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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 310 KB, 580x452, nobel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9648698 No.9648698 [Reply] [Original]

That's a problem.

>> No.9648711

/pol9k/bait is the real problem.

>> No.9649081

Then why don't more women do work in Physics?
Seriously fuck these pop science publications
I literally smacked my hands on my keyboard when I looked at that screen cap OP

>> No.9649087

But it's obviously caused by the male Illuminati keeping the woman down.

>> No.9649091

we should do away with awards entirely
the only reward for doing science should be the satisfaction that you advanced humanity

>> No.9649093

Top kek

>> No.9649097

prove me a flaw

>> No.9649102

Name the 5 most important contributions in physics for the past 10 years - then look at who made them. You'll find your answer there

>> No.9649146

you are in no position to define what should or shouldn't be

>> No.9649160

>be Jocelyn Bell Burnell
>personally set up over 2000 diodes of an array scanning the sky at high timescale
>sift by hand through the hundreds of feet of data
>discover pulsars
>be cheated out of the Nobel by Antony Hewish

>> No.9649173

nah fuck that, these awards give faces to the science accomplished. i don't want to search up the leading authors of the paper awarded like some pleb.

>> No.9649182

>Zero men have won the WNBA championship -- ever. That's a problem.

>> No.9649195

how many men do you think were skimmed for the nobel because they had the misfortune of not being head study?

>> No.9649199

>wanting a pat on the back from the patriarchy instead of fighting it

>> No.9649205

>Two Seattle Pacific University professors contend that “white male privilege” is the primary reason that few women choose to study physics in college.
>Rachel Scherr and Amy Robertson, both physics professors at Seattle Pacific, argue in the October issue of Race and Physics Teaching that physics instruction is currently unfair to women because “white male privilege pervades the discipline of physics as well as the classrooms in which physics is taught and learned.”
>“Physics strongly values male-socialized traits such as independence, competition, and individual victories,” they write, adding that “objectivity and rationality themselves, the foundations of scientific ideology, are also male-socialized traits.”
>The authors also assert that science has been used as a tool of racial oppression and colonization, which further hurts minorities in STEM and physics classrooms.
>“Historically, the questions that science has addressed have disproportionately advantaged White people, motivated by colonial expansion (to improve land and sea travel, mine ores, manufacture and farm for the benefit of Europeans living in Europe and in colonies),” Scherr and Robertson claim.
>Since the STEM fields were built on male privilege, it comes as no surprise that these fields perpetuate male advantage, they argue, saying that the field of physics is “laden with masculine [and, we would add, White] connotations on a symbolical level.”
>“For example, conceptualizing Nature as governed by laws can suggest that it is ruled by a lawmaker, who is often implicitly conceptualized as a male authority,” the professors complain.
>Ultimately, they say that physics professors must help to redefine the concept of "science" in the interest of social justice, proclaiming that “If our aim is, in part, to disrupt White and/or male privilege within physics, we need to be willing to open up the space of what counts as physics."

>> No.9649210

wut da faaaaaaack
>study science
>become scientist
>win Nobel prize

>> No.9649211

I love /scipol/

>> No.9649212

>male-socialized traits such as independence, competition, and individual victories
lmao, wow

>> No.9649220

nah, awards are good. People who did a huge thing get a reward, and maybe it highlights the accomplishment to draw more interest to the area

>> No.9649230

that's unnecessary
science is the only way to discern truth therefore it's the only thing with intrinsic value
the more that people realize that, the better society gets

>> No.9649233

it's a real tweet
how is this pol
do you think pol's opinions are unique? read the replies to that tweet
tied of stupid shitheads screaming pol every time a controversial issue is brought up

>> No.9649247

more like Anthony Jewish amirite

>> No.9649256

Cuck, roastie, or kike?

>> No.9649262

Obama got a peace prize, therefore these represent nothing, and in summation, I don't give a fuck.

>> No.9649277

Dumb. Lacks nuance.

>> No.9649280

so did hitler

>> No.9649281

/sci/ isn't for "controversial" issues, it's for science and math.

>> No.9649285

You drink water? So did Hitler.

>> No.9649295

Now physics will be filled with how much force it takes to push a grocery cart filled with laundry detergent and tampons.

>> No.9649298
File: 21 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Science and maf is never controversial.

