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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9690841 No.9690841[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

My Aunt smoked all her life.
She's 71 and now in hospital.

They don't know if it's lung cancer but the doctors said she'll be dead within the next 10 or so days.

She has late stage COPD
She's not smoking now, what are the chances she would come out of this?
She's using oxygen to breathe about 4 times a day.

inb4 ask a doctor.
Doctors are a socialist/corporatist medical cartel and wrong about shit 50% of the time.

>> No.9690846

>Doctors are a socialist/corporatist medical cartel and wrong about shit 50% of the time.

I was gonna make a helpful post, but since I'm a medfag I won't. Maybe mathfags can help.

>> No.9690847

> I would have lied to you and given you false hope but since you offended me by stating something truthful I won't

>> No.9690851

based poster

>> No.9690853

seeing how you people are actively involved in harm and literally give people cancer, it's understandable why people are skeptical of your kind

>> No.9690857

>your kind

>> No.9690867

yes, your kind
establishment government medical cucks

you people worship pseudoscience and bureaucracy

>> No.9690885

bump for science

>> No.9690900

Not good, but not zero.

>Doctors are a socialist/corporatist medical cartel and wrong about shit 50% of the time.
There's no direct signals they can look at that says your exact time of life remaining. They make guesses off how badly things have progressed.

If she dies in 30 days does that make the doctors wrong? Technically, yes.
If she dies tomorrow does that make the doctors wrong? Technically, yes.

It's easy to rack up the count of doctors being wrong if you want to.

>> No.9690933

not saying doctors are dicks because of average life expectancy recommendations.

Just that they are dicks and cartelist in general that fuck over people.

>> No.9690946

So you're saying she's ignored advice of doctors for over 30 years (that's how long doctors have known for a fact smoking is bad and have advised against it), resulting in her current situation and now you're following her lead and willing to ask idiots on 4chan rather than ask a doctor? Sounds pretty stupid to me. Maybe you can be the turning point in your family tree and start listening to people who are learned on their subject instead of eating guava tree bark to cure cancer.

>> No.9690951

>So you're saying she's ignored advice of doctors for over 30 years
yes and she's stupid for doing this

>and now you're following her lead
No, smoking is still bad because there is scientific evidence against it.

>and willing to ask idiots on 4chan rather than ask a doctor?
Government Doctors are a medical cartel that don't give a single fuck about science or medicine.

>Maybe you can be the turning point in your family tree and start listening to people who are learned on their subject
Kill your fucking self.
Maybe I should train my kin to think for themselves and to actually accept science instead of believing whatever an anti-scientific cartel spews out.

>instead of eating guava tree bark
Your entire family is going to die young because you were too brainwashed to research outside of the mainstream.
I bet you don't even know what GCMAF or Hydrogen water is. lmao
I bet you watch John Oliver.

Honestly though, all of you people need to be killed.
It's called justice.

>> No.9690979

anon I hope your aunt will survive this, just stay by her side.

I understand your accusations against the medical cartel and I do agree that their attitude towards actual science is apathetic and most folks worship their brabble. However I believe it should be best for you to REAALLY do the independant research you mentioned and plant the seed of truthful inquiry in your descendancy.
The faith of us all is death and your aunt's survival is a matter of coin-tossing.. but nevermind all sorrow I genuenly wish you the best and hope you and your kin prosper <3

>> No.9691518

Holy shit you're actually not bait

>> No.9691540
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>doctors said she'll be dead within the next 10 or so days.
>what are the chances she would come out of this?

>> No.9691549

Sorry dude, but you cannot save your aunt from the consequences of her lifestyle.

You seem to think you're following science but I'm willing to bet you're a meat and oil eater even tough science is very clear that you will end up with arteriosclerosis.

>> No.9691626

I bet that cunt is still puffing on her death bed.

>> No.9691667

OP. I don't give a fuck about what you think of doctors, or of me, or anything else. But, if you love your Aunt, do not let her die alone. And don't be afraid to be there for he. We've made death something that we are supposed to ignore and shy away from. It is not, it's a part of life, and it is nice to have somebody who loves you see you through it.

>> No.9691676
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Why did Einstein's publish 'On the electrodynamics of moving bodies' contain 0 references?
Shouldn't there at least be some reference to Lorentz etc?

>> No.9691682

Lmao it's another "family can't be talked out of making dying loved one a full code" episode. If she's still verbal spend as much time with her as possible. It's going to be a rough ride.

>> No.9691744
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>My Aunt smoked all her life.
>She's 71 and now in hospital.
holy fuck how did this happen?

>> No.9691834
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>actively involved in harm
>literally give people cancer

>> No.9691842


This. Your aunt is a fool for smoking for so long -- even though the tobacco industry has targeted our weakest and most vulnerable members of society since the 20's: women. But this doesnt mean she does not deserve compassion in her final days.

Doctors have been wrong about this sort of thing before, but that is usually with regards to cancer and the like, in my experience. If they say she has about 10 days to live, I would take that at face value, especially if she is dying of COPD.

Stand by her side and make sure feels loved during this time. You wouldn't want to die on a hospital bed alone, would you?

Your anger for the medical establishment is probably being exacerbated by the grief you're experiencing. But try to remember that these are not all corrupt big-pharma drones and that your aunt needs your love, not your rage.

>> No.9691924

That means she has literally physically destroyed her lungs to the point that over 50% of her original lung capacity is gone. They can not replace oxygen or get the CO2 out.
The membranes no longer function, the lungs have sagged and are leaning on the diaphragm, the bottom of her ribs will no longer be curved because of this, this mean that effectively she can not breath in and out properly anymore.

