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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 147 KB, 792x594, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9669387 No.9669387 [Reply] [Original]

name a living scientist

>> No.9669399

My sister counts, right?
She's doing cancer research.

>> No.9669412

Alastair Crowley

>> No.9669414

>implying Stephen Hawking is alive

>> No.9669416

No one is implying that, retard

>> No.9669419

shinichi mochizuki
norman wildberger
peter scholze
andrew wiles
grigori perelman
terry tao
edward witten

>> No.9669421

>implying NDT is a scientist
fixed that for you

>> No.9669423

Math is not a science

>> No.9669426

David Baker

>> No.9669432
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>> No.9669433

Jaden smith

>> No.9669446

>Bill Nye

These aren't scientists.

>> No.9669450

Gerard t'Hooft

>> No.9669466

ramurmati shankar, walter lewin, leonard susskind, gerard htooft, ngt, bill nye, kaku, greene, every physics prof at my uni, david griffiths, nicholas giordani, doug giancoli, dan schroeder

>> No.9669469

Wrong sweetie, they are THE scientists

>> No.9669470

he said scientists not fablists

>> No.9669474
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Edward Witten
Roger Penrose
James Watson
Francis Crick
Peter Higgs
Leonard Susskind
Alan Guth
Freeman Dyson
Charles K. Kao
Steven Weinberg

>> No.9669476
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Fixed it... just 4 you....

>> No.9669477

Peter Atkins

>> No.9669478

Considering all modern scientists are trash, why would you want to know who they are? People remember results, so if scientists want to be remembered they should produce some.

>> No.9669479
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Would Uncle Ted alternatively qualify as a social scientist?

>> No.9669483
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Mehmet Oz!?
He is just a Reality show surgeon.
And a Turkish MudSlime

>> No.9669484

might as well name Christopher Lloyd since he played doc brown

>> No.9669514

The state of burger education

>> No.9669519

Luboš Motl.

>> No.9669534

Sabrina Gonzales Pasterski

>> No.9669538

>name a living scientist
My professor

>> No.9669698

professor poo nigger

>> No.9669702

an ideologue, nothing more.

>> No.9669707

>November 2013
Manlets! When will they learn?

>> No.9669756
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>Mehmet Oz

>> No.9669759

Shouldn't Zogby be able to name living scientists before they test others?

>> No.9669765

Mark Stockman (arrogant physicst i've seen speaka few times)

Martin Mmoskovits, world class Canadian chemist, also a great speaker

>> No.9669869

Jordan Peterson

>> No.9669886

Sandy Cheeks

>> No.9669890

That's pretty close to the 80/20 rule. I wonder if with more samples it would show that 80 percent of people are high functioning retarded?

>> No.9670021

>"It's almost 80/20, therefore the 80/20 rule might apply"
Found the retard
>sample size of 1000 with theoretical sampling error of +/- 3.2%
See above

>> No.9670028

This. Isn't everybody going to university nowadays anyway?

>> No.9670055

>shinichi mochizuki
>norman wildberger
>grigori perelman
>terry tao
all mathematicians, not scientists
fucking kill yourself for besmirching the good name of mathematics

>> No.9670057

forgot to remove my faggot trip

Dawkins is actually a biologist

>> No.9670059

Eric fucking Lander

>> No.9670060



>> No.9670061

It's sad that the popular writers spring to mind even in the more educated answers.

>> No.9670063

Modern science has complete superseded 20th century in virtually every field.

Many 20th century advancements are no considered wrong, even in fields such as QFT and especially in QC.

>> No.9670079

whats the difference between a scientist and philosopher?

the designation "Scientist" seems a bit vague.

>> No.9670081


You may not be aware of this but these are all scientists

>> No.9670092

Not sure why all the hate. Mathematics is the only pure science left. Just look at those names. Other than (((Perelman))) they are all true people.

>> No.9670095

A Scientist is trained in science and philosophy. A philosopher is trained in philosophy.

>> No.9670098

Yeah, but do you know about these FIVE diets that will help you with your bowel problems?

>> No.9670110

Jacob Barnett

>> No.9670141

because you can construct dense endless mathematical systems that are internally consistent and useless.

>> No.9670175

>A Scientist is trained in philosophy.
oh how i wish that were true.

>> No.9670179
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Flashlight Girl

>> No.9670218

It's a 2013 poll, so...

On the other hand, it is implying 70% of Americans can't name Stephen Hawking, and I somehow doubt that. This poll seems fishy.

Jane Goodall's still alive? (Checks) Wow, had no idea.

Most of the rest of these guys are pop-sci but at least have real degrees. Bill Nye's only non-honorary degree is a bachelors in engineering from a tech school so... Sadly, given the way he's presented, I wouldn't blame Americans for thinking he's a scientist.