>> No.9649299

The problem isn't with the prize. The problem is women haven't been deserving of it. We need to get women motivated if we're going to change anything.

>> No.9649303

Politics isn't science or math.

>> No.9649305
File: 12 KB, 250x225, 1520736394961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why aren't there any women in physics though?
some women are very smart. i'm friends with a woman who's incredibly intelligent, but she's a humanities major
maybe i should ask her why she's doing meme studies instead of hard sciences

>> No.9649312


>> No.9649324

what the fuck
I'm afraid to check if what you wrote is the actual content of the article
how is it possible for people to write this and not realize what they're saying ?
they're saying that women are dependant and irrational and instead of promoting a society where the so-called "male-socialized traits" are distributed equally amongst men and women they want to "redefine the concept of "science"" (which doesn't make any sense either) ?

>> No.9649334
File: 64 KB, 599x595, stemwomen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe women should get good then

>> No.9649341

i've seen spatial reasoning as the reason women aren't in physics. interestingly enough there are a significant amount of women in math, chemistry, and biology (majority for last 2) but the same lack of women is seen in comp sci and engineering along with physics

>> No.9649349
File: 67 KB, 526x609, white knighting engineer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everybody who hates SJWs is /pol/
I'd see your point if this was just some tumblr feminist ranting but this is Science News official twitter talking about science.
Face it, feminists ruin everything. When a prominent science publication panders to feminists like this we're going to talk about it, the same way /co/ talks about feminists ruining comics. Complain about feminism, not /pol/
No we need gender-segregated awards, like they do for the Oscars.

>> No.9649351

In reality women have been making all the important scientific discoveries since time began, but phallocentric ideologies are keeping them down and bestowing the honors they deserve to white cis male hacks.

Science is a patriarchal sham in our society. For example, the Navier-Stokes equations that describe fluid dynamics have been relegated to the realm of unsolvable only because fluids represent the anathema to the rigid masculinity of science. If we want to do science we have to learn there are no boundaries, only spectra, and everything is fluid and not easily definable. Women know this. Misogyny preventing women from being fairly represented in science is problematic.

>> No.9649353

And here's why.

>> No.9649355
File: 21 KB, 420x591, 1504248971252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a numpty twat
would heem him into the stratosphere given the chance, and laugh whilst he reaches his aphelion in high orbit around the earth

>> No.9649358

And that's a good thing.

>> No.9649359
File: 77 KB, 500x397, Christina Hoff Sommers wage gap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Studies found that while men and women have the same average IQ, men are much more spread out so at the very high and low IQs it's almost all men. High IQ people win Nobel prizes.
Harvard actually fired their president like 10 years ago because he talked about this, that was the moment I knew feminism was cancer.

Although many men and women won't acknowledge it, both sexes know that men are still expected to provide. I would have loved to be an art major and then mooch off of a woman who busted her ass to be an engineer, but I knew that couldn't happen. I took engineering because I knew that I needed to support myself at a minimum, and likely I would need to support a woman who got a humanities major and doesn't want a real job.
It's funny they keep trying to portray all of this as the patriarchy oppressing women when really it's female privilege and the fact that women don't actually have to get real degrees or real jobs.

>> No.9649361

fuck off yank

>> No.9649370

fuck off yank

>> No.9649374

>Studies found that while men and women have the same average IQ, men are much more spread out so at the very high and low IQs it's almost all men.

Bullshit, going to any woman's studies department or fashion show would prove that wrong. Women are lacking in the very high end because they don't apply themselves and exercise their brains. If you don't use it, you lose it.

>> No.9649378

>going to any woman's studies department or fashion show would prove that wrong
lolwut? Are you seriously implying that women's studies departments and fashion shows are full of high IQ women?
>Women are lacking in the very high end because they don't apply themselves and exercise their brains
then why are the majority of literal retards male? It's like 3:1 in favor of men below 70 IQ

>> No.9649396


>> No.9649466


Well what's wrong with encouraging more females to study physics? How did feminists ruin anything?

>> No.9649477

Smells like communism in here.

>> No.9649481

>wanting women in your classes
fuck off cuck

>> No.9649485

You aren’t science or math. Be a good example and get out. maybe the rest of the non-science and non-math will follow.

