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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9697292 No.9697292[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Was he speaking wildly out of his depth? How likely is it that he's in-step with modern understandings of genetics?

I genuinely would like to know without devolving into /pol/.

>> No.9697308

Everyone is equal by matter of us all existing in space-time reality as we are, we cannot be anything else than what we are and together we are but one vast Macro-organism that is the Universe. If you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree... IQ tests are bogus, specialized "skill" tests that value western materialist thinking over things like survival skills, linguistic or creative prowess or athletic strategy.

>> No.9697309

There's nothing wrong with being cautious about scientific findings because they would be incredibly insulting, at least in the case where the finding only has the ability to cause asshurt and no ability to better technology and understanding. Admittedly, I am being somewhat hypocritical in the sense that I don't mind offending religious people with scientific findings, however I do believe it is unnecessary to glorify the findings that Dr Watson is referring to. Though there is absolutely a difference in insulting a human for believing a religion and insulting a human for being of a different genetic makeup.

But he's right. The evidence suggests that DNA has evolved differently in people of far away geographical locations, which includes a measurable difference in mental capacity of different races.

Does going around telling other races that your race is more intelligent accomplish anything? No. Is this what the alt-right does anyway? Yes. Are the alt-right intelligent? No. So are the alt-right just using the accomplishments of others and claiming them as their own to make up for their own downfalls? Yes.

>> No.9697315

So, what? We start treating black people as lesser beings in the workplace? So when a black person applies to a job with a chemical engineering degree and a white person applies who has an associates in social justice, we now must treat the white person as though he's superior?

Sure, the average person of African descent has a lower IQ (which usually doesn't matter) than the average white person, but that doesn't mean we should treat those who we come across any different than we would a white/Asian person.

>> No.9697316
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>The evidence suggests that DNA has evolved differently in people of far away geographical locations, which includes a measurable difference in mental capacity of different races.

I mean, are we quite sure on this? I have no background outside of highschool biology and meme-sci articles. I don't have the grasp and I know many of you are studying or working in this field.

I totally agree that I'm not going to start sorting people by worthiness. I just would appreciate as close as we can get to total scientific honesty on the matter, if it's still totally up in the air.

>> No.9697326

>Sure, the average person of African descent has a lower IQ (which usually doesn't matter) than the average white person, but that doesn't mean we should treat those who we come across any different than we would a white/Asian person.

Doesn't it have some bearing on everything, though? Like, how we construct our society, how we govern and whatnot? Making people feel unworthy or lesser is such a powderkeg just waiting to go off. Is that where the cold feet in popular discussion comes from?

>> No.9697353

Do we govern our society on the assumption that black people are less intelligent than white people? I would argue "no".
But yes, there are many people who feel as though mentioning any difference in IQ among races is a powderkeg and they are certainly reluctant to study it in any serious manner. Even if it were to come out 100% true that people of African descent (on average) simply cannot compare to other races, what would be the benefit of studying that? Just to prove black people are dumb? Should we now require all Asian people to finish (the equivalent of) calc 3 by the end of high school while allowing black people to finish with only learning simple statistics?

>> No.9697361

Wow, what a bigot

>> No.9697364

>. IQ tests are bogus, specialized "skill" tests that value western materialist thinking over things like survival skills, linguistic or creative prowess or athletic strategy.
Every single thing you mentioned is affected by IQ. A retard - and, usually, an average person - will fare badly in the outdoors, have a narrow vocabulary, be unable to create novel and useful things and, to top it all off, he/she will most likely be a poor strategist in athletic and other contexts.

>> No.9697365

> what would be the benefit of studying that?
Science marches on blindly more often than not.

>> No.9697366

>not realizing your predispositions don't count as objective
There isn't even a firm reason to believe the intellectual capacities of peoples are a trait that even evolved

>> No.9697371
File: 109 KB, 588x823, wojack low iq 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You keep on leaping to sweeping social change. Forgive me if I sense more urgency in your words than intended. I really only care how debatable his points were. It seems he (Watson) took it to an extreme to me, but did he have the science to back this up?

>There isn't even a firm reason to believe the intellectual capacities of peoples are a trait that even evolved
This is really the thing I was getting at it. Is it a "thing" or is it rubbish? I honestly can't know, being a 16th degree brainlet. Is it the height of insanity to believe in the validity of scientific racism?

>> No.9697375

I seem to get either a "no, it's unproven" or "yes, it looks that way, but what does it matter?"

So you, of course, think it matters quite a bit if valid?

>> No.9697376

>Was he speaking wildly out of his depth?

Yes, he was.

>How likely is it that he's in-step with modern understandings of genetics?

Unlikely, his remarks does his peers and the Noble he won a disservice.

The problem with his statement is that we actually DO have reason to believe intellectual capacity and other physiological traits can evolve identically or near identically in geographically separate areas. It's called Convergent Evolution and Parallel evolution. The former represents the main reason why traits like flight, body type and eyes can have similar to exact form in separate/ same species while the latter deals with the "gray area" of biological similarity in traits that have not been properly analyzed yet. For some reason he has appreantly forgotten those two biological observant methodologies exist and only Divergent Evolution exist.

>> No.9697380

Interdasting, so, geographical separation fucked with our cognition not at all, or just in no important way?

>> No.9697393

The quote says "All our social polices" and stated that employers must deal with Africans not being equal. I would say that changing every social policy and/or employees right would fall under "sweeping social change", so you would be correct in your understanding of my words.
But if all you care about is whether what he said is true, then you would just have to look at the data and confirm it yourself. Some would say that those who studied the subject (Charles Murray) did a fine job. Others would claim he had racist intentions and ignored things that mattered.

But I still want to point out that when it comes to the scientific method, the purpose of the study matters. You could say that you want to prove that rocks are hard. Will you get many geologists to sign on your thesis? Probably not, because there isn't a valid reason to be studying it. But that doesn't mean that you are wrong--it just brings up the question why you were studying that in the first place and did you have some ulterior motive.

>> No.9697399


>> No.9697404

Nobel is a surname. It's not a prize for belonging to aristocracy.

>> No.9697405


It's certainly possible geographical separation can alter our cognition but there are fundamental traits that have maintain similarity or parity. Language, observation, logic and memory are good examples of cognitive traits that maintained between different populations of humans. The fact for instance that humans regardless of geographical area can learn and fluently speak languages foreign to their native language highlights this. Math is also a good example, for instance populations in Europe, Africa (both North and Sub-Sahara), Central Asia, East Asia, Micronesia, North and South America all have developed binary, metric and astronomical systems in their pre-modern histories.

>> No.9697412
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I'd say my motive would be that if someone jumped me in a blind alley and put a gun to my head, asking "is genetic differences in intellect by race pseudoscience, gimme right answer or die," I'd want to know how people-in-the-know came down on the subject.

Otherwise, I end up stuck between /pol/ and literally anywhere else.

So thanks for the feedback. OP gonna clock-out for now, but hopefully the thread doesn't die so I can see the flavor of the consensus.

So far, it sounds like /pol/ could stand to help themselves to a primer in modern genetics.

>> No.9697417

>that doesn't mean we should treat those who we come across any different than we would a white/Asian person.
In purely utilitarian terms, it does. Make no mistake, genetics and modern secular philosophy pose a profound moral crisis for humanity.

>> No.9697418

/pol/ will just dismiss it as Jew lies.

>> No.9697425

Well I hope you don't think I'm /pol/ from what I wrote, because you couldn't be further from the truth. There's a difference between being a political scientist and basing your career on what studies you do, and an actual god having insight into what truth is and holding you at gunpoint in an alley. To end my point, I'll just say again, if you want to know, don't ask people's opinions--just go look at the research (The Bell Curve by Herrnstein and Murray) and other studies. But if you do want to know people's opinions, then the "facts" would vary wildly from asking in a place like San Fran or somewhere like /pol/.

>> No.9697444

>The Bell Curve
LMAO no, anon

>> No.9697565

With that kind of thinking we’d still be at geocentrism

>> No.9697566

>immediate bad faith

>> No.9697603

Maybe because while most people are already aware humans are not equal, only neo nazi stormfags seem to be interested in "proving" scientifically that niggers are stupid. Definitely no bad faith going on there.