Real scientists don't get much in the way of media fanfair in any country - at best you have media personalities that either due to controversy or oratory skills represent those scientists. Though, this might be a good thing, as your average real scientist is about as charismatic as block of soap, and doesn't smell as nice.

>> No.9670223
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>> No.9670228

>bill nye
He isn't even a PE.

>> No.9670232

One has a degree in the sciences, the other has a degree in the humanities. Pretty simple.

Granted, the real geniuses have degrees in both, but that's rather rare, and even more rarely can they also write for the layman and/or make themselves presentable on talk shows.

Still, I'd love to go back to the standard when a Ph.D. meant what it stood for, and anyone with such a title had to know both.

(Not that I can talk with my three bachelors.)

>> No.9670249

Tech schools are bad? MIT, Cal Tech, Stevens are shit? That's what I'm getting from your comment.

>> No.9670263


>> No.9670268

Well, I suppose he could be a lab tech or engineer's assistance with the degree he has - but he really shouldn't be the nation's foremost spokesman on science, much less represented as any sort of authority on the subject, much less left to debate about evolution on national television - his only real qualification that he was on a children's television show.

Not to dis Mr. Rogers, that guy was cool.

>> No.9670294

Scientists take courses in philosophy, but not vice versa.

>> No.9670299

i thought the main distinction of a bachelor of arts vs bachelors of science. is that a ba has a foreign languages component.
while the bs doesn't have one.

>> No.9670303
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No, visa versa is pretty common. If anything, it's the norm, and increasingly so.

Very few philosophers have a degree in philosophy alone. Most are specialists in some other field, particularly true from the late 18th century onwards. Really hasn't been the norm to specialize entirely in philosophy since the days of the Roman Empire.

Albeit, today, it's in large part because pretty much the only way you can employ yourself with a philosophy degree alone is to teach it, and that only pays so well. (And even then, you need another degree in education.)

Scientists, while they once were required to learn philosophy to earn their Ph.D. (hence the name), are no longer required to. Further there's efforts to remove philosophy from the curriculum entirely, sometimes advocated by modern "scientists".

>> No.9670389

>that fucking pic
I hate popscitents even more than I thought I did

>> No.9670394

No you're wrong.

Most scientists who are also philosophers are employed as scientists, philosophy practice is an academic curiosity aside from their other duties. They are scientists by profession.

Every STEM graduate has had some training in philosophy, even if it's just introductory philosophy classes.

Most modern philosophers employed as faculty do not have other degrees. Most graduates in philosophy had zero exposure to STEM courses in their undergraduate programmes.

>Scientists, while they once were required to learn philosophy to earn their Ph.D. (hence the name),
This is entirely untrue, they were required to learn natural philosophy and there has never been a requirement to learn other branches of philosophy (although every high-school educated individual usually has some background in all branches and the history of philosophy even in the modern world (excluding perhaps the USA)). By its nature a PhD is awarded to individuals who made advancements in the field, therefore examination of background knowledge is extremely uncommon.

>Further there's efforts to remove philosophy from the curriculum entirely, sometimes advocated by modern "scientists".
This is a good initiative since the today's philosophy courses as presented by liberal arts departments at many unis are better termed as "history of philosophy" classes which rarely present the classical arguments accurately. Professors from those departments often under-educated, and push political agendas since this is all they understand and how they gained power. In addition the standards in these departments both passing for employment has been drastically lowered. Basic intellectual etiquette (such as understanding an idea fully before being allowed to critique it) has been lost. It is not a good education in philosophy.

Philosophy classes as taught by STEM department have proven to be more effective and provide a superior holistic education.

>> No.9670397

Bill Nye has just a Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering with a Low GPA.

>> No.9670400

That's like calling a high-school teacher with a chemistry BS a scientist.

Engineers aren't recognized as engineers until they obtain their PE. Even then they wouldn't refer to themselves as scientists unless they are specifically employed as research scientists etc. (in which they probably don't have a PE or else they could make more money consulting).

>> No.9670448

Pertaining to engineering, philosophy and ethics is really important because the engineer must have some moral compass when designing stuff. Should he dump tons of toxic waste into the local water supply to save money? There is pressure from the business people within that company to actually do that but the engineer is the one who has the final say so he must decide what is morally right. Remember if the PE signs the paperwork that causes human lives to be destroyed than he alone is on the hook not the people on the business side who pressured him to do it.

>> No.9670450

>Stephen Hawking
>Bill Nye
>Mehmet Oz
>mostly pop scientists or really famous ones

Anyway it's me :3

>> No.9670465

Stephen Hawking is not alive anymore.

