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9672059 No.9672059 [Reply] [Original]

Will be biological immortality achievable during my lifetime if I am in my 20s

>> No.9672089
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If pic related gets more funding, maybe

>> No.9672094
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Almost certainly not.

>> No.9672097

Look here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MjdpR-TY6QU

>> No.9672171

How to spot a fraud:
>immortality can be yours for just one easy payment of X shekels!

>> No.9672510

Possible? Maybe. However it's highly unlikely... this is literally fucking immortality you're talking about here; it's a fool's errand to assume we can do what no organism of our complexity ever has.

We could however certainly start to delay the process significantly, as in people could live way beyond 100 routinely, or even get up to 150+ etc with certain interventions.

What I'm hoping for personally is advancement of understanding of memory and modeling of the brain well enough to be able to upload our memories/consciousness into machines. Which is its own ethical minefield but to me sounds much more doable than forever pushing our biology what it just wasn't made to ever do.

>> No.9672595

>What I'm hoping for personally is advancement of understanding of memory and modeling of the brain well enough to be able to upload our memories/consciousness into machines. Which is its own ethical minefield but to me sounds much more doable than forever pushing our biology what it just wasn't made to ever do.

fuck memories and shit, just preserve physical youth and vigor, thats all it matters.

imagine if you were 80 years old, would you rather keep your memories intact or your sking health, muscles and sex drive? worst case scenario youre just a retard that fucks around a lot

>> No.9672868


>> No.9672888

Maybe, but will be only for billionaires probably.

>> No.9672900


We've come so far in the last 70 years. 70 years ago, nobody even knew what DNA was, let alone the nature of aging. In 70 years to come, which is doable with luck we'll be so far ahead it'll make 1950 look like 1830.

>> No.9673232

yes, live long enough for first medical life extension therapies.
this gives you extra time for other therapies and so on until aging is cured.
so far try to live healthy lifestyle to make it. not much extends lifespan but exercise and low calorie diet with optimal nutrition cuts the chance of premature death, the rest is luck(genetics)

>> No.9673511


>> No.9673519
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Yes, if I get my way... and I will.

>> No.9673526

biological immortality? no
digital immortality? yes

Everything you do online is tracked, cataloged, and archived to create a profile on you personally. Imagine a 150 years in the future, if there's enough data about you that still exists, all this data can be dug up by digital archeologists and put into an AI consciousness simulator so historians can interview people who once lived in the past. Your porn viewing habits and browser history will long outlive you.

>> No.9673529


>> No.9673653

Did you just watch the "Be Right Back" episode of Black Mirror anon? Honestly, how overused these concepts are in popsci makes me gag a little, but you do have a point.

... in all seriousness, a largely untapped field is extrapolating psychometric/demographic/sociological data from porn viewing habits. It worries the shit out of me that someone will eventually throw a neural net at this potentially exploitable data set to make real predictions because I view a lot of weird, screwed-up porn. "We at Cambridge Analytica have found an interesting correlation between changes in Facebook relationship statuses and pornhub hits allowing us to craft an algorithm that efficiently predicts internet traffic flow and appropriately allots bandwidth" would be a more or less innocuous application, but "fart porn consumption in people who just got out of a long-term committed relationship predicts spousal homicide" could lead to some weird Minority Report shit.

>> No.9673673

>asking about science
>on /sci/
You must be new here

>> No.9673687

the west has become retarded and anti science and is in decline anyway so I highly doubt that the west will do it, especially not some dumbass who looks like a hobo >>9672089

however the chinks are doing great work. they dont have silly 'ethical' restrictions and regulations and have a higher IQ. they are already working on a lot of stuff like designer babies. so I think as long as they do not become westernized they will develop biological immortality

it will be a continuous effort. first age prolonging which will keep you alive long enough till age reversing is out. maybe age reversing will already exist in 30 years but even if it takes 150 years due to prolonging you could still be alive then

do you want to achieve biological immortality? then you can maximize the odds. live healthy, stay fit, become as rich as possible. if people like jeff bezos did not throw away their money at worthless space shit or aid for random shitholes and instead put it all into anti aging research, not just throwing the money away at some random organisations but actually creating a company that hires the most competent people that can be found and goes at it without ethical restrictions and complete focus on high tech research I am sure anti aging would already exist in 10 years. so if everything else fails just be that rich and competent that you can do this yourself

>> No.9673707

Space colonization is as much transumanist as antisenescence is, in fact, they're both vital for increasing both personal and collective longevity.

>> No.9673729

Do you not understand how economics works? In order for research to get done, you need funding for research equipment, and salaries for the scientists working on it.