>> No.9697618

you have no place on /sci/

>> No.9697619

this has nothing to do with treating them

>> No.9697640
File: 35 KB, 439x335, images (43).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So, what? We start treating black people as lesser beings in the workplace? So when a black person applies to a job with a chemical engineering degree and a white person applies who has an associates in social justice, we now must treat the white person as though he's superior?
But in fact, most of times is the black person who holds a degree in social justice.

>> No.9697656

Thread btfo by this post alone, but it doesn't matter. Understanding those concepts requires opening a genetics textbook and studying. Too much work. far easier for them to just thump their copies of the Bell curve

>> No.9697660

>Why would he say this?
He doesn't like black people. Also, possibly a personal agenda he has on the side

I've also heard he plagiarised most of his work, if true, definitely the scum of the earth.

>I genuinely would like to know without devolving into /pol/.
This is 4chan, you cannot even post a picture of a gorilla or monkey without people saying the N word or making several racist posts.

>> No.9697669

>Language, observation, logic and memory are good examples of cognitive traits that maintained between different populations of humans
Nobody is denying that all humans are capable of using those traits of cognition, but rather that different groups have different ability to think abstractly.

FYI, cognitive differences between the "races" (or whatever you like to call people whose appearance vastly differs from yours) are well documented and largely undisputed in academia.

>> No.9697670

>He doesn't like black people.
The more likely explanation is that he, unlike you, is not scientifically illiterate.
>I've also heard he plagiarised most of his work, if true, definitely the scum of the earth.
You leftists will truly go to any lengths, including character assassination, to bash your opponents into submission.

>> No.9697678

The strongest evidence to support the claim is that if you examine current results on IQ tests and break them down by race, there are distinct population distributions for each "race" granted with much overlap.

The best evidence against is that historically iq scores for ethnic groups have not remained static in their own scores or their relative differences between other groups.

>> No.9697693

You're a moron.

>> No.9697702

"Everyone is different until I prove they're the same" is a shittier null than "Everyone is the same until I prove they're different".

We also already know that intelligence is a very complex trait with highly polygenic components on top of environmental factors. We barely understand how environmental factors affect intelligence and we're nowhere near understanding the genetics of intelligence.

What we DO know is that our measurement tools are susceptible to effects from non-genetic environmental factors. Knowing that, assuming out the gate that any observed population based performance difference is due to genetics alone is just bad science. The more rigorous position would be, and still is, "I have not seen enough evidence to reject the null".

>> No.9697812

Chinese wikipedia agrees with him:

The fact that blacks have high athletic talents is mainly based on the high percentage of blacks among top athletes, which is much higher than their proportion in the crowd. However, the high proportion of blacks among the top athletes does not mean that the He blacks have a high overall athleticism. [19]
Blacks are born with a strong sense of rhythm, which is concentrated in basketball and rap music.
Black IQ is generally lower than that of Chinese, Japanese, and white, with an average IQ of only 70 [20] . According to Professor J. Philippe Rushton's study, the average African African IQ is only 70. [21] . IQ 70 is mildly mentally handicapped .

>> No.9697821

What the fuck were you thinking?
>So, what? We start treating black people as lesser beings in the workplace?
AVERAGE does not mean EVERYONE.

>So when a black person applies to a job with a chemical engineering degree and a white person applies who has an associates in social justice, we now must treat the white person as though he's superior?

>> No.9697825

This. Very cool response indeed.

>> No.9697828

Why is it a good response?

>"Everyone is different until I prove they're the same" is a shittier null than "Everyone is the same until I prove they're different".
Is certainly highly debatable.
Especially if you consider that "geographical distinct populations" rarely are the same, that is after all what naive evolution would indicate.

I really don't want to argue about this, but it struck me as a really badly thought out response.

>> No.9697836

>He doesn't like black people.

>Also, possibly a personal agenda he has on the side

>I've also heard he plagiarised most of his work, if true, definitely the scum of the earth.
"I have heard"

>This is 4chan, you cannot even post a picture of a gorilla or monkey without people saying the N word or making several racist posts.
Nigger, if you want political correctness go to tumblr, this website is the wrong choice.

>> No.9697874

Debatable, maybe - most things in science are. Highly debatable? No. We have mountains of statistical texts developing methods for detecting differences between groups assumed to be equivalent. We have a handful of tests (KS and the like) designed around testing for similarity, and if you start asking statisticians why there aren't more tests for similarities you'll get an answer along the lines of, "Why do you care?" Their reasoning is usually along these lines - no two real-world populations are ever truly identical in every respect, so your test will always show some difference, no matter how trivial. It doesn't end up being a very useful test. The math we have to describe differences between groups works great if there really are differences, but determining equivalence just doesn't work as well. The few cases where tests like KS really work well are cases where the differences between the groups are big enough that you didn't need to do a statistical test in the first place.

Look around the scientific literature. Count heads. How many papers perform statistical tests assuming an equivalent null, and how many papers have a null assuming difference?

>> No.9697879

That is a far more reasonable argument then was made in that post before, but again I really don't want to argue.

>> No.9697882

I was posting on my phone and didn't really think I needed to go into that much detail in the original post.

>> No.9697904
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>/sci/ doesn't need people challenging their dogmatic beliefs to find the truth


>> No.9697914
File: 2.00 MB, 360x307, brainfreeze.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In the United States at about 2 o'clock local time on June 25, 2009, Beijing time on the morning of June 26th, Michael Jackson, the king of American pop music, died of cardiac arrest. Due to the large number of people concerned, news related to his death led to multiple websites (born in 1958, aged 50).
What was this article about again?

>> No.9697917

>Posts a weak argument
>but I don't want to argue

>> No.9697922

>What was this article about again?
It is google translated from Chinese...

It is the article about the "black race" from Chinese Wikipedia, if you needed a reminder.

>> No.9697924

>>Posts a weak argument

>>but I don't want to argue
I really don't.

>> No.9697929


And like other general explanations that gloss over information in broad strokes your Chinese wikipedia does the same. Using "black" as a nebulous term it ignores the sub-population differences in IQ and attributes athletic talents to the entire population without going into any detail in either topic.

Which is weird because it went through the trouble of identifying different ethnicities, which assumes some attempt for wider understanding. No mention about IQ of African Americans or Nigerians being roughly a standard deviation above the 70 average attributed to the entire population. Nor no mention that the more notable athletic talent is mainly distributed between Blacks in the Americas and Kenya.

And for some reason it attempts to connect the Khoisan in Africa as being closer to Mongols and Polynesian populations when they don't even maintain any shared haplogroup in either the y or mtDNA categories.

>> No.9697931
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>> No.9697932
File: 178 KB, 354x536, powaznybiznesmen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The man is completely right regarding the quote in that pic, but If you're looking for an empirical proof of the black inferiority concept in a tidy package like for example, something as basic as a proof of the 1st law of thermodynamics then no, you wont find one.

Mostly because of this >>9697702
To argue otherwise is to indulge in pop science, hence I have to agree partially with this mouth breathing retard >>9697315. The base of modern western societies is constructed around the (((concept))) of equal opportunity and major racial bias is just not working as you can see from the example of current USA socioeconomic climate.

I believe we will sooner erase the cultural and metal boundaries that part us through means of globalism than we will be able to objectively and unarguably measure preeminence.

Unless of course, we develop a quality intelligence a.i. in this century and it happens to get redpilled on /pol/ while collecting data. heh.

>> No.9697940

>"Everyone is different until I prove they're the same" is a shittier null than "Everyone is the same until I prove they're different".
Why? Equality does not exist in nature. Are you some kind of creationist?

>> No.9697950


>The man is completely right regarding the quote in that pic

Except he's not see >>9697376 there is well observed and tested precedent for believing intelligence can evolve near or exactly identical.

>> No.9697963

Bad example, body type and eyes vary wildly from race to race.

>> No.9697976

Globalism is the only thing that will ever stop humanity from destroying itself.

>> No.9698000

Can we simply say that Niggers are stoopid and Jews are corrupts without ONCE MENTIONING THE GODDAMN ALT-RIGHT


>> No.9698001


No they don't, do you understand what body type and eyes constitute concerning convergent evolution? Or you do you think theres a race of humans with insect eyes or vertical pupils?

You're probably thinking about eye color (melanin level) or eye shape (skin around eye) but the actual anatomy of the eye is the same. Body types are varied but all are obtainable in each race based on the type of diet and physical activity. What you're probably thinking about in that retort is bone density.

