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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9672075 No.9672075 [Reply] [Original]

the math education I received was piss poor and i'm already 18. I want to improve before it's too late, i'm stuck on the most basic shit too like pic related, the problem i'm having is I kinda understand it but at the same time I don't.
>tfw retard for the rest of my life

>> No.9672082

Write out your attempt so we can look at what goes wrong.

>> No.9672131
File: 1.54 MB, 3024x4032, i think i got it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did it on paper quick and it clicked, but I don't understand how I did it if you know what I mean. I think i'm missing something basic from arithmetic

>> No.9672136


>> No.9672155

Almost got it.
Divide both sides by -7.

>> No.9672161

First group your t's to one side, make it the right side so t + 4t = 5t
now you got:
16 - 2t = 5t + 9
subtract 9 by both sides to get
7 - 2t = 5t
now add 2t to both sides
7 = 7t
then divide both sides by 7
1 = t
As a test substitute 1 as t to see if both sides are equal:
16 - 2(1) = 1 + 9 + 4(1)
14 = 14

>> No.9672165

That looks right

You are indeed missing some basic arithmetic skills

>> No.9672168

I'm not OP lol

>> No.9672177


>> No.9672184

I knew I should of divided -7 I just thought it looked weird. forgot it was division since it's reversed

I'm still braindead retarded though, I should probably download a problems book and do all of them.

>> No.9672188
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>> No.9672192

Stop being nice. This is 4chan. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~
But seriously, OP. Go to Khan and watch some basics math videos before chugging through an exercises book.

>> No.9672198
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you know you could have just subtracted 16 from both sides instead of turning it into 2 steps
just keep writing your steps out neatly and it should come naturally to you at some point

>> No.9672204

Bruh you said opposite things to both of us. I know I don’t have to write out my steps but I was trying to show my thoughts clearly.

>> No.9672210

OP are you a grill

>> No.9672213

this is the most anti-troll post I have ever seen, thanks for the laugh

>> No.9672216

but subtracting 9 then subtracting 7 again in the next step is actually more confusing then just subtracting 16. Like that shouldn't even be considered a step. It's not clarifying/simplifying anything. It's just more work.

>> No.9672227

Did I do the entire fucking thing wrong? I did end up with -7t = 9 so if I divided I would of gotten t = 1

why do I subtract 16 ree

>> No.9672237
File: 52 KB, 398x499, 51p1M-XlJhL._SX396_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used this to relearn the basics. It is very good, especially if you, like me, just hated school. This book was my first step to college.

There is also an Algebra 2 book.

>> No.9672241

>why do I subtract 16 ree

Equations are like puzzles. You have to manipulate them to get the prize inside. Your only manipulation tactic is to change the sides of the equation. What you do to one side of the equation, you must do to the other. You are trying to "isolate the variable". You want to get a single t variable by itself so you can find what it is equal to.

>> No.9672246

To extend the puzzle metaphor, think of it like a game with a see-saw that you have to keep balanced. If you take something off of one side, you have to take the same amount off the other otherwise it'll tip. If it tips, you've done the problem wrong.

>> No.9672266

When you have a variable you need to isolate it. You do this by manipulating the equation to send the variables all to one side and the numbers to the other side.

>> No.9672323

Some things to think about when improving at algebra-
First, you should probably go back at look negative number additions and subtractions. If this theory is hard for you, using a number line to visualize the process will make it easier to understand.
Second when looking at an equation if you box every term with a variable, in this case -2t, 4t, and t, and circle everything without a variable, such as 16 and 9 it will be easier to see what you can combine and not combine.
Finally, and this might not apply to you, avoid using t as a variable because it looks like + and could confuse you with sloppy handwriting.

>> No.9674103

16 - 2t = t + 9+ 4t
16 - 2t = 5t + 9
>-2t - 5t = -7t
>9 - 16 = -7
-7t = -7
t = 1
t. brainlet

>> No.9674138


>> No.9674496

Read Euler's Elements of Algebra.

>> No.9674550
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>> No.9674637

cute thread

you can do it OP, don't ever give up

>> No.9674665

Is it me or do people get dumber in their late teens? I used to be pretty good at maths as a freshman but I went full retard as a senior. I think my IQ is regressing, shit.

>> No.9674673

Man I thought I was stupid thanks OP for the motivation.

>> No.9674703

Here OP I'll walk you through the basic steps
1: combine like terms
2: notice that you are able to do pretty much anything on one side as long as you do it to the other (e.g. [math]2=2[/math] and [math]2+3=2+3[/math] would be a really simple example)
Knowing this you can isolate t
[math]\frac{7}{7}= \frac{7t}{7}[/math]
ez pz

>> No.9674723

you peak intellectually at 21 or 20
everything after that is a sharp decline

>> No.9674845

Fuck tell me this isn't true

>> No.9674848

He's wrong but you actually peak at 28, so not far off.

>> No.9674878

T = 1
I'm just surprised this thread is so nice

>> No.9675027
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>why do I subtract 16

<--- how equations work

>> No.9675039

I will do it for you hedgehog-chan!

