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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9664553 No.9664553 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a scientific explanation as to why reality is so fucking boring? Even quantum mechanics, something that's at least interesting implications is mostly made up jewish bullshit and DUDE THOUGHT EXPERIMENTS LMAO that have 0 practical application at all.
Not even the existence of a God would make reality interesting, because if there was a God he's a fucking retard for making such a boring ass universe.
>inb4 but m-muh animals muh nature
Yeah sure, it's pretty to look at but in your daily life it doesn't make a difference.
>inb4 but m-muh infinite universe galaxies aliens and shieeeet
An universe that we will most likely never explore, since not only is it an escapist fantasy that serves no purpose to humans (basically there's nothing useful in space for us) but humanity will probably cease to exist until we're able to go further than the moon, and if SOMEHOW we're alive to see it, good luck even getting a chance of getting to space. Only rich jews are going there, not you.
>inb4 but muh people muh civilization muh travel
Be honest now, if this was your private dream right now, only you alone commanding the universe: would you seriously decide to be a slave to the system and have to deal with people's bullshit daily? Sure shit like travelling, meeting people and getting your paycheck can be fun, but ideally you would have none of that. It's just a way of coping with the fact that you're forced to do it or you die.

TL;DR: reality is fucking boring and there is no fundamental reason for it, any attempt of making it appear "beautiful" in anyway is a way of coping because you KNOW it could be miles better, you just have to deal with it because you're afraid of death

>> No.9664563

Definition of boring: Not interesting, tedious
Definition of interesting: arousing curiosity or interest; holding or catching the attention.
Interesting is subjective anon. The universe is extremely interesting to me. I know you're just poorly trolling but in the incredibly off chance you are not I'm sorry you perceive it to be so boring.

>> No.9664566
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>Interesting is subjective
No such thing as subjectivity. Only the objective exists. You're essentially a coping retard.

>> No.9664567

Maybe it's so boring because you spend so much time on 4chan and don't have any friends.

>> No.9664570

But he looks like a horrible genetic abomination

>> No.9664576

Oh trust me. I have friends, I go out whenever I can because it's fun. But I know it's fundamentally escapism and I'm a slave to my brain chemicals and reality. There's nothing "fun" about reality, we're all forced to put up with whatever happens unless we decide to kill ourselves.

>> No.9664580

Thought experiments backed by REAL ones.
Terribly sorry you find Reality dull.
You'll learn to deal with it or you'll jump off a cliff.
If you're looking for sympathy, all you'll get here is crocodile tears.
Everyone faces the same situation.

>> No.9664608

>You'll learn to deal with it or you'll jump off a cliff.
>Everyone faces the same situation.
See, this is what I'm talking about. There is no reason why we have should "deal with it", yet people claim that life is beautiful when they would rather have something better but they're forced to cope with what they have.
I'm not looking for simpathy, I'm merely ranting about how shitty reality is and how we're all brainwashed into thinking we somehow have to ride along.

>> No.9664617

To get to the really interesting stuff, you have to see through all the mundane thought experiment level stuff first. Get up to the level of current scientific research before making those statements.

>> No.9664621

Woooooow there Rick Sanchez hold your burps and wabulubadupshit.
Uve seen too much
Maybe carl sagan can help or even neil de grasstyson

>> No.9664627

OP you are a massive faggot, you dare to reduce life and the universe to "lol just chemicals XD" and then proceed to complain life is boring. You just are missing all the beautiful, emergent, aspect of life because you decided to be an extremist reductionist faggot, end yourself.

>> No.9664640

To elaborate on this, something like love is not “just chemicals in your brain”. It’s an emergent property of chemicals in your brain.

>> No.9664643

Human life is objectively mundane and boring though, all the interesting parts lies behind either wall of math, lightyears of nothingness or soul crushing water pressure.

>> No.9664646

Edgy 13 year old rants: the thread

>> No.9664652

Why is this shit hole becoming the diahrea hole called reddit.
Go watch some rick and morty and aome big bang theory.
They will agree with your view point and fortify it

>> No.9664656

Now I know you're trolling

>> No.9664662

OP eccentric brainlet

>> No.9664665

On the positive side, I'd say you should find something that interests you. If you're bored by everything, you probably haven't tried very hard.
I like physics. But it doesn't matter if you go in for crossword puzzles or Sudoku.

