long as it works and aid study.

>> No.9709583

>and mind you some extravaganza is welcome as long as it works and aid study.
No matter my POV on anything I'm always agree on people trying if it works for they.
Said the latter, is not that they "sell you education". I can't word it properly, but it is more the fact that they twist the words to sell you something (education, business, whatever) throught the "you will get it because you just tried it".

>> No.9709914

On the video about "what makes people stupid", while I agree with many of her points,the last point about "not being curious enough, or interested enough, to want to learn something", is not an indicator of stupidity. I'm willing to bet that most of /sci/ would be unwilling to watch Jersey Shore or Floribama Shore in order to understand the mindset of fucking idiots, unless they are biologists who specialize in primate behavior, or psychologists/psychiatrists who study incest, in Floribama Shore's case.

That is why there are so many fields of study which people specialize in. While it's not a bad thing to explore other fields of study, at the end of the day you have a finite amount of time, so not being "curious" or "interested" enough doesn't mean one is stupid, it just means that we all have different priorities. And that is what creates an economy.

Someone who is viewed as a "redneck" may know way more about repairing a car which is owned by a scientist. The scientists specializes in a field which may benefit mankind as a whole, but he can't get to work without a car.

>inb4 rideshares, taxis, public transportation

In conclusion, her final point should have rather been about someone who rejects knowledge which has been scientifically proven.

>> No.9709924

Sorry about any punctuation/spelling errors, it's finals week so throw me a bone here.

>> No.9709941

This. Flashcards for theorems and definitions are great. People who say not to memorize things in math are retarded. If you can memorize the theorem and really understand the statements, it's not too hard to build back up.

>> No.9709984

I think we all agree there are limits to exploration, unless you are a method scientist but that's another discussion.

>> No.9710064

How do you study at times when you feel like shit? I mean having headaches, feeling dead inside and all that stuff. I take anti-depressants but constant mood swings are still a bitch.

>> No.9710153

this happens to me a lot too, i dont fail my tests but i definetly underperform, anyone have some solid insights on how to keep calm and how to know that what youre doing is correct?basically how to gain more confidence when taking tests, i suck at test taking.

>> No.9710331

Do pushups to get your endorphins up and then have a coffee, then force yourself to do your first pomodoro. Start once sentence at a time and focus all your attention on it.

>> No.9710594

>How does spaced rep. work for areas that require analysis and mastery instead of just rote learning?

>do problem set
>mark the hardest problems
>redo them within a few days
>mark the ones you still had trouble with

>make list of theorems
>prove them without using the book/your notes
>mark the ones you had trouble with

>> No.9710624

Have to learn the same stuff as you. We are using the Stein & Shakarchi textbook in class, i think it does a good job at explaining.

>> No.9711302

Thanks man, I'll try

>> No.9711305

How the fuck are you supposed to study Differential Equations? It takes 10-20 minutes for some of the harder problems

>> No.9712447

Eat chocolate, it works for Harry Potter :^)

>> No.9712913

Post one of your exercises please.

>> No.9713668
File: 88 KB, 898x791, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what am I in for for summer A, /stg/

>> No.9713679

Is that college algebra?

>> No.9713696

I'd say precalc

>> No.9713706
File: 112 KB, 831x899, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it's precalculus.
I'm taking precalc in summer A and then trig in summer B so I can start in calculus I next semester

>> No.9713735

So you only have classes on either Monday/Thursday or Tuesday/Thursday? Seems really fast-paced. I'm also studying precalc this summer but each fucking section in my textbook is like 100+ questions for me and that really drags shit out. Seems like all you're doing is 25-35 questions per section, on average. You sure that's enough for you? I'm worried I'll regret not doing enough questions.

>> No.9713745

Why do you have to take "precalculus" have you not learnt all of this in highschool?
Regardless, all of those subjects are piss easy so dont worry too much.

