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9656705 No.9656705 [Reply] [Original]

Why haven't medfags found a cure to cancer yet?

>> No.9656712

Most medfags don't actively do research, anything promising has to go through the slow as fuck FDA before it gets used or else they risk losing their medical license.

>> No.9656713
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We have, In North Korea, the problem is that you Western fags are backwards dog headed buffoons who are bent over the barrel by your imperialist capitalist fat cat pig capitalists who shall be incinerated under a sea of fire

>> No.9656720

It is far more lucrative to treat diseases rather than cure them.

>> No.9656726

There's a good book on this called "The Emperor of all Maladies." Basically it's a combination of "cancer" actually being hundreds of unrelated diseases and the fact that clinical practices change very slowly.

>> No.9656739
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Because cancer isn't one disease, but a spectrum of different diseases that are similar, but needed to be treated in their own way

>> No.9656744

*hits bong*

>> No.9656765

He’s right and it’s the reason why the pharmaceutical/medical industry is so inflated

>> No.9657243

There already is one, the rich keep it behind closed doors for their own personal. Just like how they keep flying cars, perpetual motion machines, pills that don't allow you to get fat and the elixir of immortality to themselves.

>> No.9657274
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We have cured Alzheimer's already.

So to me it follows cancer will need to be addressed the same way this was.

>> No.9657279

*puts down the bong*
Gotta need something stronger than that
*injects a fucking needle of marijuana*

>> No.9657310

We'll cure cancer the same time we cure aging. Do you think we're anywhere close to curing aging? No, we're not. Cancer is the inevitable result of not having been killed by something else yet.

>> No.9657313

>why haven't medfags found a cure to cancer yet?

Look up Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) T-Cell Therapy.

We're getting there.

>> No.9657333

Cancer is caused by a low immune system. Our cells are always dividing and every so often some will become cancerous. A healthy immune system is able to deal with this, but an unhealthy one cannot. If you boost your immune system again, it will be able to take care of the cancer.

>> No.9657350

Stop shilling your stupid book, Dale.

As if intermittent fasting is the fucking cure for Alzheimer's, you simplistic sack of crap.

>> No.9657360

bitch I read his study as soon as it came out, you stop spreading bullshit cunt or ill fucking smash you

>> No.9657371

Dieting is for plebs. Silencing the APOE4 allele with histone modification in hetero/homozygotes is way fucking cooler, you caveman.

>> No.9657397

There is a well known cure for cancer...

>> No.9657449

The only cure to cancer is to prevent it from forming in the first place, and the only way to do that is to not be an unhealthy fuck and avoid smoking and eating fast/processed food.

>> No.9657494

Death also works great when it comes to curing a cancer

>> No.9657495
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>you stop spreading bullshit cunt or ill fucking smash you

That came out of nowhere

>> No.9657598
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>Why haven't medfags found a cure to cancer yet?

As long as we are human we will always be vulnerable to cancer.

Once you understand this you can begin to understand the issue.

>> No.9657629

It's a wide variety of diseases, and the issue is almost always an underlying fucked up immune system.
And fixing that doesn't agree with the "treat symptoms, leave problems" business model.

Phrased a bit differently, burning grant and charity money is good PR but tackling the issue is bad business.

>> No.9657710

He’s wrong you fucking twat, you realize big pharma could make way more money charging for a cure than for repeated treatments? Did you forget the free market accounts for value and not your stupid high school conspiracy theories?

>> No.9657729

>>9657710 >>>/biz/
>>9657710 >>>/adv/
>>9657710 >>>/x/

>> No.9657734
File: 206 KB, 564x1345, Cancer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9657746

Doesn't rules out the fact that finding a cure for cancer would not be cost effective at all.

>> No.9657750


>> No.9657753

Anyone see the recent cancer news?

Basically now that we can easily genetically ID cancer it makes little sense to use body parts as cancer separation. For example breast cancer, colon cancer, lung cancer, etc. Better to say like say AD2 gene cancer, which may be found in colon breast and lung. All treated the same way. So in the end using locations specifically for cancer may be a mistake.

>Note I made up AD2. Whatever they use.

>> No.9657759

>Because keeping people dependent on medication and treatments gives companies more money
This sounds like a broken window fallacy
Building and maintaning medical infrastructure also brings more costs

>> No.9657767

Boards for bad advice.

>you realize big pharma could make way more money charging for a cure than for repeated treatments
Is complete non-sense. It almost makes sense (almost) if it's about stealing competition,but strong IP laws and buying out small rivals make that a non-issue.

