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9660813 No.9660813 [Reply] [Original]

Jesus christ guys, I'm about to be unemployed. No health insurance, no nothing. It all just hit me. PhD in applied-ish mathematics btw.


>> No.9660836
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No worries, bro.

Have you tried farming? Seems to be a good deal of science & math in that field.

>> No.9660842

Why? Are you getting fired or graduating?

>> No.9660852
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>> No.9660870

>all engineers are faggots nice meme degree XD

>> No.9660898

Can I pretend to be you while applying to coding jobs? I'll give you a cut of the money.

>> No.9661516
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So go teach at a high school and bang the single mothers of your students.

>> No.9661543

Graduating, didnt get any of the 200 jobs I applied to despite graduating from a top program with a famous adviser.

>> No.9661599

My highschool math teacher thought we were neandarthals, banged the arts teacher and carried drinks in his inside pocket. Seems like a legit life.

>> No.9661601

>banging the moms
>not the students

>> No.9661612

>>banging the moms
>>not the students

Bang the moms and you are a stud!
Bang the students and you are a pervert.

If you want young single mothers teach middle school math.

>> No.9661629

>Bang the students and you are a pervert.
so what? no man with any ounce of respect would bang a used up single mom roastie

>> No.9661630

What was your thesis about?
What jobs did you apply for?

>> No.9661634


We've all been there.

I would recommend you try getting work as a tutor or do freelance programming contracts.

Just keep applying and hope for the best.

>> No.9661635

But you were guaranteed 300k starting

>> No.9661642

>no man with any ounce of respect would bang a used up single mom roastie

Bang .. yes!
Marry... no.

>> No.9661648
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What exactly is "applied-ish mathematics"? Whats your PhD in? I work at a consulting firm that does human factors/cognitive ergonomics... and there are math peeps working here. What, specifically is your degree in, and what did you do before you were unemployed?

>> No.9661649

>Bang .. yes!
I would never. not just the disgust of fucking a cunt that has had countless different dicks already in it but also the danger of a clearly messed up woman with bad decision making. she could try to hook you with a baby, she could give you stds, she could blackmail you or make false accusations against you

but yeah, neither is particularly smart. you shouldnt become a teacher in the first place if your goal is to have sex with as many women as possible. you should get rich and good looking instead and you will have your personal harems

>> No.9661657

>and you will have your personal harems

Your argument is insane. You reject single mothers as STD whores then say you should get rich so you can acquire a harem of women??!! Because only virgin women would want to be in harem??!!! You must be Muslim.

>> No.9661670

you seem to misunderstand. theres a reason my post is separated in two paragraphs

also theres nothing inherently wrong with polyamory you islamophobe

>> No.9661674

>PhD in applied-ish mathematics

Get a load of this faggot. Should've done PURE math phd and claim your 300k salary.

>> No.9661686

>also theres nothing inherently wrong with polyamory you islamophobe

Yes... yes there is. Destructive family life of children of different mothers but same father... it is basically what black America has with a "Ghetto Warrior" having 23 children by 7 different women. Urban Black America is a degenerate cesspool of crime and violence because of the lack of monogamous marriages.

>> No.9661693

wrong. what damages the children is bad or lacking parenting. otherwise the burden of proof is on you. show me that when a man who is married to two women and has children with each and they are great parents all in the same household that the children would have an inferior upbringing only due to the polyamory and no other factor

>> No.9661706

>show me

Visit any Muslim lead country... notice lack of scientific and cultural achievements, society is repressive and homogeneous... either obey Muslim teaching and law or be imprisoned or repressed.

>> No.9661716

none of this is related to the topic at hand. you just spout your islamophobia and imply that a homogeneous society is somehow a bad thing

>> No.9661723

they would have inferior upbringing because society would go to shit you brainlet, it is well know that competition in males for women is a thing, if you allow a man to have more than one woman there will be less women for the average man forcing the average man to de more agressive and competitive, and the man with multiple wives to be more extreme to protect his women.this is the muslim world in a nutshel.

>> No.9661726


polyamory leads to insane horny men. One man with 4 wives means 3 men with NO wives.
It is so bad that a woman can not EVER be left alone with a man she is not related to or it is assumed she will be raped. Women literally need to cover their bodies from head to two else the horny men would rape them on sight.

>> No.9661727

i'm going to add up on my previous comment by saying that society requires cooperarion between men to flourish, for obvious reasons so a world where men dont cooperate cant progress in any reasonable way, also i hope i dont have to prove that an agressive enviroment is harmfull to children.

>> No.9661731

baseless claims

competition is a good thing and polyamory already exists. look at tindr statistics, 50% of women fuck with 10% of men, it is estimated that about 20% of all children are not from their legal father due to how wide spread cheating is

>> No.9661740

>it is estimated that about 20% of all children are not from their legal father due to how wide spread cheating is

Yes, and thus strong monogamous relationships are BEST.
Do YOU want to be in relationship with a woman has 3 husbands? So why do think a woman wants to be in a relationship with a man who has 3 wives???

>> No.9661746

>women and men are exactly the same

>> No.9661753

Who gives a fuck about tindr statistics? If anything that hurts your argument because it shows how much unproductive sex people are having; if anyone gets pregnant, those relationships will either fall apart or didn't exist in the first place and the kid is going to grow up without both parents. That's the kind of stat you want to throw around if you're trying to argue that our society is becoming Brave New World, not that polyamory is a good thing.

>> No.9661765

because it is not polyamory itself that is to blame but in the manner it occurs which is incentivized by culture and law

>> No.9661789

Right so in that case, going back to your post, how do the tindr stats prove anything positive or ideal about polyamory?

>> No.9661829

it does not. it shows that it is natural and widespread behavior thus there should be proper regulating frameworks around it based on science and logic

>> No.9661838

Dog, I'm Muslim and I can tell you polyamory is literally a trick planted in Western society by the jews. It's all in the replacement rate, for every Muslim pair that dies 3.1 new kids replace. For athiest pairs it's like 1.6 or some shit under 2.

You need to have kids and they need to grow up and thrive in the world to carry on the legacy. In the quran it says mary your women in 3's and 4's unless you can't do justice between them then marry just one. It's the only holy book which says this kinda thing btw. Polyamory in my opinion does not do justice between the men from the TLC episodes I've watched. The woman is just using the men for sex, but having a real relationship with the one she had a kid with.

I'd love to be proved wrong tho and see a woman who can handle the responsiblity of treating multiple husbands justly. Because modern men can not even handle it. 99.9% of cases polyamory is a bad idea because it is an unfair relationship, men aren't dying from war at the rate they were before. So we have men and women around and I believe the best way to handle it is classical marriage.

>> No.9661840

I have been to many Muslim countries and don't know what you are talking about.

>> No.9661853


Fucking moron.. your smart phone, your car, the fucking light bulbs in your house... NOTHING of these came from a Muslim nation.. literally nothing

Muslim nations as a whole are a poor, uneducated, RELIGIOUS fanatical places that produce NOTHING of value.

>> No.9661860

you could try applying in a different area, maybe even a different country

>> No.9661872

>implying that cucking wageslaves isnt a chad lifestyle

>> No.9662228

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