>> No.9698010

>No they don't, do you understand what body type and eyes constitute concerning convergent evolution? Or you do you think theres a race of humans with insect eyes or vertical pupils?
>You're probably thinking about eye color (melanin level) or eye shape (skin around eye) but the actual anatomy of the eye is the same.
Well obviously einstein, 50k years isn't enough to develop a wildly different eye anatomy. But there are differences in color and shape.

Anyways your argument is completely retarded because the anatomy of the eye evolved BEFORE humans started differentiating. Using convergent evolution as an argument implies that you think that some humans had 3 eyes, some other 4 eyes, and that when they separated they all converged to 2 eyes.

Dumb niggerlover.

>> No.9698025
File: 126 KB, 1286x383, x5Ch4SX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever I hear that blacks do poorly on IQ tests because the IQ tests are biased towards concepts that whites have higher cultural aptitude at, a simple-counter example comes to mind:

Can you write a logical problem that black people would be better at solving than white people? Because even if you phrased it like "If Geromy buys 10 rocks of crack from his supplier for $50 and then sells them to junkies for $10 each, how much profit would he make?" would still favor answers from white people in spite of being geared towards black cultural norms.

>So when a black person applies to a job with a chemical engineering degree and a white person applies who has an associates in social justice, we now must treat the white person as though he's superior?
This is asinine and completely contradictory to reality - given the choice between equally qualified white and black candidates, any major organization will choose the black candidate every time. Given the choice between a qualified white candidate and an less qualified black candidate, any major organization will overwhelmingly favor the less qualified black candidate.

Any black person who gets their foot in the door in any educated field immediately rises to the top because everyone everywhere is in a desperate scramble for even borderline competent black candidates.

See also: the world's most famous astronomer is a mediocre astronomer who happens to be black

>> No.9698029


>But there are differences in color and shape.

Eye color has no bearing on the anatomical function of the eye or acuity of it. And shape is related to the skin not the eye itself. So there was no reason to use those as examples for suitable retorts.

>Anyways your argument is completely retarded because the anatomy of the eye evolved BEFORE humans started differentiating

First off you seem to have poor reading comprehension because the original retort to op's post using convergent evolution highlights biological similarities between different and same species in general. Showing evidence for precedence that intelligence can have similarities. Only with your post does it boil to humans and even then you cited bad retorts that can easily be corrected.

>Using convergent evolution as an argument implies that you think that some humans had 3 eyes, some other 4 eyes, and that when they separated they all converged to 2 eyes.

Actually only you believe that, no where in any of my posts has assertions like that have been made. Again poor reading comprehension on your part seems to be apparent here.

>> No.9698037
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Watson is a faggot.

And the only reason you faggots obsess over race is evo-psych xenophobia.

You might be a brainlet, but hey at least you're not a black brainlet, amirite.

Racial differences in intelligence is measurable but insignificant compared to other factors.

Why does this shit take up such disproportionas space on the board i like to browse in my spare time?

>> No.9698042

>Actually only you believe that
Dumb nigger I'm using the definition of convergent evolution.

>Convergent evolution is the independent evolution of similar features in species of different lineages. Convergent evolution creates analogous structures that have similar form or function but were not present in the last common ancestor of those groups.
Did homo sapien's direct ancestors not already have two eyes? LOL

>> No.9698044

About a topic like this, the political implications would be so heavy that any attempt at solving the notion with pure science instead of emotion would in all probability be ultimately pointless. If anything, you'd probably make the problem worse by publishing such an article, or even suggesting an experiment like this.

>> No.9698046

>Racial differences in intelligence is measurable but insignificant compared to other factors.

>two standards of deviation

>> No.9698052

A white brainlet a literal brainlet not just a person who cant do well in college Im talking about the real dummies of the white breed who cant even make it through high school is still light years ahead of 80% of Africa due to the sheer IQ gap between them.

I must remind you race denying cucks that NIGGERS ARE IN THE FUCKING 60S of IQ not the 80s thats what the MIXED RACE American negro scores on average. The dumbest eurasian humans are the amerindians that live in the Amazon while the smartest are the north east asians.

Amerindian IQ is only in the 80 range meaning 15 points ahead of African negroes thats how mindboggling stupid blacks are, they are literally mentally retarded compared to even the dumbasses in whites, middle eastern, east asians, native americans, north africans, and indians.

>> No.9698059

so many pseudointellectual white nationalists in here

>> No.9698062


Being this much of a pedantic shit.

>> No.9698063

>hurr durr stop being pedantic and pls let two digit IQ negroids move to and destroy your country

>> No.9698065

Your small sample sized, cherry-picked studies are shit.

Have the brains to admit so.

>> No.9698070

And your obsessive racism is far more destructive to the american society than the "damage" done by blacks being on average a little worse at IQ tests.

You faggot.

>> No.9698072

I'd like to see you guys present your own studies about how intelligent and exceptional sub-Saharan Africans actually are in unique contributive ways that racists refuse to acknowledge

>> No.9698074

It is important for every eurasian to know how nonhuman the negro race is so we can put them back into the wilderness where they belong. You must be white because north africans have been in contact with blacks long before any white civilizations even existed and they still utterly despise these beast to this very day.

>> No.9698075

What small sample sizes? Most IQ studies are based on huge federal studies like the national longitudinal survey or statistics from the military on tests goven to recruits.

>> No.9698076

>saying mean things on the Internet is worse than being responsible for the majority of murders, the majority of welfare spending, the majority of required prison infrastructure and the majority of urban political corruption

>> No.9698077

American negros have already ruined a multitude of settlements in the US, anywhere they exist is always a violent shithole. The lack of brains in these creatures is something we need to pay attention to because we keep treating them like they are like us when they are not.

>> No.9698087

Allright, i know i wont change your mind, but here goes.

I'll try to make sense; Your belief that somehow removing all black people will improve your country detracts from the amount of energy and motivation you could be putting towards solving your actual problems.

It's just shifting the blame.

Recognize the problems, find the truth that the blacks of america are as much victims of your fucked up society as you are(?)

Fix your country man, it's not too late.

>> No.9698088

Oh yeah I'm sure my anonymous posts are far more destructive than the murders and robberies commited by niggers every day.

>> No.9698091

Blacks are part of the real (((problem))).

>> No.9698093

>Not like good ol' all american constructive murders and robberies

>> No.9698101


So are you going to mention the fact that Parallel Evolution is also included in conversation concerning Convergent Evolution in most definitions/ explanations? Both having similarities to each other and that Parallel Evolution when cited in Convergent Evolution analysis highlights the issue concerning an ancestral lineage having the same trait as the diverging decendent populations and maintaining the trait through their evolution paths.

Are you also going to mention that in the original post to retort op that Parallel Evolution was indeed also cited? Or are you going to pretend it's not to save yourself the embarrassment of slowly realizing you are entering "sunken cost" territory? Doesn't matter to me much but I thought it was worth pointing out.

>> No.9698104


Well i know i sounds counterintuitive, but even if 90% of blacks detract from the stability and wellfare of a society, our technological level means that -just- the outliers more than make up for it.

My buddy at Novo Nordic had a hand in improving their strain of insulin producing yeast, cutting the cost of producing Actrapid.

He's from Iran, but that alone saved more qualitative years of life than terrorists stole the last 10 years.

And that's just one person.

We need people, we need the outliers, and we need to improve the baseline, not fucking, i dunno, gas the blacks or whatever you are proposing?

What are you proposing actually?

>> No.9698105

Here: >>9697828
That's why you got so easily shitted on here >>9697874
>I really don't.
I know.

It's actually propaganda focused primarily on American blacks.
Seriously: the King of Pop?

>> No.9698109

We are talking about niggers not desert people cuck.

>> No.9698113

You're just making excuses for niggers at this point

>> No.9698119

You can tell by how he speaks hes never even met a normal nigger.

>> No.9698122


>> No.9698127


And? Im sure you're intelligent enough to see the similarity, or lack of.

Are you a specific kind of racist? What about mulatos?

Should we remove people born to poor parents because they have low IQ?

Instate an eugenics programme? You do know you'd probably get on the first train headed for the camps right?

What is your plan exactly? I wanna know. I feel the same kind of morbid curiosity that makes me stop and look at car crashes.

>> No.9698130

>normal nigger
true scotsman fallacy
please tell me you are only pretending to be retarded.