And no one is forced to Play the Game. You can quit any time you like. Even if the picture's not you, you're probably better off than a few billion of the world's people. People a lot more desperate and despairing they you probably are. People who fear disease, violence, or starvation. The old Chinese curse, "May you live in interesting times!"

There's a reason the Catholic Church made suicide a mortal sin. The Next Life (or even non-existence) seemed attractive to a lot of the peasants and, if permitted, who'd be left to raise food and pay tithes and taxes?

>> No.9664672

SAGE is wise

>> No.9664678

>There's a reason the Catholic Church made suicide a mortal sin

Suicide was always a sin.

>seemed attractive to a lot of the peasants and, if permitted, who'd be left to raise food and pay tithes and taxes?
>muh noble lie

kek, grow up kid. You're not woke.

>> No.9664680

>human life is objectively this subjective emotional quality

>> No.9664724
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For the last fucking time, there is no such thing as "subjective". Your thoughts are chemicals produced by your brain, therefore they exist objectively and are subject to objective evaluation. You're objectively retarded for falling for the "le subjective" meme.

>> No.9664761

OP is my hero. I feel exactly the same way, made this thread a few months ago, and it seems that no one has changed.

>> No.9664769

No is not, people outside are having a lot of fun.

>> No.9664789

>people outside are having a lot of fun.
Only attractive people that benefit from a biological system that will aid them in every way. Average to below average people get the short end of the stick which makes them able to see reality's true colors. Good genes are directly related to the amount of "fun" you can have

>> No.9665007

Just lucid dream.

As for your question, if reality wasnt inherently sad, boring and painful, there'd be no reason to struggle really.

>> No.9665414

is it boring or are you dumb

>> No.9665428

Qualia are subjective by eefinition, you can't argue this

>> No.9665468

I've learned to cum in women to live on this earth.

>> No.9665484
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>> No.9665485

my life is fulfilling and getting more so. you could never know if god exists so shut it. animals can teach you things. if i could go to harvard to study physics & chemistry while being an architect in los angels, my life would be complete ecstacy

>> No.9665495

OP is a boring fag, full of FAIL. The universe is boring because humans have developed intelligence and tools and technology. If you were living in caves or crude shelters and struggling to survive, it would be much more intense and interesting, but just as pointless. The bulk of the universe is only interesting if you wonder about what and how. OP obviously is very self absorbed and has no appreciation of understanding for the sake of knowing. It is useless to you, and therefore boring. Space is full of resources in the solar system and it is interesting and challenging to figure out how to get to them and use them. The chemistry and weather of the moons and planets teaches us more about systems in general, including earth ones. As for "thought experiments", these are more illustrations that explain the concepts or lead to the discovery. yes, people are shitty. I'd very much like to build a space habitat and ship most of them off planet until they can act like responsible adults of a presumably intelligent species that deserve such a nice planet with so many interesting other species and beautiful landscapes.

>> No.9666924

>TL;DR: reality is fucking boring and there is no fundamental reason for it, any attempt of making it appear "beautiful" in anyway is a way of coping because you KNOW it could be miles better, you just have to deal with it because you're afraid of death

no reason that you(or anyone) can think/prove of right now*

>> No.9666928

bad bait, no (You) for you

>> No.9666935

>made up jewish bullshit
/sci/ - IQ and Racism Discussion

>> No.9667149

Quantum Mechanics is literally made up by Jews. In fact most scientists are Jews.

>> No.9667239

If goyim are the mustard race, why aren't there more goy scientists?>>9666935

>> No.9667251

Never said whites were the master race. There is no real master race. Whites are the most balanced, however they will always will be below jews because of lower IQ.

>> No.9667254
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When at rest things tend to stay at rest.
Get out of the basement op.

>> No.9667256

Visit a local skyscraper, break in, climb on it.
Or just jump in a fucking river.
I promise you it wont be fucking boring.