>> No.9670467

Most Americans Can't Name Their Maternal
Great-Grandmother, Much Less a Living Scientist

>> No.9670475
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>>9669419 >>9669474
Be Edward Witten

BSc in History
PhD in Physics
Fields Medal in Math

>> No.9670516

Stephen Haw-

>> No.9670612

I dunno how it works in your country, but here in USA there's nothing of the sort going on.

>Most modern philosophers employed as faculty do not have other degrees.
I can only name a single philosopher in the past hundred years who doesn't have another degree (Appiah), and I teach philosophy at a JC. Even I have degrees in english, psychology, and education. The other teacher on the faculty has a doctorate in physics, so unlike me, this isn't even his primary specialty. Though I suppose I can name a few who "philosophers" who don't even have a philosophy degree, but I have to add the finger quotes.

All the most famous philosophers of the 20th century have doctorates in other fields, and are often times specialists and even heralds of those fields as well. Noam Chomsky is just about the most respected lindquist around, Badiou is a historian, Blackburn minored in physics, Brandom and Burge both in linguistics and math, Butler in religion, Cartwright a BSc in math, same with that crazy fuck David Chalmers.

>Scientists were required to learn philosophy to earn their Ph.D. (hence the name),
>This is entirely untrue, they were required to learn natural philosophy
Which included Plato, Aristotle, and even Xeno at the time. Every scientist out of any university with a Ph.D. until 1960 knew philosophy at a level that most philosophy BA's do not have today.

>today's philosophy courses as presented by liberal arts departments at many unis are better termed as "history of philosophy"
In the US, Philosophy 101 is always history of philosophy, as broad introduction. I teach 101 and 205 (the other guy teaches 101 and 220). We have no philosophy classes "taught by STEM department" nor have I ever heard of such, at any College or University (having attended BU and Suffolk myself). Some STEM degrees have Philosophy 101 as a requirement, but it is one option of many, so most STEM students don't even get that, even at Harvard (where most folks I know went).

>> No.9670621

>Professors from those departments often under-educated, and push political agendas since this is all they understand and how they gained power

>philosophy professor

>> No.9670625

what does naming a living scientist prove? I don't know who invented/discovered 90% of the shit I've learned, and it doesn't matter

>> No.9670645

Is rather indicative of a strong trend of anti-intellectualism in America. There's also the fact that the White House Science & Technology Division is completely unstaffed for the first time since Truman founded it so... In other news, water is wet.

>> No.9670731


Is a prerequisite for a scientific experiment hypothesis that it be logical?

Thinking that the 80/20 rule is something hard and fast.

Sir, please do not open airplane door when in flight. That sign is for you.

>> No.9671254


>> No.9671302


>> No.9671464
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>bill nye in the "I can" portion

>> No.9671642
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Jack Szostak.

>> No.9671652

Almost exactly like my handwriting.

>> No.9671666

He is a philosopher who did some math proofs too.

>> No.9671670


>> No.9671801

Honestly this a better answer than Nye, NdGT or Kaku.

>> No.9671859

which other "discoveries" did Oprah give us besides Oz and Dr Phil?

>> No.9671919

Michael from vsauce

>> No.9671935

James Watson was alive yesterday

>> No.9671948

>pretending that science is some kind of reality TV celebrity drama shitshow and anyone actually gives two fucks about the names of counts

When will the scientism end? The people don't matter, the science does. Now fuck off back to your theoretical "physics" classes.

>> No.9672179

literally on the wikipedia page for 'quackery'

>> No.9672199

Holy shit jane goodall is still alive?

>> No.9672207


>> No.9672208
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>over a decade
2 decades actually. She's been retarded for over 20 years

>> No.9672220

Et Al

>> No.9672581

That nigger is still better than bill nye muh genders btw

>> No.9672670

>Become scientist
Now I only need to remember my own name

>> No.9672677


>> No.9672789

How a History major became a non-brainlet beats the hell out of me.

>> No.9672820

Just name your professors during uni

>> No.9672985
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Now that Hawking is dead the number of burgers who actually know a living scientist sure went down a lot. "Scientists" don't count either.

>> No.9673207


I know a philosophy major. He married a computer scientist who happens to be a rich old lady. He doesn't have to work a day in his life now.

>> No.9673215


Bill Nye might be considered a mascot for scientists.

Maybe Science can try anime tiddies?

>> No.9673228


That Bill Nye quote isn't bad. I think people here just want to hate him more than anything.

>> No.9673237

Y no Lisa Randall?

>> No.9673240

Why are so many people so uninformed and non-curious? What's causing that?

>> No.9673255

Pretty clear he didn't even take Phil101, or he'd know that he's agreeing with about 90% of philosophers. Solipsism is practically a fallacy these days, something you're accused of during a debate, rather than something typically espoused.

The response being, "Yes, and...?"