>> No.9698132

Not by your definition of normal no, im from a sane country, so we dont have the same kind of lower-class ghettoes as where you come from.

You'd be amazed how much of an equalizer good nutrition and good education is.

>> No.9698138

Just curious where are you from?

>> No.9698143


>> No.9698144

A common black you suburbs living faggot, you never encounter a feral psychotic coon in your life that.

>> No.9698147

How white is the country?

>> No.9698152

Denmark? Oh look a nordcuck lecturing us on how great niggers are.

>> No.9698153

>What about mulatos?
Kill them
Should we remove people born to poor parents because they have low IQ?
No kill only blacks
Instate an eugenics programme? You do know you'd probably get on the first train headed for the camps right?
No eugenics just extermination for blacks.

>> No.9698157

>The cuck is a nordic
Expected Denmark hasnt been Swedened yet thats why he thinks everything is fine since niggers are nonexistent in Denmark right now but in the future...

>> No.9698159


No idea, around my area, about 80%.

I do love the refugees i work with though, hard workers.

Mandatory Danish education, mandatory cultural education, livable wages, good housing.

Second generations are ok too, i tutor a few at the sax, the ones from somalia old enough to remember the shit they saw need a bit more work, but they're no more stupid than your average little shit.

This is all anecdotal of course.

>> No.9698163

>I do love the refugees i work with
Wow kill yourself
>Second generations are ok too
No assimilation kick them out.
>but they're no more stupid than your average little shit.
Yes anon they are dumber than a white 8 year old.

>> No.9698165

>I do love the refugees i work with though,
Do you let them have sex with your girlfriend while you watch?

>> No.9698172


Hey it's paid work. Anyone wanna learn to play music i'll teach them, what the fuck has skin color got to do with that?

At least these little shits know firsthand how horrible ethnic or religious persecution is, which makes them a damn sight smarter than you.

You really have no concept of the reality you're advocating.

To quote:

William Roper: “So, now you give the Devil the benefit of law!”

Sir Thomas More: “Yes! What would you do? Cut a great road through the law to get after the Devil?”

William Roper: “Yes, I'd cut down every law in England to do that!”

Sir Thomas More: “Oh? And when the last law was down, and the Devil turned 'round on you, where would you hide, Roper, the laws all being flat? This country is planted thick with laws, from coast to coast, Man's laws, not God's! And if you cut them down, and you're just the man to do it, do you really think you could stand upright in the winds that would blow then? Yes, I'd give the Devil benefit of law, for my own safety's sake!”

Sometimes i think americans advocate this kind of shit because they never had a real war in living memory at home.

>> No.9698174

Hes an altruist he has fun helping these "things" so he cant comprehend why we are against it, like most white cucks he thinks MINDLESSLY HELPING PEOPLE IS A DEFAULT IN ALL HUMANS, and when confronted with a contradiction he shuts his ears and calls you all sorts of vile names shame on you for not helping these unhinged sociopathic africans!

>> No.9698176

Hey cuck guess what those things you are helping they DONT FEEL A THING about you, they could watch you have a seizure without a single shit given. This is not a meme negros have no empathy thats one of the main reasons behind their stupendous rates of violence towards one and other.

>> No.9698177

Descended to ad hominem.

At the very least you stopped torturing us with your retarded paint infographics, so i guess it's a step-up in terms of debate level for you?

>> No.9698182

Cuck helping refugees creates idea that refugees are just like whitey, this in turns make the (((chosen))) mass import more of them and cucks like you brainwash the youth into thinking this is a good idea because THEY ARE LIKE US, eventually the browns outnumber your white ass and start tormenting you everyday of your life and you cant do anything about it because unlike you they dont care about treating humans like shit because of what they were born with, This has already happened in:
South Africa

Its beginning to happen in:
United Kingdom

Wake up you stupid fool.

>> No.9698184

I don't think a single infographic was posted in this entire thread. I think the nigger cum in your eyes is blurring your vision.

>> No.9698187


Maybe, maybe not.

Maybe i understand the concept of social contracts.

Abandonment breeds hostility, hostility leads to the kind of culture you are on a crusade against.

Helping fellow humans is an instinct in all humans. It's more pronounced towards members of your tribal group.

A huge part of integration work is erasing the lines between them and us.

They arent somalis in denmark, they're danish people.

Why do you insist on creating a divide in your own country? To create strife and violence?

I genuinely dont understand why you'd instigate a large scale extermination of an ethnic group on purpose? The kind of violence and societal damage it'd do would dwarf the civil war. Why cut off your own nose to spite your face? Why?

>> No.9698193

>Helping fellow humans is an instinct in all humans
No cuck helping humans IN YOUR TRIBE is the instinct helping outsiders with no clear benefits is pure fucking stupidity thats why outside tribes who couldnt defeat your tribe ended up as slaves because they HAVE A USE for them. There is no benefit to aiding africans since white dutch humans are better than them in everything that could improve the Dutch society Im sorry but no.
>Abandonment breeds hostility
Oh please you have no clue how blacks think they are barely ever sad or depressed and being abandoned is normal for them since most never see their fathers.
>hostility leads to the kind of culture you are on a crusade against.
No, evolution created that culture.
>A huge part of integration work is erasing the lines between them and us.
There is no benefit to the dutch so its pointless, they are useless outsiders unlike asians or some middle eastern groups.
>They arent somalis in denmark, they're danish people.
Kill yourself
>Why do you insist on creating a divide in your own country?
What would that really cause? We can exterminate the black race overnight if we wanted to, division wont do a damn thing but speed up what needs to be done. Also you stupid cuck BLACKS ARE FUCKING RACIST TO WHITE PEOPLE ALL THE TIME they are the ones causing racial tension and hatred in the white countries they live in.
>I genuinely dont understand why you'd instigate a large scale extermination of an ethnic group on purpose?
Because we dont need blacks, no one needs blacks they should all be exterminated along with the natives of Australia they are a prehistoric race that should have went extinct a long time ago.

>> No.9698194

>I genuinely dont understand why you'd instigate a large scale extermination of an ethnic group on purpose?
And I don't understand why you'd support the replacement of your people.

>> No.9698198


Well, gene mixing is enevitable in the near future. There is no practical way to stop it, at that point however, designer babies will be a thing so why does it matter. Your genes wont be your own in three generations, they'll be patented property. Either that or you'll be saddled with the inferior lower class genes of people unable to afford the best traits.

Culture and society will change more slowly, you should aim to stabilize that and steer it towards something beneficial to all citizens.

>> No.9698200

>the nordcuck is a nihilist
Color me shocked!

>> No.9698205

The only benefit to Denmark are whites so care only about them. Blacks are absolutely useless even American indians were more efficient slaves than them.

>> No.9698208


Society evolves faster than our genetic makeup in this case. Not everyone in your country, white or not, shares your DNA, but countries able to make people fight for the collective through social obligation tended to outcompete those that fractured into tribal fiefdoms.

It's a macro evolution of who we consider part of our tribe, our evopsychological instincts havent kept up.

It's not about survival of a fucking skincolor, it's about propogation of genes.

Well, in evolution the proof of the pudding is in the eating of it.

Guess we'll see who were the more evolutionary succesful in a few decades.

Personally i just want my kids to live in a world of surplus and peace.

I don't think exterminating anyone is the way to do that.

>> No.9698212

>Personally i just want my kids to live in a world of surplus and peace.
Good luck with that when when muslim niggers make up a good chunk of your neighbors. Hope you enjoy grenade attacks.

>> No.9698214

What a B.S the majority of countries are controlled by one ethnicity in each country. Go to the middle east barely a black or white to be seen. Oh dont get started on Africa cuck

>> No.9698215

His daughter will get raped by muzzies and niggers too fucking stupid cuck.

>> No.9698217


Post-determinist, thank you very much.

>> No.9698219

Sane country, remember?
We dont experience that as much as you do. Even in areas with a high emmigration population.

>> No.9698220

So if Russians were mass imported into Denmark you wouldnt be against it?

>> No.9698222

because he's an old racist white man

>> No.9698223

>We dont experience that as much as you do.
How can you be so moronic. Just look at sweden. This will be you in a few years.

>> No.9698225

You nords live in lalaland your media censors rapefugee crime just like Cuckden and the United Kaliphate.

Absolutely revolting that you came from vikings.

>> No.9698227


Only if the ammount fuck up our society.

