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File: 163 KB, 907x510, big-bang-sound-1jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9651689 No.9651689 [Reply] [Original]

What was before the big bang?

>> No.9651708

this is not a scientific question

>> No.9651750

>What was before time

>> No.9651768

there had to be something?

>> No.9652473

Define the word something.

>> No.9652480

Hard to be sure because all the light we see is from or after the big bang.

It's not a question we can answer yet.

>> No.9652482

If a universe big bangs in the forest and there's nobody around to hear it, does it make a sound?

>> No.9652484


>> No.9652888

There was a force called Time, and a force called Space. Time was a singular temporal dimension that constantly moves forward, and space was a large area with physical traits that could not change due to time not effecting it. They both smashed together and the resulting force became spacetime in one brilliant flash of light and energy. Then there was our universe.

>> No.9652899

t. 15 y/o athiest intellectuals

>> No.9652900

wtf philosophers win again!?!

>> No.9653669

What's north of the North Pole?

>> No.9653809

Not an argument

>> No.9653830

I feel scared and uneasy when I think that

>> No.9653917

Nothing, and there was no Big Bang either. Everything started to exist the moment you were born, and it ceases to exist when you die.

>> No.9653968

The Medium-Sized Bang.

It didn't catch on.

>> No.9653971


>> No.9653978

something that caused the big bang

>> No.9654275

The slightly smaller /r9k/ virgin boom.

>> No.9654329

go away

>> No.9654334

my nigga

>> No.9654375

Something capable of creating the big bang

Maybe it was just us, fused together, kinda like Zords from Power Rangers

>> No.9654423


>> No.9654439

Quantum gravity might say something about that once we have it figured out.

>> No.9654713

We don't know.

>> No.9654856

>Time was a singular temporal dimension
I see, so time was a dimension of time

>> No.9654858

So if you kill yourself, you can end all the madness?

>> No.9654864

The universe expands until all the matter decays and is turned to light—so there is nothing in the universe that has any time or distance scale associated with it. This permits it to become identical with the Big Bang, so starting the next cycle.

t. Roger penrose

>> No.9654870

Nope, infinite eternal recurrence. You'll die again in the next existence. The best thing to do is make sure you're happy and following your dreams in every possible "universe."

That's kind of what buddhists and Nietzsche thinks.

>> No.9654953

Easy just go a bit above it

>> No.9655076

the gang bang

>> No.9655203


>> No.9655220

This gives me anxiety

>> No.9656472


>> No.9656490


>> No.9657275

The death of the previous universe. This is a cycle that has been going on for eternity. Every new universe has its own little set of quirks and scientific laws. After ours ends, a new one will start, different from ours in every way. It's all a simulation made by higher beings.

>> No.9657277

Determinism rules that out. I'll always be a NEET fuck due to forces beyond my control.

>> No.9657456

No one knows.
Yes, it's that simple.

>> No.9657461

Everything, but everything couldn't interact with everything else because there was no Higgs field to allow for mass.

>> No.9657656
File: 11 KB, 234x187, 2015-05-04-23-49-35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I look forward to replying to you in the next cycle, and the past that was, anon.

>> No.9657658

Can't wait good buddy. Here's to all of our pasts and all of our futures.

>> No.9657682
File: 345 KB, 443x1347, The Genesis in Modern English.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 In the beginning was the Word,
>> and the Word was with God,
>> and the Word was God.
>2 He was in the beginning with God.
>3 All things came to be through him,
>> and without him nothing came to be.
>What came to be 4 through him was life,
>> and this life was the light of the human race;
>5 the light shines in the darkness,
>> and the darkness has not overcome it.

>> No.9658143

A singular dimension of time. Singular is a very important word. Once it was able to effect space, it multiplied and the time became a web of events all linked to each other by entropy.

>> No.9658147

That's absolute jibberish

>> No.9658174


a 3D black hole that was birthed by a 4D star.

>> No.9658184

Perhaps we are a computer program. So the Code exists and was started. Boom the program is there....

>> No.9658384

Since time itself is a physical dimension contained in this universe the question makes no sense

>> No.9658401

>Perhaps we are a computer program. So the Code exists and was started. Boom the program is there....

But with this Theorie it would make sense

>> No.9658558

>ask one of the hardest questions of all time that people have been wondering for thousands upon thousands of years since they were ever able to comprehend time

>"4chan will know"

>> No.9659182

Time is simply a human invention to describe causal relationships and motion. It has no real effect on anything

>> No.9659400

What I'm going to write I saw in a National Geographic documentary so real astrofags correct me. They said that before the big bang there was only matter, but some unknown events caused it to compress so much it couldn't sustain itself and which resulted in the release of huge amounts of energy (the big bang). God this sounds so stupid, but I'm citing this only from memory.

>> No.9660279

there is no evidence that the big bang fantasy is true

>> No.9660359

An even bigger bang.

>> No.9660384

>Implying causality was a thing pre big bang

>> No.9660400
File: 566 KB, 890x492, 3hb9g4y4hsez.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone explain the equation to me?

>> No.9660491
File: 1.99 MB, 304x429, C9A261B2-A137-4F9F-8E3D-D852F4B0D092.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The big foreplay

>> No.9660975

Can someone explain to me how we know how large the observable universe is. I watched this video along with a few like it, and im hard pressed to believe we actually can tell whats outside our local galaxy cluster if its all so far away. Yes, im a brainlet, pls no bully.


>> No.9661111

>Not an argument

>> No.9661121

who cares? there had to be something prior to the big bang, which means that time is infinite, which means that the big bang was nothing but just another infinitesimal event in the grand scheme of things

>> No.9661166


>> No.9661820

The first equation is the Standard Model Lagrangian. The second, the short one, is relativity.

>> No.9662051
File: 148 KB, 1745x1067, 1519365829577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before Big Bang time is a meaningless concept. What you can ask is what is outside our universe light cone, and the answer is there's no way to know according to our current understanding of physics.

>> No.9662058

dumb popsci pseud frogposter

>> No.9662074
File: 44 KB, 408x332, 1522110150752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ayye fuck off eh
I didn't graduate with a bachelor degree in physics to be called dumb popsci pseud without any rebutal.