>> No.9667302

Pseudo-intellectuals like you are the most annoying

>> No.9667355

>implying there's a more pseudo-intellectual shit than MUH SUBJECTIVITY
Literally the cuck's philosophy for those that can't deal with the real world and prefer living in a fantasy one.

>> No.9667364


Why aren't there more goy scientists

Nigger every important discovery and invention in the history of electricity, chemistry, physics, and astrophysics has been almost entirely by gentiles.

Only in the 20th century when the jews started to own mass media did they push for their jewish scientists to have disproportionate representation. And even then all they give is usually "Muhhh QUANtum QUARKS!!!!!"

Meanwhile all practical inventions that earn $$$$ are by the smarter master race, the european white

>> No.9667430

>whitey believe this

Top kek m8

>> No.9667458
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>> No.9667470

I'll get you the truth, OP. You are simply a mental midget.

>> No.9668917
File: 18 KB, 247x350, shot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awesome. A fellow neuro-sadist. Merry self-scrambling my friend!

>> No.9668940

I think you have depression, my friend. Consult a professional.

>> No.9669014

Tämä on selvästi älykkään miehen postaus.

>> No.9669036
File: 11 KB, 300x358, smokecrackgetbitches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Man is a compound of needs, which are difficult to satisfy… If they are satisfied, all he is granted is a state of painlessness, in which he can only give himself up to boredom. This is a precise proof that existence in itself has no value, since boredom is merely the feeling of the emptiness of life. If, for instance, life, the longing for which constitutes our very being, had in itself any positive and real value, boredom could not exist; mere existence in itself would supply us with everything, and therefore satisfy us. But our existence would not be a joyous thing unless we were striving after something; distance and obstacles to be overcome then represent our aim as something that would satisfy us — an illusion which vanishes when our aim has been attained… Even sensual pleasure itself is nothing but a continual striving, which ceases directly its aim is attained. As soon as we are not engaged in one of these two ways, but thrown back on existence itself, we are convinced of the emptiness and worthlessness of it; and this it is we call boredom."

- Schopenhauer

>> No.9669038

Horrible wall of text. Intelligence is short sentences and simple words. Of course it's written by some ancient virgin philosopher who lived in elite family and never had to do a day of work so instead he could waste his life writing meaningless poetry he calls "philosophy" honestly thinking that it would be of some VALUE

>> No.9669042


>> No.9669043

I go to shovel dirt for 8 hours and receive 80 euros.

You read Schopenhauer for 8 hours and get WHAT?

>> No.9669050


>> No.9669055

Not an english word. The english word is "HAPPINESS". Refrain from using INCORRECT words.

>> No.9669057


A healthy spine.

>> No.9669060

Oh man what a numale opinion. Hard work is GOOD for you, you mongoloid. And naturally construction companies KNOW the healthy amount of REST and WORK in order to keep employees healthy.

Next counterargument?

>> No.9669066


You never worked a day in your life.

>> No.9669072

Incorrect statement. (What's the point of making a statement like that? About 2/3 of people are working)

>> No.9669076


If you worked in construction you would know what the fuck you're talking about.

>> No.9669080

What exactly is your argument? I've worked in construction for 2 years.

>> No.9669086

>basically there's nothing useful in space for us
But the entirety of humanity and everything they care about exists in a place in space

>> No.9669089

>there are no practical application to QM
nice thread OP

>> No.9669092


There's nothing to argue about when you clearly have no idea what you're even talking about. To think hard work is any good to your body comes only from internet roleplayers like you who never worked anywhere serious. Bye.

>> No.9669099


>> No.9669102

Basically, you're stupid.

>> No.9670963
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I went through that phase too bro

lay off the drugs

>> No.9672244

Have you considered that you're the problem instead of the entirety of the rest of existence. You being bored doesn't mean everything is boring, it means you have a shitty attitude.

>> No.9672971
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>yrw OP completely shatters your world view

>> No.9672976

another one >>9672971

>> No.9673737

Boredum is a state of mind caused by a brain that is constantly pleasure seeking.