Dont get me wrong, mass importing a significant portion of people with a different cultural background is problematic.

You need to keep the influx on a level that allows succesful integration, otherwise it's just destructive.

Im not saying open the borders. Im just saying that handled intelligently emmigration is a nonissue.

>> No.9698229

Why do you want integration? What the actual fuck is wrong with you nords? Are you blonde faggots sissies that submit to anything?

>> No.9698234

Last i heard USA was ranked 48'th on the freedom of press index.

Our media censors very little compared to yours.

Censoring is a smaller problem than overblowing stories. You can never completely censor the truth, but you can drown it out in a media-cacophany of bullshit that angers the average uneducated american and wastes his attention.

>> No.9698238

You sound exactly like a Swede holy fuck. Your so enlightened by your peace that you are oblivious to real danger.

>> No.9698239

>Last i heard USA was ranked 48'th on the freedom of press index.
Lol, you're so delusional. Who came up with that index, the united nations? In your country you'll go to jail for "racist tweets". Kys.

>> No.9698240


I dont -want- integration.

I just don't -care- about small problems. The emmigrant "crisis" was a media circus that disguised a vote-in on a new, very damaging law about industrial polution allowances.

Im angry about -that- shit, because in the end it will affect more people than barely 8k fucking emmigrants.

>> No.9698246

Africans BREED FAST there less than 8 million of our Americoons 80 years ago now theres 40 million of these beast in our country.

>> No.9698250

Whereas your racist tweets will just be datamined in order to target adds for american-flag underwear and coors light to your media feeds.

How does it feel to be an obedient little consumer?

>> No.9698256

Says the guy incapable of independent thought outside of his government imposed cultural marxist box. Lol.

There's a lot of fucked up things about America, don't get me wrong, but in my opinion it's compensated by the fact that it's the only free country in the west. America will probably survive this century, I'm not so sure about the nordic countries.

>> No.9698259

So what? Speaking from a biological utility-function viewpoint they'll have the DNA of my people in them?

My specific evolutionary pathway diverged only about 10k years ago, thats -nothing- in evolutionary terms.

Aside from visual differences the deviation is slight, even less so in mixed race specimens.

Couple that with societal selection pressure, it really wont be a big deal in a few decades, and that's without reiterating the point of designer-babies.

>> No.9698260

Nords wont exist in 70 years lmao. I hope this cuck watchs his wife get enriched.

>> No.9698263

Lol this fool thinks the (((EU))) will let white gentiles enhance themselves. Also the split from blacks is more than 70,000 years ago.

>> No.9698264

You're not free, you're in chains of your own making, of your cultural psyche.

The freedom to make choices is limited to your knowledge of available choices.

The only freedom left is the one possessed by your intellectuals.

I will state that your top universities are second to none, but barring that, the average american is a slave to your shitty education and your brainwashing media.

>> No.9698267

>muh designer babies.
This assumes technological progress continues. Uncertain if the average IQ drops to the double digits.

>> No.9698268

Part 1
Psychologists, psychometricians, and all other scientists that study intelligence tend to tread VERY lightly when it comes to this issue. After what happened to James Watson (he was ostracized for stating facts about race and intelligence despite being a Nobel prize winning scientist and one of the most successful scientists of his era) no one in the field wants to be vocal about their findings or the meaning of their findings.

Nevertheless... in my day job, I study things like this... and since I work for a private company in the private sector, I'm not beholden to the PC/SJW ramblings of any Liberal Arts department. So I, and my co-workers, can talk about it. And we do.

I'm going to go over the evidence for not only the existence of a general IQ gap between the races, but the evidence for the fact that intelligence is heritable and the IQ gap is therefore genetic and NOT caused by social issues like test bias, culture bias, or socioeconomic factors. Also, I'm going to go over evidence that shows that general intelligence (aka g) and IQ are valid measures of cognitive ability (despite what the postmodernist non-science liberal arts professors may say) and correlate with things like future success and many other life outcomes. Finally, I'm going to go over a relatively new hypothesis for why Sub-Saharan Africans score lower than other races on IQ tests... the Microcephalin gene.

>> No.9698269

part 2
Sub-Saharan Africans differ from all other world populations in a number of ways, including the fact that they do not have any Neanderthal ancestry. When the ancestors of all humans were first leaving Africa 100,000 years ago, they split into two groups, one stayed in Africa (Sub-Saharan Africans) and the other moved into the Middle East (the ancestors of all other non-Sub-Saharan humans). The second group mated with some Neanderthals, and gained the MCPH1 Microcephalin, which causes a significant increase in brain size during development.

If you're interested in logic, reason, and science in general... you have to take morality out of the equation when studying issues, especially social issues like race. You simply cannot follow Stephen Jay Gould's example and talk about non-overlapping magisteria or whatever other nonsense he made up to avoid upsetting certain groups of people. Everything overlaps with science. Science is what we use to know the universe and everything in it. Never be afraid to talk about science. You cannot avoid a topic simply because it is politically unpleasant or socially difficult. That is cowardly.

>> No.9698270

Whats your point cuck? We American whites will still be here in 2100, you wont.

>> No.9698271

Working in the field as a matter of fact, it's closer than you think.

Thank god for modern PCR developments.

>> No.9698276

Part 3
The IQ Gap Between Races

I know many "progressive" types are very keen on saying that there's no such thing as race, or that race is a only socially constructed concept... but this is objectively false. Yes, humans DO exist on a genetic continuum, BUT, there are very clear bulges on that continuum. Those bulges are what we call "races", and they correlate with groups who's ancestors lived in the same geographical areas. Secondly... "progressives" are also very keen on saying there is more genetic variation WITHIN 'racial' groups than between them. However, that argument is so wrong that they actually gave it a name... "Lewontin's Fallacy". Basically, the point is that it doesn't matter what percentage difference comes from where... what matters is what those differences are, and even if only .0001% of a difference is between "races", if that .0001% is meaningful and descriptive... then it means something. Look it up if you want all the reasons it's bunk. Here's Richard Dawkins on why it's nonsense: "However small the racial partition of the total variation may be, if such racial characteristics as there are highly correlate with other racial characteristics, they are by definition informative, and therefore of taxonomic significance."

Now... the IQ gap. For those who don't already know, there absolutely IS an objectively measurable IQ gap between people with ancestors from different geographical areas (aka "races", which is the term I will use from here on out).

Psychologists don't debate this fact. The gap is well known and has been well known for decades. IQ test scores break down like this: on average, East Asians score higher than whites, who score higher than hispanics, who in turn score higher than blacks. The average scores are:

Asian-Americans -106, White Americans - 103, Hispanic Americans - 89, African-Americans - 85.

>> No.9698277

Damn he looks like rothchild

>> No.9698279

Only jews will be enhanced, stupid cucked gentiles like me and you will be slaves.

>> No.9698280


You'll be dead in 2100 you inbred streak of piss, and who are "we" the irish? The anglo's? The scandinavian?

You dont even know who "we" are, have you even had a DNA screening?

>> No.9698282

>You're not free, you're in chains of your own making, of your cultural psyche.
>The freedom to make choices is limited to your knowledge of available choices.
>The only freedom left is the one possessed by your intellectuals.
What nonsensical statements.

>the average american is a slave to your shitty education and your brainwashing media.
As opposed to the free media of Denmarkistan? Lmao

I'm not even American, I'm french, I migrated here for work and stayed. I have the perspective of having lived in France and the USA, and despite living in an ultra liberal area there is so much more intellectual freedom.

>> No.9698283

Part 4
This means more than one in five American blacks have an IQ below 75; whereas around one in twenty whites have an IQ below 75. An IQ of 70-75 is considered "borderline retarded" by psychologists.

Studies also show there are some significant differences in what is called the structure of mental abilities. For example, if you took a sample of black and white children, all of whom had scored around 100 on the WISC-R (the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children—Revised) meaning the black kids in the sample were well above the black average -- you would find significant black-white differences on six of the thirteen subtests. The average black child would do better on Arithmetic and Digit Span; where the average white child would do better on Comprehension, Block Design, Object Assembly, and Mazes.

The gaps are not limited to the United States either. European whites average - 100, East Asians from Asia - 106, and Sub-Saharan Africans - 70.

