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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9700693 No.9700693 [Reply] [Original]

Why does /sci/ ignore the good Computer Scienticians?

The soiboi:
>Rust , Go
>java script, ruby,python
>Mac or ubuntu/mint/debian
>sucks at math
>calls it "code" and "coding"

The chad :
>C ,lisp ( C# if absolutely necessary ), ASM
>bash, perl
>amazing mathematician, chose CS instead of math to be a pioneer of the wild west .knows whether or not p=np but won't tell you because you should figure it out yourself , amazing at every field of math but let's toddler pure mathematicians play in their playpen so they don't hurt themselves, all of his programs are verified by proof, perfect efficient programs.

>> No.9700697

i think you mixed up which is chad and which is soiboi

>> No.9700707

/sci is a bunch of newbie undergrads who don't know what the real world is like, that's why

your list of soiboi/chad is horrendous. let me try to improve it?

>COBOL, Mathematica, Maple, Matlab
>Labview, Fortran
>Perl, PHP
>Bad C++ (like when everything depends on boost)
>bad Python
>SUSY, string theory, GR
>Hawking, Linde, Randall, Witten, Maldacena
>guys who think science is all math

>C, C++, Java, Python, ruby
>django, flask, ruby on rails, groovy on grails, javascript, bash
>debian, fedora, centos, trisquel, arch
>fast code, good interfaces
>Linear algebra, fourier analysis
>Feynman, Weinberg, Gell-Mann, Anderson, Laughlin, Kitaev
>guys who actually get the right answers to real problems

>> No.9700709

C is definitely the most Chad language
They even both start with a “C”


>> No.9700727

checkmate. your move.


>> No.9700978

>FORTRAN is onions
also COBOL pays a literal shitton if you find a job with it

>> No.9701057

kek, you defended COBOL. nice work boomer

fortran is total shit too, learn something

>> No.9701072


It's 2018, not 1989. We use C++17.


fuck off >>>/g/

>> No.9701073

>Grouped in with asm

Unironically commit sudoku cuckboio

>> No.9701074

>also COBOL pays a literal shitton if you find a job with it
This meme has been going on for years, it's hilarious

Also the only Chad programming method is C++ template metaprogramming as a wrapper around C, inline asm, and compiler intrinsics

>> No.9701089

oh shit a meta-meme. watch out. OGs in the room

>> No.9701097

>good Computer Scienticians
Because they don't exist.

Ex: they can't solve this
>Without using the built in + - * / or any library function, write your own integer addition function
>test it by adding 0xEEEEEEEE + 0x7FFFFFFF

>Without using the built in + - * / or any library function, write your own integer multiplication function (you can use your addition function)
>test it by multiplying 0xEEEEEEEE * 0x7FFFFFFF

>Without using the built in + - * / ** or any library function, write your own integer power function (you can use your multiplication function)
>test it by evaluating 0xEFEFEFEF ^ 0xFEFEFEFE mod 2^32

>Without using the built in + - * / ** or any library function, write your own integer square root function (you can use your above functions)
>test it by evaluating 0xDEADBEEF^(1/2)

>> No.9701112

First make a bit-extraction function f(int val, int bitNum){return !!(val&(1<<bitNum);}

>>Without using the built in + - * / or any library function, write your own integer addition function
>>test it by adding 0xEEEEEEEE + 0x7FFFFFFF
Implement a digital adder using bit manipulation, you can implement a 4-bit one and combine them recursively. Note, through this addition function you now earn the right to use loops on N, since you can now increment variables

>>Without using the built in + - * / or any library function, write your own integer multiplication function (you can use your addition function)
>>test it by multiplying 0xEEEEEEEE * 0x7FFFFFFF
Technically to multiply A*B you can just add A together B times using the above function, but you can instead also just implement a multiplication circuit using bit manipulation

>>Without using the built in + - * / ** or any library function, write your own integer power function (you can use your multiplication function)
>>test it by evaluating 0xEFEFEFEF ^ 0xFEFEFEFE mod 2^32
Trivial just multiply in a loop using your above function, probably a faster way too

>>Without using the built in + - * / ** or any library function, write your own integer square root function (you can use your above functions)
>>test it by evaluating 0xDEADBEEF^(1/2)
Use Newton's method with your above multiplication function

Babby's first tryhard "CS people are dumb" post kys

>> No.9701118

>C hashtag

>> No.9701135

>Not sure whether that was bait or an actual cs major failing hard

>> No.9701163

I gave you the answer idiot, what is your answer then, please provide it

>> No.9701181
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>The soiboi
>posts tripe like this

>> No.9701879

learn to greentext or go back to 9gag or whatever shithole you came from
you probably got tricked into doing his homework dude

>> No.9702146


>> No.9702167

>do I fit in yet?

>> No.9703966

Chad Software Engineer:

- Continuous Delivery
- Extreme Programming
- Test Driven Development
- Refactoring
- Clean Code
- Domain Specific Languages
- Enterprise Integration Patterns
- Domain Driven Design
- Hexagonal Architecture

- Actual engineering degree
- Site Reliability Engineering
- Cybersecurity
- Infrastructure As Code
- Enterprise Application Architecture

Chad Computer Scientist:
- Automata theory and formal languages
- Combinatronics & Graph theory
- Deep Learning
- Distributed Systems
- Ontology Engineering
- Compiler & Programming Language Theory
- Statistical Learning (ML)
- Linear Algebra
- Category Theory
- Lambda Calculus

- Undergrad in Physics
- Data mining
- Advanced Algorithm Analysis
- Computer Graphics
- Cryptography
- Real-time systems

onions tech worker:
- JavaScript

>> No.9705022
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I like how OP thinks.

>> No.9705301

dude it's 3 months into the semester why is your architecture class this behind

>> No.9705321

Notice cs majors can't do it right. Just see this fail >>9701112

>> No.9705369

Template metaprogramming is just functional crammed into C.

>> No.9705752
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Or you could do what a math major would do and just use bitwise operators for addition, repeated doubling/squaring for multiplying/exponentials, and tweaked long division for roots.


>Use Newton's method with your above multiplication function

Newton's method requires division. Did you mean binary search?

>> No.9705930

I'm happy you included VHDL.

>> No.9705966

i feel like a retard because it took me an hour to do this
conceptually it's piss easy but i'm kinda dumb

>> No.9705977

post your code

>> No.9706035

his answer isn't wrong, it's just brute force

>> No.9706451

Your opinion actually gets discarded the moment you say GR is soiboi

>> No.9706459
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>computer science is programming

>> No.9706637
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