>> No.9649486

If they are interested they will do it on their own and achieve on their own, they don’t need to be treated like children. If they don’t want to go into physics, then that’s that. They don’t need to be encouraged for the arbitrary feminist goal of wanting to se more vaginas in physics.

>> No.9649497

After 120 IQ differences are independent of probability to attain a Nobel prize. Just an interesting observation.

In my opinion I think I would like to have more female teachers, of all the teachers I have had the ones that were best at translating and explaining scientific and mathematical ideas were women. It may just be that I go to a school that happens to have better women teachers than men but it's true.

>> No.9649502

I mean for years when asked to draw a scientist kids will draw a female 1:100 only within the last years did it get it to 1:3 which is much better. My grandmother is whipcrack smart and after she went to college she did machining and helped build the first electron accelerator. She told me that if she had known women could be something else she would have studied physics. It's less on influencing fully grown people in my mind but children who are easily influenced by social ideas.

>> No.9649504

so you don't give a shit about humanity.

>> No.9649505

Encouraging women isn't that bad. My point was more about how we're on a science board and we have to talk about feminism because they've forced their movement into everything.
And feminists are ruining it when they whine about patriarchy because women just don't want to go into STEM like men do. Partly because like the above said, women don't have any obligation to support their family so they don't have to push themselves to get a good career. Maybe feminism should focus on golddiggers instead of blaming the patriarchy.

>> No.9649513

>caring about the nobel
Nigga they didn’t give it to Mishima or spengler it’s a meme

>> No.9649517
File: 56 KB, 434x987, INFB gender studies isn't worthless (it is).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's your grandmother. Today's college women know they can be scientists. Hell the ratio at my school wasn't that bad for freshmen, but after a year or two women decided it was too hard so switched to humanities.

>> No.9649518

Women are less inclined to autism
Literally this

>> No.9649521

>don’t need to be treated like children

>> No.9649526

Reminder that the Nobel is a meme and they took Watson’s away because he entertained the reality that niggers r dum

>> No.9649527

In free societies women choose to do STEM less.
Nothing wrong with that. It has nothing to do with children drawing less women than men. And it has nothing to do with a supposed brainwashing of women to not want to go into certain jobs.

Anecdotal, but if someone told me to draw a scientist and a hunter, I would draw both as men. But I myself am female and I do both.

>> No.9649534

>muh DNA double helix
I could do that that shit with just my dick

>> No.9649558

Well that's the thing isn't it, when a kid thinks of a possible future they need to be able to identify with it or they will discard it as unrealistic. I was bringing up the drawing as a symptom more than anything else, the kids viewed being a scientist as a male type of occupation in the same way a hunter would be. The reason being that women were considered, for a long time, a reproductive resource and using them on something dangerous such as hunting or messing with chemicals was a poor economic choice. As we evolved as a society and the dangers of these professions decreased and the economic value of a female shifted from reproductive to work the ideas shifted too. We are now raising a new crop of children that are smarter then we are and I don't want to waste a valuable resource on dance therapy that could have been studying condensed matter physics. In some places the pressure to avoid scientific disciplines is subtle or not at all present, in others such as Mormons there is a strong pressure.

Basically I am just trying to get at the idea that we should make sure we can enable as many clever children as possible to do clever things.

>> No.9649600

>then why are the majority of literal retards male? It's like 3:1 in favor of men below 70 IQ

Because the women aren't registered and become whores.

>> No.9649611
File: 256 KB, 1100x1650, 71859OMzmQL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is everywhere in academia. See >>9648455 >>9648420

It's the science wars all over again.

>> No.9649635

>race and physics teaching
How the fuck does this become a journal?

>> No.9649640

Is she wrong about anything?

>> No.9649654

>That's a problem
Whose problem is it?
I can't tell if the article is suggesting women are inferior or if the Nobel Prize is sexist.

Nobel stats for women:
Chemistry - 4
Economics - 1
Literature - 14
Peace - 16
Physics - 2
Physiology or Medicine - 12

What's scary is women are worst at economics and they try to run countries.
They also make 80% of consumer spending decisions (This could mean they are seen as 4x as competent or 4x as wasteful).

>> No.9649662

The Nobel Prize isn't an index of competence. It's a prize for doing something the Nobel Prize people decided is good enough.

>> No.9649672

So it completely lacks any indication of competence?