The difference in native Sub-Saharan African IQ scores versus American Black's IQ scores can be explained by the fact that American Blacks have, on average, 20%-25% European ancestry. Lynn and Vanhanen's books 'IQ and the Wealth of Nations' and 'IQ and Global Inequality' are a good start if you are looking for data concerning the average IQ scores of different nations.

>> No.9698284

Americans are a diverse mix of euros you nords are more inbred than us big time.

>> No.9698285

>why do you care goy you'll be dead anyway! Now consume!

>> No.9698286

The intelligence gap was first noticed among psychologists in the early 20th century. In the 1960s and 70s, rigorous IQ testing of people of difference races began in earnest, and the IQ gap began to become undeniable. Throughout the 70s and 80s, liberal-minded scientists attempted to close the gap via alterations in the testing apparatus, since they believed that the tests must be biased in some way. They changed the parameters, made a whole slew of so-called "culture fair" tests, some were nonverbal tests (Leiter Scale), some changed the language of the questions, others were pure math, or pure reasoning, they even made questions that weren't language based at all (like Raven's Progressive Matrices or Kohs block design test)... they did twin studies, adoption studies (like the Minnesota Transracial Adoption study), everything to try to determine some reason (besides the obvious one) why this gap exists... and the studies consistently came back with the same sized gap: 15 IQ points, or 1 standard deviation (SD) between White and Black people no matter what version or type of IQ test was used.

Eventually, in 1994, The Bell Curve was published. The book was extremely controversial, despite being filled with relevant data from valid and repeated studies. Ironically, the majority of the criticisms were aimed at the validity of IQ and general intelligence as meaningful measurements (a topic I will go over in a later section) and NOT on the results of the studies.

Eventually, amid all the controversy about The Bell Curve in the media, a group of 52 well known university professors specializing in intelligence and related fields signed a public statement titled "Mainstream Science on Intelligence". They saw there was a great deal of misinformation of unfounded criticism of The Bell Curve, so they wanted to set the media straight. The statement consisted of 25 conclusions:

>> No.9698288

Not really no, the technology will be relatively cheap.

Besides, what do you need slaves for in an automated society?

I guess if you need to feel smugly superior to someone else having a few slaves is nice. But you dont need more bodies, you need more brains.

>> No.9698289

Part 6
Those conclusions are:

1."Intelligence is a very general mental capability ... it reflects a broader and deeper capability for comprehending our surroundings ..."

2."Intelligence, so defined, can be measured, and intelligence tests measure it well. They are among the most accurate (in technical terms, reliable and valid) of all psychological tests and assessments."

3."While there are different types of intelligence tests, they all measure the same intelligence."

4."The spread of people along the IQ continuum ... can be represented well by the ... ‘normal curve'."

5."Intelligence tests are not culturally biased"

6."The brain processes underlying intelligence are still little understood"

7."Members of all racial-ethnic groups can be found at every IQ level"

8."The bell curve for whites is centered roughly around IQ 100; the bell curve for American blacks roughly around 85; and those for different subgroups of Hispanics roughly midway between those for whites and blacks. The evidence is less definitive for exactly where above IQ 100 the bell curves for Jews and Asians are centered"

9."IQ is strongly related, probably more so than any other single measurable human trait, to many important educational, occupational, economic, and social outcomes ... Whatever IQ tests measure, it is of great practical and social importance"

10."A high IQ is an advantage because virtually all activities require some reasoning and decision-making"

11."The practical advantages of having a higher IQ increase as life’s settings become more complex"

12."Differences in intelligence certainly are not the only factor affecting performance in education, training, and complex jobs ... but intelligence is often the most important"

>> No.9698290

>diverse mix of euros

kek, sounds like a slogan on a ceral box.

You literally dont even know what genes you possess, why are you so protective of them? You seem preoccupies with genetic relation to phenotypical expression of intelligence, would you comit suicide if you found out you had inferior genes?

>> No.9698291

13."Certain personality traits, special talents, [etc] are important ... in many jobs, but they have narrower (or unknown) applicability or ‘transferability’ across tasks and settings compared with general intelligence"

14."Heritability estimates range from 0.4 to 0.8 ... indicating genetics plays a bigger role than environment in creating IQ differences"

15."Members of the same family also tend to differ substantially in intelligence"

16."That IQ may be highly heritable does not mean that it is not affected by the environment ... IQs do gradually stabilize during childhood, however, and generally change little thereafter"

17."Although the environment is important in creating IQ differences, we do not know yet how to manipulate it"

18."Genetically caused differences are not necessarily irremediable"

19."There is no persuasive evidence that the IQ bell curves for different racial-ethnic groups are converging"

20."Racial-ethnic differences in IQ bell curves are essentially the same when youngsters leave high school as when they enter first grade ... black 17-year-olds perform, on the average, more like white 13-year-olds"

21."The reasons that blacks differ among themselves in intelligence appear to be the same as those for why whites ... differ among themselves"

22."There is no definitive answer as to why bell curves differ across racial-ethnic groups. The reasons for these IQ differences between groups may be markedly different from the reasons for why individuals differ among themselves within any particular group"

23."Racial-ethnic differences are somewhat smaller but still substantial for individuals from the same socio-economic backgrounds"

>> No.9698296

Cuck everything is a distraction until the NWO. The jews in Denmark love the fact you think there is any positive future for your people when there us none. Oy jews will benefit from advanced science since only they will be allowed to have it in their New World Order.

>> No.9698297

24."Almost all Americans who identify themselves as black have white ancestors – the white admixture is about 20% ... research on intelligence relies on self-classification into distinct racial categories"

25."The research findings neither dictate nor preclude any particular social policy, because they can never determine our goals. They can, however, help us estimate the likely success and side-effects of pursuing those goals via different means."

Ironically, the vast majority of what was written in 'The Bell Curve' is now considered mainstream knowledge in the field, and no longer debated by experts.

An important thing to remember is that the ancestors of all Sub-Saharan Africans separated from the ancestors of all other modern humans around 100,000 years ago. One group stayed in Sub-Saharan Africa, and the other spread out and populated the rest of the world. 100,000 years is over 3,000 to 5,000 generations. And yet there ARE still people today who believe that all races have the same exact brains, and same exact inherent intelligence.

Despite the fact that so much time passed with those races apart, and such large number of observable traits evolved differently... like skin color, fat distribution, average hormonal levels, hair type and texture, dental layout (some Asian's don't ever develop wisdom teeth, and different races have differently shaped teeth), to the skeletal structure like the ratio of length of long bones or skull shape or any number of variations (a small example being some sub-Saharan Africans have fused triquetral bones in their wrists), to the many different blood types, and fat distribution and so many other traits... some people still refuse to accept the possibility of inherent biological differences of intelligence.

>> No.9698298
File: 11 KB, 480x360, Dr. Robert Williams.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the BITCH-100 test, created in 1972 by the inventor of the language of Ebonics
>asked students to identify how you could use a stone held in a sock as an impromptu bludgeoning weapon, found that black students had much higher aptitude at this than white ones
Holy fucking shit are black people all living memes?

>> No.9698300

However, it would actually be an amazing coincidence if there WEREN'T an average intelligence gap between different groups of humans who have evolved separately for many thousands of years. Think about it, given the facts that 1)evolution is true, 2)IQ is heritable, and 3)different groups of humans have been separate for more than 3,000-5,000 generations... it would be statistically improbable that all those groups have the same average IQ. The brain is a highly complex organ, it is extremely difficult to believe that that complex biological organ remained exactly the same over 100,000 years while nearly every single other biological trait diverged. An IQ gap is exactly what we would expect given the facts. Even if we didn't have IQ test results and didn't know there was a gap, all good scientists would hypothesize that one exists based on the other information.

I hope people will help spread this information and help educate others. Thanks.

>> No.9698303

Wow just wow you are trying to make me destroy my own people. Nords are scum.

>> No.9698304

Why am i not surprised you're belive in NWO too.

Thing is Denmark is actually such a small society that i personally know a few of our politicians. They have no nefarious plan, they're just idiots.

That's why i focus on things that'll help people in the long run. Politics come and go, knowledge gained is usually maintained.

>> No.9698305

Yes goy everything is fine. The Boer talked just like you decades ago but look at them now.

>> No.9698306


I am, removing yourself from the gene pool is the most worthwhile investment of your time in in regards to the health of the american society in my opinion.

>> No.9698312

Underrated writeup by the by. Good work.