>> No.9657780

You're being foolish. If a company were to find the cure to cancer, which as the previous post points out is basically a misnomer, they would make insane profits overnight. Sone people will pay anything to save their own lives. No company will turn down a cure, or actively hide it in the hopes that people will continue using their treatments and not their competitors. Plus, something as groundbreaking as a cancer cure would be nearly impossible to keep secret for long. There are no grand conspiracies, the sad truth is some problems are just really fucking hard to solve.

>> No.9657797

Why do you think Gilead is selling Harvoni, the cure for Hepatitis C, at $94500? Because the original treatment was less effective and only cost $84,000. Keep in mind that the cure has above a 94% success rate in clinical trials. It is obviously more beneficial for Gilead to cure people than to be purposefully ineffective and vulnerable to competition

>> No.9657808

The original treatment also treated the virus, not the symptoms.
And you've raised a strawman.

"people would rather look for cures to symptoms than for cures to diseases" =/= "people won't sell cures they happen to find"

>> No.9657832

What exactly are you talking about? The “original treatment” as in sofosbuvir? That alone has a high cure rate across genotypes, and Harvoni is a combination of sofosbuvir and ledipasvir, which directly targets a protein involved in viral replication. You don’t know what you’re talking about.

>> No.9657854
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>> No.9657889

>treated the virus, not the symptoms.
>That alone has a high cure rate across genotypes,
What ... point, are you trying to make?

>> No.9657969

Many cancers can be cured with a plant based diet. Just not a profitable treatment.

>> No.9658565

And oil based diets.
And fasting.
And proper sleep.

And this all ties into the
• not all cancers are treated the same way
• not all cancers have good treatments

>>9657629 has the right of it.
You develop an average of 10 cancerous cells each week.
About 30% of the population has "cancer" at any given time.
Keep your immune system healthy so you don't get tumors.

>> No.9658575
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Because we keep destroying old-growth rainforests, that contain most of the promising biological sources of pharmaceuticals, faster than we can actually discover them.

>> No.9658593

Rich people die of cancer themselves all the time, retard.

If there’s a cure for the superrich elites, why didn’t Steve Jobs or David Bowie have access to it?

>> No.9658612

Are you baiting or are you retarded? That was a very blunt joke.

>> No.9658624

The only logical answer is that Jobs and Bowie are still alive and they faked the deaths to continue the deception.

>> No.9658636

Mate did you read what he said? Pretty obviously joking

>> No.9658891

Go back to /tvpol/

>> No.9658893

Bull Shit.
They all involve run-away cell process much too complicated to reverse without a time machine to restabalise them. Just use lasers to burn them out.

>> No.9658949

How do you only target the cancerous cells?

>> No.9659035

Proton beams.


>> No.9659039

>the beam is shaped to match the tumor

lol good fucking luck.

>> No.9659047

You would be surprised how accurate a stabalising table and a comparison chart can be combined with a "wobble" compensating algorithm graphed to each heart beat.

>> No.9659100

because its more profitable to not cure it. plenty of studies show cancer donations don't go to research insted it's profiteering

>> No.9659107

You are retarded. Your body kills off more than 10 cancerous cells a day.

>> No.9659153

Looks great against tumors.
But how to do you get all the cancerous cells?

>> No.9659226

A little spell of mine I know called "Caticus Scanicus".

>> No.9659259

>>9659107 nayrt
Not going to disagree with you, but in the absence of you posting a source I'm going to distinguish between cancerous cells producing cancerous cells and non-cancerous cells producing cancerous cells.

>> No.9659309

The biology of cancer is so complex there can't be an universal cure. There are different treatments that target different paths in cancerogenesis, but they're not effective in every cancer. And btw THE BIG PHARMA DUUUUDE is actually investing hugely in cancer research and it actually has the biggest share in drug research. The reason behind this is that new working treatments (yes there are actually treatments for some types of cancer) are so fucking expensive. So actually finding a "cure" for a type of cancer is more lucrative for pharmaceutical companies than to sticking to traditional chemo. So yeah the whole "they're hiding it from us" argument is stupid.

>> No.9659313

(cont) So in 30-40-50 years time we might have new treatment for cancer, but antibiotic resistance will be on a whole new level, so instead of dying from cancer we'll be dying from fucking bacteria.

>> No.9659316

nah buddy, don't you remember how the rainforest was declining but you never hear about it anymore?

It's cause we fixed it brah.


>> No.9659333

Well, I cannot speak on Bowie, but let it be known that is public knowledge that Steve Jobs actually was identified with cancer early enough to have it treated with ease, yet he refused any actual medicine. Instead, he decided that a diet based solely around fruit would cure him right up. This diet went on for oever a year, but the cancer only progresses, and despite being offered the greatest treatments and medications the world had to offer, he was just too stubborn and stupid to do it, so he died, ironically enough, with an apple in his left had.