>> No.9649698

No but it doesn't control for anything at all, it's unreliable.

>> No.9649766

Well, what's wrong with encouraging most women to study physics is that such things cost money, and it isn't worth money.

HOWEVER, the problem here isn't women studying anything.
The problem is being forced to treat all kinds of people as if they're more competent than they are.

Feminists "ruin" things by turning them into a farce.

>> No.9649769

If I have seen further it is because I have stood on the shoulders of giants.

The problem is not some dumb prize. The problem is thinking that size is about being super competitive and winning prizes. I think it has more to do with that mentality, and how the competition mentality is taught differently to men and women in society.

>> No.9649771

Oh holy shit this is a blast from the past pasta.
My head hurts even looking at the replies and how many times I've seen the exact comment thread. Ten? Twenty? It has to have been at least that many times. It's like an extreme, gut-wrenching form of nostalgia or deja-vu, wherein there's a sneaking suspicion that /sci/ is getting raided by faggots or /pol/shits again.

>> No.9649773

>we need to discourage people from improving themselves and society so that I can feel smarter than other people

>> No.9649776

>The only way to improve yourself is with a physics degree that you aren't smart enough to get
Please calm down.

>> No.9649783

It has nothing to do with physics. People like you do not want other people to learn or improve themselves. You think life is a zero sum game, and for you to win others have to fail.

>> No.9649792

To your relevant points, I have no reason to object to other people learning, or improving themselves in the myriad other ways, but I disagree with "encouraging" people to enter fields contrary to their natural interests and talent.
Also, if I'm paying for someone's education, it instantly becomes my business.

Also also, I do not think that life is a zero sum game. After all, something that left-leaning people will never understand is that an economy cannot grow as a zero sum game.
Ironically, in assuming that everyone ELSE is playing a zero sum game, left-leaning people nudge the world in the direction of the very game that they hate.

Have you ever considered that the reason why you have intense hatred for others is because you create a narrative in your own head of what you THINK they're thinking?

>> No.9649803

>but I disagree with "encouraging" people to enter fields contrary to their natural interests and talent.
>Also, if I'm paying for someone's education, it instantly becomes my business.
Let me guess, you believe the dumb masses should not have access to education? There is nothing wrong with encouraging any type of education. The goal of education is enlightenment, not the idea that everyone will be a nobel laureate.

The problem is that the economic is treated like a zero sum game weather you believe it or not. You yourself believe you are "paying for someone's education." As if you will lose money personally.

>> No.9649814
File: 222 KB, 494x494, 1482084638980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>objectivity and rationality themselves, the foundations of scientific ideology, are also male-socialized traits
what the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

>> No.9649818

>Let me guess, you believe
No, I don't.
Did we not just go over how stupid these assumptions are?
Perhaps you should go and argue with this strawman that you're so eager to beat up.

>the economic (sic) is treated like a zero sum game weather you believe it or not.
No, it objectively is not. Its a simple mathematical concept: The reason a zero sum game IS a zero sum game is because you have competitors fighting over a set quantity of rewards, hence why one winning MUST mean others losing.

The economy is NOT a set quantity. The "pot" grows.
That is literally the ENTIRE point of capitalism (which is responsible for your quality of life, btw #FirstWorldProblems ect)

>> No.9649828

That's probably the only thing she said that was true.

>> No.9649833

>capitalism is responsible for all human progress and produces infinite resources!
Typical religious nonsense about capitalism. The march of human progress happens mostly regardless of government or economic types. Some may work better than others in some ways, but technology and science are what is most important. Modern concepts of greed have nothing to do with that.

At any given point in time, the pie is a set size. How physical resources are distributed does matter.

>> No.9649838

>capitalism is responsible for all human progress and produces infinite resources!
This time I just stopped reading.

Assumptions are a foible of any stupid person, but actually misquoting me to insert your assumptions demonstrates an intent to deceive.

>> No.9649840

She herself dismissed the controversy as meaningless and has had a very strong career in academia since then.

>> No.9649844

You claimed my quality of life was due to capitalism. It is not. In fact, most technological advances in American society can easily be traced back to government spending on different types of research, especially during the Cold War.

>> No.9649913

>Well what's wrong with encouraging more females to study physics? How did feminists ruin anything?