>> No.9673870
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There are plenty of non-boring realities out there.
They do not support sentient life.
You would be just fine in any one of them.
We wouldn't mind the additional quantum of boredome introduced by your absence.

deport yourself !

>> No.9673894

boring is subjective

you think reality is boring because you have consumed so much digital entertainment you got desensitized

how about not being a neet? that way you will be too busy being productive to be bored

>> No.9673897
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>dude just be a slave LMAO
wtf I Love reality now!

>> No.9673905

>dude just be a worthless parasitic loser who will never accomplish anything LMAO
wtf I Love being a neet now!

>> No.9673919

>you KNOW it could be miles better
Anything could be inherently better or worse. You're right that our lifestyles are a way of coping. But we want to survive, that is more ingrained in us than anything as animals. Be in a near death experience, and unless your helplessly depressed, you're going to try to survive. Your nihilistic output though is its own type of coping, boiled down to "what's the point of living! We're all going to die!" Then kys if that's what you perceive to be the leg up on the naive, if reality really is so boring to you. And it will make no difference and everyone will keep on with their lives. Get absurdist bro, create meaning despite knowing their is none. That is our power as human beings.

>> No.9673921

Yet you're gonna die anyways and your "accomplishment" means nothing in the grand scheme of things.

>> No.9673935

You're reaching ennui doublethink anon, it'll cripple you from experiencing real life's satisfactions. You'll feel guilt or remorse constantly going "but none of this matters objectively," like its some mental illness, and then it becomes a cycle because your life will become boring and worthless as a result. Same reason people become burn outs. It's a consequence of narcissism. I'd suggest getting a handle on it before it ruins your life and you'll want to commit suicide, been there done that and it makes me cringe now that I'm older that I had such jaded views while in reality I was just being a loser with no ambition.

>> No.9673979


give up dude

>> No.9674039

>when you're not achieving anything you get bored
>this somehow means life is meaningless
Sure thing bud

>> No.9674091
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Enjoy your residence in the upper echelons of Hell, OP. (A deep pit which accommodates your boundless desires; one kind of firewood of the consuming fire)

>> No.9674104

You should probably learn how to read

>> No.9674108

Subjectivity is an emergent property from a highly complex computational system running the "mind" software.
It's as "real" as everything else and to think otherwise is peak brainlet pseudo-intellectualism.

>> No.9674137
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Why the fuck is /pol/ so leaky nowadays?
It's almost as if it coincidences with the election of a certain populist and the proceeding flood of a certain Plebbit demographic.
Go home: boards.4chan.org/pol/

>> No.9674143

Yeah, I can imagine sitting in your room all day wanking to your imaginary waifu can get pretty boring.

>> No.9674600

Dopamine is a chemical released in your body that can make you feel happy or accomplished.
Dopamine, similar to drugs gives you a good high, but you can become desensitized to it after awhile.
Modern society ( through virtual achievements like social media, video games, and porn) can give you higher doses of dopamine with minimal effort, therefore you become desensitized to higher doses of dopamine, which will make you bored much faster.

That’s my hypothesis

>> No.9674775

*tips fedora*

>> No.9674789

You've been raised on bullshit escapism so you won't allow yourself to actually engage with reality. Truth is genuinely stranger and more interesting than fiction.

>> No.9674794

>You've been raised on bullshit escapism so you won't allow yourself to actually engage with reality. Truth is genuinely stranger and more interesting than fiction.
Wow so interesting to sit on a desk for 7 hours everyday and get some money for decades until you retire!!!!
And even then even if you didn't even work, life is still fucking boring. Name ONE """strange""" thing about reality.

>> No.9674800

Longevity. Exploitability is a good marker of a non-boring reality. Something that's exploitable can be exploited to a breaking point.

>> No.9674860
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>> No.9674871

That’s true. The mass white collar desk job is a new phenomena in human history. Historically humans generally worked with their hands.
The best thing to deal with this would be taking 45-60 min of physical activity
A combination of lifting and cardio is optimal.

>> No.9674968

that man is very mediocre a 7 at best