>> No.9713763

I convinced myself I was terrible at math and hated it in high school, so I barely scraped by algebra II. Never took anything further, so now I'm playing a mad game of catch-up to get all my prerequisites out of the way so I can begin my computer science degree on time

Summer A is going to be T/R, and then Summer B is MTWR.
Precalc is a "blended" course, so it's part in-person, part online. Those are just suggested problems, usually there's more online.

>> No.9713768

PS: I don't hate math, I just never learned algebra correctly so it set me up for failure.
I re-took algebra I to re-learn it last semester and I love math now.
I think it's pretty good to be going from Algebra I to Calculus I in the space of a year.

>> No.9713799

>what am I in for for summer A, /stg/
highschool math

>> No.9713801


>> No.9713819

do more practice problems, and study at least 1 week before the test.

the best way to stop being lazy is to stop being lazy and do your work

>> No.9714253

Fucking christ mate, algebra 1 in my uni (as it should be in any uni) is abstract algebra.
Still, its good youre making progress.

>> No.9715663

How do you guys get 100% on an exam or assignment? I can put in hours of effort but its never quite enough to get 100%. how over-prepared do you have to be ??

>> No.9716467

No offense man but it sounds you are under prepared.

>> No.9716469

I need both volumes of bauer-westfall university physics 1st edition, cant find it anywhere, anyone know where to get? for free obviously.

>> No.9716541

damn thats pretty

>> No.9716592

Youre trolling right? People always tell me my handwriting is incomprehensible.

>> No.9717330

I usually get high marks in my classes and instead of learning all the nuances of every case Ill run into I'll learn what it's about. Clear the anxiety of "fuck I don't know this at all" during exams and skip the problem and come back to it if it's not immediately obvious. Then roll back around and just explain to yourself what the problem is asking specifically and all the details. Chances are you know it, it's just nerves. Most of math, assuming you're going sequentially to be sure you know the previous stuff, is pretty intuitive doing it this way.

>> No.9717343

It's incredibly rare that I received 100% in undergrad. I'm almost a year into grad school and it's still the case. Don't be so concerned about getting every single mark, just make sure you understand everything. That's what counts later. Sure, you need great marks, but not 100% to get into good schools. Rec letters count for more than anything else.

>> No.9718048

late reply, I know

Keep in mind I'm having to/had to restart from literal square one. This wasn't "college algebra one", this was " high school algebra one for retards in college" that I elected to take because I couldn't even do that much

>> No.9718069

What is the bare minimum length for an adderall tolerance break to be effective
I take 40mg XR

I was planning on doing a full two month break over summer but then opted to take summer classes and now I can't
I have until next Monday, the 14th. What can I expect?

>> No.9719040

Any tips how to get fast enough at the mental math required during a LinAlg exam.

>> No.9719080

Know your course material inside and out, work out all problem sets and try to go over them the week before.
Don't work the night before the exam.
Don't panic during the exam. Read the whole assignment before you start writing. Start with what seems the easiest (that will help you build confidence). Don't be afraid of skipping a question if you spend more than 15 minutes on it (it depends on the difficulty of the exam but, if it's graded on a curve, you don't need to solve everything to get a 100%)

>> No.9719284


>> No.9719308

Who here cocaine?

>> No.9719312
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>> No.9719316

Which individuals on this Norwegian basket-weaving forum use methyl (1R,2R,3S,5S)-3- (benzoyloxy)-8-methyl-8-azabicyclo[3.2.1] octane-2-carboxylate in order to improve their cognitive performance?

>> No.9719318
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>> No.9719378

Is adderall expensive?

>> No.9719383

What the fuck happened to ritalin? It was the main drug years ago, now everyone talks about adderall. Is this some high grade marketing stunt?

>> No.9719876

This, I found taking down notes to be way too cumbersome and found understanding the general idea of a topic to be more conducive towards my learning.

>> No.9719880

Incomprehensible yet aesthetic

>> No.9720209

Can post more if youd like

>> No.9720218

I'm doing computer science and engineering, the way I study everything (even coding) is I'll copy code/theory word for word. It works for everything but maths and physics, any advice on doing those?

