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File: 868 KB, 1218x686, 1488230601938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9684524 No.9684524 [Reply] [Original]

>"I couldn't hire anyone, nobody good would join, so I designed and built the rocket myself"
Do people actually believe this shit?

>> No.9684815

>Actually launched the biggest, most capable, most versatile, most cheap rocket that happens to have sparked another industrial revolution with its unprecedented reusability.
>Does it in front of 500 news cameras
>people still think he didnt do it

at this point youll just deny whatever is placed in front of you

>> No.9684820
File: 545 KB, 640x640, 1444696852345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that happens to have sparked another industrial revolution with its unprecedented reusability
There it is folks.
Musk fanbois live in a world separated from reality.

>> No.9684830

You didn't deny the rest tough...

It feels nice to win, you probably never experienced it but i can describe it for you if you want, since it is what im currently doing over you. Winning is like... its like the opposite of what youre experiencing right now (which is losing to me, lol i have to remind you i know someone who doesnt follow the musky cant have much mental qualities).

so... mmmm awkard... you probably havent realized yet how absoluteley wrong you are... well doesnt matter, along with superior use of technological awareness we also win at discussion, morals and poetry (Which is a bit of what im doing now.. no noo dont be dense little anon poetry doesnt necesarily involve rhy... oh.. wait i forgot who i was talking to... my first actual mistake int he conversation thinking htat u could haver an intelign

>> No.9684836

I'm a data analyst at a Fortune 500 company. I live on Zero Hedge and post here when I'm not busy. I'm also the real data analyst as you can see by my lack of Reddit spacing which would contra-indicate someone that would claim to have been posting here for some time. I have sifted through the information for the past 24 hours. In order to ensure proper vigilance and attention to detail I consumed 200 mg of Adderall spaced out in a bi-hourly schedule. I also have been microdosing LSD for the past three years.
I can unequivocally say that there is absolutely nothing profound within this information. It is insubstantial at best, and outright exaggerations bordering on slander at worst.
It would likely be in everyone's best interest to focus on more pertinent issues as opposed to getting lost in a web of obfuscation. Given the intense mental output of thorough investigation it is essential that one rest to rejuvenate neural productivity. I suggest going to sleep and completing at least 3 REM cycles before reassessing any further information. It is also germane to keep in mind that for proper refreshing sleep the bedroom should be used ONLY for sleeping, and not the dissemniation of memes or other Internet communiques. Therefore you should certainly leave the bedroom area (where your computer is statistically most likely to be located) and refresh vitamin D levels as well.

>> No.9684849


>> No.9684852

I already ended the discussion, you're talking to yourself now, but maybe that's your thing, because you're autistic? I don't know and quite frankly I don't care. Maybe you'll get the point eventually in a few years time, for autistic people it takes time I understand to get the point and bear in mind you're one of the lucky ones, some autists never actually get the point, which may be your case, I hope not, because I really want from you to get the point, but I doubt you will, because your autism is severe by the looks of it.

>> No.9684867

You just used a pasta, that's brainlet as fuck, brainlet.

>> No.9684876

>Nobody would join me so I designed and built it myself

I think that's the part OP was ridiculing. His company makes a nice rocket. But as Obama would say, "He didn't build that."

>> No.9684908
File: 90 KB, 750x1334, IMG_0092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm generally a contrarian, and like to shit on pop culture and reddit shit, but you have to be a fuckin retard not to be a musk fanboy.

I will shamelessly suck his dick all day. I Would unironicaly get a tattoo of his face and not feel ashamed. Musk is the realist nigga since Ben franklin so fuck off you fucking faggots and start sucking that glorious musk cock

>> No.9684915

>I'm a contrarian
>unironically liking the world's biggest pop sci figure
Is this an ironic trolling attempt?

>> No.9684983

He's talking about the Falcon 1. Not the Falcon 9.

The Falcon 1 failed three times in a row.

>> No.9684993

>Attacks the opinion rather than the established facts
>Implying his post is of value regarding true critisism

Basically people say musk is amazing after making a list of feats, and you say "No! He is not amazing!" yet you leave the list of feats untouched allowing the actual facts to speak for themselves...

