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9673472 No.9673472 [Reply] [Original]


Only recently I admitted that some people still believe the earth is flat, people which have thousands of loyal follows, people whose arguments are put up on TV night shows and people who insult you in their comments section if you disagree.

>> No.9673477

I'm a PhD candidate in theoretical physics at McGill and I believe the Earth is flat. The issue is that you are incapable of comprehending how or why it is.

>> No.9673481
File: 76 KB, 835x347, Clipboard02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9673509

Heh, its a trend. It will die soon.

>> No.9673604

In every conspiracy there are memers and dreamers.
The memers are smart enough to know that what they are saying is bullshit but think it is funny to fuck with people. The dreamers are simple people who think that they are smarter than everyone else and that they are the only ones to figure this grand conspiracy.

The memers feed the dreamers by telling them half truths about science. "Mirages are when the air bends light." is what they say and they leave out the particular set of environmental conditions needed to produce this effect.

The dreamers with their half knowledge then say. "Light is always bending upward because of the atmosphere and that is why it looks like a curve." Ignorant of the fact that light can just as easily bend downward.

The memers say "If the sun is above you at noon and 45 degrees at 3 o clock then it must be 3000 miles away." The bent light phenomenon already stuck in the dreamers heads they never question why the sun goes below the horizon if it never goes more than 12,000 miles away from you at any time on a flat earth.

The memers are smart and can think up any number of "plausible" solutions for the flat earth.
The dreamers just want to be special.

>> No.9673642
File: 2.31 MB, 1668x1504, flat earth truth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9673674
File: 19 KB, 320x179, 1523290396453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any globalist who vehemently denies flat earth hasn't honestly researched it. They always ask the same basic questions over and over like "how do sunsets work?" or "why don't people fall off?".

You can get the answers to these by doing some basic research.

>> No.9673693

The guy in that video is dreamer.


>> No.9673703

Hasn't researched the theory.

>> No.9673715

The flat earth meme is a great one honestly
It shows how people (especially rationalists who jerk off to popular science) are incapable of proving that the earth isn't flat, even with the help of google. And the cognitive dissonance from the realization that they believed in the spherical earth just because of propaganda.

Honestly I don't even give a shit about the earths shape and I don't want to bother spending a day on google to disprove the flat earth theory.

>> No.9673721


>> No.9673732

im not a flat earther, but out of curiosity what is the most basic proof that the earth is round? like could i go outside with a telescope and prove it right now?

>> No.9673734


wait wat @ incapable of proving the earth isn't flat.

>> No.9673743



I personally would have raised the coriolis effect but what do I know. I don't think space is fake, made up by people who don't bother taking down my channel or assassinating my on my way to a TV friday night show.

>> No.9673746

Go outside with your eyes, wait for night.

That is all the proof you need.

>> No.9673747
File: 932 KB, 1920x1299, great ice ball.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not a memer >:(

>> No.9673758

>"I have a single observation that, if contorted in a specific way on a map, can be explained by a particular model, assuming the tens of thousands of other perfectly valid explanations are false"

>> No.9673762

That doesn't prove the earth is a globe. It just means either the earth is moving, or the sky is moving.

>> No.9673769

The sun can't set on a flat earth.

>> No.9673797

You would know that was incorrect if you had done any research. It's purely down to perspective, the sun being much closer and moving further away. Its light will eventually vanish as it gets further through the atmosphere of which the visible light cannot pass through.

>> No.9673803

>The sun doesn't set and instead vanishes above the horizon?

Wow you sure showed me that the sun can set.

>> No.9673837


It merges into the horizon like everything else does as it gets further away and smaller.

>> No.9673873

>Any globalist who vehemently denies flat earth hasn't honestly researched it.
Please cite a research reference for that particular lie.

>> No.9673879

>Honestly I don't even give a shit about the earths shape and I don't want to bother spending a day on google to disprove the flat earth theory.
There is no flat Earth theory or model. There is nothing to disprove. The entire volume of flat Earth nonsense is, "your round Earth argument is flawed. Therefore it's a flat Earth."

>> No.9673882

>It merges into the horizon like everything else does
>it gets further away and smaller.

This is mathematically impossible for an object that is floating above a flat plane. The sun could only reach about 12 degrees and on clear days we would be able to see it change directions above the horizon.

>> No.9673901

Appeal to authority.

That's a metaphysical argument that doesn't fit with physical reality. Perspective forces everything to converge towards the horizon which is at your eye level. When you look out at the ocean, the sky and the water meet at the horizon line. Is the water actually at your eye level? No. Is the sky actually at your eye level? No.

>> No.9673907

Is my dick actually at your eye level?

>> No.9673917

Technically but it's too small to actually see it.

>> No.9673918
File: 51 KB, 331x395, MakeAmericaFlatAgain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you travel far between north and south, you will find that you see new stars have appear in the direction you've headed, and some stars in the other direction have disappeared.
Furthermore, the orientation of the constellations - the sky as a whole - also rotates. If you look at Orion from the northern hemisphere, you see him heads-up., From the equator, he rises and sets on his side. From farther south, he's heads-down. The whole sky rotates that way.

More importantly, on a flat Earth the shift would not follow the same rate of change as it does for trekking around a globe.

There is of course very much more, but ultimately this Anon was right, and we're simply feeding trolls ("Memers").

>> No.9673924

>Appeal to authority.
Avoid responsibility.

>> No.9673937

Again, the stars are again a product of perspective forcing stars further away to the horizon, and nearer ones to the sky. They are much closer than what the heliocentric model states, and it's also the stars that are moving around the earth, not the earth moving.

>> No.9673941

Again, you're toilet's overflowing into /b/.
You can't prove anything.

>> No.9673970

>Appeal to authority.
Fallacy fallacy.

>> No.9673982


>I need authority to tell me what's true instead of using my own brain.

>> No.9673983


Thank god we have people who show us how using your own brain looks like.

>> No.9673992

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