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File: 153 KB, 740x588, surfacearea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9665436 No.9665436 [Reply] [Original]

We're completely fucked, even if we develop technology to terraform other planets there isn't even enough land in this solar system to sustain human civilization for more than a few thousand years.

Our species is completely, utterly fucked without faster-than-light travel. We're doomed to die in this solar system alone.

>> No.9665441

Don't worry, God will figure something out.

>> No.9665483

If we had the means to terraform and travel and establish long-term settlements, we would surely also have O'Neil cylinders and be on our way to talking seriously about sections of a Dyson sphere.

>> No.9665490


>> No.9665529

Neat info-graphic, but this implies not only that we couldn't have underground/layered cities or space stations, but also that it would take more than 1000 years to develop FTL travel.

>> No.9665550

We either;
1) Practice birth control. We know how to do this.
2) Build space colonies. Harder.
3) Terraform planets. Very difficult.
4) Colony ships move at a few percent of lightspeed. Also very difficult and does nothing to solve population problem.
5) Invent FTL. Almost certainly impossible. Don't argue with me. Look up one of the other threads which discuss this. Or learn physics.

1) will become absolutely necessary sooner-or-later. No system can grow forever. Might as well do it before war/starvation/disease take it out of our hands.

>> No.9665566

>Might as well do it before war/starvation/disease take it out of our hands
human history is a continuous collection of war/starvation/disease taking it out of hands. Except every time it happens, humanity as a whole seems to get more prosperous as opposed to die out.
The day we stop being miserable as people is the day we stop trying to move forward. Hell, just look at the number that those miserable yellow roaches in china are doing on the happy people of the western hemisphere.

>> No.9665572

Population growth in industrialized countries is already negative, e.g. birth rates are below replacement. Just continue to industrialize the rest of the world, and endorse feminism and free access to birth control, and the rest, in order to keep birth rates low. This actually isn't a problem.

>> No.9665589

>Population growth in industrialized countries is already negative

That's a lie.

>> No.9665593

>1) Practice birth control. We know how to do this.

>> No.9665609

I totally agree.
But I don't run the world.
The stupid ostriches who run several of the world's governments (I'll only mention the current US Administration, though they're not the only ones) don't agree.

"human history is a continuous collection of war/starvation/disease taking it out of hands. Except every time it happens, humanity as a whole seems to get more prosperous as opposed to die out."

You remind me of the guy who fell out of a 90th floor window. After falling 80 stories he decided there was nothing to worry about. He'd dropped most of the way and nothing bad had happened to him -- yet.

I assume YOU get your 3 meals (maybe more) every day.

>> No.9665613

Eh? How is this a lie? Exclude immigration, and the birth rate is below replacement in most industrialized countries already.

>> No.9665614

Religious reasons?
You may not like it, but it's going to happen.
You may not like falling if you walk off a cliff, but it's going to happen.
Faith is no match for Reality. Get used to it.

>> No.9665622

BC makes women crazy and dry
Condom suck
Mutilation is mutilation

>> No.9665625

just build some orbital rings

>> No.9665642

Why didn't you mention any of those things in your original post? If you had done so you wouldn't have been misrepresenting the facts and exposing yourself as a liar.

>> No.9665664


>> No.9665676

Actual land area isn't that important, though. With good planning, humans can live happily in very high density settlements. There's more than enough room for 100s of billions of humans to live on Earth alone.

The problem is resources. Hopefully, either through solar or nuclear technology, energy will become very cheap in the future. With cheap energy we can desalinate lots of water, and efficiently use our reserves of non renewable resources like metal and petroleum. It may also be possible to replace these non renewable resources with renewable ones, like lumber, for many uses in the supply chain.

>> No.9665750
File: 92 KB, 1346x565, How to terraform Mars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>develop technology to terraform other planets

Don't hold your breath.

>> No.9665756
File: 315 KB, 1332x1856, 1490979759989.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>utterly fucked without faster-than-light travel

>> No.9665758


>> No.9665760
File: 76 KB, 470x264, Way ahead of you now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no overpopulation. Stop swallowing that Jew cock telling you there is a problem.

>> No.9665763

Because I honestly didn't think it was important to mention for a 1-line summary.

>> No.9665782

>"I honestly don't think that truth is important"
couldn't be bothered to type an accurate paraphrase for a one line post

>> No.9665819

Her cooter must be like a bucket of warm water

>> No.9665904
File: 53 KB, 1900x900, World_population_growth_rate_1950–2050.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Projecting current trends, the single greatest threat to the human race is dying out through under-breeding.
Besides, if we _did_ ever reach some kind of limit, it would limit our growth, not wipe out the species.

>> No.9665913
File: 91 KB, 700x525, 106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Her cooter must be like a bucket of warm water
What about that "just kill me" look on his face?

>> No.9665914
File: 120 KB, 640x448, oneillsideview-640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can make more. Pic related.

>> No.9665917

Are you assuming untempered exponential growth? You realize that as civilization advances in technology, its birthrate naturally decreases, right?

>> No.9665918

Plenty of space in the universe if we don't bring subhuman Africans with us.

>> No.9666130

That's not a law, that's an observation about one highly unrepresentative group.

>> No.9666144
File: 119 KB, 500x519, abe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which group?
If you're counting "civilized" nations in general, yes, declining birthrates are he norm, not a "highly unrepresentative group".
If you're saying technically advanced societies are the outlier, you're still wrong as the world population, in total, is NOT growing exponentially.
Exponential growth would require the human race to grow by the same percentage every year.
And yet, total world population growth, as a percentage, is half what it was a half-century ago.

>> No.9666145

>Well North America is a collection of immigrants, if you don't like it go back to Ireland or wherever you're from!!!!111

Ok fine, *checks internet*

>As part of a humanitarian coalition, Ireland will be adding 2 million Africans to its 5 million population over the next 20 years

Aw fuk we AWL gon' be mud-colored slave cattle

>> No.9666147
File: 39 KB, 600x401, CcaVnvb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops, wrong pic, sorry...

>> No.9666529


That infographic is purposefully set up to fail by setting the retarded goal of making Mars have 1g gravity. That's never been part of terraforming plans.

>> No.9666553

Fine. Put the weird claw into the uterus of the woman to stop her from getting pregnant. It isn't mutilation.

>> No.9666591

But how would people live on mars without disease?

>> No.9666645


Plenty of cheese for calcium. Or weight belts.

>> No.9666787

>Might as well do it before war/starvation/disease take it out of our hands.
Lets wash our hands in innocence and accidentally look the other way when large parts of the world are starving.

Spares us another guilt complex.