>> No.9673735

space colonization is a much more expensive and difficult endeavor with much lower priority. if you want to maximize the time you live you first want to get anti aging and then you can still leave earth in a thousand years

>> No.9673741

You do know we're overdue an impact event, or mass extinction in general, right? So, no, statistically it is pragmatic, to at least, focus on both.

>> No.9673750

I doubt /pol/ is versed in economics.

>> No.9673779

Mathematical projection: Yes.
The rate at which medical sciences are increasing is exponential, so by the time you’re like 70 the average life expectancy will be going up by >/=year per year.

Logical realism: Probs not guy.
There’s only so much you can do to fix people. Not all degenerative processes caused by aging can be remedied. If it’s any comfort, this also means that no future generations will live forever, so they’re not at any distinct advantage in this respect. Everybody dies, kinda just how it works.

>> No.9673783 [DELETED] 

>try to explain idea to people
>"did you watch that on TV/youtube anon?"

I swear to god every fucking time. I should just watch all the pop-sci shit so instead of trying to explain stuff I can just say "oh it's like that TV show"

>> No.9673788

Sure, but then most legit researchers don't rely on panhandling individual donations from Joe Schmoe.

>> No.9673789
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wow you are retarded. we just had a bunch of large impacts in the last 100 million years. so lets assume there is one big impact every 25 million years in average. the odds of an impact happening in the next 1000 years is less than 0.004%. and even if there was one, surviving it would be very easy with even current technology as long as you have the means and it will just become even easier as technology progresses

>> No.9673795

Most legit researchers panhandle for donations from the government, but modern Western governments are full of retards and christfags that don't know/care about biological immortality.

>> No.9673809

>try to explain idea to people
>"did you watch that on TV/youtube anon?"

I swear to god every fucking time. I should just watch all the pop-sci shit so instead of trying to explain stuff I can just say "oh it's like that TV show"

>> No.9673817
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>wow you are retarded.
Oh, boy, you shouldn't have done that, little buddy.
>Only partially reads a post before replying.
Did you miss:
>or mass extinction in general
Now, look at how many animals have gone extinct since the appearance of the homo sapiens, from that evidence the anthropocene may very well be the "overdue mass extinction event".
So, that now let's revisit:
>wow you are retarded.
Oops, looks like you should've just kept quiet.
Normally I act with mercy, but not this time.

>> No.9673843
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Nobody knows.
the advance of multiple branches of science are necessary to provide either biological or cybernetic immortality.

All this could be spoiled by one unexpected meteor/comet-fall, or russian hack of the electro-grid.

>> No.9673855

lol you must be new on 4chan your post is so cringey

woow you sure blew me away
>Now, look at how many animals have gone extinct since the appearance of the homo sapiens, from that evidence the anthropocene may very well be the "overdue mass extinction event".
yeah but we arent talking about making some random irrelevant bug or flower species immortal

are you one of those dummies who believe that climate change and world war 3 will kill us all?

>> No.9673871

Aubrey's constant soliciting leaves a sour taste in my mouth and I know many others feel the same way. It could be that SENS is some overlooked gem. However, there are plenty of life scientists out there in the field who do exciting work without coming across like solicitors.

>> No.9673887
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And no argument was made upon this day.
That's how you know we've drawn blood, because they automatically fall back onto the ad hom (a personal attack, whilst not attacking the argument. This is its contracted form and is short for argumentum ad hominem. - This caveat is depressingly required as often people misunderstand the concept, or the use of a contracted form).
Why don't you take a minute, patch up your wound, consider your options and try a cogent rebuttal?

>> No.9673899
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>> No.9673909
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How far are you people willing to go?

>> No.9674070
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You need to make an argument against a non-argument, you idiot.
By the way, if this was your attempt at:
>a cogent rebuttal
You failed miserably.

>> No.9674206
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Gandalf dies on page 420

>> No.9674472

Transhumanis is thought trash, I want to be inmortal and a cyborg but I want to stay human, fuck you

>> No.9674479

So, you want to be transhumanist, without calling yourself transhumanist. Got it.
It sort of sounds like you're trying to start a pointless semantic argument for attention, or something.

>> No.9674492

Transhumanism implies stop being human with all that it takes.
I want a family, I want friends, I want feelings, I want to stay human fucker.
When you aproach the dark path of eugenics you start acting like a machine

>> No.9674534

Oh goy don't you want your memories to get datamined shame on you goy

>> No.9674582


>> No.9674606

A transhumanist can have those things too.