>> No.9685827

Why wouldn't people believe this?
You must be some kind of conspiracy theorist right?

>> No.9685839

I think Falcon 1 was mainly developed by Tom Mueller, too.

>> No.9685851

This lad is a charlatan.
>Tesla has a market cap larger than Ford.
>Will be wiped out by Germans going elec.
>Keeps buying his near bankrupt companies with other ones he just set up.
>Shell game, nigga.

tfw. I was in a tesla two days ago and so underwhelmed me I became sure it was a fraud.

>> No.9685861

>launched the biggest,
>most capable
>most versatile
>most cheap rocket
holy kek
>sparked another industrial revolution
come on buddy now you're just trolling
you can go back to r.ddit now, trust me we all believe in musk and think hes a god

>> No.9685877

oh shit, looks like someone btfo'd the r*dditor with alphabet soup already
based /sci/

>> No.9685947

Top lel if Russia decides to step in he's going bankrupt in 2 years tops and no subsidy is going to save his ass.

>> No.9685964
File: 801 KB, 3000x2000, Falcon_Heavy_Side_Boosters_landing_on_LZ1_and_LZ2_-_2018_(25254688767).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step in with what, the finest technology 1970 has to offer? No seriously, what are Russia's plans to complete with the upcoming Big Falcon Rocket? Even if the BFR is a few years late and costs 2-3 times the current estimate to fly, it will BTFO anything Russia has in the pipeline.

>> No.9685980

He developed the Merlin engine at least. He's mostly credited for work on propulsion systems.
You can certainly argue whether Musk is lying by omission when he doesn't mention that in the statement. The engine is the certainly the most important part of a rocket, but there's a thousand other details in the rocket that will allow that engine to go to space.

>> No.9686037

You've completely altered this quote to make him seem like an arrogant asshole, but in reality this quote is self-deprecating. The full quote is basically him talking about how in the beginning everybody thought he was crazy for trying to build his own rocket company, so nobody with any substantial talent wanted to work for him; which is why despite being vastly unqualified to do so, he had to become SpaceX's chief designer. He says this is why the Falcon 1 only flew twice without blowing up, and that things would have been better if someone actually qualified was chief designer at that time.

>> No.9686041

With his amount of money why would anyone think it's crazy?

>> No.9686090

He actually wasn't very rich when he founded SpaceX back in 2002, he only had a couple hundred million dollars to his name which he got from selling PayPal. There's entire documentaries about SpaceX and Tesla's troubled beginnings, where Musk nearly went bankrupt by investing all his money in them and ended up homeless but managed to pull through eventually.

SpaceX was never allowed the luxury of being able to burn cash without a profit, unlike companies such as Blue Origin. They nearly went bankrupt due to the Falcon 1 failures and were bailed out by NASA; now they are self-sufficient due to commercial revenue but Musk and his investors' pockets aren't unlimited, so they have to continue launching payloads and winning contracts (thankfully they are very good at this) to stay profitable.

>> No.9686104

>SpaceX was never allowed the luxury of being able to burn cash without a profit, unlike companies such as Blue Origin
> and were bailed out by NASA

>> No.9686120

>Step in with what, the finest technology 1970 has to offer?
with tech that lets them take parts of the rocket back to earth for later reuse, of course. isn't that what space-x does?
I wonder how difficult would be for the russians to do this.
reminder that the soyuz is still the safest way to get to the ISS.

>> No.9686165

>to have sparked another industrial revolution with its unprecedented reusability.
Is this satire

>> No.9686178

>SpaceX was never allowed the luxury of being able to burn cash without a profit
>nearly went bankrupt and were bailed out by NASA
do you even read what you write?

>> No.9686188

The tech that actually let's them reuse their rockets is the amazing programming and software that the Falcon 9 uses. Which is why the whole 'muh 1970's technology' argument falls apart. The Russians wouldn't be able to do it because their not Silicon Valley programmers, they can't even program functioning satellites at this point, let alone a self-landing rocket.