Because they decided it was somebody's fault that women exercise their own free will not to study things that men do, and they hate and destroy everyone they can to try and get their way.

>> No.9650072


>> No.9650079

>the kids viewed being a scientist as a male type of occupation
there is no fucking way you know what the kids were thinking when they drew pictures. Don't place assumptions where they don't belong. there could be many reasons why the kids drew the way they did.
women are more common to see in stem now than in the past because women were strictly not allowed to study stem fields. it could be just a representation of the laws in place at the time which strictly limited what women could do and study.
OR it might be a representation of what society deemed to be socially profitable in terms of how to divide labour. not too long ago it took an entire day to just do laundry until the washing mashine was invented. The invention of the PC destroyed the secretarial industry. It left a lot of women out of work. They ended up trying to find more productive activities - society demanded change.
To be short: We are not tabula-rasas. We all have individual talents and drawbacks. does social encouragement/discouragement have an impact? sure, but it's ridiculous to think it's the main reason why people train themselves to do what they do. Or that we can socially engineer an entire society en masse by telling them "Winners don't do drugs".
it comes from what society needs and it's significantly easier managing your own life than it is managing everyone else's.
change comes from scarcity and not getting in the way of adaptation; not la-la land.

>> No.9650104

>economies are a zero-sum game
>most technological advances in American society can easily be traced back to government spending on different types of research, especially during the Cold War.
read this and then stop being a fucking moron


>> No.9650113

>read this steaming pile of economist meme-babble
nah lol

>> No.9650142

No but you can tell what they weren't thinking, they weren't think that scientists were female. You are using an argument from ignorance instead of making a real claim.

It's a very easy to verify fact that women were deemed unfit for scientific pursuits regardless of what their natural inclinations were. We have some very good examples of women and those who were "unfit for science" producing some wonderfully useful inventions and ideas. If it were a function of labor division and the lack of washing machines you would have a higher proportion of men being stay at home husbands in earlier times and a higher percentage of women in a large number of fields. Think of what happened when all the men left for WW2, the women picked up factory jobs and did quite well "The United States Department of Labor even states that when examining the number of holes drilled per day in the aircraft manufacturing industry, a man drilled 650 holes per day while a woman drilled 1,000 holes per day." If it were simply a factor of what was a productive use of time then they would have done these jobs long before WW2 but the reality is that social factors control a lot of these sorts of things.

The USA in its current iteration is much harder to see the fine differences as gaps are closed in a lot of sectors. If you look at other countries it is really easy to see the effect social pressure has, such as in the middle east and in india. They are indoctrinated at a young age into thinking that they should not be educated or get jobs and so many do not. Some rebel but a majority are complacent as has been seen throughout history.

>> No.9650143
File: 1.11 MB, 1089x1795, 1449477541479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They refuse to recognize feminist technoscience as a valid field.

>> No.9650151

>not /pol/i/sci/
You had 1 job

>> No.9650157
File: 207 KB, 850x1237, tmp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scientist women is a weeb-tier fantasy.

>> No.9650163

Isn't Nobel prize meant for practical discoveries like photoeffect?

>> No.9650169

I'm betting 2 nobel prizes that their solution is to lower the bar for women so more women can get the nobel prize.

>> No.9650173

thanks anon, had a good laugh from that picture you posted

>> No.9650176

t. Peter Higgs and François Englert

>> No.9650198

>which is much better
why? is her science better because she has a vagina?

>> No.9650202

>they need to be able to identify with it or they will discard it as unrealistic.
[citation needed]

>> No.9650204

>they weren't think that scientists were female
[citation needed]

>> No.9650265
File: 23 KB, 794x1123, drawing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>any gender distribution headline ever

>> No.9650552

>more female teacher
Dude there are already way more female teachers than men and it has been shown to cause some issues regarding male education.

>> No.9650576

The nobel has been a meme for a long time. Perhaps always.

>> No.9650579

Women are currently not considered the property of their husbands and fathers. That's a problem.

>> No.9650586
File: 358 KB, 500x357, 1481606491144.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they write, adding that “objectivity and rationality themselves, the foundations of scientific ideology, are also male-socialized traits.”
Is this real life?

>> No.9650589

One small step in his mind, one giant retarded leap to everyone else.
Like communism (the political religion that killed millions) is somehow the epitome of humanity. Isn't it enough to advance humanity whether you want an award or not?