>> No.9659369

>rich people

>> No.9659388

I heard they're redesigning HIV viruses to attack cancer cells exclusively which would basically prevent growths from ever happening.

Basically they're curing Cancer with Aids...

>> No.9659406

HIV targets the T killer cells so it could be only for t cell lymphomas or something. Maybe you mean viruses as a whole? There have been a lot of experiments with DNA engineering and nucleic acid treatment.

>> No.9659421

This was actually surprisingly good. I wish I sent this to all the conspiracyfags I got into arguments with -- it does a much better job of explaining it.

>> No.9659453

Because Cancer isn't a disease.
There's about as much cancers type out there as there are cancer patients.
We can try and isolate cancerous cells to either surgically remove them, and/or wage chemical warfare on them (aka chemotherapy, that has the side effect of waging chemical warfare on the rest of your body as well).
The only hope for a cure would be nanobots destroying those fucking cells as they pop up through your entire life. But let's just say we're not there yet.

>> No.9659474

Biological nanobots (antibodies) are a thing though. Problem is the cancer cells have to have a receptor that is specific to them for the antibody to bind. Real nanobots would be the shit. You just program the receptor into their little minds and they go and wreck havoc.

>> No.9660266

because nobody wants you to survive

>> No.9660314


>> No.9660495

The biology of cancer is really complex, just to tell you that it actually evolves under the pressure of the treatment will give you an idea.

>> No.9660509

Why haven't physics fags found a model of the universe yet?

>> No.9660540

when you actually study cancer, how its formed, how it has always been a part of most living beings, you'll find out that there is no one cure all thing to it.
I suppose most medfags have given up on the idea of it and simply focus on making the current treatments less harmful.

>> No.9660876

Who told you we haven't? Fake news no doubt.

>> No.9660979

based kim poster

>> No.9660980


>> No.9661050

it's only available for the jewish oligarches

>> No.9661362


Ironically, the fruit based diet probably made it even worse, people who eat mostly fruit get all sorts of problems most specifically WITH the Pancreas...

So, yeah what a complete Jobber

>> No.9661419
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So what you're saying is cancer cells are redpills who broke out of the matrix and favour self preservation over that of the host? Interdasting...

>> No.9661565


>> No.9662647

the chad cancer vs the virgin normal (in)cell

>> No.9662652


>> No.9662662

The "cure" is banning all tipes of carcirogenics in houses and food and make them available only to scientists

>> No.9663659

*blocks your path*

>> No.9663664

I second reading this book.

>> No.9663688

It would be a not loss for the industry, but the company that actually had the cure would make bank. So it's a cartel problem. If breaking the cartel agreement (by making and selling the cure) is more profitable than maintaining the sale of treatment, then someone will do it.

>> No.9663696

>It would be a not loss for the industry
*net loss

>> No.9664486

what part of in mice did you not understand?

>> No.9664507

Because the term cancer refers to any cell which is undergoing uncontrolled mitosis. This can be causes by anything that can damage DNA, and can effect any cell in any part of the body. Cancer is not a single disease, it is absolutely enormous in it's scope and presentation. The only treatments involve killing or removing the cancerous cells, which is easier said than done.

>> No.9664781

yup, thats why vaccines dont exist

>> No.9664947

>Why haven't medfags found a cure to cancer yet?

Were working on a vaccine that's shown to work in mice

Will be a couple years till we know whether we've got anything

>> No.9666081

>Cancer is the inevitable result of not having been killed by something else yet.
explain why kids get cancer

>> No.9666152


/sci/ can swarm AI nanobots be used to kill cancer cells and effectively cure cancer?

>> No.9666169

God no.

>> No.9666272

this post was obvious bait, right? you cant be that dumb. "all cancer is from runaway cellular processes" you do understand how many cellular processes there are, dont you? furthermore, in order to cure cancer, you have to remove 100% of the cancer cells or you run the risk of relapse. Also, you need 10^9 cells to even image a tumor, but it can metastasize at 10^6 cells. So odds are, you've got a cancer that is nearly impossible to treat by the time its even detected. Dont give me that "why havent medfags cured cancer yet" bullshit.

>> No.9666279

Because they keep shilling GMO low fat diets, which means more glucose to feed the cancer. Also $ARWR has a great RNAi pipeline to silence cancer promoting genes.

>> No.9666282

ice sun vs fire sun

>> No.9666283

>he doesn't know about CAR-T or BITE

ooooo I'm laughin son

>> No.9666307

CAR-T would be great if it wasn't 600,000 dollars for a chance the T-cells are going to do their job.

>> No.9666859

Cancer is linked to cell reproduction itself, to cure it you would have to change how cells themselves work on a fundamental level.