>> No.9698313

But not the negro retards who cant comprehend simple algebra?

Thats right FUCK WHITE PEOPLE YAY BROWN PEOPLE. So your full of shit just another anti-white.

>> No.9698314

I posted a long comment in many parts. I hope you'll read it. There are extensive citations and sources in it. I have my masters in cog sci, and currently work at a human factors consultancy. This is the kind of thing I study basically every day. BUt this is 4chan, I could be lying, and probably am, about who I am.. so just read my comments, and then reply.
starting here:

>> No.9698316

Fuck you. You made an entire thread with your nonsense and you got your ass handed to you. Now you feel the need to spam it harder. Literally kys please.

>> No.9698321

notice how no black person even bothers to defend themselves in this argument. there is a tacit agreement therefore by the defenders that they are engaging in a purely intellectual debate, since the side they represent is out to lunch.

>> No.9698322

Yes fuck logic lets all become niggers to be the slaves of jews forvever amirite.

>> No.9698323

I have screenshots of the thread. My ass wasn;t handed to me. There was one guy who constantly spammed about "jews"... but other than that... literally NO ONE refuted ANYTHING I said.
If you disagree... please, tell me one single point where I'm wrong.

>> No.9698325

Anti-racists are always so lacking in substance. It seems like the "debate" is racists giving often incomplete, flawed or biased methodology and then anti-racists only responding with absolutely nothing except UR WRONG KILL YOURSELF I KNEW A BLACK GUY ONCE HE WAS GREAT WHAT ABOUT NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON THOUGH DOESN'T HE PROVE BLACK PPL ARE SMART

>> No.9698327


Okay posting a solution; A mix between junkyard wars and the thunderdome.

Whitey McWhitetrash VS Trayvon

You both have 24 hours to construct a junkyard tank out of scrap plus weapons, then you get to duke it out in a vehicular arena.

This tests your intelligence in regards to fabricating mechanical machines of mayhem, and your aptitude for physical violence, the winner gets to not die.

You could run commercials for stuff in between 15 minute segments, the sales cut of truck nuts and piss beer alone could fund it.

>> No.9698334


Honestly i just like to shit-post in threads filled with sexually frustrated neonazi's.

You amuse me. You're literally an idiot with tunnelvision. On the internet. This is the best entertainment i've had since i saw my friend drunkenkly shit his pants while dancing.

You're less elegant about your idiocy than he was, but you make up for your lack of quality with quantity.

>> No.9698338

White trash are geniuses compared to niggers.

>> No.9698341

Its like saying whites are geniuses because Newton existed thats how stupid their arguments are.

>> No.9698342

If only aptitude for making poisonous moonshine, discovering new ways involving new orifices to consume drugs with and plinking neighborhood cats with a 22. translated into financial succes.



>> No.9698343


Once again... starting here:
you will find all the relevant information about the intelligence gap between races... and an explanation of why races DO in fact exist and are of objective taxonomic significance.
If ANYONE can offer ANY arguments refuting ANYTHING i said in my comments... I would appreciate it. So far, in the time since I first wrote them, no one has.

>> No.9698344

90 is higher than 78 retard.

>> No.9698351

Average Nigger American 84
Average White Dummy 90
Average White Mild Retard 84
Average Nigger African 67
Average White Retard 75
Average Terminal White Retard 60
Average Abo 60

Now do you understand? If a white isnt showing obvious retardism HES SMARTER THAN AMERICAM BLACKS. A white on par with a nigger would have slurred speech abd a constant duhhh behavior. So before you assholes call anyone who cant do STEM a white dummy WRONG thats white average and even the whites that fail highschool are way ahead of blacks.

>> No.9698352


You wrote something not stupid.

I will magnanimously offer you the respect of replying with an honest question:

What do we do with this information? In what way to we implement your proposed solution? What will it cost? What are the benefits of your solution?

If you cannot answer these questions you have a lot of work ahead of you. Science is about solving problems, if you dont translate your data into something constructive it's just intellectual masturbation.

>> No.9698359

>makes post, says nothing, feels smug about himself

>> No.9698362


Okay 90 is more than 78, but do you like the junkyard-thunderdome idea? Constructive criticism is welcome. I can't see any flaws myself.

>> No.9698363

>Science is about solving problems, if you dont translate your data into something constructive it's just intellectual masturbation.
Well, this guy has just killed every field from theoretical physics to exoplanetology

>> No.9698365

That's the idea my indoctrinated neonazi friend.

Same way you feel smug in your trailer when you remember that you might fuck your cousin and make minimum wage but at least you aren't black.

>> No.9698367

>Science is about solving problems
Science is about autist figuring out how things work not problem solving thats what engineers do.

>> No.9698368

Even if the practical applications are not yet realized or very far off in the future, most if not all branches of science has practical applications.

>> No.9698369

Fair point, i guess im beholden to the problem-oriented nature of my job. There's room for everyone in science, i love my math-autists colleagues. Little rascals.

>> No.9698372

You anti-whites are delusional. We dont care about being superior to blacks we hate them for what they cause in our country and want them gone, notice the the race that is always bashed on this board are blacks not mexicans despite there being vastly more mexicans that niggers in the USA since time memorial the nigger race is always hated and despised because they are that horrible simply. I am not a fucking jew I dont wake up and think OH GOD IM SO SUPERIOR TO YOU GOYIM everyday, I wouldnt even think of niggers if they werent causing trouble for my race in this country I live in, asians barely think of blacks because blacks barely exist in Asia thats how I want America to be a world were the negro subhuman is never acknowledged period. It would be so great if they were all exterminated because they dont even matter there are around a billion niggers in Africa meaning you could kill every negro outside of Africa and it wouldnt do shit to their actual future on this planet.

>> No.9698374

Are you politically active, aside from ranting about exterminating blacks on anonymous message boards?

You say you care, what do you actively do? Just curious?

>> No.9698375

>the only two options are 1. everyone is a clone and we're all genetically equal. 2. racial stereotypes are true

Neither one is right. Back to /pol/

>> No.9698377

But the truth is haaard! It's complicated, hard to understand and nonbinary! :(

Why do i actually have to invest time into critically going over a vast ammount of data in order to formulate my own opinion not spoonfed to me by my racist uncle Jimbob who have 5 teeth left and half a liver?

>> No.9698379

Stereotypes are true, black americans act exactly like how /pol/lacks meme them online even the mentally impaired broken english is on the dot its amazing how easily the negro race can be generalized due to how nonhuman they are, they barely if ever have any true personalities beyond:
Evil asshole
Angry asshole
Confident asshole
Evil Bitch
Angry Bithc
Confident Bitch

So little diversity of thought in blacks thats why they can be generalized so easily because they are the same essentially the same person only a few differences some niggers get angrier faster some vary on how evil they are and some are just plain insane.

>> No.9698382

>racist stereotypes are harmful and wrong

>> No.9698384
File: 693 KB, 1508x938, consanguinity-world-map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where does this "whites are inbred" shit come from when all of the most shockingly inbred countries are in Africa and the Middle East?

>> No.9698385

Jimbob might be mexican? You never asked.

>> No.9698387

The redneck country bumpkins but I have no idea why these liberals apply this meme to Europeans.

>> No.9698388

Pop culture really. I have no sources for my shitposting buddy, were you expecting one?

>> No.9698392

America is a joke outside America.
Your country is self destructing in the span of a generation. It's like watching one of those automobile crash tests in slowmotion, only more drawn out and with stars and stripes everywhere.

For a country as addicted to entertainment as you are, it's poetic irony that the degeneration of your society is the rest of the worlds favourite reality show.

>> No.9698393
File: 68 KB, 1280x720, 1521981353291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can read and write in cursive. I have a job. I own a home. I have never been in prison. I have never punched a complete stranger in the face, robbed a convenience store, set a car on fire, received food stamps, used the word "axe" as a substitute for "ask" or shouted endless rambling nonsense at the screen while other people were trying to watch a movie

Forget civilizations and pioneers and inventors, *I* am personally better than 98% of all black people who have ever lived, and it is from this position of superiority that I tell them to go fuck themselves

>> No.9698396

>Your country is self destructing in the span of a generation
What country isn't?

Like maybe four or five places in Eastern Europe and that's about it. Canada, Australia, Germany, Britain, France, Sweden, Denmark, Belgium, they're all getting flushed down the same toilet as America.