>> No.9650627

Can I get a citation please?

>> No.9650633
File: 13 KB, 373x270, images(49).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peace nobel are for Brainlets, Women and a hypocrite Nigger called Obama

>> No.9650755

Idk man my girlfriend is chemical engineer making six figures and I gave up on my math degree to become a philosophy major. She's currently helping me with law school. It can happen, you just need a woman who is above both appeals to traditionalism and appeals to progressivism and doesn't care about the stigma of making more than her man.

>> No.9650762
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>> No.9650907
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>> No.9650928
File: 44 KB, 549x591, 1521056371828.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's scary is women are worst at economics
>Proof: Least Nobel prices in economics
Get out, brainlet

>> No.9650940

cool story brah

>> No.9650947

>Capricorn has the least
holy shit I'm pissed now, I don't even believe in astrology bs

>> No.9650968

>What is non-uniform distribution of birth dates

>> No.9650978
File: 107 KB, 700x734, 1522159885466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking brainlet

>> No.9650986
File: 58 KB, 640x427, 1508942172964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i surreptitiously use the geocentric model to confuse stupid normoids like you haha

>> No.9651040

ok, lets see it

>> No.9651048

good jest sir! now come up to the bow and hold me like jack :)

>> No.9651063
File: 35 KB, 600x267, 1521147260151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are the feminist equivalents of pic related.

>> No.9651234

>My grandmother is whipcrack smart and after she went to college she did machining and helped build the first electron accelerator
How fucking old is she?

>> No.9651292

>it has been shown to cause some issues regarding male education.
Do you have any single fact to back that up?

>> No.9651334

it makes them into pussies

>> No.9651420

[citation not necessary because it fits my views and ur a numale if u disagree]

>> No.9651771
File: 49 KB, 645x729, pqafkb6d9ba01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>“Physics strongly values male-socialized traits such as independence, competition, and individual victories,”

>> No.9651876

That is the shittiest fucking graph I've ever seen.

>> No.9651894

>If you look at other countries it is really easy to see the effect social pressure has, such as in the middle east and in india

Lmao what a load of bullshit, there are more females in stem fields in India and China than in western countries

middle east is a muslim shithole that doesn't even come close to India or China in comparision

>> No.9651919

>Not wanting hot babes in class
Lol fag

>> No.9651934


Demographic tendencies in Europe are going to fix that in a couple of decades.

>> No.9651937


>> No.9651975

sorta true

i'm teaching at coding camps for kids, and generally girls are better at cooperation, communication and abstract creative thinking, while boys tend to do shit by the sheer power of autism and brute forcing

in the end girls get to be btfo because the languages, and the problems were designed in the way that promotes mind numbing, min-maxing, pixelating the details way of thinking

programming is a pretty recent thing, and it's already rigged in favour of men. it's not such a huge stretch to say that "physics is patriarchal" (with its structure, tools, ways of doing things) when it's been a man-only activity for hundreds of years

>> No.9652013

>Not drawing a cute scientist girl

>> No.9652038
File: 343 KB, 634x357, 1518232402823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just look up statistical correlations between: autism and males; Males and hard sciences and STEM; MENSA and IQ with high functioning autism; Autism rates in the hard sciences and STEM; The skewed ratio of genuine retards due to genetic abnormalites towards males because of only having a single X chromosome (which means a defect on that chromosome cannot be compensated for unlike in females who have another one); The rate of genetic disorders linked to the X chromosome and its appearance in the general population; the ratio of male to female legitimately diagnosed with a genetic abnormality which lends itself to retardation; ratios of women to men who choose specific professions/hobbies etc etc.

All the dots are there presented with all their statistical backed research and studies available online in peer reviewed journals. Anyone can connect them with out much difficulty. The only real opposition is where people don't like the natural conclusion i.e. that the more 'intelligent' members of the human race necessarily would be male is just a detail of genetics and human society.

>> No.9652042
File: 733 KB, 2048x2465, 1516587608414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't need to, since thousands of Japs have already drawn the cutest one.

>> No.9652060

>Thinking there is a limit on cute girls

>> No.9652086
File: 264 KB, 1350x1150, Makise.Kurisu.full.1024290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9652013 >>9652042
Kurisu-chan! Kawaii.