>> No.9720277

It helps you to recall concepts faster which can help you solve problems faster. I agree though, it won't help much with depth. I used Anki when i had to prepare for competitive exams and I had about 600 cards for each subject.

>> No.9720451

never take shitty meds for it jus eat clean

>> No.9720486

You’re projecting quite a bit, but at least for me you totally hit the nail on the head.
Interesting how perfectionism can cause procrastination.

>> No.9721655

How do you prove k^2 <= k^p

Where p >= 2 and k is natural?

>> No.9722031

You learn about inequalities and proofs.

>> No.9722042

I occasionally try to help regulate my acetylcholine receptors with supplements before I study and it helps, but God knows that if I don't have a choline source, they cause my learning session 3x worst.
So if you're gonna do this, be cautious when proceeding.

>> No.9722350

This need to be proven?
If [math] p \geqslant 2 [/math] then [math] k^2 = k \times k [/math] and [math] k^p = k \times k \times k \dots \times k [/math] [math] p [/math] times.

>> No.9722365

>No "linear algebra"

My exam is this Thursday afternoon and I haven't studied yet. Anyone else taking linear algebra this spring?

What are your study plans?
Nothing goin on that week for me so:
>3 day adderall and concerta binge leading up to the exam

Should be good

>> No.9722425

You can prove this very easily by induction. Let p=2 be your base case and work from there. Remember every natural number is greater than or equal to 1.

>> No.9722446
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My two cents, hopefully it helps someone:

>do what the professor says (assigned readings before or after lecture, problem sets, etc.)
>this is your first exposure to the material, and effort should be made towards understanding the concepts and the logic behind what makes those concepts work to some degree so that when they're mentioned in lecture you're not lost when he uses them
>in lecture, listen more than you write. IMPORTANT: develop the ability to distinguish between important and non-important pieces of information, either spoken or written. Yes, this is quite obvious, but it will save time and help you listen better. Plus, you can't and should not write down everything the professor says or writes down (in most cases)
>after lecture/after your block of classes is done, go to a library, sit down and review the notes you've taken. Read through them and make sure you understand the concepts, how things work, and why they work; unless it's bio, there isn't much hand-waving but an underlying logic that can be understood. Make notes in your notes as appropriate as you try to walk yourself through certain things. This should be done EVERY DAY, and weekends just take a quick look over things.

these might be the most important steps:

>once you believe you have a decent grasp of the material, do problem sets on the relevant material. This is the most important step, because it allows you to test yourself with no penalties. And through this process, it allows you to see what you do and do not understand. Ultimately, this allows you to see what concepts you need to study and which concepts you can safely say you understand
>determine WHY you don't understand certain concepts, and also WHY you misunderstood certain things (i.e. where did your thought process break down regarding the understanding of a certain concept)
>go to office hours every damn time, even if you don't have questions. you need more exposure time more often than not

>> No.9722454

Just a little aside: this method can take a little bit of time or a large amount of time. It relies heavily on self-testing because that's a surefire way of knowing where you're fucking up.

Unfortunately, I spent a large chunk of my undergraduate career thinking I was understanding things. In actuality, I wasn't actively listening or reading and I didn't understand shit. I was essentially hearing the words, reading over the words, and assuming in my mind that I would somehow just remember the raw information and recall it when I needed it. While this worked in high school, this didn't work in college where understanding was king and there were many things to be understood. It's difficult to memorize things in a thermodynamics course where your proficiency in the class is based on your understanding of concepts that are, frankly, hard to memorize without knowing the logic behind the concepts. I'm half writing this post to tell you my story, and half writing it in the hopes that somebody had a similar experience.

>> No.9722485

We should make a pastebin with this and. Other things of this nature that has been mentioned on the thread and add pastebin to thread sticky.
This is really helpful.

>> No.9722536

Good advice, thanks.

