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9700133 No.9700133[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

from a /sci/ point of view, is rape just something that blacks have in their dna or something?

>> No.9700136

does /pol/ really believe that white guys never commit rape? has it come this far?

>> No.9700145

Sort of. It's a bit more complicated. Some populations, such as Europeans and East Asians, have been self-domesticating much longer than others, in the sense of massively culling rapists, murderers, thieves, and even people with mild criminality. Over thousands of years, this selection makes a difference.


>> No.9700150
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No, it's white people's fault we find rape wrong and we collectively need to purge our conditioned biases and white ideology that says rape is wrong in order to stop disproportionately disenfranchising the beautifully diverse communities of the world.

>> No.9700157

Rape was the natural order of things for thousands of years, there's literally nothing wrong with it and it shouldn't be illegal.

>> No.9700160


You mean like how white explorers raped thousands of the native women in the Americas?

>> No.9700161

Mostly Southern Spaniards, who are heavily admixed with North Africans. You're kinda proving his point.

>> No.9700163


>> No.9700165


North Africans aren't black

>> No.9700169

They're not, but their IQs and levels of criminality are roughly halfway between Europeans and sub-Saharans (with Southern Spaniards in turn being halfway between Europeans and North Africans).

>> No.9700174

Rape is why we evolved to be monogamous though. If men actually physically protected women (kind of our purpose for existing), rape would not be a problem. But men have agreed to give the state the duty of protector, so we're fucked. We are becoming less masculine every generation, and soon we will just be lobotomized and farmed for our sperm while the "matriarchy" takes over.

>> No.9700351

No they obviously believe that whites commit it, but at a much lower rate. Get you head checked friendo retard you either have shit genes or a brain parasite making you this dumb.

>> No.9700393
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Yes. The reason should be obvious, especially to white people:
Because most of them are descendants of slave masters who raped their own slaves.
Thus they have disproportionately inherited white rapist DNA.

>> No.9700395

Rape is in reality just a social-construct for an animistic urge left over from when Humans were primitive animals.

>> No.9700409

there are more black rapes per capita, but the difference is not high enough to say something as absurd as "blacks have it in their DNA". if rape tendency is genetic, whites surely have it too.
I can't find statistics on drug-motivated rape but I wouldn't be at all surprised if the rate were even higher for whites than blacks. to date rape someone they have to go on a date with you.
but it's probably just a waste of my time to engage such a stupid person with such a stupid worldview