>> No.9652095
File: 173 KB, 1280x720, drawing makise kurisu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not drawing a cute scientist girl

>You don't need to, since thousands of Japs have already drawn the cutest one.




>> No.9652218

>“For example, conceptualizing Nature as governed by laws can suggest that it is ruled by a lawmaker, who is often implicitly conceptualized as a male authority,” the professors complain.

>> No.9652252

There's no such thing as affirmative action for the Nobel Prize, nor any other scientific award based solely on discoveries of unparalleled impact. Nor should there be.

If there's a problem with how few women have won the Nobel Prize in science fields in the past, then the solution is to get more women in science, not to make it easier for women to get the Prize. Scientists who deserve to win the Nobel Prize do so because of their achievements, not because of their gender.

That being said, there has been a bias within the Nobel committee in the past (NOT in recent years). At least in my opinion, Vera Rubin should have won the Nobel Prize in Physics, as should have Rosalind Franklin in Chemistry or Physics the same year as Watson in Crick in Physiology/Medicine.

>> No.9652256
File: 231 KB, 580x387, solstice-nativity-scene.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feminists are endlessly butthurt that Jesus is a dude.

>> No.9652276


There are lots of middle eastern women in my physics grad program. Same for engineering too.

The Saudi government even paid for one of them.

>> No.9652349

People don't go into physics to win a Nobel Prize or to achieve fame, people study physics because they enjoy it and are curious. Physics isn't about winning bullshit prizes.

>> No.9652359

> men and women are equal
> women can't compete because things are skewed towards what men are better at

>> No.9652395

>“objectivity and rationality themselves, the foundations of scientific ideology, are also male-socialized traits.”
I am so mad.
>physics professors must help to redefine the concept of "science" in the interest of social justice, proclaiming that “If our aim is, in part, to disrupt White and/or male privilege within physics, we need to be willing to open up the space of what counts as physics."
>open up the space of what counts as physics."
Die die die

>> No.9652396

>Nobel stats for women:
>Economics - 1
>The prize was established in 1968 by a donation from Sweden's central bank, the Swedish National Bank, on the bank's 300th anniversary
>t is not one of the prizes that Alfred Nobel established in his will in 1895

>> No.9652402

>So it completely lacks any indication of competence?
Einstein won his Nobel for the photoelectric effect
Bose didn't win a Noble at all

>> No.9652421
File: 29 KB, 375x162, Libet's experiment.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The brain decides what is "right" based on instinct or emotion. "Objectivity and rationality" supporting those positions are just post hoc rationalizations.

>> No.9652602

For not being ashkenazi jewish you mean?

>> No.9652648

You're right, it ought to be zero.

>> No.9652655

If she was so smart she would have known women could be scientists, even then. Sounds like your family is just retarded bro

>> No.9652720

I think that the Nobel Prize should raise the bar, and be given to far less scientists.

There are too many Nobel winners who are mediocre.
Only Einstein tier memorable scientists with ground breaking discoveries should get Nobel.

Just 10 people per century in each field is enough.

Peace Nobel should be Extinct because most winners like Obama didn't deserved it.

Literature Nobel should be also Extinct because most Lit winners write niche edgy books to praise the academia critics, instead of writing the bestsellers that the public love.

>> No.9652753

coinfag here

the minting and strike quality on that medal is amazing. The tasteful profile and well thought out font is beautiful

i wish more coins looked similar to this

>> No.9652837

incorrect: the entire scientific process is based around correcting for this bias.

>> No.9652852
File: 118 KB, 500x549, we-are-enlightened-and-forward-thinking-but-not-everyone-sees-it-19689419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're just afraid that you're going to lose your privilege and power. This is enlightened and forward-thinking and all the right stuff we need in 2018.


>> No.9652993


>> No.9653157


>> No.9653165

>what is cherry picking

>> No.9653175
File: 19 KB, 703x911, 1519433158187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Those are male traits.

>> No.9653332

doesnt change my point
when there is a slight difference in the distribution the peak will be completely one sided. Thats why tve nobel prize winners are all male instead of whatever ratio the female to male ratio for scientists is.

>> No.9653382

/g/ related?