>> No.9674609
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Remember everyone what you are asking for.

>> No.9674616

>call people out for ad hom
>use ad hom
Pick one faggot

>> No.9674643

No. But don't worry, you're not going to die from getting old.

>> No.9674657

I hope you faggots understand that most of our neural processes are dependent on relationships with the body. Isolating the brain circuitry from it will very likely fuck up our entire thought process.

As for biological immortality, well I don't think so. A lot more needs to be understood regarding the ageing process and even if its molecular basis are uncovered, the genetic modifications you'd need to perform wouldn't be feasible on an already developed organism. So basically we are all doomed to die. But in ~10 generations, immortality might be a thing.

>> No.9674684

It's only an ad hom if there is an argument you should be rebutting, retard.
Clearly you didn't read: >>9673887
In which I gave an abridged definition for idiots, like yourself.

>> No.9674686

>Still using biological matter.
Not quite.

>> No.9674902

>However, there are plenty of life scientists out there in the field who do exciting work without coming across like solicitors.
Such as?

>> No.9674933

George Church does great work. Check out this podcast interview @ 01:12:00

>> No.9675253

My digital profile is almost entirely /pol/ and /fit/, i cannot wait to see what lives on.

>> No.9676626

George, please, stop lurking here

>> No.9677972

yeah instead of being attention whore make us immortal so we can shitpost forever

>> No.9678287

Why'd you want to live a long shitty life in your useless short stocky body, you virgin faggot.
Everything is born, created then dies or gets destroyed, that's the way of life in this reality , nigger.
Afraid of death? Death comes 2 u 1st

>> No.9678319

>I listened to that goddamn podcast for over an hour to find a part related to this thread
>Also I am definitely not that guy

>> No.9678353

Is telomere shortening/lengthening (whichever makes you live longer) treatment even a feasible thing?

>> No.9678384

Shortening is bad, every time your cells replicate they clip a bit of the ends off and when your telomeres runs out you start losing actual genetic information. Telomerase, a protein that extends telomeres, already exists naturally but it's decreasing activity late in life is associated with cellular senescence. Lots of people think unlocking a forever-lasting telomerase would extend life drastically but it's just one step in a process that has dozens of factors leading to your death, so no it won't extend the human lifespan. However, there are definitely people who have low-no telomerase activity that would benefit from this type of treatment.

>> No.9678458

>Will be biological immortality achievable during my lifetime if I am in my 20s

NO. Live your life like you will die soon, because you WILL.

>> No.9678493
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>T. Brainlet Mortal

Wow no one cares fag shut the fuck up

>> No.9678500
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Cry like a baby all you want about how advanced AI is going to make you an immortal god...
you gunna die

>> No.9678521
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Note how brainlets assume incorrectly how exactly their oppositions logic and argument is. I didn't even mention one little bit of how exactly to attain biological immortality and you already lodge these fucking accusations in the biased of your pessimistic destructive sentiments towards human beings, and essentially yourself. Something in your life is bothering you so much, that youre literally self-projecting advice that you need to take, and I suggest you take it, like literally , you sound like a second grade fucking ape, and you wish to somehow hold the title of being a human being ? You need to immediately kill yourself because your simply offensive and undeserving to be called human on this basis of your intellectual capabilities and faulty logic, as well reasoning

>> No.9678529
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Like literally Dog, its people like you, that motivate me, so one day morons like you are fucking stuffed into the gas chambers, youre such a fucking idiot

>> No.9678588

Isn't George Church working with Aubrey too? Plus it's only one among many of his projects
The trouble will de Grey is that he probably can't sell his shit to public/private investors but he works well with the redditor crowd, so he has no choice. I wouldn't call him a fraud though since he invested most of his inheritence in the project.

>> No.9679752

This species says it has the technology to go to the red testicle called mars, but it does not have the technology to live forever? What kind of stupid shit is that, I want scientists to accelerate research on longevity/immortality.
>Everything is born, created then dies or gets destroyed, that's the way of life in this reality , nigger.
I love this meme, it's like retards think life cannot exist without death and resort instead to spiritual nonsense. Life can perfectly exist without death.

>> No.9680421

He might be overrating his work and institute, but if he was a fraud he wouldn't have thrown his massive inheritance into SENS.

>> No.9682312
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>> No.9682314


>> No.9682363


>> No.9683300

hahaha 90% of people die dat way.

>> No.9683316

>it's just one step in a process that has dozens of factors leading to your death
WTF are you talking about? If cells are everywhere in your body and they are getting rekt cus of telomeres shorting, then how would you die?