I agree.

>> No.9722586

God-tier calc books?

>> No.9722698

>12 hours a day

What kind of uber brainlet studies more than 6 hours per day?

>> No.9722761

I fell for the modafinil meme. It's shit. All it does is make my piss smell toxic

>> No.9722808

Piskunov differential and integral calculus.

>> No.9722934

P is real (not necessarily natural)

>> No.9723122


>> No.9723132


>> No.9723231

Are you a quick typist?

>> No.9723262

Read these: >>9704752

>> No.9723472
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Got a Geometry exam tomorrow, I didn't study and I'm gonna start now, but I already know I'll probably score 0 points. Yeah, I'm fucked up, luckily this professor gives 4 exams, one of them is to substitute the lowest score on the other three.

Do you guys have any tips to me? Taking a zero is fucking depressing, but I'm gonna work hard on the next exams.

>> No.9723473

I heard Piskunov is only good for the exercises, which are extremely hard, but its theory is not on par with Courant, Apostol and Spivak, is that true?

>> No.9723492

Idk, ive never read the others but piskunov explanations are based as fuck.
He provides a formula, the proof for said formula and the uses the formula to proof something else.
I like it that way because although its harder to understand at first ot forces you to deeply understand everything.

>> No.9724031

Where can I find material for very obscure (and uninteresting) fields not even google scholar will provide anything

>> No.9724415
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Adderall is stronger and has more side effects. Ritalin is safer, less powerful and lasts less time. Also, there are people who get headaches after using it, so they talk shit about it.

>> No.9724833

So after doing not-so-well on my Chem and Physics exams this week, I'm considering selling my PC(my main source of entertainment) and going 100% in for my courses next semester. Is going cold turkey on video games a smart thing to do? I've really tried balancing it with studying, but it's obviously not working, and if I don't get the scores that I want, I'm not sure there's even much point living.

>> No.9726290
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>> No.9726741

Brit here about to do A-level Physics and Chem next month, any tips for someone who hasn't done enough studying as of yet? Is there anyway I can redeem myself?

>> No.9727069

It’s extraordinarily inefficient. I know because I used to do it to.

>> No.9727610

How do I stop shitposting and focus on studying?
I'm on my 5th vitamin pill for today and nothing has changed, fucking scam

>> No.9727634
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>what about math?
Incredibly useful, it supports LaTeX equations so you can have flashcards with short but intellectually demanding problems, aside from theorems & else.

>> No.9727637
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>competitive exams
what did you compete in, anon?

>> No.9727641

just make your damn flashcards man

>> No.9727648

I didn't do a level chem, but https://www.alevelphysicsonline.com/
used to help me a fair bit.

>> No.9727702

I see many people say its better to listen in class than to write. Ive always written down everything the professor wrote and most of what he said and sometimes it was just too fast and i had to copy after class from classmates books.

Can i get more opinion on which is better? I setiously dont trust myself enough to just listen

>> No.9727987

take notes on some things(formulas or definitions), but don't copy everything.

>> No.9728070

if you like the subject and aren't just lying to yourself it's actually pretty easy to do, you likely would have read far far ahead of the class but even in different books

>> No.9728108

Don't be a fag and memorize formulas. Learn their uses and their subjects you Fucking pseud>>9728070

>> No.9728118

some profs lecture in a way that copying everything is your best option, others not so much

>> No.9729065

Thank you

>> No.9729145

I cannot study until I have 1-2 day left for my exam. I just simply can't, my brain just ignores things, doesn't matter how much I read, how much I practice. It's not a problem at all cause I don't fail my examens I always got them with good grades but I can't keep with this, is to much stress for me. I don't know what happens, I can't concentrate and remember things if I have more than 2 day left.

>> No.9730338

What is happening anon? Is what you study not interesting?