>> No.9653384

It even has a watermark

>> No.9653412
File: 460 KB, 1080x977, 1459003985031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him, but you're wrong. Sure, technological advances did help humanity a lot, and SOME of that research was funded by the govt, but capitalism IS the reason why your QoL is so high.

The government isn't capable of effectively allocating resources in the infinitely many markets and submarkets, and this is where capitalism comes in.
You can afford cheap electronics because people invested a mind-boggling amount of effort and work-hours both from in engineering and business practices. They did that to pursue profits and avoid losses, not because some state planner told them to. Mass producing today's tech gadgets is incredibly complicated and difficult, and you can bet your ass no one would be doing it if they didn't expect to make a profit.

Recommended reading:

>> No.9653423
File: 44 KB, 470x317, 1469350617306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they weren't think that scientists were female
No. They had to choose a gender because one person can only have one gender, and they happened to choose a man. Some other time, in a different mood, they might have drawn a woman.

>The USA in its current iteration is muc...
Except poorer countries where feminism usually isn't pushed that much have higher ratios of women in STEM, like another anon has also mentioned. Also, nobody's saying women are inherently worse at factory work or whatever. They simply don't choose to do jobs like that as often as men do. They literally never did. And almost every independent tribe we have encountered were patriarchal, with men doing hunting and heavy physical work, and women taking care of the softer sides of things, so your "society made me do it" argument is pretty weak, unless somehow those awfulbad social values happened to spread to each and every tribe in the Amazon and Borneo and what-have-you.

>> No.9653432

The different standard deviation of IQ that characterizes the two sexes explains away the almost non-existence of women at extremely high levels of intellectual fields.

>> No.9653459

By 'free society' you mean a society in which women are given to expectations or repercussions. Not help accountable for anything. The resulting individual is retarded and hollow. All people from shitholes that are not 'free societies', but especially women, are vastly superior academically.

>> No.9653460

>are given
are given no*

fuck me

>> No.9653482

> if it failed in non-white country it is bad
Nice argument.

>> No.9653723

You have it backwards then. If this were true for men and women in all cases (ps it's not) then perhaps maybe the problem wasn't designed for men but men were designed for the problem.

Equal opportunity, not equal outcomes. Men and women should equally be allowed to go to the camp, but if 90% of women fail the problems, nothing should be done about that.

>> No.9653742


>> No.9653825

That's cool and all having a successful gf, but the real question is how's her foot game?

>> No.9654753

Science should be gender neutral though. Even if there are some gender roles there's no real biological reason a woman is incapable of doing science- especially since some still managed to exist even with the culture of engineering wimpy girls.

>> No.9654760

They should just make a female noble prize, it'll take woman out of academia and feminists will be appeased, it's a double win.

>> No.9654762

Gender neutral is sexist. We need affirmative action to get gender justice.

Science got to where it is by stealing everything woman have. It's only fair if they take what's theirs back.

>> No.9654776

I don't think even feminists believe that one. I'm not even feminist- I can't be since liberalism is hostile to the concept of aggression despite how useful it is.

>> No.9654785
File: 199 KB, 658x750, costlytostandupforliberalwomen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feminists are always disingenuous. They care about outcomes only, and usually not the outcomes they are directly talking about.

>> No.9654919

>instead of writing the bestsellers that the public love
And now once again the Nobel Prize goes to JK Rowling, who still has a ways to go to reach the record held by Barbara Cartland

>> No.9655062

I didn't even know this was a thing

>> No.9655094

>Equal opportunity, not equal outcomes. Men and women should equally be allowed to go to the camp, but if 90% of women fail the problems, nothing should be done about that.
This is objectively correct but the world of 2018 and forward doesn't see it that way. Medals for participation from elementary school onward make for a society of 'I deserve this regardless of my qualifications because reeeeee' mentality.
>inb4 you can't predict the future
I can make an educated guess based on what I see

>> No.9656993

>he doesn't even numismatist

>> No.9657604

That's a really gay excuse. We should do away with awards because awards are not much more than propaganda.

>> No.9657611


But for every dollar and man earn, a women loses a million. 5 in 1 women are raped every second of the day.

End the Gender Gauge Rap NOW!

>> No.9657677

Go back

>> No.9657685


women are allowed to drive in american. thats a problem

>> No.9657704

>Gender Gauge Rap
Coincidentally, that's the name of Childish Gambino's new album