Not only is the delicate lung tissue now unable to perform its function, the muscles are no longer capable of making the breathing motions, furthermore she has likely suffered one or more perforations at this point.

>> No.9691932

>Doctors are a socialist/corporatist medical cartel and wrong about shit 50% of the time.
So you figured asking some random neckbeards on a Korean cartoon forum would get you a more appropriate answer? Smooth move.

>> No.9692077
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>She's not smoking now, what are the chances she would come out of this?
About 2, maybe 3.
But seriously, she is probaly kill soon-ish.
t. not a doctor

>> No.9692084

> mfw this post gave me cancer

>> No.9692100

I felt for you until your last sentence but fuck you, you astonishing retard and fuck your aunt for being a burden and a massive retard that probably couldn't breathe right for decades but still chose to smoke.

>> No.9692269

She is fucked.

>> No.9692333

>a meat and oil eater
meat is not that bad

also some oils are really good for you

>> No.9692335
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>> No.9692336

actually they probably would compared to the knowledge base of most doctors

>> No.9692340

thanks anon

>> No.9692344

>I felt for you until your last sentence but fuck you
what about the last sentence triggers you?

>> No.9692347
File: 82 KB, 627x215, HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hydrogen water

nice bait

>> No.9692349

Was this meant for /sqt/?

>> No.9692354

>huffington post

This is why you people are brainlets, getting your "science" from leftist tabloids and only believe what the corrupt fda approves is good medicine.


>> No.9692369

>doctors against doctors
the plot thikens...

>> No.9692376

careful there friend, next thing you know you're going to be telling me the earth is flat because "muh gubbamint conspiracy"

>> No.9692387

>next thing you know you're going to be telling me the earth is flat because "muh gubbamint conspiracy"

No, you're the one who would be saying that because you're a dogmatist that hates science.
I just posted a bunch of medical studies showing the efficacy of hydrogen water and you got butthurt and continue to believe in your leftist tabloids.
Keep digging this hole deeper though.

>> No.9692396

>Hydrogen Water.

Water is MADE of H2O

>> No.9692405

>you're a dogmatist that hates science.
is """science""" your god or something?

I don't listen to leftist tabloids, in fact i don't listen to the media at all, cherkosvky was right: its just a machine to spew bullshit and deception. Now please, explain how an inert gas changes the properties of water when it enters the body, since you are the highest authority on chemical and biological science?

>> No.9692406


I thought this was the science board?

>> No.9692419

>is """science""" your god or something?
no lol
now you're projecting hard.
I just accept science. You seem to worship whatever the medical establishment tells you as a god.
Now you're just getting super mad you got btfo instead of accepting it and moving on.
If you stopped replying after I made that pubmed post you wouldn't have embarrassed yourself further, now look at you lmao

>explain how an inert gas changes the properties of water
The only difference between normal water and hydrogen water is that hydrogen water has free hydrogen gas mixed in with it.
You could inhale hydrogen gas and it would have the same effect on your cells, it would just go through your lungs first.

>since you are the highest authority on chemical and biological science?
You're trying way too hard.

>> No.9692421

It is purified water with added molecular hydrogen.

>> No.9692424

I don't know why this is so difficult for that brainlet anon to understand.

>> No.9692454

You could be less of a cunt if you tried you know. You just keep prescribing bullshit and baseless assumptions on me, so that you can feel safe in your little paranoid bubble.
Get out now, or your life will be in ruins. Not because of some faceless entity, but because of your own self-destructive bullshit.
Good luck anon, hopefully you make the right choice but its clear that you don't want my input.

>> No.9692456

>hydrogen water is just water with hydrogen
How does an inert gas do anything at all to the body?

>> No.9692461

and read the medical studies for a better explanation.
It's pretty big in Japan actually.

>> No.9692467

lmao you're actually still replying?

>but its clear that you don't want my input.
no shit because you seem to be wrong about most things and can never accept when you're wrong

>> No.9692474

Unless she gets a new pair of lungs or artificial ones the chances she will not survive.

>> No.9692708

Yeah, doctors are lame. Whenever I need medical care, I check Yahoo! Answers or go to my herbalist.

>> No.9692719

The fucking irony. It hurts.

>> No.9692758

What irony?
The other anon got btfo with actual scientific papers from pubmed.
Were you even reading the thread, idiot?

>> No.9692759

So I'm the guy you originally responded to, and your posts are hilarious. You were almost correct by seeming to "believe" in science, but then you flew off the handle by claiming that every single doctor is a government shill and then when I made up that shit about guava tree bark, you literally responded by telling me that I should drink hydrogen water. Dude, please read what you wrote again from an outside perspective and you'll laugh at what you said to me.

Most doctors are not paid by the government, in fact I know many who despise Obamacare simply because it forced *some* of them to pay higher insurance. These are regular people who studied medicine for years and opened their own practice to help people. It would behoove you to listen to them in the same way it would be the correct choice to listen to someone like Einstein (who happened to work for the US gov) on matters of physics. The very last thing you want to do is go down to your local hippy food market and listen to some idiot spew garbage about how she cured cancer with tea leaves and coconut oil--that goes the same for anybody who gives you medical advice here on 4chan. Honestly, I'd go to /fit/ for medical advice before I came to /sci/. Some of those people have experience in fucking their shit up pretty bad.

tl;dr Avoid buzzwords like "hydrogen water" or "green*whatever*", go see doctor who owns his/her own practice if you don't trust hospitals.