>> No.9686205

>The Russians wouldn't be able to do it because their not Silicon Valley programmers
what? AFAIK, it's not even complicated. you just put some accelerometers in the rocket and make sure they always stay at certain level.
the russians already have some nice rocket tech to use for this, and the computed part isn't even difficult, I'd guess. the difficult part would be adapting their big ass rockets to that, if possible, without damaging their functionality, and without spending too much money

>> No.9686209

>their not Silicon Valley programmers
also, the russians are well known for being good programmers, much better than the chinese or indians, at leat.

>> No.9686211

Russian programming has been one of the only things they've ever been consistently good at

>> No.9686228

You dingus.

Of course ruskies programmers are the shit. They just do not care to do anything of value but cracking software and violating websites, due consistent ingestion of vodka.

>> No.9686234

>I was only pretending!

>> No.9686250

>let alone a self-landing rocket
they will do it for shits and giggles being the programming gods they are
reminder that when american compsci fags discovered the zhegalkin polynomial they realized how superior it is, same for ternary computers and many other areas

>> No.9686255

>Russian programming has been one of the only things they've ever been consistently good at
Name 1 (one) Russian software company worth at least $100 billion. I'll wait.

>> No.9686257

Just for info. I live in a shitty ex-commie country. Our largest media house was recently bought by an international conglomerate which is owned by non other than the former CIA director.

Since then, we have been fed news about Tesla.

So yeah, Tesla fanbois are just a consequence of the times, you see.

>> No.9686267

selling shit is not even about being good at producing it, it's all about being good at selling it

>> No.9686304

>muh value is important
don't be a brainlet
>best cybersecurity software
>best social media platform
>best messenger app
>best pdf software

>> No.9686386

>Our largest media house was recently bought by an international conglomerate which is owned by non other than the former CIA director.
You are lying. No former director of the CIA is a billionnaire media magnate.

>> No.9686387

>Do people actually believe this shit?

>> No.9686391

>t. kreml shill
0,4 cl of pure russian vodka has been deposited into your coffee mug.

>> No.9686399

You write like an insecure woman you loser lmao

>> No.9686410
File: 205 KB, 1000x910, SpaceX'dout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elon is playing the role he's supposed to play. This has been planned for a long time.

>> No.9686433

Well, Google was co-founded by a russian.

>> No.9686467
File: 97 KB, 865x582, 237876-D-IV-H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Russian programming has been one of the only things they've ever been consistently good at

dont forget drunk programming, embezzling, and drunk embezzling

>> No.9686503

This must be among the most extraordinary coincidences that have ever happened.

>> No.9686564

>muh russian shills!!
>russians are drunken people!!
>russians are liars!!
and this is how americunts "defend" their country, by calling other people names

>> No.9686833

Not bailed out. They were awarded contracts to deliver supplies and develop services for NASA, like the Crew Dragon.

>> No.9686867
File: 919 KB, 2136x3216, Soyuz_TMA-9_launch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the Russians are so god-tier that they've been launching the same fucking rocket they first designed in 1965, why, just as a ruse to lure us all into a false sense of security? As soon as BFR comes out Russia's going to go "haha by the way we invented FTL travel" and that's it for Musk and the Americunts?

>> No.9686890
File: 361 KB, 1536x1152, 5a0d93cd3dbef425008b65f7-1536-1152[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, just a coincidence.

>> No.9686903

protip: if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

>> No.9686907

good advice

>> No.9686912

"Just send a couple guys to 400km above Earth, once or twice a year, for $60 million, forever"

Yeah I can see how that's a perfect system and humanity will be living all over the solar system in no time

>> No.9686939

I'll just leave this here

>> No.9686943

>the difference between something you get to do and something you have to do

>> No.9686968

>muh reusability!!!
>b-but it already flew over 1700 times, it's old!
the absolute state of muskfags
now they're even posting literal reddit memes here holy fuck

>> No.9686971

>b-but it already flew over 1700 times, it's old!
Are rocket designs from 1965 not old? How is it "advancing spaceflight" by running the exact same LEO missions eternally?

>> No.9686980

Horses aren't broke, why are we using vehicles?