>> No.9673278

Can't name a scientist or can't name a popular/famous scientist? Cause having gone through grad school like at least half the people I know are scientists, myself included lmao.

>> No.9673298

Charles Murray and Richard Lynn come to mind as two premier, very rigorous scientists

>> No.9673319

>Norman Wildburger

get out finitist

>> No.9673342

The real question is what's causing curiosity, since it's the curious people who appear to be the odd ones out.

>> No.9673399

Jesus R. Kelly Christ

>> No.9673468
File: 117 KB, 620x465, John B. Goodenough.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No living scientist list
is good enough without
John B. Goodenough


He invented the Li-ion rechargeable battery

German-born American professor and solid-state physicist.

Professor of MechE and MatSci at The University of Texas at Austin

>> No.9673828

That linguistics guy everyone keep praising. What was his name again... oh right Chomsky!

But don't know if he actually does science or if all he does is reorganizing categories and building circular constructs.

>> No.9673865

Terrence Howard obviously.
The great inventor of terryology

>> No.9673916

>stephen hawking is a scientist
>ndt is a scientist
>bill nye is a scientist
>70% cant name anyone
and people wonder why everythings going to shit. people are just too dumb

>> No.9674241

wtf they just casually brush over the fact it violates the first law of thermodynamics?

>> No.9674251

>made something based on some other guy (Whittingham) came up with
>has job as something
>yells facts at brainlets

Yeah real great scientist (lol jk fag)

>> No.9674310
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pic related

Tyson is an actual physicist, even if he's gone over more to popsci (and saying stupid shit about biology) these days. Hawking was a hell of an astrophysicist too; his fame doesn't negate his actual work in the field.
I heartily agree that people are too dumb to sustain our society, though.

>> No.9674319

I have a science degree but am not currently working as a scientist (I'm working as an engineer).

What is the qualification of a 'scientist'? Someone educated in science or someone currently engaging in research?

If we say someone currently engaging in research doesn't that disqualify many good science educators? I don't think my chemistry professor has picked up a test tube in years and my physics professor was an 80 year old man who hasn't published in ages.

>> No.9674360

>theoretical astrophysicist
exactly. not a scientist. a fanfiction writer

>> No.9674369

Hey now, Hawking put out theories that other people tested and in some cases verified creating revolutions in the field. Can't expect the cripple to build the LHC himself.

NDT hasn't done much of anything since school, but at least he put in the work for the degree, unlike say Nye. Not that they don't often have them both talking about shit they no business pretending to be authorities on, but in Nye's case, it's pretty much 100% of the time.

>> No.9674372

>Hawking put out theories that other people tested and in some cases verified
okay post the actual papers by hawking and then evidence of experimentation and verification

>> No.9674383


>> No.9674413

>Dawkins is actually a biologist

No. He barely publishes shit that's not in a science vs religion journal.

>> No.9674435

>analogue black hole in an atomic Bose-Einstein condensate
yeah ok

>> No.9674446

also https://arxiv.org/pdf/1609.03803.pdf

>> No.9674511

why didn't you cross out Dr Oz too? discovering new flavors of snake oil shouldn't make you a scientist

>> No.9674556
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Kill yourself OP

>> No.9675484
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>> No.9675488


>> No.9675492

Invented a way to count sticks

>> No.9675493
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>> No.9675496


>> No.9675569

That guy.

>> No.9675811


I have no problem with Bill Nye saying we should believe that climate change is real.

>> No.9675823

Do you want someone with a bachelors in engineering to take your side in a debate on the subject against someone with one who has a doctorate in meteorology?

As that's effectively what they had him do in a debate on evolution.

>> No.9676268

kip thorne

>> No.9676279

Robert Sapolsky

>> No.9676291
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Robert May

>> No.9676571

Social science is not a science

>> No.9677332

But... He was a math major?

Apparently pretty stunning during is gadstud years:

>> No.9677339

Alice and Bob work in CS, actually.

>> No.9677886


Witten is a beast

>> No.9677925

Doesnt matter, scientists arent important

>> No.9677984

My proffesors

>> No.9677994

It's called formal science, people. Whoever named this board "Science & Math" needs to correct their mistake ASAP, because it's attracting all the ignoramuses.

>> No.9678042

Lrn2living-scientist, retard

>> No.9678043

Image is from 2013, retard.

>> No.9678717
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There are history majors who want to take something "easy", and then there are those that really fucking love history and will spend their free time learning about Manicheanism or something, and who come up with their own opinions about things rather than just learning facts.

The brainlet student, whether a computer science major or a history major or whatever, is the student who doesn't have their own informed opinions and just memorizes things.

>> No.9678726

>1% Mehmet Oz
God fucking dammit lmao

>> No.9678734

professor goldstein

>> No.9679256
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best answers