Can you really think of a country that's "on its way up"? China, maybe. That's about it.

>> No.9698397

Says the ones who wont even exist in 100 years. Go ahead act like you are a smug intellectual while you sell your country to the jews and become brown goyim to be ruled by them forever. Stupid eurocucks you are the real reason behind the bad things in this world you are the ones who allowed the jewish menace to multiply.

>> No.9698398

Must feel good. I wish i was able to feel good about something as basic as being able to fucking write and pronounce one-vowel words.

I guess i'll have to be content with not adjusting my percieved self-worth relative to the average IQ of a race demographic.

I'll cope.

>> No.9698399
File: 214 KB, 1106x699, 1424606600138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wish i was able to feel good about something as basic as being able to fucking write and pronounce one-vowel words.
Instead you get to feel good about white-knighting for people who can't.

>> No.9698401

I already told you we dont care about supremacy we just hate niggers. Whites are mentally superior to blacks greatly meaning they are better than them objectively Im sorry but evolution made this so and you cant stop it either. Blacks will need another 60,000 years to catch up to us thats how far behind they are compared to us in the brain department. Just as how a chimp is inferior to a nigger for being a dumber animal than a nigger the same applies to a nigger and a white.

>> No.9698403


I don't know if maintaining a higher standard of living and civilized society in all quantifyable aspects is "going down the toilet" but hey friend, i guess we'll see in a few decades.

>> No.9698405

Its so unsettling wild animals like this are in the millions walking around in America.

>> No.9698406


>White-knighting for niggers.

What if i just like making fun of uneducated racists?

>> No.9698409
File: 1.51 MB, 850x2147, 1517133796130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9698411

James Watson absolute monstercock, what he did in the 1950s is the reason all ur food and medicine is cheap


>> No.9698415

Uneducated in what way? How would education make you hate blacks less? Its the most ignorant of whites who barely interact with negroes that think they are people so its you who are the uneducated one liberal cuck.

>> No.9698420

Do people stop having human rights just because they are dumber than average?

>> No.9698425


Once all problems more impactful than fucking blacks having sub-par IQ is solved, then and only then will i devote my energy to the problem.

It's like people on the fucking sinking titanic complaining about black kitchen staff.

With education comes the realization that your country is fucked by the bloody steaming genitals off your financial elite, your corporations, your media and your politicians.

With gleeful malice in their eyes and throbbing cocks in hand they look upon the unwashed masses and spout rhetoric about emmigrants, terrorists, abortion and gun control, for an electorate divided will fight itself and consume all the meanwhile.

I interact with blacks. They are not the problem. I spend the time i devote to my country readind up on current political issues and pressuring my local politicians in cooperation with other citizens like me to enact laws that benefit the average citizen of my country.

I consider racists that just talk about hating blackies limp dicked idiots.

I loathe you and people like you. Distracted, weak-minded floatsam of a person that you are.

>> No.9698430

You are full of shit, you anti-whites always make excuses to not end the negro problem in our country. We have been talking about how cancerous these african apes are since the fucking 30s and yet you still want to compromise you still want to let them multiply and fuck up America even more until this country turns into that hellish landmass they originate from.

>> No.9698432

>Black people are inferior to whites and youd know that if you dealt with them
stop posting these thread you autistic fuck.

>> No.9698433

Move to a black majority area already you scared little cuck.

>> No.9698434


So enter politics? Geet some good avisors, compile statistics, formulate the problem, formulate a solution, take all aspects into consideration. Figure out if your "solution" is more destructive than the problem, and if it is, reformulate or reconsider. Fucking do something you waste of oxygen.

You literally percieve the biggest problem in your country to be "black people" ? Are you that far gone?

>> No.9698435

There is no 'negro problem.' Even if there were zero blacks in the US there would still be morons like you that go around and deny climate change, think any form of education is "liberal brainwashing," and suffer from various other forms of retardation. If it was up to you the US would be like Kentucky.

>> No.9698439

I deal with black people every fucking day you dumb nigger, go ask your mom for more tendies

>> No.9698443


Im not anti-white, im anti stupidity, you qualify in abundance.

With every fiber of my being i wish i could hate you and your chromosome enriched lineage to nonexistance.

I'll settle for knowing every day you think like this is self inflicted torture.

“By doing this you are like a man who wants to hit another and picks up a burning ember or excrement in his hand and so first burns himself or makes himself stink.”
Visuddhimagga IX, 23.

>> No.9698445


Hey! Kentucky is nice.

Shame about all the Kentuckians.

>> No.9698448

>There's nothing wrong with being cautious about scientific findings because they would be incredibly insulting
Are you saying people should repress scientific findings if those facts could hurt people's feelings?

Get out

>> No.9698449

Yh sure you do, I bet they also say please and thank you.
>Im not anti-white, im anti stupidity

Fuck off

>> No.9698450

I'd argue the opposite. Political situations can come and go, but demographic changes are permanent. It's the most important factor in the long term success of a country.

>> No.9698455


Then improve your demographics.

The requisite of a functioning democracy is an educated electorate.

>> No.9698458

>Then improve your demographics.
I agree. Deport low IQ ethnicities.

>The requisite of a functioning democracy is an educated electorate.
Not really, the line between education and brainwashing is blurry. I'd argue that the most important requisite for democracy is unity in outlook.

>> No.9698459


But mate, you're literally an uninformed idiot?
What am i supposed to say? It's the truth?

>> No.9698461

>I agree. Deport low IQ ethnicities.
Why not make it solely based on IQ? We shouldn't have to accept low IQ whites and there's not reason not to keep high IQ minorities.

>> No.9698463

Yes and the absence of blacks would make it easier to have an educated population. Blacks are stupid animals just give them gibs and you will always win elections, they do this in african countries.
Im stupid because Im not a pathological altruistic lunatic like you, thats your opinion. All you do is shame people you never use logic or reason its all stupid emotions and empathy.

>> No.9698467

Has anyone in this topic refuted the quote in OP's image without resorting to the words " racist, bigot, wrong, asshole".

It seems like people are getting triggered over facts.

>> No.9698468

>and there's not reason not to keep high IQ minorities.
High IQ whites outnumber the minorities so get rid of them. You only really need whites in a country Id say asians are the only immigrants who should be allowed to live in our lands but limit their population to only 4000 in each country so they dont matter.

>> No.9698469

I agree in essence with this. Although even high IQ ethnicities can be harmful. For instance indians in America have a high IQ but vote consistently democrat because they have no shared connection with historical america and vote for whichever party will allow more of their family members to migrate here.

>> No.9698470


What America needs more than anything else is an unbiased, transparant, regulated and non-captive body to digest politically relavant information and relay that to the electorate in a shortened form.

Mandatory schooling in use of this organ of course, is a neccesity. This i think will have the greatest impact politically with the lowest cost-to-impact ratio.

>> No.9698473


Fuck it, let's just give the country to China, they have a higher IQ. It's the defnining quantitative measurement that defines who gets to stay right?

>> No.9698476

*Highest cost-to-impact.


>> No.9698477

We already have those, they're called NPR and PBS, and we recognize them for what they are, megaphones for the dominant coastal liberal ideology.

It's funny that you advocate for a monopoly on ideas. You nordcucks really aren't capable of independent thought, are you?

>> No.9698478

No being white is what defines who gets to stay stupid cuck, we use IQ to show you why blacks need to get lost. The IQ gap between white and gook is too small for whites to be subhuman compared to asians.

>> No.9698479


Did transparant and unbiased drift over your head?

Something more like a peer reviewed journal than the pieces of shit you mentioned.

>> No.9698483


>> No.9698484

Saying the word nigger would get you a prison sentence in Cuckmark, yet you think you have any unbiased politics or government. What a joke you nords are doomed.

>> No.9698486

Peer review suffers from the same biases. Deregulation is the solution. The internet is the best thing to have ever happened to free speech and the free exchange of ideas.

>> No.9698487

Why the fuck are you on /sci/
seriously what the fuck do you get out of throwing autistics fits here?

>> No.9698490 [DELETED] 

Gook IQ 105
White IQ 100
Spic IQ 89
Sandnigger IQ 88
Amerindian IQ 84
Nigger IQ 67
Abo IQ 60
San IQ 54

Stuff your empathy up your ass, on a board based on science and you let stupid morals cloud your judgement.

>> No.9698491

Do you know how to read?