>> No.9686986

Thing is for like 99% of space missions launching cost is actually not such a significant part of the cost. For Curiosity for example launching cost was less than 10% of the overall space mission. So the focus was always on reliability. If your 500 million dollar satellite or whatever blows up because you were trying to save 20 million on the launching, you would be pissed. So there never was a real incentive to develop truly cheaper rockets. Of course, there was always the vision to enable real sci-fi stuff like huge space stations, colonies and so on, but to do that you would have to achieve cost cuttings in the range of a factor of 100-1000 to truly make all that sci fi stuff happen. That seemed impossible so it wasn't even pursued. But now we have two billionairs who are true space enthusiast so finally things get pushed into that direction.

tl;dr cost savings by new rockets seemed insignificant, so they prefered using the old reliable ones, huge cost savings weren't believed to be possible.

>> No.9687011
File: 573 KB, 1200x2115, saturn shuttle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bigger, cheaper rockets also means projects can be potentially cheaper, since so much effort is put into hardening and miniaturization.

Also, the Space Shuttle WAS explicitly designed as a cheaper form of space travel, they just fucked up and then continued using a failed system for 30 years out of sheer inertia and embarrassment. If it had worked to original design spec, each shuttle would have been able to launch every two weeks at an expense of under $1,000/kg LEO, but in practice because it was such a fragile and compromised design it ended up launching every nine months for $60,000/kg LEO.

>> No.9687019

>an old design is bad
do you know how fucking old the aux cable is faggot
being old in still in use is only further proof that it's perfect
>How is it "advancing spaceflight" by running the exact same LEO missions eternally?
I guess spacex isnt advancing spaceflight either then.
>Horses aren't broke, why are we using vehicles?
>implying falcon 9 is the car of the industrial era

>> No.9687029

>the Soyuz is "perfect"

>do you know how fucking old the aux cable is faggot
That thing that's been totally superseded by HDMI, fiber optics and even wireless connections?

>> No.9687051

Just because it still has uses doesn't mean we shouldn't progress to better technologies.

>>How is it "advancing spaceflight" by running the exact same LEO missions eternally?
Reducing cost.

>> No.9687060

>Horses aren't broke, why are we using vehicles?
are you retarded or just pretending? those are two different things. we are talking about rockets. if you had a completely different machine that could take you to the ISS or mars, then your analogy would be apt, but not in this case.
now, sure, the space-x are supposed to be/make things cheaper because they can recover part of the structure, but, who said the russians will not be able to do that, fast enough to compete against space-x?

>> No.9687075

>but, who said the russians will not be able to do that, fast enough to compete against space-x?
There's no plans for a Russian equivalent to New Glenn/Falcon Heavy/BFR.

There is one Russian SSTO spaceplane that they've been allegedly fiddling with since the Soviet days, but that seems like their super death laser that shot down every missile sent against Syria

>> No.9687100

because these faggots don't have anything else to do

>> No.9687118

Even for the Apollo mission, from the roughly 110 billion that went into it (in todays dollars), "only" 33 billion went into the development and launches of the Saturn rockets. So "only" roughly 30%, and that's for the biggest and most expensive rocket we ever created. So even there, cutting the launching vehicle cost by half, would have "only" reduced the cost of the whole Apollo mission by 16 billion, or something like 15%. And halfing the launching cost is a very ambitious goal. So that is actually a good example why going for cheaper was seen as quite unattractive. Huge cost cuttings seem impossible, small and medium ones aren't really worth it.

The Space Shuttle had many reason for development, cutting costs was one of many. The Saturn 5 also had the disadvantage that it was seen as the Kennedy-rocket, which Nixon hated.

>> No.9687377

Elon is flat. He is made of phlogiston.

>> No.9687889

fucking hell dude. i cringed hard just reading your faggy post.

>> No.9687895


Naw, not really mang. The original development of the merlin was a cash-strapped attempt at a workable rocket engine. They had wanted something more powerful but didn't really have the funding for it, so instead they got the merlin and stuck a bunch of them together. later, they discovered that it's much easier to deep-throttle many small, less powerful engines than one or two big powerful engines like the RD-180. This is where the reusability comes from. Their first rockets weren't intended that way, so ultimately they got really lucky by making reusable-lemonade out of poorly funded engine lemons.