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9667337 No.9667337 [Reply] [Original]

So....... i wrote 2 papers k? from internal and pathology and i swear they are lit af. i went on a college congress to present those 2. internal went fine, smooth
but on pathology those old ass....individuals bashed me and the whole room laughed. they dragged me to the pits of hell because my abstract was written in croatian and not in serbian
and those demons with drag queen make up now forbid me to present my papers on another congress because I'm a trouble they say
so, how would u make a revenge? i lost my papers and congresses.
and im not allow to present them on other congresses like croatia cuz that would be plagiarism. yup, presenting ur own paper is plagiarism if u present it more than once. serbian logic at its finest.
all because i'm croatian and serbian people dislike us cuz lets be honest, they lost literally every single war in history which is the only thing that makes me laugh at this point because they made me suicidal af rn
i want revenge. i've been harrased for being on 4chan and exposing them and for being a croatian.
before i die ill leak all 4 people from the committee info from their accs
ill take some time to prepare everything.
fwi they blocked 4chan on our college thinking i wouldnt be able to go there that way.
they ruined my papers, they are basically accusing me of everything possible, i'm guilty for being croatian and now im not allowed to go to 4chan.
why cant people realize u need so little when u on the edge. swish swish bish another one in the casket
but not before i make a leak flood. in order to prove im not lying in a few days watch out for the serbian news. ill make it viral. leakage and the end.

>> No.9667357
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saddest people smile the brightest

>> No.9667386

End them!

>> No.9667399
File: 96 KB, 504x287, LOOK WHAT YOU MADE ME DO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't trust nobody and nobody trusts me
I'll be the actress starring in their bad dreams

>> No.9667417

Look what you made Mot do

>> No.9667425
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> serbians trying to block 4chan
this should be won

>> No.9667442
File: 31 KB, 690x343, TRINITY_fuckarXiv__762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was submitting this paper to arXiv
>The General Relevance of the Modified Cosmological Model
I got their latex error message. It said the problem was most likely an incorrect figure file name. It didnt say, "Make sure to compile it locally until youre sure its working bc we will ban you if you compile it on our end too much." Usually one would check the figures first, but I had like 100 figures, and I did not want to check 100 files. Usually arXiv papers have many less than 100 figures

I wanted to read the arXiv latex error log before I started manually checking the capitalization of 100 .figures. I compiled it online several times as I browsed the log. I found a problem with a file name. I recompiled and it gave me the next error file name, and bc I had 100 figures, I found them by recompiling on the website. Then it uploaded and compiled. Then arXiv banned me, idk if had to do with me using their compiler instead of my local compiler. If it did, and they had no warning about not doing that, then they should be killed

This is a well known masochism meme in physics. I was a physics PhD student and the main physics professor there, Eric Murray, was a bastard about misleading the students away from what they were really getting at. I'd witness the interaction where the student would ask something, and I would see exactly what they meant, but Murray reveled greatly in leading them away from their real inquiry, then questioning them about something else altogether, and then saying, "Well? If you don't even know that I can see why you don't know other thing

I don't know why arXiv banned me, the compiler has been on my mind.
If arXiv has a secret compiler limit that they do not advertise in the latex error help notifications then that would be like Eric leading me away from the idea that I better be careful to check everything locally because if I use their server too much then I will fall into the dungeon through the trap door

>> No.9667446

Jesus christ what the fuck

>> No.9667450

Expose them and leave Serbia anon

>> No.9667460
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wtf man

>> No.9667485

No anon! They aint worth ur life
Move or something. Make a revenge but dont harm urself
U urself aint ur enemy in this they are

>> No.9667521
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serbs even after 20 years

>> No.9667536

feels bad man

>> No.9667557

Hitler missed the Serbs goddamnitt

>> No.9667604

leave your shit country and go to the us or europe. problem solved. your barrier is language

>> No.9667612 [DELETED] 

not mein my friend, it's their

i have nothing against language diversity and i wrote my papers in english not their cirilic

>> No.9667613


sorry. i am turning german seeing all these hitler quotes nnnnnnnn

>> No.9667617 [DELETED] 

They deserve to die sandra, im sorry hun

>> No.9667626

sorry hun, they deserve to die

>> No.9667651
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this but excluding Serbian people

>> No.9667661
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>> No.9667674
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Fuhrer would want you to win this and apologizes for not terminating Serbs
Fuhrer bless.

>> No.9667730
File: 706 KB, 500x630, S7vhLUa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Serbian people are too probably illiterate to read why even trying. Their country looks like something not even the biggest idiot would want to own but obviously there are millions who do

>> No.9667743
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What the fuck did I just read.

>> No.9667750
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>> No.9667759
File: 112 KB, 680x497, 1508715883934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry to about your experience with those nasty S*rbs. You know what to do now, brat

>> No.9667765
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Exterminating Serbs seems like a nice idea

>> No.9667770
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But seriously brat, I feel for you. I hope things go your way eventually. Cheers from Kanada

>> No.9667775

some of u r alright...

>> No.9667780
File: 321 KB, 478x792, seuq7s6wsvgy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Serbs cannot comprehend good literature

>> No.9667784

You still have my empathy and silent support.

>> No.9667794

TNX. im still sad af tho

>> No.9667796

why dont you focus on your other project, internal, the one that is safe from them?

>> No.9667798

they forbid me to present both papers and said if i do anywhere- its plagiarism
presenting ur own paper more than once is considered plagiarism in serbia

>> No.9667803

Why are you in Serbia anyway? Don't you have family you could stay with in Croatia?

>> No.9667804
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>> No.9667806

mom dead
dad nonexistant

so nope

>> No.9667813

That's a shame to hear. Why not move anyway? No money?

>> No.9667824

nope to the point i eat once a day only
i have no money, no friends and havent slept properly for months
they are killing me. this is the only thing that held me, now i am left with nothing

>> No.9667826

If you kill yourself, anon - even if you get revenge before hand - you are at most getting even. Much better to do something more... constructive with your life and take revenge à la longue.

Academia sucks dick.
.t Romania, Serb grandparents, fight me

>> No.9667881
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>> No.9667908
File: 141 KB, 1024x576, EXhwHvr_EQAujC0dLAX4V4PAedRNOI067DveyUkz9mk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heil Croats

>> No.9667933
File: 447 KB, 1023x689, xHt4i3toXmK3QnYknEcbnJefAwCyNe0hO4cr4kBp7RI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9669624
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>> No.9670071

Just expose them anon. And go to western Europe. They'll appreciate you there, hopefully. Just don't an hero, that is the stupidest thing you can do.

>> No.9670099

wtf there is this thing called "legitimate re-analysis"

>> No.9671229

why would you write your shit in some obscure non-english anyways?

>> No.9671246
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>> No.9673220

Jesus christ, OP. Move to germany or something, claim to be muslim and magically lose your papers.

problem solved.

>> No.9673675

Jesus christ, Mot. Move to cratia and find a job there, if you really can't take the banter.

Otherwise just keep going to conferences and let them go fuck themselves.