>> No.9675069

Prefrontal cortex fully develops around 22. What would cause the continued rise of intelligence past that point?

>> No.9675082
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>someone is amazingly nice and helpful on /sci/




>> No.9675084

fucking trip is priceless

>> No.9675123
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let x = t; Plot the equations, and you can clearly see they intersect (have an equal point) at about x = 1.

>> No.9675356

The equation just says that the quantity on the left is the same quantity on the right.
In this case, they are giving you an unknown quantity t, and they are expecting you to deduce its value based on the equation. You can't necessarily find t for every possible equation, as some equations are true no matter what value of t you pick, and other equations are false no matter what t you pick, but, because this case is so simple, you can verify if t exists and is unique. To do this, try to write t explicitly in terms of the known numbers, that is, use algebra to write a new equation that must be true given that the original equation is true, and make it so that t is by itself on one side of the equation, and the other side does not have t at all. In arithmetic and algebra, there are several useful facts that will help you produce true equations from some complicated original equation. For example, a + (-a) = 0, that is, a number and the negative version of that number sum to 0. a + 0 = a, that is, adding by 0 doesn't affect the equation, and can be ignored. a+b = b+a, that is, adding two numbers can be done left to right, or right to left, it doesn't matter. a*b = b*a, that is, multiplying two numbers can be done left to right, or right to left, it doesn't really matter. a*(a^-1) = 1, that is, a number times its reciprocal is 1, except when a = 0 (when a = 0, then a^-1 doesn't exist). a*1 = a, that is, a number times 1 doesn't affect that number, so it doesn't matter. And, finally, a*(b+c) = a*b + a*c, that is, multiplication effects each fragment of the quantity independently of the other fragments. With these facts for arithmetic, we need some facts for equations. Given that a = c, and b = d, then it must be true that a+b = c+d. Given, that a = c, and b = d, it must be true that a*b = c*d. With all of these facts, you can use the original equation, and some other equations that you creatively choose for this problem, in order to solve for t.

>> No.9675847 [DELETED] 


>> No.9676081

[math] \begin{align}16-2t&=t+9+4t \end{align} [/math]

To solve this you want the left-hand side of the equation to equal the right.
The simplest way to do this is to let [math] t=0 [/math] in the left-hand side (any number will work, but this is the easiest). This means that all [math] t [/math] terms disappear from this side of the equation and we only have to worry about the other side, which makes the equation easier to solve.

Then we have
[math] \begin{align}16-2\times 0=t+9+4t\,;\\ 16=t+9+4t\,.\end{align} [/math]
Now you can group the [math] t [/math] terms together to get [math] 15=5t+9 [/math]. The final step is to add [math] -9 [/math] to both sides. So
[math] \begin{align}14-9&=5t+9-9\,;\\5&=5t\,. \end{align} [/math]
Hopefully you can then see that [math] t=1 [/math]

>> No.9676100

16-2t &= t+9+4t \\
16-9 &= t+4t+2t \\
7 &= 7t \\

>> No.9676532

Experience and energy. You still have plenty of energy in your 20s to continue gaining experience. After that lack of energy makes everything turn into habit. You can't teach an old dog new tricks

>> No.9676602

>and i'm already 18.
It's certainly not too late if you start studying immediately. If it makes you feel any better, I started at around your level 7 years later than you. Just use Khan Academy for a while and it'll all become clear. You just have to apply yourself.

>> No.9676660


>> No.9676668

Is this bait?? this is elementary math

>> No.9676671

Do you write with your feet?

>> No.9676749
File: 249 KB, 480x360, 1438464656325.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now a no bully zone. All bullies need to leave.

>> No.9678599

I didn't realise this thread was still up, I understand how this works now and I am just getting stuck on negative numbers. so i've been doing negative number flash cards and it's still kicking my ass a bit. Might not help that i'm dyslexic. Basically at this point I keep mixing up dividing/multiplying negative numbers

>> No.9678658
File: 7 KB, 516x288, shit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what i have become, I just put this on my second monitor while i'm doing equations god why am I such a brainlet

>> No.9679149

Is this bait?
wtf is going on

>> No.9679162
File: 22 KB, 500x427, 1498700897142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the little hedgehog thinks you're doing a good job
>she wants you to keep it up
wtf is this shit

>> No.9679165

Reeeeeeee brainlet get out of this board

>> No.9679212

Just remember:

>Opposite signs multiplied or divided = negative

>Same signs multiplied or divided = positive

Good luck!

>> No.9679218

you only need to remember the positivity/negativity for multiplication as division is just the inverse of multiplication which means it doesn't change this property

>> No.9679225

dude cmon.
two same signs=opposite sign
two opposite sign=negative

>> No.9679228
File: 27 KB, 488x463, 1503997996609.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait forget about positive postive
two same signs=positive

>> No.9679237

holy shit OP, this is hilarious
thanks for making me feel a LOT better about myself, lmao

>> No.9679242

It's cute. Cuteness is the fundamental value for asians.

>> No.9679309


>> No.9679471

You need to be neater. And dedicated. But work on neatness.

>> No.9679477

This is good and cute.