>> No.9730546

Physics is the key to understand how to shoot a perfect image. It will come in handy, when you are in a a trauma Level I situation, and the ER doctor is screaming to see the X-ray. You only get one shot, to help the doctors make a life/death call, based on what you gave them. If you suck at physics, your career will be over before you know it son. Take this from a 25 year Xray tech fag.

>> No.9730808

It's the same for me.
I study pharma and a lot of it is mindless memorization so boredom is definitely an issue and likely the main reason I can't study without incentive.
I shouldn't have pussied out of studying a more mathematical subject.

The only thing that worked for me is to steadily increase the amount i study each day and start from a miniscule amount (30min) with a focus on retaining (keeping it very simple).

>> No.9730952

Have you worked in a pharmacy? It really helps if you have a test on that shit. I could visualize every drug in the shelf by name. Makes it more enjoyable to learn. I worked in one for 5 years but changed to genetics.

>> No.9730991

i do the same thing and make almost straight A's

what's your problem?

>> No.9731027

isnt tedX garbage tier self promotion?

>> No.9731153

I work 40 hours per week and I'm taking 16 credit hours next semester. I get maybe 2-3 hours to study during my shifts, how the fuck do I expedite this learning shit? Any tips to make my studying more efficient?

>> No.9731195

I use all of these, the other main method is just doing as many exercises and problem sets as you can get your hands on relating to the topic at hand.

>> No.9731200

Just do it in steps, if it's too long don't try all at once.

>> No.9732587


I study Computer Science and I love it, it's not boring but I can't concentrate when I'm in the situation I described. My problem is that I would like to study like a normal person, I get really stressed

>> No.9733293

Anyone have any solutions for minor mid-studying burn out? I'm 4 hours into my 7 hour session and I just stopped at the 2 hour mark, effectively wasting 2 hours.

>> No.9733295

how much adderall should i take to sit still and study for like 8 hours?

>> No.9733303

Anyone have tips for writing? One of the many complaints about my peers is that I suck at first person writing and even worst at third person writing. It's like they are asking to write a novel out of my papers.

>> No.9733304

I fucking hate this word so much. Motivation comes and go, you need to be DRIVEN in order to succeed at anything. Be fanatical on your studies.

>> No.9733306

should I fetishize my studies?

>> No.9733314
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>fetishize studies

>> No.9733317

You should. If you can't stop thinking about your studies then you'll remember what you learn mostly . A professor once taught me to fetishize letters and numbers and think how sexy and curvy the letters are. It's fucking odd but the oddness made me remember them even more.

>> No.9733782

Your peers are pussies

>> No.9733832

I always find it's helpful just to go over past exam questions early and often.

>> No.9735637


>> No.9735656

Use if-then planning. For example, rather than saying "Next time I will study for the exam sooner," say "if it is 1:30pm, then I will study for and hour."

>> No.9735768

How to study Linear Algebra? No MIT Gilbert Strang vid shit, its unorganized and doesn't follow how my book (David C Lay) 4th edition well.

>> No.9735795

How do you take notes for your math courses outside of lectures?
I obviously don't take notes during lectures, but when I read the book, I feel like there's just wayyyy too much info.So, what i do is just summarize the main results and their proofs in a notebook and that way i can easily review later and. BUT this method is very timeconsuming. I roughly spend 2-3 hours outside lectures everyweek, just to go over the chapters and take notes.
Here I am not talking about computational classes - i mean classes like abstract algebra, complex analysis, etc.

>> No.9735895

That's why you take notes during lectures.. one of the main purposes of a good professor is to summarize the info in the most concise and understandable fashion.

>> No.9736150

Linear Algebra Done Right?

>> No.9736154

None I just take energy drinks + Pomodoro.

>> No.9736182

More like Linear Algebra Done Wrong

>> No.9738035


>> No.9738204

Do Modafinil + L-theanine + Caffeine. Caffeine should be well known, L-theanine has no known negative side effects (and great synergy with caffeine) and Modafinil helps reducing the impact of not getting a perfect sleep and depending on your reaction to it, also improves motivation and/or attention subtly